On the surface of the swimming pool, a head emerged from the water, and a blond and blue-eyed man immediately offered him a bathrobe.


Shen Fei walked out of the swimming pool. His body was so strong that the women walking around couldn’t help but linger on his body.

Crow, who was lying aside, couldn’t help but exclaimed when he saw Shen Fei’s body that didn’t look like a mortal:”If you go to participate in Super Model, you definitely don’t have to worry about lack of money.””

“I’m too lazy to care about you, just let them all go down.”

Shen Fei was lying on the chair next to Crowe, and Crowe waved the rest of the people down.

“I’m getting ready to go, I’m done resting.”

Shen Fei said, it’s been a week since they escaped, and they’ve had enough rest. It’s time to get down to business.

“Do you really want to go? Do you want me to go with you? I heard you say that guy is not easy to deal with.”

After all, we are now partners, and we are also life-and-death friends. Crowe’s mood towards Shen Fei has improved a lot.

“No, I’m ready. Team, aren’t you ready for me? If I can’t catch him, then I’m useless.

Just stay here and help me find information about these people.

And beware of Hydra”

“By the way, what are you doing with these people?”

This is what Crowe has always wondered, why is Shen Fei always keen on finding these extraordinary people?”

“Study them. They have such abilities. Don’t you think they are worth studying? Shen

Fei said with a smile, and Crowe complained,”I think you are the one who should be studied. You go to trouble these monsters just because you want to study them.”

You are really not afraid of death”

“Don’t worry about it, just do as I say. If Hammer Industries has archived records of Simple Ark, our exoskeleton army can be assembled.”

“How do you know they have it, if at all. Why is Stark Energy selling so fiercely?”

“Because Hammer’s side is full of trash.……”

Shen Fei shook his head and stood up and said:”Let’s stay here for a while first. Hydra won’t be so reckless here. When we get stronger, we won’t be afraid of them.””


“Also, that Golden Leopard guy is not trustworthy. If you don’t believe me, you’ll know after you test him a few times. He just wants to use you to gain the Black Panther’s trust, and those people in Wakanda have brain problems.”

Klaue looked at Shen Fei who turned to leave, his eyes flashed with a hint of complexity, and murmured:”Shen Fei, you are really a monster.”

…… after one day.

Two jeeps came to a small town. According to Hydra’s information, Logan haunted this area, but the specific situation was unknown.

And according to the original work of the movie, Shen Fei also remembered that Wolverine came here to live in seclusion.

The appearance of these two jeeps naturally alarmed the small town. After all, this small town was usually just at the foot of the mountain, and only acquaintances came and went.

Now a bunch of strangers have arrived, and each of them is fully armed. At first glance, it is no small matter.

Shen Fei got out of the car with his shield, and the others immediately got off the car.

Soon, team members wearing bulletproof armor and rifles followed Shen Fei into the town, and some of them were equipped with special devices.

The town has an unobstructed view, with nothing more than a few streets and some convenient shops. A person is staring at Shen Fei and others.

“Go ask.”

Shen Fei said


The team membe

rs all began to disperse, and soon Shen Fei’s walkie-talkie came out with the news that no one had been found.

Shen Fei frowned, is he already in trouble?

“Boss, I found a poaching team here……”


Shen Fei suddenly recalled that in Wolverine 2, the reclusive Logan had a conflict with a poacher, and then went to the poacher.

“None were found, but there were five poachers.”


“Catch it!”

Soon, a series of gunshots and angry shouts rang out not far away, but it subsided not long after. The team members came back with five people arrested. The team leader responsible for arresting was named Andler.

Andler kicked them one by one. The five people who came over were kicked to the ground.

The leading man looked up at Shen Fei and couldn’t help but said:”Why are you arresting us!” Shen

Fei looked at the big man with a beard on his face, who was obviously a Nordic, and said,”What are you here for?””


‘boom! Shen

Fei took the gun next to him and shot the man in the thigh. The man suddenly let out a scream.

Shen Fei threw the gun back to the team member next to him and said coldly:”Don’t talk so much nonsense. I’ll ask you to answer. Otherwise, the bullet will not hit your thigh the next moment.

What are you here for?”


The big man next to me said quickly

“Hunting for what?”

“I heard there’s a grizzly bear in the mountains and we’re going to get a bear skin to sell!”

The big man next to him knew everything, and Shen Fei nodded. It seemed that he was right.

When Logan was living in seclusion, he had a grizzly bear as a friend, but he was teased by these hunters and even used poisonous arrows to make him laugh. He went crazy and killed five innocent people.

Since he obtained the ability of [Lord of Scientific Research], many movies and comics he had seen in his previous life came back to his mind one by one, and he even never forgot them. Naturally, he is very aware of this conflict. , after which an ugly monster appeared, which also caused Logan to go to the Foot Pot Chicken

“Get up, everyone. I have a business to talk to you!”

Shen Fei said with a smile.


A few days later, on a stormy night, a group of people trekked up the mountain with weapons in hand. The leader’s feet were kicked

“Just ahead, according to the intel I gathered. That grizzly bear is right ahead!”The leader, Eddie, endured the pain of the rain pouring into the wound and said.

“Um.”Shen Fei didn’t dare to slack off at all, mainly because he was worried that Logan would be nearby. If he was alerted now, it would be okay to knock him down.

What if he wanted to escape?

“That’s about it.

As he spoke, Shen Fei nodded and said,”Let’s get started!””.

The surrounding team members began to set up tents and rain shelters, began to boil broth, and placed hunting traps around them.

The broth began to roll under the flames, and the aroma of meat filled the air.

At this time, a huge giant The shadow appeared in Eddie’s sight. Eddie was startled and said quickly:”The bear has appeared.””

“I saw. Start shooting!”


A sound broke through the air, and the giant shadow that was attracted by the smell of meat suddenly looked up to the sky and roared as if it had been hit hard, and turned around to leave.

Eddie shouted in fear:”It’s going to run away!”

“He can’t escape!”

At this time, Shen Fei relied on his inhuman explosive power to step forward suddenly, and his whole body flew out like a sharp arrow…

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