Chapter 47 Cat playing with mouse, this is my home court!

Stormy weather.

A large amount of rain fell, and New York, which was originally brightly lit, seemed to be covered with a layer of frosted glass under the heavy downpour.


One after another, his feet stepped on a small puddle, causing splashes of water.

The cars that had been hunting like ants had stopped.

Figures fell from the car one after another, like more ants rushing towards a piece of fallen meat.

The leaders of each team are extremely strong and strong, holding firearms that cannot be handled by normal soldiers.

“Team 1 is about to enter its destination!”

“Team 3 is about to enter its destination!”

The teams reported one after another, and soon one of the teams suddenly discovered that there was no security guard at the door of Osborne Company.

Even the originally closed door was open, like a giant beast opening its mouth wide and waiting for prey. Enter.

The leader, half of his face was covered by a mask and his hair looked like instant noodles, said in a hoarse voice:”The destination door is open, you can enter from the main entrance. Whether to enter from the main entrance!”

“don’t want. That guy Shen Fei is very smart. Opening the door will definitely have the most traps. Use other ways to get in!”


“Remember, don’t let hatred cloud your brain. Capture him and let him serve the organization!”


This man is Bucky, the Winter Soldier. Last time, Shen Fei rewarded him with two grenades and fired several shots in succession. With the help of the Super Soldier Serum, he was able to carry him back to the organization.

But when he was about to die, Baron Strucker decided to send him back to the organization. Re-experiment and try the latest endoskeleton armor.

The experiment was successful and saved his life.

But now he can only live on oil and batteries!

It’s all the fault of Shen Feixi.

Many teams that received the order began to Bypassing the open door, he rushed towards the surrounding towering walls, borrowing tools to fly away from the walls on both sides.

Rogers and others who came from behind saw this in the distance, and saw that there was no one in the originally open door. Enter

“What are they doing?”

Barton was a little stunned. This door is open, why don’t you enter from here?”

“There must be a trap at the front door!”

Natasha thought of Shen Fei, who is so cunning, evil, and full of bad intentions. He must have set a trap at the front entrance.

“Let’s go to other places too!

Rogers had some questions when he heard Natasha’s words,”How do you know?””

“I know about Osborne! Time is urgent now, I will explain later!”Natasha did not explain in detail her contact with Shen Fei. According to her professional judgment of Shen Fei’s character. It is absolutely impossible for him to do this.

Rogers nodded, he believed in his teammates


In the laboratory, Shen Fei was constantly adapting to the super senses he had just acquired. He felt that everyone was starting to take a detour, so he deliberately opened the door.

There wasn’t even any trap placed at the gate.

They just choose to take a detour

“Everything left over from our ancestors’ play can be effective here.

These barbarians haven’t made any progress over the years.”

Shen Fei shook his head. When they planned to enter here, there was only one result left for them.

Become a chemical fuel or become his experimental subject.

Suddenly, Shen Fei raised his eyebrows, because the dynamic model he built Among them, there seemed to be two people he was familiar with.

“Bucky is not dead?

It’s a bit lucky, but I’m looking for death again.

Do you really think you are the son of destiny?”Shen Fei couldn’t help but shake h

is head. The other one was Natasha.

He still remembered the smell of the East Slavs.

“about there. On my home court, are you still thinking of taking another route?”Shen Fei’s eyes fell on the laboratory display screen.

“Let’s get started, electric grilled fish. First remove some of the trash fish!”

As Shen Fei gave the order, Norman pressed a button after receiving the order.


‘Crackling! ‘

The bright electric light suddenly appeared on the wall, not the grid at the top of the wall, but on the wall.

Shen Fei had previously installed energizing materials to transfer electricity from the grid to the walls.

He likes people who climb over the walls the most.

If you want to bypass the grid, that’s okay.

There is electricity on the wall too

‘boom! ‘

A ball of fire suddenly exploded in the air, and everyone was shocked.

Rogers, who had just rushed over, looked at the charred people falling on the wall, and couldn’t help but look at Natasha. This is called more understanding.

“Shet! We’ve fallen into a trap.”

When Natasha saw this, she instantly thought that Shen Fei must be using their knowledge of him, so she opened the door and specifically let them walk through the wall.

There were also electrical currents on the wall.

“grown ups! The wall is impassable!”

Some of the ones who reacted quickly broke away from the wall in an instant and fell to the ground again.

Bucky opened the communication and reported the situation

“Trash, let someone test it out at the main entrance!”


After receiving the order, they rushed to the main entrance one by one. Because of the heavy rain, even if they brought infrared detectors, they were constantly disturbed.

But the order of the organization was like this. They were not allowed to disobey. After stepping into the main entrance, they waited for a while and found that

Nothing happened at all, and the soldier who came in hurriedly replied:”There is no problem at the main entrance, there is no problem at the main entrance!”

“A generous gift crab! Damn Shen Fei!”

Baron Strucker’s face turned red when he heard the report. He had actually been tricked by Shen Fei!

“All enter the main entrance! Also, if you really can’t, blow him up for me!”

“yes!”The team responded after receiving the order.

Team after team entered Osborne from the main entrance, and the three Rogers followed,”Nick, how is the situation now? Can I see the information in Osborne?”

“no! All signals there are blocked. Farke! This place looks like Stark Tower!”

Nick couldn’t help but exploded, and began to look at the collected information.

“Could it be that Hydra’s target is Shen Fei?”

Nick murmured, and he suddenly thought of what Natasha reported before,”Natasha, what do you know about Shen Fei!”

He just remembered that Natasha seemed to have asked for help once before, but it ended quickly?

What happened at that time?

Natasha heard Nick’s question in the earphone,”Shen Fei is someone close to Crowe. And the Phoenix potion that appeared recently seems to have been developed by him.”

“Damn it! Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I said it, but you didn’t pay attention!”

Nick couldn’t help but hit the table. The recent Hero Act incident has made him confused, making him wonder whether to call Captain Marvel back to take charge of the overall situation.

But that guy has been doing justice in the universe and doesn’t know anything. The time will come back.

By the time I come back, I’m afraid everything will be over

“Hydra’s target is probably Shen Fei. He seems to have worked for a company controlled by Hydra!”

Nick said

“Shen Fei? who is he?!”

Rogers was stunned. Their target was one person.

Can one person make Hydra such a big battle?

(End of this chapter)

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