After Shen Fei finished enjoying it, Daisina swallowed and rinsed her mouth in Shen Fei's sight, indicating that she had no other intentions.

"You just stay on the side while I'm experimenting. Don't bother me. Shen Fei felt that it was nothing, if his genes could be obtained so easily.

The American team has long been kept in captivity.

Shen Fei first took off the vibranium shield, holding a large hammer himself, and in Daisina's terrified eyes, he raised the big hammer and knocked it down fiercely.

There was a slight 'bang', but there was no deformation on the shield, not even a dent.

"Good! It should be able to protect against his dick's paws. Shen Fei nodded in satisfaction.

Team USA's shield is vibranium-based, with the addition of original Edman metal and some other metal components.

In terms of penetration, the shield of the American team will be stronger.

After all, Edman metal can be sharpened sharper than vibranium.

But in terms of absorbing kinetic energy, the pure shield he created will be stronger, so the defense will be stronger.

For Shen Fei, in the face of Wolverine, the biggest meaning of the vibranium shield is defense, as for attacking Wolverine's kind of unkillable, what he asks is to capture, study, not kill him!

Then take out the prepared spray paint, the American flag is on it, then spray yourself with an 'S'.

His goal is Dachao, isn't the most classic symbol of Dachao this?

The family crest of the Eyre family. Soon, there was a red 'S'

logo in the middle, surrounded by a streak like a diamond shape to enclose the 'S', and as for the background, he sprayed blue.

After shaking it, I felt the weight and size, and it was quite smooth.

After putting down the shield, Shen Fei's next mind began to calculate the arrangement.

"The next step is to build robotic arms, before Hydra comes to the door. Continuously improve your strength.

With Hydra's mad dogs, I'm afraid it won't be long before you find here.

"In addition to training, I need to frantically absorb the knowledge I gained from Hydra."

"The knowledge capacity of the predecessor is too small, far from enough."


He needs to transplant the self-healing factor from Wolverine into his own body.

This requires a huge amount of bioengineering knowledge.

After all, it was the experiment done by Stryker, the father of the "Sentinel", Teslak's subordinate Stryker.

Among them is the help of Teslak.

And Teslak is the top genius biologist who made the sentinel robot.

It was with the help of such people that Deadpool was born.

And his predecessor was just an ordinary researcher in a failed research institute, and his knowledge reserve can be imagined.

So he now needs to charge like crazy.

In addition to Hydra's knowledge, he can also browse more about the frontiers of bioengineering online.

After absorbing a lot of this knowledge, he was able to successfully recognize the self-healing factor in Wolverine, analyze and understand it.

Plan your goals for the future.

Shen Fei began to look at Crow's body data and the design of the robotic arm.

Although the robotic arm is mechanical in nature, it can be connected to the nerve through various sensors, microprocessors and amplifiers through the conductor.

This equipment can lose an arm of Crow, providing extra strength and body movements.

This set of equipment needs to be able to read the user's every move and simulate every action he wants in time.

Even millisecond hesitation can be taxing, making the user feel as laborious as walking through water.

Therefore, the sensor of this robotic arm must be able to read every slight movement and perception applied to its body at the nanosecond level.

Its microprocessor must be powerful enough to translate this data into instructions to the mechanical limbs in time to harmonize it with the wearer's thoughts.

It just so happens that the Zitari already has very mature technology in this regard, and he can use it directly. And the key is that

Shen Fei this time not only made a metal arm that is no different from a normal person, in addition to increasing strength, it must also be able to accommodate the sonic weapon that absorbs kinetic energy and then releases sound waves. Fortunately, it is also a vibranium

alloy, and the compatibility with vibranium is quite strong.

He is now ready to come up with a set of extremely powerful and accurate sensors and microprocessors that can make mechanical reactions catch up with human nerves, and need to connect many functions...


On the other hand, the Super Soldier squad bombarded Crow's first safe house, after conducting an all-round search around the world.

Still nothing was gained, as if Shen Fei and Crow had evaporated between the world.

The Baron took a deep breath after learning that Crowe's safe house was long gone.

It must have been proposed by Shen Fei, this guy is like a mole, and it will disappear as soon as the wind blows.

The Baron squinted slightly.

"Call up all of Crowe's intelligence, this rat didn't care about him at the time. Now he is actually mixed with Shen Fei.

The assistant next to him began to bring up all the information about Crow.

Soon, the Baron discovered something.

"This area, send someone to find it! Give me an expanded range and keep looking! Use satellites to find out Crow and Shen Fei.

The Baron pointed to an area on the map where the traces of Crow had disappeared.

An assistant spoke, "Lord Baron, if we expand our scope further, we are likely to alarm S.H.I.E.L.D., okay?"

The assistant saw that the baron did not want more people to know about Shen Fei, after all, it was related to the super soldier serum, so he would purge the 31 Research Institute. If it is

so big now, it is likely to be discovered.

And it's no longer a wasteland, it's close to the city.

"Be sure to catch this guy Shen Fei. Not only super soldier serum, this guy has something special on him! The

baron knew much more than his assistant, he had carefully studied Shen Fei's previous intelligence after Shen Fei fled, and his resume was completely unlikely to research the super soldier serum.

Unless it is a change in itself And the baron knows

that there are some special groups of people in this world, they are hidden behind ordinary people, but the baron knows a lot, and even he has studied this kind of people under him.

He suspected that Shen Fei was such a person.

Not to mention the value of his research, this person must not let it go, if he is accepted by those special people.

After that, it was almost impossible to catch him.


The assistant saw the baron's expression, so he had to hurry down to arrange.

"Where the hell are you, Shen Fei..." the baron muttered as he looked at Shen Fei's face on the information.

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