American comics: Loot from the heavens!

Chapter 128 The rioting Cosmic Cube!

Fury and Hill came to the Cosmic Cube research base.

They met Coulson who was waiting for them.

Upon meeting, Fury asked: "How bad is it?"

Coulson smiled bitterly: "Sir, the worst thing that can happen is not knowing."

Hearing Coulson's words, Fury's eyes narrowed.

Not long ago, he received a notification from Coulson that the Cosmic Cube was somewhat unstable and something was wrong.

He came right away.

When he arrived at the scene, Coulson couldn't give any specific information, so it was a bit serious.

As the group headed deep underground, Coulson introduced the situation to the two of them.

"Dr. Eric detected a burst of energy from the Cosmic Cube 4 hours ago."

"We did not allow Eric to conduct the experiment, so he was not testing at all at the time. It was automatically triggered."

Coulson told Fury everything he knew.

"What level are you at now?"

Fury asked.

"It was still climbing, and Eric couldn't shut it down, so we had to order an evacuation."

Coulson answered.

They headed to the room where the Cosmic Cube was, and there were many agents evacuating on the way.

This is because Eric predicts that once an accident occurs to the Cosmic Cube, this land will be destroyed with a radius of one kilometer.

Even the entire earth is in danger of destruction.

Therefore, most of the scientific researchers and agents here are evacuating.

"How long will it take for everyone to evacuate?"

"It should be evacuated within half an hour."



Coulson left halfway and directed the personnel to evacuate.

Fury and Hill continue deeper underground.

Hill persuaded Fury.

"Sir, evacuation may be in vain."

"Then do you want me to tell everyone to go back to bed?"

"If you can't control the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, it may be useless to escape no matter how far you go."

Hearing this, Fu Rui's already dark face turned even darker.

He didn't want to talk to Hill about it anymore.

"You will supervise the transfer of all prototypes in the second phase."

"Sir, do you still need to worry about that now?"

"The earth continues to move as usual, so we will carry on as usual, move all the equipment down here, and load all the equipment in the second stage into trucks and transport it away!"

After hearing Fury's order, Hill had no choice but to obey.

In the time it took to speak just now, Fury reached the bottom of this space.

Fury simply walked into the central space.

There are many scientists, security personnel, and equipment in the space.

In the center of the room is a large instrument.

In the center of the instrument, there is an energy ball emitting blue light.

This thing is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

In front of the Cosmic Cube, there were two scientists, one of whom was Dr. Eric who was specially invited.

Fury asked as he approached.

"Doctor thinks, what's going on now?"

Eric saw Fury coming, put down his work, and said:

"The Director's Cube is fluctuating!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"This is not funny at all, the Cube is coming to life and out of control!"

"Have you tried cutting off the power?"

"It is a huge source of energy in itself! We turn off the energy and it turns on again."

Eric kept explaining.

"My calculations are not enough. It has been releasing radiation and interference. It is low-level gamma rays and does not cause much harm."

"No, this is also harmful."

After retorting, Fury asked another question.

"Where's Agent Patton?"


Eric pointed diagonally upward.

"Staying in the lair!"

After speaking, Eric came to the computer equipment and continued testing and debugging.

Fury looked along and saw Hawkeye above.

"Agent Barton, please answer."

After hearing Fury's words, Hawkeye dropped down the rope and soon came to Fury.

Fury continued: "I give you this task to keep an eye on the situation here."

"Stand higher and see more clearly." Hawkeye replied calmly.

"So did you see what activated it?"

Before Hawkeye could answer, a researcher reminded him.

"Doctor, it has been detected that the energy has increased again!"

Hawkeye and Fury came to the Universe Demon and said:

"There are no suspicious persons coming or going, and there are no problems with Eric. He has not been in contact with anyone or passing on information."

"If someone is really up to something, it's not from our side, sir!"

Fury was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Hawkeye explained: "Isn't the Rubik's Cube a door to the other side of the universe?"

"Is there a possibility that the door can be opened from both sides?"

Hearing this, Fury was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube next to them suddenly fluctuated violently.


Energy arcs continue to emanate from the Cosmic Cube.

Fury, Hawkeye, Eric and everyone in this space are staring at the Cosmic Cube.

There are more and more energy arcs, slowly forming an energy vortex with the Universe Cube as the center.

The last beam shot out suddenly and hit the wall, forming an energy black hole!

With a final bang, the energy disappeared.

But where the energy black hole was just now, a person appeared!

This man looked like a man in his thirties, holding a spear, or cane, with a glowing head.

Wearing a mainly green dress, her face is a little pale.

The security agents here raised their rifles and pointed them at this mysterious man.

If Luo Ming or Thor were here, they would know that this person is Loki.

With the help of the Mind Stone and the Chitauri, he came to Earth all of a sudden through the Space Stone.

Looking at Loki, Fury immediately warned: "Sir, please put down your spear immediately!"

Loki looked at the scepter in his hand, immediately aimed it at Fury and Hawkeye, and fired a laser.

"call out!"

The laser flashed past without hitting anyone.

This is because Hawkeye saw Loki's starting movement and pushed Fury down together.

However, the two of them were also affected by the explosion and lay on the ground to relax.

The others saw Loki attacking and immediately opened fire.

"Da da da da da"

A large number of bullets were fired, and Loki moved flexibly.

If he couldn't avoid it, he would resist.

The clothes he wore also had a certain protective effect. Ordinary bullets could not hurt him.

Loki relied on his relatively strong skills and the spiritual scepter to quickly eliminate a large number of guards.

Because many people had evacuated before, there were not many defense personnel.

But Loki is not stupid and knows that he cannot continue fighting on his own.

So he spotted Hawkeye who was about to get up and attack him.

In just that moment, he could see that Hawkeye was very skilled.

Loki came to Hawkeye and touched Hawkeye's chest with the mind scepter.

The scepter flashed, and Hawkeye's eyes turned blue.

Then, Hawkeye put away his pistol and looked at Loki obediently.

When Fury saw this situation, he knew something was very wrong!

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