American comics: Loot from the heavens!

Chapter 293 Clark goes to the meeting alone

Looking at the Luo Manor in the distance, Clark accelerated his flying speed.

Soon we arrived at the gate.

It stands to reason that he can fly and can fly directly to Luo Ming's residence from high altitude.

But Clark is a good boy, so he won't do anything rude.

Clark still respects Luo Ming.

Clark stepped forward and rang the doorbell as usual.



The door opened and a middle-aged man appeared.

Clark looked and realized it was Skynet.

Every time he rang the doorbell, Skynet would open the door in time, and Clark suspected that Skynet was hiding behind the door and waiting.

"Mr. Skynet, I'm here to see Mr. Luo Ming."

"No problem, Mr. Clark, please come this way."

Under the leadership of Skynet, Clark came to Luo Ming's living room after a while.

Entering the living room, Clark paused.

In addition to Luo Ming, there were two women in the living room.

Judging from the aura of the two women, it seems that they are not ordinary people.

The atmosphere and expressions between the two women and Luo Ming seemed to indicate that the two women had a close relationship with Luo Ming.

Clark looked at Luo Ming intently.

"Hello, Mr. Luo Ming."

"Hello, what do you want here?"

Luo Ming pretended to be confused.

He generally knew Clark's purpose, and now he was just pretending to be confused.

Clark didn't notice it and said sincerely:

"I came here to know your thoughts."

"You should also know about General Zod. Even if I surrender, General Zod may not keep his promise."

"I surrender may be the only way to ensure the safety of the earth. Should I do this?"

"Zod can't believe it, but I don't know if humans can believe it either."

Luo Ming said seriously:

"You come here, you must already have the answer in your mind, why do you need to ask me?"

"Do you want me to hold you down and give it to Zod?"

"Those who do this kind of thing should let official people do it."

Clark paused, then said in a deep voice:

"Nothing can happen to the earth. I plan to talk to Zod. If the talks fail, there may be a war between us."

"I'm afraid Zod will hurt humans in his anger."

"So we have to prevent this."

Although official people have been looking for Clark.

But now Lois Lane has nothing to do with Clark, so the official people can't use Lois to make Clark surrender as in the original work.

Now Clark is looking for Luo Ming because Luo Ming is mysterious and he is the only person he knows who has the ability.

Therefore, Clark discussed with Loming how to deal with Zod.


Diana and Atlanna secretly looked at Clark.

Before Clark came here, Luo Ming explained some things about Zod and Krypton to the two women.

Judging from the current situation, Clark chose to help the people on earth instead of Zod, the Kryptonian.

This made both women look at Clark slightly.

It is a bit strange for aliens to side with the earthlings.

Luo Ming looked at Clark and said leisurely:

"Your idea is good and I support you."

"As for Zod's possible harm to the earth and mankind, don't worry. If he does this, I will definitely stop it."

Normally, Luo Ming would not want to be a bad person.

However, both Diana and Atlanna have a strong sense of justice.

Especially Diana, if there are superhumans who want to harm humans, she will definitely come out to help if she knows.

Luo Ming is now considered to be on the side of justice, and naturally he will do his best to protect mankind.

After receiving Luo Ming's answer, Clark breathed a sigh of relief.

In his opinion, Luo Ming is not only mysterious, but also extremely powerful.

Even if he and Zod break up, Zod can't do anything to the earth.

If the earth is safe, humans will be safe.

Then his adoptive parents will not be persecuted.


After discussing the plan, Luo Ming introduced Diana and Atlanna.

Clark was surprised to learn that both women were Luo Ming's girlfriends.

However, seeing how the two women seemed to be getting along peacefully, Clark immediately admired Luo Ming.

It is not something that ordinary people can do to have the blessing of having everyone at home.

Especially Diana and Atlanna, they are not ordinary women.


After bidding farewell to Luo Ming, Clark went to the military area and found the Ugly Country official, General Swannick, who was in charge of the alien incident.

The general represented the military, so he was naturally extremely wary of Clark flying in.

However, Clark took the initiative to show up and expressed his surrender, so the general naturally relaxed a lot.

If Clark keeps hiding, they might have to accept Zod's wrath.

According to Clark's wishes, the general sent someone to send a message to General Zod.

General Zod flies a spaceship suspended in the atmosphere, and major countries in the world can unilaterally send messages to it.

Soon, Zod replied to the general and agreed to pick up Clark in half an hour.

As agreed, Clark stood on the flat ground outside the military area and waited.

Behind him, the general was ready with troops and various weapons.


Time passed quickly.

Clark suddenly raised his head and looked at the horizon, seeing a black dot flying rapidly towards him.

With his super hearing, he also heard the sound of sonic booms.

The black spots grew larger and larger, gradually revealing their appearance.

It would be more appropriate to say that this flying object is an aircraft.

The aircraft descended from above and came to a sudden stop after approaching Clark.

The whole process only takes a few seconds.

The general and others in the distance saw that it only took a few seconds for the aircraft to stop from rapid speed, and their hearts suddenly sank.

Judging from the flight and suspension of the aircraft, the alien technology really beats the earth.

As far as he knows, no country in the world has this kind of technology.

After the aircraft stops, the hatch opens and a smart staircase extends to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a man covered in black armor stepped out of the aircraft.

After arriving in front of Clark, the armored head changed, and the helmet gradually became transparent, revealing a female face.

At first glance, the man's head looks like it's inside a glass dome.

The visitor looked at Clark a few times, seeming to confirm Clark's identity.

At this time, Clark was wearing a red and blue tight-fitting suit with a red cape hanging behind his shoulders.

After a while, she spoke.

"Kal-El, I am ship commander Fiora. General Zod asked me to say hello to you on his behalf."

Clark nodded slightly.

Then, Fiora glanced at the army in the distance, and then took Clark onto the aircraft.

Within a few seconds, the aircraft took off and disappeared from the horizon.

General Swannick and the army watched helplessly as the aircraft left.


Clark was speechless in the aircraft, looking at Fiora and the other Kryptonians.

At the same time, he felt something strange about his body.

Before he could figure out what was going on, the aircraft flew back into the spacecraft.

Under the leadership of Fiora, Clark successfully met Zod who had been waiting for him.

Seeing Clark, Zod became somewhat enthusiastic.

"Hello, Kal-El, you don't even know how long we have been looking for you."

"Are you Zod?"

As soon as these words came out, Fiora felt that Clark was a little rude, and she immediately wanted to correct him.

"General Zod is our commander."

At this time, Zod said it didn't matter.

"It's okay, Fiora, forgive Carl's rude behavior."

"He's not familiar with our etiquette yet. We should be celebrating, not arguing."

Looking at Zod with a smile on his face, Clark's body was shaken and his consciousness was a little blurry.

Clark shook his head, trying to wake up, but it was of no use.

"I don't feel right!"

After taking a deep look at Zod, Clark couldn't help but lie on the floor, gasping for air.

Feeling his body getting weaker and weaker, Clark shouted angrily!

"What did you do Zod?"

At this time, Clark thought that his physical weakness was caused by Zod.

In this regard, Zod expressed his innocence.

"It's your body that's rejecting the air on the ship. You've spent your whole life adapting to Earth's environment, but you've never adapted to ours."

Clark wanted to say something, but the pain radiating from his body prevented him from speaking.

Finally, he vomited a mouthful of blood and passed out.

Upon seeing this, Zod immediately ordered his men to carry the unconscious Clark to the scientific research room and put him on a bed.

After a while, the spacecraft's scientific researchers fixed Clark's limbs and then conducted various tests on him.

At the same time, they are also inquiring about Carl's specific identity on Earth and whether he has any relatives or friends.

After a while, the technicians on the spacecraft actually found Clark's true identity.

Zod also learned about some of Clark's life experiences on Earth.

At this time, Clark just woke up.

As soon as he woke up, Clark discovered his condition. Ignoring others, Clark looked at Zod seriously.

Zod looked normal.

"Should I call you Carl, or Clark?"

Clark said nothing.

"It seems that you prefer the name Clark was given to you by humans."

Clark looked ugly.

Seeing this, Zedd didn't take it seriously and continued:

"I was the military leader of Krypton, and your father was our chief scientist."

"The only thing we have in common is that we all think Krypton is dying."

"I worked hard to protect and save our planet, only to have my team and I banished to the Ghost Zone."

"In the end, because of the destruction of Krypton, we were saved again. Do you think it's funny?"


As Zod told him, Clark probably knew something about Zod.

"Then how did you come to Earth?"

"After we escaped from the ghost zone, we used the device that imprisoned us to build this faster-than-light spacecraft."

Zod pointed to the ship at his feet.

"After the destruction of Krypton, we searched for possible remaining Kryptonians at all outposts on Krypton and collected resources at the same time."

"Because your father sent you away from Krypton, we have been looking for you."

"It wasn't until recently that we received a signal from a scout ship and came to Earth."

"It was you who guided our arrival."

After hearing this, Clark finally understood.

The situation Zod mentioned is consistent with what Joelle said.


Zod then began to convince Clark to help rebuild Krypton.

The genes of all children on Krypton are recorded in the Code of Life.

The Code of Life was stolen by Joel and placed in Clark's spaceship.

Jor-El's intention is obviously to let Krypton be reborn on Earth.

Clark was noncommittal.

From Zod's description, Clark knew how much the other party wanted to rebuild Krypton.

Regarding this matter, Clark was dispensable. He had no objection, but he had to ask clearly.

He asked Zod, what will happen to Earth after Krypton is rebuilt?

Zod said that rebuilding Krypton would naturally require a planet to replace it.

The Earth's atmospheric environment is not suitable for Kryptonians, and the World Engine will transform the Earth's environment into one suitable for Kryptonians to live in.

Of course, Clark would not agree with this.

There is no problem in rebuilding Krypton, but it is impossible for him to agree to it at the expense of the people on Earth.

However, Clark is now powerless to resist, and Zod doesn't care about Clark's resistance.

He ordered his men to take action.

Researchers study Clark's physical condition.

Zod already knew about Clark's display of flying ability, so he naturally wanted to study Clark's body.

At the same time, in order to better control Clark, Zod sent people to the earth to capture the Kents.

However, Clark didn't know about the arrest of his adoptive parents, and now he just glared at Zod.

At first glance, Clark is now isolated and helpless, like a piece of fish on a pallet, being slaughtered by Zod.

Actually, it's not.

Next to Zod and Clark.

In an alien space that the two of them cannot see.

Luo Ming, Diana, and Atlanna quietly watched the development of the incident.

Mirror space magic allows spellcasters to enter the mirror dimension space in the real world.

People in the mirror space can observe people and things in the real world in real time.

People in the real world don't know what happens in the mirror space.

Now Luo Ming is taking Diana and Atlanna in the mirror space.

Seeing Clark being subdued and not in a good situation, Diana was a little confused.

"Honey, Clark seems to be in trouble, won't you help him?"

In this regard, Luo Ming explained:

"Don't worry, Krypton's atmospheric environment only made Clark uncomfortable for a moment. His body is quickly adapting to Krypton's environment."

Clark's body contains the code of life.

Zod took Clark aboard the spaceship without telling him about the atmospheric problem, thinking that Krypton's environment would make Clark lose the ability to resist.

Normally, his plan would be fine, but Clark is no ordinary Kryptonian.

In the original work, with the help of Lois, Jor-El invades the spacecraft and changes the atmospheric environment of the spacecraft, allowing Clark to regain his superpowers and escape from trouble.

Now because of Loming's reasons, Clark did not get on the spaceship with Lois Lane.

Although he lost Louise's help, Clark was able to quickly adapt to Krypton's atmospheric environment by virtue of his own special situation.

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