American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 84: Good Guys' War (Part 1)

Accompanied by loud noises and flashing lights, Stark stood in front of the interview stage in a suit and leather shoes. Just as he stood still, more than a dozen microphones immediately reached out. He stretched out his hand and pressed it down, signaling them to be quiet. impatient.

"Hello, Mr. Stark, I'm Brock, a special correspondent for the Global Daily. May I ask Mr. Stark, what do you think of the disregarding questions and accusations you suffered from terminating your medical cooperation with the military?"

"You have to figure out a problem." Stark pointed at the male reporter.

"I don't want to shut down the cooperation. Besides, with your small brain, I'm afraid you can't understand the difference between industrial-oriented medical device technology and ordinary medical technology used in hospitals..."

Although Stark seems to be in good spirits, his heavy dark circles betray the fact that he has not slept very well recently.

Pepper is very busy, and the smooth operation of the behemoth Stark Group relies on her. Since Stark and the military turned against each other, he has faced various pressures from the outside world.

Just like this press conference, Stark glanced down. He knew that at least more than half of the people here had received money from the military. They would be like this reporter named Brock just now. Tricky question, trying to put all the blame on him.

The reporter added: "Stark Industries is obviously less enthusiastic than the Osborne Group in the research and development of medical technology. Does this mean that you are not as concerned about the development of human medicine as the leaders of the Osborne Group? You don't actually have the sympathy to pay attention to those patients who are plagued by disease?"

Stark glanced at his work card, well, it looks like this guy named Eddie Brock is just here to find fault.

"I don't want to entangle you on this issue. You'd better ask the army general about the closure of the medical technology cooperation project."

"What about Stark Industries' weapons? After these weapons were used in war, you refused to develop more medical technology to save those soldiers who were injured on the battlefield. Does this mean that Stark Industries The group actually only cares about making profits from the war, and is it a thief who ignores the casualties of the common people?"

The reporter named Brock spoke very fast, and a large paragraph came out of his mouth like a machine gun. Every angle and every question was to the point, Stark thought, if there is no military to him , then he can really be called a genius reporter.

When a person tries to find fault with you, no matter what you do, you will be blamed in all directions.

The next day, there were overwhelming negative reports about Stark in major newspapers in New York, among which Bullock, a gold medal reporter of the Global Times, was the most critical.

Stark knew that it was the military that was putting pressure on him to keep his head down, but he knew he had to withstand this pressure or Pepper would be left alone.

This period of time made him think a lot, about love, about friendship, and about family.

Iron Man certainly never backs down, but not just for his lofty ideals, but for all those he loves.

The military's public opinion war is very useful. They not only suppress the Stark Group's reputation, but also support the Osborne Group. The Osborne Group is better at biotechnology and medical technology. In contrast, Stark Group The Gram Group is more proficient in military industry.

This has also become the reason for the media to attack the Stark Group's reputation. They portray the Stark Group as an evil organization that ignores humanity and criticize it as a human cancer. It seems that without the Stark Group, the world will be completely peaceful. the same.

It is impossible to say that these overwhelming negative reports have no effect on Stark. If these reports are really like lace news, all of which are chasing the wind, then he may not be under so much pressure.

The problem is that Stark himself knows that the weapons he sold have hurt a lot of people. Not all of what the media said is wrong. The Stark Group originally made a fortune from war.

Stark, who had just come out of that extreme negativity, fell into depression again.

On the other hand, during Peter's sewer exploration trip, he once again found traces of human activity in the sewer.

Since the last time he discovered the clues, Peter has been paying attention, and he will take a closer look at every inspection point he passes by, and then he finds that this sewer weirdo has not only lived in that stronghold, he seems to be messing around in the sewer every day. Channeling, five or six maintenance points in the same block have traces of his life.

Pursuing these traces, Peter began to get closer and closer to the truth, and he guessed that this eccentric must have a real stronghold somewhere at the intersection of these traces of activity.

As the sewer map became more and more perfect, Peter finally found the possible meeting point, which was near a reservoir of the sewer, and the four passages extending there corresponded to the four blocks with traces of activity. Probably built a stronghold there, and then established temporary strongholds in several other blocks.

This is not surprising, not everyone has the physical strength of Spider-Man, and can run half the city's sewers in one day.

The sewer is huge and the road is long. There is no manhole cover near the reservoir that can lead to the ground. He must establish a rest point between the manhole cover and the reservoir, otherwise he will not be able to walk such a long distance if he is exhausted.

Peter also discovered this keenly, which means that this weirdo who is active in the sewers is likely to be just an ordinary person. He can't walk for several kilometers in such a damp and dark sewers, so he needs to be in all directions. Several restrooms have been built in the sewers.

This gave Peter confidence, because as long as he was caught by an ordinary person and caught him off guard, he would definitely be able to catch him.

One night, Peter touched the stronghold of the reservoir. He knew that the odd man would not be here at this time, so he pried open the door of the maintenance station near the reservoir.

Entering the maintenance station, Peter was taken aback. It was filled with bottles and jars, as well as a lot of rudimentary equipment.

Peter picked up one of the bottles and glanced at it. He saw what appeared to be some biological tissue samples in it, and he thought, who is this person? How did you come here to conduct an experiment?

He crossed the boxes piled up in a mess on the ground and walked inside, but it was even more incredible. There were many biological specimens in it, which looked particularly terrifying in the gloomy light.

It's almost like a base for crazy geeks.

This person is very cautious. Except for the materials used in these experiments, there is no data and text left. Peter turned around and found no relevant identification information.

A mad scientist conducting biological experiments in New York sewers? Peter gradually drew an evil image in his mind.

He can't let him go on like this, Peter thought. Although people in New York's sewers don't come often, they are also the lifeblood of New York. Once someone dumps some dangerous experimental waste, the whole of New York may be in danger.

Thinking like this, Peter walked to the door, took down the waste paper boxes that were piled high in the doorway, and then shredded the paper shells and lit a fire, intending to completely burn the stronghold.

Although the sewers were very damp, the maintenance station was still dry. When the fire was lit, the whole house was quickly covered with black smoke. Peter closed the door of the maintenance station and watched the fire engulf all the experimental equipment inside. .

He breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he discovered it early. Once this mad scientist has really developed any poison or poisonous gas, it will be too late.

Peter, who came out of the sewers, was still a little uneasy. He felt that although one stronghold was destroyed, the mad scientist might have other strongholds. live.

In the next few days, Peter was an intern at the Stark Group during the day, and went in and out of the sewers frequently at night. Since that stronghold was destroyed, the traces of life in the sewers seemed to disappear.

It seemed that the crazy geek had given up.

Peter felt a little relieved. His internship has not been very smooth recently. He found that Mr. Stark was very passive. He didn't even do experiments. He smoked and drank all day long, and sometimes he was very drunk. He fell to the floor of the lab, and Peter had to help him up.

Peter has seen the negative reports about Stark, but he doesn't believe a word at all. He thinks it's a complete smear. Iron Man is a superhero who saved a lot of people, not the inhumane devil that the media say.

Peter wanted to reverse this situation, but he had no good solution. He was never very good at this kind of thing. He didn't even dare to make a phone call to question the reports, so he came to the psychological clinic again. He felt that Dr. Schiller must There are ways to reverse public opinion.

Schiller has been busy finding food for the symbiote recently.

When Peter came to the psychological clinic, Schiller was bandaging Pikachu with a bandage. Pikachu was jumping on the kitchen table while he was cooking, and his tail fell into the pot and was scalded off a lot of hair. Pitifully lay on the table and asked Schiller to treat him.

Peter said, "Hey! Are you bothering you? Then I can come back tomorrow..."

"It's okay, come in, I have nothing to do right now."

Peter walked in and rubbed Pikachu's face fiercely. Pikachu wrinkled his nose and tried to avoid it, but Schiller's tail was still in his hands. , and knocked over a lot of cups.

"Be honest," said Schiller, "or your tail will be bald forever."

Peter sat down on the chair next to him and said, "Doctor, have you read those reports lately? Those reporters are so dumb, there are people who swear that he saw Mr. Stark selling weapons to those Terrorists, even the scenes of their negotiations are vividly described..."

"This is the housekeeping skill of journalists. If you don't have this skill, you don't need to be in the New York press circle."

"But they're completely spreading rumors!" Peter thumped the table angrily. "Mr. Stark is not that kind of person!"

"Really? If it was really a complete rumor, Stark's attitude should be the same as yours now. You are extremely angry that your friend was rumored, and the person concerned will only be more angry when he faces the rumor."

"Then..." Peter was choked, because Schiller was right. When Thompson made up some stories in school to spread his rumors, he was about to explode, but why wasn't Mr. Stark angry? Don't stand up and try to refute them?

You must know that even if it is him, although he is not good at words, he still tries very hard to explain those rumors to the people around him.

"Why are you so sure what you believe is true?" Schiller asked him.

"Because of me...but I know Stark is really not like that!"

"Perhaps you only saw one side of him?"

"But..." Peter clenched his fists and said, "Doctor, isn't Mr. Stark also your friend? Do you think he's really the kind of guy those reports say?"

Schiller shook his head and said, "The Stark in my eyes and the Stark in your eyes are likely to be completely different, just as there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people."

"The view of a matter is always changed by one's own standpoint. A bad person may be a bad person if he sees a good person, and a bad person may be a good person if he sees a bad person."

Peter hammered the palm of his other hand with his fist and said, "I believe those reporters and the Osborne Group must be bad people who see bad people as good people, because they are the same raccoon dog, so they flatter each other, while those reporters look at Sta Mr. Ke must be the bad guy who doesn't like the good guy..."

"How do you think good people and bad people are defined?"

Uh... Those who do good things are good people, and those who do bad things are bad people? "

"How do you define good and bad things?"

"At least it must be in line with the facts, not to spread rumors, and not to violate laws and regulations...and morality, but also to follow the moral bottom line, so that's a good thing, right?"

"Do you think you've been swinging around New York all day without breaking traffic laws?"

"But I did it for... well, I think my starting point is good, and the purpose I achieve is also good. I saved people, right? It's actually nothing to violate a little law..."

Schiller shook his head and said: "One day you will understand that there are no completely good people and no completely bad people in this world. The world is full of bad things with good starting points and endings, and also full of starting points and bad things. It turned out to be a terrible good thing.”

Peter scratched his head and said, "I think it's like a tongue twister."

"If you always look at the world in a simple black-and-white way of thinking, sooner or later you will find that black and white are mixed into a hazy gray."

"But good things are good things, and bad things are bad things. I just want to help more people and do more good things," Peter said.

When leaving from Schiller, Peter's head was still a little dizzy. He was a little dizzy by Schiller's large set of metaphors for good and bad things. Peter's idea was very simple. He was a good person, so he wanted to Do good things, and also stop bad people from doing bad things.

What's wrong with this? Isn't this a very simple truth?

Peter shook his head. He felt that he was right, and if everyone thought like him, the world would definitely be a lot better. The reason why there are so many crimes is because those bad people are not willing to give up. Bad things, if everyone was a good person, wouldn't there be no crime in this world?

After walking all the way and thinking about it all the way, Peter glanced at his watch and found that it was still early. He had already asked for leave from the intern team leader, and when he went home, his uncle and aunt were definitely not at home.

Peter thought about it and decided to continue his superhero career.

After looking for the nearest manhole cover, Peter drilled down. He felt that to be on the safe side, he should patrol the sewers more to prevent the possible dangerous behavior of the Frankenstein.

However, as soon as he entered the sewers today, Peter felt a creepy feeling. This feeling had not reached the level of spider sense, but it still made his back feel a little cold.

As a last resort, he opened the backpack, put on the spider suit, and then hid the backpack in a corner, and began to continue to the depths of the sewers as Spider-Man.

The ubiquitous sense of crisis made Spider-Man not run as fast as before, but walked quickly. Just as he was getting closer and closer to the reservoir in the center of the city, the spider-sensing began to make a slight noise, and he felt a little bit. Panic, but can't find the source of the panic.

After walking for a while, suddenly, he heard a slight "hissing" in front of him, accompanied by a rubbing sound like metal scraping against a stone.

The spider sense suddenly moved, and Spider-Man quickly rolled to the other side, avoiding a shard of slate thrown at him.

In the splash of stone chips, Peter looked up, and he saw a huge figure at the end of the dark sewer.

It was a behemoth at least four or five meters high. He got closer, and Peter could see clearly through the dim light of the sewer. It was a lizard walking upright, a giant so tall that it almost took up the entire space of the sewer. lizard Man.

Spider-Man swallowed and found that his small body was really thin and small compared to this lizard man.

But apparently this monster had found him, Peter quickly started to flee along the wall, the huge lizardmen were chasing him, and every time he took a step, the ground of the sewer trembled.

The lizardman roared violently, grabbed various slates and threw them at Spider-Man. Spider-Man was faster than him, but not much faster. More importantly, those slates made him dodge left and right, serious Reduced his speed.

In the sewers, spider silk is not very useful, Peter can only rely on his legs to run, and creatures with both feet on the ground have a weakness, that is, once the center of gravity is shifted, it is easy to fall.

In order to avoid a stone slab, Peter flipped to the right, but then he was scraped from the left side by a fragment of a stone. Once his center of gravity was unstable, he immediately rolled a few times on the ground, and the huge lizardman grabbed it. smashed his leg and threw him out.

Peter was thrown against the wall of the sewer. He coughed desperately, feeling a sweet smell in his throat.

He struggled to get up and wanted to prepare himself for the hard battle that might come next, but suddenly the lizardman shook his head and seemed a little awake, and then he ignored Peter and turned to face Running away in the other direction.

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