American Comics: Opening Sign In Accelerator

Chapter 231 Brainwashing Alexander Pierce

Soon Nick Fury took action, and the two came to Pierce's office together.

"Alexander Pierce, one of the heads of Hydra, what are you thinking? Can you share it with me?"

Pierce, who was sitting in the office, was thinking about something, and a sudden voice woke him up.

When he looked up, he saw a young man sitting on the sofa opposite, drinking red wine to himself.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" The sudden appearance of a stranger in the room shocked Pierce, and then asked with narrowed eyes.

"Definitely something good is looking for you. Speaking of which, your red wine is "five and ninety" pretty good." Levis tasted the red wine carefully and smiled.

"Wait, Levis, a mutant, what are you doing to me? 35

Levis' files are classified in the S.H.I.E.L.D., but obviously Pierce is qualified to view it, and he understands that the mutant in front of him is not simple.

"I'm just here to help, the person who's really looking for you is over there." Levis said and pointed to the opposite side.

Hearing this, Pierce was startled and turned around to look.

Sure enough, in the corner of the office, a black figure was sitting there. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see it at all.

"Fury, it's you!"

After seeing the person coming, Pierce subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

He has been doing things in secret for so many years, but Nick Fury has not noticed it at all, so he is relatively relieved about this disciple.

"Sorry, I heard that you became a mutant, is this your super ability?" Pierce said apologetically.

Hearing this, Nick Fury's face darkened even more, he wanted to deny but couldn't say it.

That's right, his Ability can make him invisible, but different from the real invisibility, his Ability is like Mystique, which can change the eyes of the body, so as to be invisible.

But it is far from being able to change the body like Mystique.

Simply put, Nick Fury's super ability is just a very tasteless chameleon.

He can change his color according to the environment to achieve the purpose of stealth.

Definitely, it's not obvious at night.

"It's just my innate ability. 35 Nick Fury explained lightly, although the other party guessed right, he would not admit it.

"So what's the matter with me so late?"

Pierce's face showed a hint of embarrassment, but after seeing Nick Fury's attitude, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I have something to show you...

Fury took out a stack of documents and threw them on the table.

Pierce didn't even have to look to know that he was exposed.

"Pierce, you used to be my teacher, my senior, I've always regarded you as my mentor and friend, but now you're so disappointing.

Nick Fury said with a complicated expression.

"Looks like you already know.

Seeing that he was exposed, Pierce stopped pretending.

"Then what are you going to do? You should know very well that the current S.H.I.E.L.D is the Hydra, and if the Hydra is cleaned up, then the S.H.I.E.L.D is finished.

"I know this better than anyone, and I have to say you did a really good job, and I've been kept in the dark for so many years," Fury laughed to himself.

"I think we can have a good talk." Pierce laughed suddenly: "Do you know why I asked you to take my place? Because you are the most aggressive and coldest person I have ever met..."

"Although you are not a member of Hydra, I know that you and I have the same thoughts. We are not for personal gain, but for the future of all mankind."

"You seem to be mistaken, Pierce, I've never completely rejected the idea of ​​Hydra..."

Why can't Hydra exist for so many years? It definitely makes sense, and Nick Fury doesn't deny the idea of ​​Hydra.

Seeing the two arguing over their ideas, Levis yawned boredly.

"I said, Director, is it necessary to have a quarrel with him? I'll just ask Ma Fei to revise his memory.

Nick Fury and Pierce were attracted by his voice, and they turned their heads to see that there was a blond woman beside Levis at some point.

"You guys want to brainwash me? It's impossible, don't forget that S.H.I.E.L.D has a special device to monitor our state of mind." Pierce frowned.

"I know this better than you."

This project was researched by Nick Fury himself, and the purpose is to prevent 4.1 from being brainwashed or controlled by psychic powers.

"Weiss, I'm afraid this won't work.

"Oh? How do you know if you don't try!

Levis is not worried, his mind power can directly modify memory, which is different from general mind control.

And in order to prevent the power of the mind from being discovered, he also brought Sophie over to Ted.

As one of the five cuckoo sisters, with a spiritual network between the sisters, they have been able to exert the strength of the fourth-level mutants.

Although it's a lot weaker than Professor X, it's not bad.

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