American Comics: Opening Sign In Accelerator

Chapter 275 Brother And Sister Misunderstanding Solved

Faced with his sister's questioning, Quicksilver immediately became angry, "I don't have to explain anything to you, do I?" Don't you have anything you want to say to me?"

Scarlet Witch was asked inexplicably, "What do I have to say to you?" What you see is what I do, and I don't hide anything from you. ”

Scarlet Witch didn't know how Quicksilver could have asked that and was so prejudiced against her.

"What dissatisfaction have I had? Just say it if you have something to say, but big brother, do you know how impulsive you are to go to Levis right now?"

"If Levis had been unreasonable, you would still be here yelling at me? You're a corpse now, you know?"

"I don't care what I'm going to do!"

Quicksilver doesn't listen to Scarlet Witch at all right now, and he's very grumpy.

Scarlet Witch saw that Quicksilver was speechless, turned around and walked out of the room.

"Whatever you want."

When Scarlet Witch walked out of the room, it was completely silent, leaving Quicksilver alone.

Sitting on the hospital bed for a while, Quicksilver also calmed down, feeling that what he had just said was very excessive.

But now that Scarlet Witch is gone, Quicksilver can't find anyone to apologize.

Scarlet Witch walked out of the hospital and stood in the doorway thinking for a while, feeling that it was indeed his big brother who was wrong.

She had also threatened Saka before, and Scarlet Witch was thinking about whether to apologize.

After all, they are still under Levis, and if Levis wants to target them, their life will not be easy.

After thinking about it for a while, Scarlet Witch decided to go to Levi to apologize, so that Levi would not care.

After Levis finished eating, he took Clarisse and they planned to go to the beach, and now it was a good time to go to the beach.

Yuriko watched Sakayu sort out her travels, and after packing up, Levi set off with them.

Now it is a matter of minutes to the beach, and the Sakagoto has already arranged the hotel in advance.

They could have a place to stay, and Scarlet Witch at Levis' house was empty.

Sakayu detected it at the hotel and told Levi about it.

"Master, Wanda is at the door and should want to see you."

Levis thought of Quicksilver before and didn't want to see the two now.

"Refused, saying that I was not at home."

Saka nodded, sent a message to Wanda that they were not home, and then ignored Scarlet Witch.

Scarlet Witch didn't think about how long he had been away and went off.

After lingering in the doorway and seeing that there was indeed no one in the house, Scarlet Witch went back.

By this time Quicksilver had returned to his dormitory, waiting in the living room for Scarlet Witch to return.

Quicksilver, who heard the sound of the door opening, looked towards the door and saw Scarlet Witch push the door in.

"Wanda, you're back? I apologize for what I did before, I was really angry before. ”

Quicksilver admitted his mistake very quickly and changed his attitude at once.

Scarlet Witch saw her softened like this, and she wasn't really angry with Quicksilver.

"I can forgive you, but I need to at least know why you're like this?"

The two chatted calmly, and Quicksilver did not hide it, telling Scarlet Witch all his reasons.

"So you think I'm brainwashed by Levis? Big brother, what are your strange ideas?"

Scarlet Witch himself was in disbelief, and he couldn't find the right words to describe it for a long time.

It was simply outrageous, and the two completely calmed down after talking to each other.

"I think the person you should apologize the most now is not me, it's Levis."

Who knew that when Quicksilver heard Levis' name, the expression on his face changed, and he turned away from looking at Scarlet Witch.

"I'm not going, I'm not going to apologize."

His body still hurts, and Quicksilver doesn't want to see Levis.

When Scarlet Witch saw his big brother like this, he knew that he was stubborn like a donkey now, and he would definitely not go.

"Okay then, then I'll go by myself, if something happens to me, you can just escape."

Scarlet Witch said and was about to open the door and walk out, Quicksilver reacted and stopped Scarlet Witch.

"Wait, I know, I'll go in two days."

Hearing Scarlet Witch's words, Quicksilver was anxious.

You know that he is just this one sister, and definitely does not want her to have an accident.

0 Ask for flowers..................

Satisfied with the answer she wanted, Scarlet Witch released her hand holding the doorknob.

"Then say okay; You can't back down then. ”

Quicksilver nodded, Scarlet Witch smiled, and the relationship was back to before.

Levis b is surfing on the beach, and his posture has completed one difficult and beautiful movement after another.

This makes the people on the shore very enjoyable to watch, and Levi himself is very enjoyable.

This activity surpasses golf here in Levis, and surfing is much more exciting and gives Levis a sense of conquering nature.

After exercising, Levi walked over to Clarice and Yuriko, who were resting under an umbrella, and now both of them are wearing swimsuits.


Yuriko is an ordinary conjoined one and looks cute.

Clarice is wearing a suit with polka dots on it, which is also very eye-catching.

Levis walked down the chair next to the two and sat down, seeing that both of them were lying safely, he felt a little bad in his heart.

Throwing all the water on her body onto the two of them made Clarisse scream at once.

"Weiss! What are you doing?"

"Why don't you two go swimming, just lying here?

Clarisse blushed a little when she heard Levi's words, "I won't, I haven't had time to learn to swim yet."

Yuriko didn't touch this piece either, but she still watched others swim with relish.

"It's okay, I'll buy you a lifebuoy, you guys hurry up and play in the water."

Levis didn't mind, so the two of them must get into the water and went nearby to prepare swimming rings for them.

Yuriko was a little eager to see it, but Clarice was still a little scared.

Standing Levi's reaching hand carefully pulled his arm step by step and carefully walked a little deeper.

"You two be careful, hold me, don't get overwhelmed."

Clarisse nodded, "Okay, we'll be careful." ”

Then I walked inside step by step, carefully testing myself to wait for me.

Levis stood on the side and watched the two, afraid that something would happen to them.

Seeing that they were both relatively comfortable, Levis swam up near the two of them.

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