Walt Group Building.

87th floor, President’s Office.

The voice on the phone hangs up, and the noisy voice turns into a busy beep.

Edgar’s face sank, and a trace of anger grew from the bottom of his heart, since the motherland discovered Beja a few days ago and found his son.

It was the self-proclaimed terrorist attack who used a bomb to kill his candidate for president, Ms. Madeleine.

Then recommended his former assistant to the president, Ashley, in fact, he took care of the Walt Group superhero thing.

And the botched surveillance video, the modified autopsy report, where can be concealed from Edgar’s eyes.

It seems that this Motherland is going to knock a bit.

Edgar, sitting by the window, looked condescendingly at the city, his eyes shining.

“Knock knock…” A

silent knock on the door came from outside, knocking out Edgar’s chaotic thoughts, calming his mind again, and the frequency of his heartbeat gradually returned to the past.

As a businessman who interacts with politicians and parliamentarians on a daily basis, staying calm is also a must-have ability for a qualified businessman.

This is what this layer of skin on his body tells him.

In this racist excess, his skin color did not allow him to vent his anger freely like those white people.

“Please come in.”

“Mr. Edgar, I wonder if I can change jobs, or go out, I can’t bear it now…”

A man covered in fat squeezed in from outside the door, and then came to the door with a pitiful expression and begged.

Coming in is the superhero twin of the Walt Group, whose ability is to be able to transform into the desired transformation target and turn into their appearance.

It’s just that there are a lot of side effects, and his ability makes him unable to maintain it for a long time after transforming into his desired target.

Otherwise, his body will produce severe pain, making him want to die. At the beginning, since the death of the invisible

man, in order to hide the death of the invisible man, it did not affect the popularity of the Super Seven.

He began to transform into a transparent person, making several public appearances a few times a day from time to time to dispel doubts, which is still bearable.

After all, it is only a deformation of a person, and the death of the locomotive after that directly doubles and doubles his workload.

What really made him feel pain and despair was the perverted demand of the motherland, who actually made himself into the appearance of Vice President Madeleine to fit with him.

Even, deformed into the appearance of the Motherland itself.

Several times because of severe pain, he could not maintain his original appearance, and even thought that he would die under the laser eyes of the motherland in the next moment.

In such a high-pressure state, the twins with a few divisions of labor are already on the verge of collapse.

“If you don’t want to do it, you can leave by yourself.” Edgar looked at a document on the table and tapped the pen head, his tone indifferent.

For those deeds of the motherland, Edgar naturally knows very well, an experiment with a distorted psychology of lack of love.

Compared with the experiment of twins, the importance of the motherland is still higher. As he said, the

cool man can leave at all, but before he leaves, Walt will intimately send him an urn.

“Mr. Edgar, why can’t you just find a staff member to wear a helmet like Xuan Se, I helped Walt, when the military bill, those councilors…”

Before the shapeshifter’s words were finished, a stern look swept over, his voice stopped, and his forehead was a little sweaty…

The rest of the words, he couldn’t open his mouth.

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“If I hear a word of this from your mouth again, I am afraid you will never see the sun the next day.”

Edgar put down the document in his hand, and his words carried a hint of danger.

In the matter of adding superheroes to the military bill of the Ministry of Defense, the twins did play a big role during this period.

But this is not the capital of the other party’s invitation to credit.

“Hug, sorry, Mr. Edgar…”

Seeing Edgar’s gaze, the twin instantly understood, and no longer dared to mention anything arranged.

Bow backwards, walk to the door, and gently open the door and exit and close it again.

Silence returned to the room, and Edgar’s gaze narrowed at the figure of the twin.

The Super Sevens, losing three in a row, are indeed unprecedented.

If it is not handled as soon as possible, it will be a big blow to the popularity and popularity of the superheroes of the Walt Group.

At this moment, his eyes were also fixed on the document on the table.

It was a proposal, a proposal from several shareholders behind Waters Group.

Based on the crisis facing the Walt Group today, the Liberty Woman was repackaged as the Storm Girl to retire from the front again and join the Super Sevens.

He has read the inside of the document several times, and the proposal is impeccable in terms of direction, process, and timing of selection.

It can be said that as long as he signs a name, this proposal will be perfectly executed.

The Walt Group Super Seven may really go to another level.

After all, as the widow of the founder of the Waters Group, the first superhuman to be injected with compound five by Federic.

Her storm ability is always amazing and uncritical.

But the problem is that this virgin woman, who miraculously maintained her youthful appearance, was a naggardist, racist who inherited Federic’s legacy.

When she joined the Super Sevens, she probably thought about how to get her place down all the time.

However, I have to say that at present, this free woman is probably also the object of perfect restrictions on the people of the motherland.

Edgar in the office, squinting and thinking about the question, hesitated, and signed the name anyway.

Not long after signing the name, Edgar aired a phone call.

“Got something, Bob.”

“Mr. Edgar, you should know, I’m already retired, I can’t finish this matter, not to mention that Mr. Edgar doesn’t have the idea of specializing in pharmaceuticals…”

“I’m used to doing both.”

“Then I can’t help with this, you know, because of Bejia’s affairs, the motherland almost killed me!” I won’t and don’t want to create the same monster again.

Then came the sound of hanging up.

Edgar’s mood did not change because of this, but he hit another one, Dr. Carlton. “Mr. Edgar, the

genes you sent are too perfect…” There

was an excited voice on the other end of the microphone, which even Edgar in the office could feel.

“Dr. Carlton, I need it as soon as possible,”

Stopping the voice from the opposite side, Edgar smiled indifferently, his eyes looked at the photo of the seven-man team on the wall of the house, and his tone was calm:

“The dark uniform, and the real owner is missing!”

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