As Fisker predicted, even knowing it was a trap, Diane would have taken the risk of trying to take the bait out of the trap.

Because she simply had no other choice, let alone time to choose.

Shortly after Peter reported the situation through Gwen's communicator, Diane made the decision to scout the target hotel that night.

Although this decision seems very hasty, it is also Diane's helpless move.

During the days in the safe house, she had contacted anyone she thought she could work with. From supporting members of the family, to

allies, trading partners, and even finally she contacts the enemies of the family to try to lure them into getting a little help.

But the result was nothing.

The members of the family are not reluctant to help her, although Milk is arrogant and even a little stupid, he has also received an elite education from the family, and with human guidance, he almost completely kills the possibility of Diane getting help from within the family.

As for allies and trading partners, they do not see rabbits and do not spread eagles, and even if they give high profits in the situation of one-sided situations, it is impossible to stand on Diane's side at this time.

The same is true of the enemy, who is planning to take advantage of the Bernano family's infighting at this time.

Although they are happy to see this infighting intensify, if they want to pour some oil into the fire, it is only a fool's dream. So Diane's current team is only Gwen and Peter, and

even Gwen only wants to help her save her father and fight criminals to assist, so strictly speaking, her team is actually only Peter.

There is no money, no personnel, no weapons and equipment, not even time.

The battle was a nightmare.

Even if it drags on for a few more days, the situation will not get any better, or even worse.

Then it is better to act neatly than to plan carefully.

But Diane finds herself too optimistic about the current situation...

That night, in an abandoned building near the target hotel, three sneaky figures gathered here, they tried their best to hide their figures, but from time to time there was a suppressed roar among the three, fortunately, it has been abandoned for a long time, it has become a dangerous building, and even a homeless man will not patronize, otherwise the three would have exposed their whereabouts long ago.

However, these three people are even more unscrupulous, as if they have to be caught.

"Are you stupid? We are going to conduct reconnaissance in the hotel, we need to act secretly, to put it bluntly, this is a sneaking mission! Not for Halloween! You're still wearing this pink suit? Do you feel that you are not conspicuous enough? Would you like to set off some more fireworks? Barbie?

Peter had imitated Bathman's deep voice, but at this moment it broke, which sounded quite funny.

And Gwen also grinned and shot back.

"At least the clothes I wear can really get candy, and I have original points!" And do you think that after entering the hotel, your black skin will melt into the wallpaper or floor?

Oh, maybe I'm wrong, you're not COS Baxterman, but a prisoner in Conan, oh, it seems that you really can, do you need me to apologize to you? Diane,

on the other hand, looked loveless.

What kind of stuff am I getting here?! I actually had to rely on these two guys to rescue my father and reclaim the family...

A man and two women took the initiative to overthrow an entire evil force, and then rescued the hostages and escaped.

This configuration feels like the plot of Resident Evil 4, and the most terrifying thing is that the role he plays is neither Leon nor King Ida, but Ashley, who hurt himself and broke countless handles...

Reality is always more magical than games...

Diane sighed helplessly, and finally said softly:

"You two should give the old lady a little quiet, otherwise everyone will end up together!"

Seeing the two shut their mouths, Diane breathed a sigh of relief, and then briefed Peter, who had just joined him. Pointing to the

hotel not far away, she said:

"Although I'm not sure if this is a trap, it doesn't make much difference in the level of danger.

This hotel had dispersed all its guests a few days earlier, and it was all their people in the hotel, and they even gave the staff on the hotel a holiday. But I had

no other choice, and I had to figure out if my father was here or not.

After saying that, Diane paused for a few seconds, she did not hurry to assign tasks, but looked at Peter seriously, and said very solemnly:

"B... Baitman, this task is very dangerous, and I know how difficult it is, so when the mission is over, I will double the previously negotiated task reward, and I will try to pay you regardless of whether the task is completed or not.

Because you have gained my friendship, I owe you two favors when the mission is completed. I

know that all I promise now are empty promises, but I swear in the name of the Bernano family, whether you live or die, I will pay these rewards, and you can give me a name first in case of another one.

Peter understood Diane's concerns, and she was afraid that she would lift the previous agreement between the two because of the difficulty of the task.

However, her concerns were also correct, if not for Peter's reliance on the lottery wheel to obtain these powers, he would definitely retreat now. Peter

looked into Diane's eyes, and the determination in her eyes reminded Peter of the night they first met, and Peter realized that even if Diane was alone tonight, she would probably try to save her father.

In the end, Peter chuckled:

"Since these are all empty promises, why don't I ask for something practical now, just give me a lucky kiss?"

Gwen immediately showed a look of disdain, and even pointed his arm at Peter, thinking of sticking his face again to sober him up.

However, Diane nodded and said, "Good."

The man who said had already walked up to Peter.

Seeing this, Peter quickly held Diane's head with his hand, and smiled helplessly:

"Let's wait until it's over, now I feel like I'm setting up a flag."

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, he hurriedly pointed to Gwen and said:

"If I die, I will give the reward to this Barbie doll, after all, she is pink and weird."

"You said Shenma?!"


Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Diane quickly stopped it, she glared at Peter helplessly, and then turned to Gwen.

"So do you have anything you want? I can do everything I can.

Gwen looked at Peter with disdain, shook his head and said:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not like him, I'm fighting for justice, not someone's thug, I don't want any pay."

"Well, I'll find a way to repay you when it's all over, and now whatever I promise is just a blank promise."

And Gwen rolled his eyes, and suddenly smiled and said,

"I want something practical than a blank promise."

"So you need a lucky kiss too?"

Diane stepped forward helplessly, but this time was stopped by Gwen with her hand, because Gwen's height was a little different from Diane, so her hand was only pressed on the other party's chest.

Diane calmly looked at the hand pressed on her chest, and then looked at Gwen calmly, but there was murderous intent brewing in her eyes.

"Forget about the lucky kiss, I still want that Diane friendship, I haven't had a new friend for a long time."

Diane was stunned for a few seconds when she heard this, and then mixed emotions welled up in her eyes, and then she nodded solemnly and said,


Gwen, who received the reply, stood up with a smile, and then Diane calmly explained her plan.

At the heart of the plan is to determine whether Eric is being held in the hotel, which is the most important task of the moment, but it is also very difficult to complete.

Because they need to complete the task without scaring the snake.

If they are detected, then they must convert reconnaissance missions to rescue missions.

Because all three understand that they don't have a second chance.

If they were detected, they would definitely have a tighter defense even if they did not shift Eric's position.

By that time, there would be no chance at all.

Therefore, Diane plans reconnaissance and infiltration missions while also considering the actions once exposed.

Since the staffing is really rudimentary, the actual plan is not complicated after it comes out.

Because Peter says that his infiltration ability is excellent, the infiltration mission will begin with Peter.

First, Peter will sneak up from the ground floor of the hotel, and during this time, Gwen will climb directly to the top floor with spider silk to stand by.

If any hint of Eric's presence is found, or even the location can be pinched, then Peter will try to leave the hotel, and the next three will temporarily retreat for more detailed planning.

But if Peter had access to Eric, he would report it to Gwen through the communicator. Peter would then open the window for Gwen to pick up Eric

from the window, and Peter could only wait for Gwen to pick him up after seeing Eric away, or try to leave on his own.

But once Peter is exposed in action, he will withdraw towards the bottom, during which time he will try to attract the enemy.

And Gwen will search down from the top floor at this time, if no trace of Eric is found, then she will directly rescue Peter and leave, and once Eric is found, she will take him out first, and then come to rescue Peter.

As for Diane... As she knows herself, as Ashley, as long as it doesn't get in the way, it's a good pear.

But she's also the last insurance here.

Diane once solemnly told the two that once they were cornered, they could surrender immediately, and exchange themselves for their lives.

After all, it was the only thing she could do.

It was only at the beginning of the operation that she had great doubts about whether the plan could be carried out smoothly.

All because the two people had just begun to act separately, they turned on the mouth cannon mode again.

Since the mission will start with Peter's infiltration, Peter leaves first, leans down, and sneaks into the hotel garden with a few steps.

Gwen, on the other hand, put her hands around her chest and mocked in the communicator with an unhappy face:

"Oh, so this Mr. Bathman, are you trying to sneak? Must be stealth, right? Do you think your beautiful Batman helmet and pitch-black uniform will help stealth after entering the hotel?

Oh, I see, so your stealth is the kind of stealth that knocks everyone down in the road without being discovered, right?

Peter sneered, not to be outdone, and replied:

"The most high-end technology is often implemented in the simplest way, optimistic about Barbie."

After saying that, he directly put on the invisibility ring, and his figure disappeared without a trace in an instant, and he did not forget to make a face in the direction of the abandoned building before the stealth was launched. Although both Gwen and

Diane were surprised and speechless by Peter's momentary disappearance, the smug hint in Peter's tone before he disappeared and the grimace made Gwen angry, and she couldn't wait to pick up a brick to help Peter trigger the alarm. But in the

end, he gave up the idea in anger.

Then she shot spider silk, dragged herself into the air, and prepared to go to the top floor of the hotel to standby.

Diane, on the other hand, looked at the disappeared Peter, and Gwen who was rippling in the air, listening to the two people arguing in her ears, not knowing whether to be surprised or angry, and the complicated emotions in her heart finally turned into a sigh.

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