Chapter 101 Wanda always likes to add drama to herself

【Happy New Year to everyone!】

【PS: Some people say they don’t like watching unlimited streaming. I also think this routine is a bit old, so there won’t be any similar scenes in the future and we will continue to return to the previous routine. ]

Wanda pointed to the statue of the”Mother Goddess” in the chapel and said to the nun:”Don’t you think it’s strange that you blasphemed God like this and still expect to be redeemed?” The nun looked calm and did not show any signs of anger due to Wanda’s words. His emotions fluctuated and he was as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

She spoke slowly, and a faint voice came from her mouth:”God will not redeem anyone, only himself can redeem himself.””

“Is this the reason why you can do those cruel experiments with peace of mind?”

Wanda asked curiously.

Yes, this”nun” is Miranda.

No one in the village knew about it, but Wanda saw it.

Miranda did not answer Wanda’s question, but asked:”Since Now that you know my identity, why aren’t you afraid of me?”

Wanda looked serious and began to add drama to herself:”Like you, I also have the experience of being feared, just because we are different.”

Miranda showed an expression other than calm. It was an accident and a trace of curiosity.

“Are you empathizing with me?”

“I know the pain of losing a child.”

Wanda continued to add drama to herself:”In the past, I did many crazy things in order to find my child.”

“Have you achieved your goal?”

“No, because I don’t have children at all. They were just figments of my imagination. I didn’t realize this until a long time later, but it was too late. The tragedy I had caused was irreversible.”

“So you want to redeem me?”

Miranda heard the hidden meaning in the other person’s words.

“My child does not exist, but you are different, I can help you resurrect her”

“If you can do it, I will agree to any request you have”

“Take me to the fungus owner and I’ll help you”…

Miranda took Wanda to a closed basement.

The floors, walls and ceilings here are covered with black mold, which is still crawling.

Walking in here is like walking into the lair of the evil god with a Cthulhu-style painting. It seems that your own sanity will be stripped away by the indescribable things here.

In the center of the basement, there was a very large, pitch-black thing, emitting a dark red light, and beating constantly.

It is the host.

The fungus master is a natural super mold with self-awareness and intelligence. Its origin is very mysterious. It has existed in the world for hundreds of years before it was discovered by Miranda. Some ancient books refer to it as the devil’s heart, because people who come close to it will basically not end well and will always die inexplicably.

The consciousness of Miranda’s daughter Evelyn is preserved in the fungus owner.

In other words, Evelin has become the consciousness of the fungus owner, or Evelin is the fungus owner.

It has certain telepathic abilities and can communicate with her mother Miranda at a spiritual level. This is why Miranda always firmly believes that her daughter is still alive.

“It’s very important to me and I won’t show mercy if you behave in a way that I feel is inappropriate.”

Miranda warned Wanda that it was her daughter and she had to be careful

“What kind of life do you want your daughter to have, is it to become an immortal like you who has the ability to live forever, or do you want her to live her life as an ordinary person?”

Wanda asked Miranda

“I need her to be by my side forever.”

Wanda nodded to sho

w that she understood.

She cast chaos magic on the fungus owner to modify reality.

Under Miranda’s shocked and expectant eyes, the fungus owner deformed and gradually turned into a beautiful blonde girl. This beautiful girl looks exactly like the Rosemary Winters who appeared at the end of the game 8.

This is the image Wanda created for Evelin.

Evelin lowered her head and frowned slightly as she looked at her naked body..

She used her fungus master ability to exude a large amount of mold from her body, forming a pure black dress on her body. After doing this, she raised her head to look at Miranda and greeted:”Mom.”

Miranda finally couldn’t help it, and rushed forward to protect her daughter tightly. Wanda smiled softly at the warm scene between mother and daughter, turned around and left the basement, and went to the church outside to wait…….

The resurrected Evelyn looks like a human being, but is still essentially a fungus master. It possesses all the abilities of a fungus master, and is even more powerful than her own mother Miranda in terms of abilities.

Evelin was not very old when she died, but nearly eighty years had passed since she had been living in the host…….During these eighty years, Evelin’s consciousness was clear, so she had a sound outlook on life and an adult’s thinking, which was enough for her to control this power.

Until half an hour later, Miranda took Evelin into the church to meet Wanda.

Before Miranda could speak, Wanda took the lead and said:”I know what you want to say, and I also know that you are planning to leave the village with your daughter.”

“Can you see my thoughts?”

“I can see your future, but the future is not static. There are always some external factors that will change a person’s original intention. The greed of human nature is endless. Even if you are extremely powerful, as long as you show your specialness, you will encounter a steady stream of troubles. I know a good place to go. There are many extraordinary people like you there. If you want, I can take you there.”

Miranda looked at Evelin, wanting to hear her daughter’s opinion.

Evelin didn’t Opinion, she was quite interested in the place Wanda mentioned.

Seeing that the two agreed, Wanda took them to Pandora, her pocket universe.

Pandora was the first place in Wanda’s pocket universe, and The most prosperous place in the entire pocket universe. When Miranda and Evelin came here, they were immediately attracted by all the things here and were dumbfounded.

Here in Raccoon City.

After investigation, Stark and his team found the building where Umbrella Corporation was built. There are two biochemical research institutes here, they are located underground in Raccoon City and the Spencer Mansion in the mountains.

Both places are conducting cruel and evil biochemical experiments.

After discussion, Stark and Jaina Natasha and Strange formed a team. They went to these two places separately and completely destroyed them with thunderous sweeping force.

The time spent before and after did not exceed two hours.

During this operation, Jaina showed her unparalleled magical talent. She unleashed a terrible blizzard at the Spencer Mansion in the mountains, turning the area for several miles into ultra-low temperature frozen soil. Some may survive All the viruses in the virus were killed by Winter.

Strange’s side was much worse. He couldn’t borrow the power of Marvel’s demons in the biochemical world, so he could only borrow Wanda’s chaos magic. He cooperated with Natasha, Only then did we clear out the Arklay Research Institute

【Happy New Year, please vote].

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