Chapter 111 Let everyone’s blood pressure soar collectively

【Thanks to”joiOD” for the monthly ticket] Gemma Simmons is a scientific research talent who graduated from SHIELD Academy. Her original destiny was to join Coulson’s SHIELD team, fly around the world on the Zephyr, and collect 084 item.

But fate took a turn in her life. Her boss Coulson did not set up the S.H.I.E.L.D. team, but instead set up the Super Dimension Administration. Therefore, Gemma Simmons’ fate also changed. She is now An agent of the Super Dimension Administration.

To be honest, the work of the Super Dimension Administration is more exciting than any other job. You can often go on business trips to different parallel universes and come into contact with extremely new things.

Some time ago, Wanda from The Avengers sent her a pair of virtual reality glasses, and she found a new hobby after work, playing the three-body game.

Gemma thought she knew Wanda fairly well, and thought that Wanda was very difficult with technology. After all, magic and technology were incompatible.

As a master of magic, Wanda shouldn’t know much about science.

But it turns out that Gemma is wrong. Wanda not only understands science, but also knows a lot. This can be seen from the fact that the other party can develop the game Three-Body Problem.

In this regard, Gemma had to sigh, who said that magicians must be scientific idiots, maybe others know science better than you.

Whether playing science or magic, a top student will always be a top student. You are a scumbag in science, can you become a magician by changing your profession?

This is simply impossible, magic is better than science���Complex, only because magic has existed a long time ago, it makes magic seem more magical than science that has only developed for a few hundred years.

In fact, the complexity of magic is definitely not something that a scumbag can master. Ahem, the topic has gone too far, let’s bring it back.

Gemma Simmons has finished the first two parts of The Three-Body Problem. Now that The Three-Body Problem 3 is online, she can’t wait to log in to the game. The game begins with a CG that tells the story of Constantine XI meeting Diolenna, a person who claimed to have magic that could turn the tide of the war in May 1453.

Diolenna seems to be able to get what she wants from any well-defended location. It can even take away a person’s brain while the person’s brain is intact.

But at the end of this CG, Diolenna died.

A paragraph of text appeared – on the second floor of the tower, Diolenna, who was nailed to the wall, died. She may be the only magician in human history. About 10 hours before that, the brief magic era also ended.

The Magical Age began in the park at 16:00 on May 3, 1453, when the high-dimensional fragments first touched the earth; and ended at 21:00 on May 28, 1453, when the high-dimensional fragments left the earth for 25 days and 5 hours.

When Gemma Simmons saw this, she roughly understood what this story meant.

As a scientist, Gemma still has a certain understanding of dimensional theory. If it is from a higher dimension, it is indeed possible to take away a person’s brain without opening the skull.

The Three-Body Game is indeed as hard-core as ever. The seemingly magical but actually scientific story at the beginning fully demonstrates the hard science fiction side.

Next, Gemma discovered she could move.

She appeared in a base and was following a person towards the front.

As Gemma walked, she looked at the text that only she could see that was constantly displayed in front of her. It was the background introduction to her current identity.

Through this introduction, Zhenma knew that she was playing a person named Cheng Xin.

Gemma followed the plot, but the more she played, the more frustrated she became. She even sent a man who liked her very much to death after he gave her a star.

“Why should I play such a nasty guy?”

Gemma went crazy. Later, Cheng Xin, played by Gemma, hibernated.

When she woke up in the future, something even more crazy happened.

The logic that originally constituted a dark fores

t deterrent to the Trisolaran civilization actually did not Being understood by people in the future era, they instead began to denounce logic as a dictator and hope to choose a gentle person to be the sword holder.

Gemma was speechless at this point.

People in this future era have actually become so naive and gentle. How much deterrence can the person holding the sword have? It’s okay for these future people to look more and more effeminate, but how come their personalities have become so innocent.

The three of them���Civilization has been struggling in the cycle of despair until now. Everything is for survival. Facing such an enemy, can Chi Qiuren stop being so naive?

After that, something even more devastating happened for Zhenma. Cheng Xin, whom she played, actually became the second sword holder. It would have been fine, but on the fifteenth minute after she became the sword holder, the alarm sounded. The water droplets of the Trisolaran civilization are rapidly approaching the earth.

Here is a CG. Gemma cannot control the character of Cheng Xin, and can only watch Cheng Xin’s mother operation. She actually threw the intimidation button on the floor.

In the end, all humanity’s dark forest deterrent devices were destroyed. Gemma’s blood pressure soared.

She was speechless about the special role she played. Well, she wasn’t speechless, she just wanted to curse.

If this wasn’t a plot CG, if she had been able to control the character just now, she would never have been able to do something so heart-wrenching.

After the deterrent methods of humans disappeared, the Trisolarans broadcast to humans through sophons and asked all humans to move to the Kangaroo Kingdom.

Naive humans did not take this seriously, and as a result, the water droplets killed hundreds of thousands of people. Only then did humans wake up and realize that the Trisolarans were serious.

Humans began to migrate to kangaroo country.

After a while, the migration was over, and the people concentrated in the kangaroo country found that there was not enough food. As a result, Tomoko said that food was everywhere and it was telling humans that you can eat the same kind.

Gemma Simmons’ blood pressure is rising again. This is all Cheng Xin’s fault!

Later, the XX spacecraft that had escaped from the earth discovered the situation on the earth and decisively broadcast the coordinates of the Trisolaran civilization’s home planet to the universe, and the human beings on the earth were freed.

In this CG, the plot of the high-dimensional fragments is shown in detail. Gemma Simmons feels that this plot is awesome, especially the actual performance of three-dimensional humans entering four-dimensional space is clearly shown in the game. This has to make Gemma think, has Wanda, the game producer, been to the four-dimensional space?

As the game process continues, time in the game also passes.

The Trisolaran civilization warned humans that the only way to survive was to leave the earth, but humans were stuck in the problem of who would leave and who would stay if they built a spaceship. In the end, they actually rejected the plan to research a light speed 1.2 spacecraft.

Gemma’s blood pressure shot up for the third time.

When Cheng Xin woke up from hibernation and stopped Wade’s plan to study the light speed spacecraft, Zhenma was so angry that she wanted to kill Cheng Xin. Humanity wanted to rely on the bunker plan to withstand the attack of the dark forest, but a shocking scene happened. The singer projected a two-way foil into the solar system.

The entire solar system began to reduce its dimensionality. Gemma Simmons was stunned.

This method of dimensionality reduction far exceeded Gemma Simmons’ expectations.

What made her hate the most was that humans were almost extinct, but Cheng Xin escaped on a warp spaceship.

In the end, due to various reasons, Cheng Xin lived for many years and looked back to recall the past events on Earth. Gemma Simmons’ blood pressure spiked again

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