Chapter 118 The four generals of Black Glory were instantly killed as soon as they arrived.

This live Q&A ends here.

Everyone was transported back to their original place by the question and answer space.

As soon as Stark came back, he convened a meeting with the Avengers and talked about the information he had just seen from the Q&A live broadcast. He also distributed a bottle of elixir to every Avengers present.

When everyone learned about the effect of this medicine, they put it away like a treasure.

This thing is something that can save lives at critical moments. Everyone is very precious to this kind of thing. Dr. Banner wants to study this drug and see if it can be synthesized.

Everyone has no objections to this. It would be best if there was an unlimited supply of this medicine…….

Time passed unconsciously, and a month passed like this.

Today, Wanda and Qin came to the Avengers’ New York base together. Yes, it’s a New York base, not a Mars base.

Now, the four Infinity Stones are at the Avengers base in New York. Doctor Strange is here with the Eye of Agamotto [Time Stone], Wanda is carrying the Female Vision [Mind Stone], and Stark is holding the Cosmic Cube [Time Stone]. Space Stone], Natasha is carrying the Soul Stone. They did not cover the aura of the four Infinity Stones and used the Infinity Stones to attract Thanos.

As for why we should be here instead of somewhere with fewer people or simply going to Mars. There are two reasons.

First, that’s because they have the ability to protect everything on earth, even if the war starts in the suburbs of New York City. Second, through this battle, they want to tell everyone in the world that they, the Avengers, are protecting the earth!

Otherwise, if no one knows about it, wouldn’t it be impossible to get the limelight? Yes, that’s right, these are Stark’s original words……

The time now is half past six in the morning.

In the sky, a circle-shaped spaceship descended, approaching the Avengers base in New York. The spaceship was so big that people in downtown New York saw it and fell into panic.

But soon, the water droplet that had appeared in the Battle of New York and was later evaluated by humans as the”Virgin Tears” appeared. As soon as it appeared, it crashed the spacecraft that invaded the earth.

The place where the water droplet hit was where the four black generals were in the spaceship.

It hit at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, and instantly destroyed the bodies of Proxima Centauri and General Deathblade among the four generals of Black Glory. Their bodies were vaporized by the high temperature emitted by the water droplets.

Only Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw reacted quickly enough to avoid the blow, and then fell as the spacecraft fell. The spaceship crashed in front of the Avengers’ New York headquarters.

As soon as Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw emerged from the ruins of the ship, they found themselves surrounded by the Avengers. Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw both looked ugly.

They didn’t expect that water drop to be so powerful.

Originally, before they invaded the earth, Thanos warned them to be careful about water droplets, saying that they were black technology developed by humans.

But they don’t take it seriously at all. The human civilization on earth is just a primitive civilization that has not even left its home planet. How powerful is the water droplet they developed?

They paid the price for their carelessness.

Proxima Centauri and General Deathblade were vaporized by water droplets before they even showed up, and their deaths were extremely hasty. Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw were also seriously injured.

The Avengers were not prepared to negotiate with them, because everyone knew that negotiation was useless, so after everyone surrounded Ebony Maw and

Black Dwarf, they launched an attack on them.

Facing the concentrated fire of the Avengers, the two of them barely made any effective resistance before being overwhelmed by the attack. The four black generals of the Dark Order were all wiped out within minutes of their arrival on Earth.

Not long after, the official department of Eagle Sauce, which had been holding back, came. They wanted to take away the wreckage of the spacecraft, and even tried to

“Talking to the Avengers for the sake of humanity and for such high-sounding reasons as righteousness disgusted everyone.”

Wanda was too lazy to care about this kind of thing. She stood with Qin and watched all this like bystanders. But something unexpected happened to Wanda.

Stark refused to hand over the wreckage of the spacecraft to the official department of Eagle Sauce. This is the trophy of their Avengers. Even if Stark doesn’t like this so-called trophy, it is not something that Eagle Sauce officials can take away if they want.

After experiencing so much, Stark has long seen through Eagle. The official attitude is that if they are allowed to take away the wreckage of the spacecraft and develop new weapons, they will inevitably find excuses to launch wars against other countries.

How could Stark tolerate this happening?

In this matter, almost all revenge Everyone stood on Stark’s side.

Only the war machine James Rhodes, an Air Force colonel, was in an embarrassing situation. He seemed to be inhumane inside and out. Faced with the aggressive Eagle Sauce officials, Stark directly offered his own The big killer – water droplets.

The power of water droplets was fully demonstrated during the Battle of New York. Of course, Yingjiang officials knew how powerful this thing was, but they didn’t know until now that it turned out that water droplets were developed by Stark. They all immediately became jealous, and proposed on the spot that they wanted to place an order with Stark for a water droplet.

But it was useless no matter how jealous they were, because Stark had no intention of selling this technology to the official.

In the end, SHIELD came forward., stepped down for both sides, so that the confrontation did not get out of hand. Anyway, in the end, Yingjiang officials were not able to take away the wreckage of the spacecraft.

Because the wreckage was destroyed on the spot by Stark.

Yingjiang officials’ eyes They thought that Stark was wasting his natural resources and he didn’t want to give it to them, so why should he destroy it? After this incident, the relationship between Eagle Sauce officials and Stark fell to the freezing point, and even Stark’s company was The official’s malicious targeting caused the market value to plummet.

But Stark only revealed one piece of information on the Internet, and the company’s market value immediately began to skyrocket again. What did he tell the world?

The answer is simple – he said: I developed the water droplet.

This news As soon as the announcement was announced, Stark Industries shareholders and investors immediately had a surge in confidence in Stark Industries and purchased large amounts of Stark Industries shares. The direct result was that Stark Industries’ stock price skyrocketed.

Eagle The officials could only watch all this happen.

During lunch,

Wanda said to Stark:”You will be ostracized by your own country.”

“After Thanos is dealt with, I will run for President Z.”

Stark snorted coldly.

“If you want to run for president, I’m afraid you have a high chance of winning.”

Natasha said

“Are you serious? In fact, there are many ways to solve the problem. I can use magic to make everyone forget about this and restore everything to before.”

Stephen Strange is speechless, father.”

【Ask for flowers and tickets together].

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