Chapter 124 This is a low-end version of Chaos Magic.

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Once, Clark Kent worked at Reliable Graphics and followed a scientific expedition team to the North Pole. Not only did he meet the other half of his life there, he also discovered a Kryptonian scientific research spacecraft that had come to Earth a long time ago.

Through this spacecraft, he read the information in the”key” on his body, saw his father’s artificial intelligence, and learned about his life experience.

But he didn’t know that when the scientific research spacecraft was activated, a message was also sent to the outside world.

General Zod and others somewhere far away in the universe received this message, learned of Kal-El’s whereabouts, and immediately flew towards the solar system.

The screen switches back to Earth.

Clark Kent, who learned about his life experience, was finally no longer confused.

He put on the classic Superman uniform, got out of the spaceship called the Fortress of Solitude, came to the ice cap outside, jumped on the spot, and flew up.

He flew extremely fast, almost supersonic instantly, and was still accelerating. He flew out of the earth’s atmosphere. His ability set off alarm bells in Bruce Wayne’s heart.

If every Kryptonian possessed this level after being exposed to the yellow sun, then General Zod and others would be almost invincible.

He was a little anxious, and then he thought of kryptonite. Through the last Q&A live broadcast, 230 he learned that kryptonite is the weakness of Kryptonians, otherwise Kara Danvers would not be immune to kryptonite radiation.

But the question is what is kryptonite? Is there such a thing on earth?

Fiora Earl looked at Clark Kent who was getting stronger and stronger in the picture. She felt that she, General Zod and others might also be able to shine on the yellow sun and activate their racial talents.

The scene continues.

One day, General Zod and others drove the Black Mist Fortress and finally arrived in the solar system.

They broadcast to humans, asking humans to hand over Kal-El, saying that the other party was hiding among humans, and what would happen if they didn’t hand it over.

When Clark Kent saw this broadcast, he immediately knew that the person coming was one of his own people. He didn’t know if they were simply here to find him, or if they were here to invade the earth.

If it’s the latter, how should he choose?

Are you on the side of humans or on the side of your tribe?

The plot played here, the screen paused, the screen turned black, and a text appeared on it

【Question: Facing General Zod and others who are about to invade the earth, what choice will Kal-El make?】

【A: Pretend not to see it and continue to hide your identity】

【B: Join General Zod and help them occupy the earth】

【C: Decided to protect mankind and fight against the tribesmen who invaded the earth】

【D: He didn’t want to face all this, so he chose to escape, left the earth, and went to a place where no one could find him.】

“Here the silent woman speaks.”

As soon as the question came out, Wanda once again used the Chaos Magic Suppression Method. Fiora Earle, who was silenced and unable to answer the question, glared at Wanda.

Wanda smiled at her.

But her smile In Fiora Earl’s eyes, it was tantamount to a subtle provocation – even if Wanda didn’t mean it, this silencing method was quite indistinguishable between friend and foe. Not only was Fiora silenced by magic,, Diana was also silenced by magic. The only ones who could speak at the scene were Bruce Wayne and John Constantine. Of course, Uganda

, as a spell caster, could also speak. Diana, who could not speak, gave Wanda a fuck Such a good look.

John Constantine marveled:”This kind of magic using language reminds me of a girl who likes to speak backwards.”

Wanda knew who the girl Constantine was talking about was from Gotham. She seemed to be a descendant of Leonardo da Vinci. She was a childhood sweetheart with Bruce Wayne. Her name was Zatanna Zatara.

“Let’s look at this question first.”

Wanda said, she was not going to give up the opportunity to answer the question this time, otherwise she would look strange if she kept not answering the question. She said:”Based on the education Clark Kent received since childhood, I think he has been assimilated mentally. As a member of mankind, he may be confused, but when he really needs to make a choice, he will not escape and will stand on the side of mankind, so I chose C. He decided to protect mankind and fight against the tribesmen who invaded the earth.”

Fiora Earl showed disdain in her eyes. She didn’t think Joelle’s son would betray his tribe and join humans. But the reality is cruel, and Fiora Earl soon realized this.

【Ninian answered correctly, congratulations on getting the reward: Erqit Brunstad’s Fantasy Realization] Wanda has gained the ability to realize fantasy.

This ability has many similarities with chaos magic. Both are able to change reality and modify probability through imagination. However, the upper limit of the ability to manifest fantasy is far less than that of chaos magic, and the scope of influence will not be particularly large. The maximum The upper limit is only to manifest a moon, so it can be regarded as a low-end version of chaos magic.

However, this ability is not without its advantages compared to Chaos Magic. At least when used, it will not be as full of underworld special effects as Chaos Magic. Instead, it will illustrate the harmonious side of nature.

In short, when using this ability, the caster will not look evil, but will make people feel comfortable like an elf of nature.

Wanda raised the corners of her mouth and said,”This ability is pretty good.”

“What kind of ability is this?”

Bruce Wayne started collecting intelligence again. Although the current enemy is the Kryptonians, he never relaxes on his own people. Batman doesn’t even trust himself, let alone others.

“It’s a secret.”

Wanda smiled mischievously and did not answer Bruce Wayne.

Of course, abilities should be kept as trump cards, especially when facing Batman. It is best not to expose them unnecessarily. Her own abilities.

After Wanda finished speaking, she lifted the silencing magic against Fiora and Diana.

Fiora glared at Kal-El in the video and almost cursed him as a traitor.

At the same time, Fiora began to doubt., doubting whether the future played in this question and answer space is accurate. Could this be a human conspiracy?

If it is a human conspiracy, then the human civilization shown in the video is definitely not true, and their technology must be far beyond her imagination. Otherwise, it would be impossible to pull her into this place in an instant.

But Fiora then thought about it and realized that this might not be a human conspiracy. If human technology is really that advanced, Bruce Wayne and others should not be so wary of her.

She took a deep breath, tried hard to suppress the ups and downs in her heart, and continued to watch the video.

This was about the continuation of the Kryptonian civilization and race, and she had to collect more information seriously. [Kneel down naked in the ice and snow to ask for votes].

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