Chapter 126 Wanda’s new vest, Superwoman.

Wanda spent some effort and finally got rid of Harley, and she was inexplicably relieved.

She didn’t go to Wayne Manor to meet Bruce Wayne immediately. It would take Wonder Woman and James Kang the most of the day to get there. She didn’t want to go there early and face that psychopath with excessive persecution disorder..

She plans to first find out if Supergirl exists on Earth 0.

Her eyes spanned the sea of stars in the universe, from the third planet in the solar system in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way in sector 2814 to the wreckage of Krypton in the Andromeda Galaxy in sector 2813, and found the Phantom Zone from there.

It is a special dimensional space created by the Kryptonian civilization using dimensional technology. The flow of time in it is very slow. It is almost forbidden to stay there for just one hour, and the time in the outside universe will pass for a long, long time.

Wanda’s eyes looked around the phantom zone, but she didn’t find Superman’s little cousin Kara inside.

Wanda retracted her gaze from the sea of stars, and then turned her gaze to the earth where she was, looking all over the planet for traces of Kara Zor-El.

Midvale, Kansas, where Kara doesn’t exist.

Wanda frowned, she wasn’t sure exactly where Kara’s origins were.

There are still many origins of Supergirl. Wanda remembers that there is a darker setting in her origin. The reason why she was sent to Earth by her parents was to hunt down Superman. This was due to family feud.

I hope the origin here is not that.

In order to find Kara, Wanda uses the Kryptonian bloodline previously copied from Fiora as a medium to divine all the Kryptonians still alive in the universe.

In fact, there are quite a few Kryptonians still alive, and General Zod is only a very small part of them. The real place where Kryptonians are overflowing is in Kandor, the city in a bottle built by the artificial intelligence Brainiac. They were shrunk and hit by Brainiac. In a bottle as a collectible.

When Wanda looked over, she saw Kara’s father Zor-El in Brainiac’s bottle city. He was transformed into a mechanical superman by the artificial intelligence villain Brainiac.

But Kara is not in the bottle city. Wanda continued to divine.

Finally, she discovered a small spaceship between the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way. It was”slowly” approaching the Milky Way, and a girl was sitting in it.

That was a fifteen-year-old girl. She was hibernating in that small spaceship. At the speed of that spaceship, it would still take three or four years before she could fly to Earth.

Interestingly, her appearance is exactly the same as the one from Earth-38 in the Arrowverse.

Wanda withdrew her gaze. She did not plan to bring Kara to the earth in advance for the time being, so she would just let her float in the universe. She wanted to borrow Kara’s identity.

She transformed into 15-year-old Kara Zor-El, then tore open a space door and went to a place light-year ahead of the Black Fortress route of General Zod and others.

Then she copied Supergirl’s little spaceship, got in it herself, and pretended to be in hibernation…….

Black Mist Fortress.

Fiora Howell, who returned from the Q&A space, immediately reported the information she obtained from the Q&A space to General Zod.

General Zod thought Fiora’s experience was bizarre, but he didn’t ask too much about the origin of the question and answer space. Since the future was broadcast to them there, the most important thing they had to do was to avoid that bad future.

He immediately ordered his subordinates:”First go and find a yellow sun nearby.”

He wanted himself and the less than ten tribesmen left in the Black Mist Fortress to shine on the yellow sun to gain strong strength first, and then go The M

ilky Way is looking for Earth.

The pilot of the Black Mist Fortress received the order and was about to execute it when something was detected through the detection device. He hurriedly reported to General Zod:”General, a spacecraft was detected about one light-year ahead, marked as Creation of our Kryptonian civilization”


General Zod and Fiora ran to the driver immediately and looked at the detection information displayed on the screen. Both of them were a little excited.

Since the destruction of their home planet, General Zod and the others escaped from the Phantom Zone and transformed. After the Black Mist Fortress, they have been searching the universe for the spacecraft that the Kryptonian civilization sent out for scientific research, trying to find more survivors. Unfortunately, they have not found any after searching for so long.

Now they are suspected of finding other survivors. So excited. General Zod immediately ordered to move closer.

Not long after, Black Mist Fortress approached the small spacecraft and captured it.

General Zod, Fiora, and several other Kryptonians came to the landing module. Looking at the small spacecraft made by the captured Kryptonian civilization.

The door of the small spacecraft was opened by General Zod’s subordinates, and everyone saw a girl wearing the uniform of the El family hibernating inside the spacecraft.

“I recognize her, she’s Zoel’s daughter…”

General Zod said

“General, if the information I got in the Q&A space is correct, she may have also been to the Q&A space.”

Fiora said

“Wake her up first.”

General Zod ordered one of his subordinates.

The subordinate nodded, entered the small spacecraft, operated the spacecraft, and started the thawing process. Not long after, Wanda, who was pretending to be Kara, was”awakened”.

She rubbed She sat up with her head bowed and looked around in confusion. She looked at General Zod and the others, frowned and said,”I’ve seen you guys in the news. You started the Z-change.””

“It was for salvation. At that time, we learned the truth about Krypton’s impending explosion in advance, but the council decided to hide it from the people. I wanted to save more people, but they stopped me.”

General Zod said with a sad look.

Wanda in the Kara vest jumped out of the small spaceship. She looked around and asked,”Are we the only survivors left?”

“No, there is also your cousin. He was sent to a place in the Milky Way called Earth. He carries the Gene Center Book on him. We need to find him.”

General Zod is still happy to talk to”Kara” about the current situation.

So far, there are not many surviving Kryptonians, and each of them is an extremely important human resource.

Wanda in the Kara vest seems to have heard As if she had some bad news, her expression darkened, and she said to several people

“I know a great place where we can build a new home”

“Where? asked Fiora. 5.7

“Some time ago, I was selected by some mysterious force and went to a strange place, where I gained an ability that allowed me to open a portal to a new universe. That universe was still very young and full of planets suitable for life.”

Wanda was talking about, of course, the universe she created. She wanted to have multiple Kryptonian civilizations in her pocket universe. That would be interesting.

General Zod and Fiora immediately thought of what Kara said. The strange part is probably the question and answer space.

She was able to tell such information, and the two of them were very pleased. Her words are definitely good news for these Kryptonians. If they can get a new home, they will There is no need to occupy the earth, just find Kal-El. This way the risk can be greatly reduced.

【This is the fifth update, there will be an additional chapter later, please vote].

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