Chapter 144 The Green Hat returns to Star City.

Wanda’s secret laboratory.

Felicity and Wanda finished talking about the Q&A space and then talked about Thea:”Thea has gained such powerful abilities, do you think we should bring her into our team?”

“If you want to invite her to join, you can try it”

“That works.”

Felicity immediately went to the computer nearby and connected to Wanda’s supercomputer through this computer. Using the computing power of the supercomputer, she exerted her hacking ability and easily hacked into Thea Quinn’s personal mobile phone. number.

Felicity took out her cell phone and dialed Thea Quinn’s number.

The call was connected, and Thea’s voice came from the other end:”Who is it?”

“It’s me, Felicity, can you talk now?”

“There’s no one next to me”

“Wanda and I are superheroes, and you are no longer an ordinary person. We would like to invite you to join our team.”

“Be a superhero?”


“It seemed interesting, I agreed.”

“So are you free now? Come to our place.”

“Yes, where are you?”

“we are at……”

Felicity gave her address.

043 Two minutes later, a spiral space vortex appeared out of thin air in the secret laboratory. Thea Queen emerges from the space vortex.

When Felicity saw this scene, she said with envy:”Is this the power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan? It’s so cool.”

Thea Queen said proudly:”My eyes are very powerful.”

She As he spoke, he looked at this place curiously:”Is this your base? It looks like a laboratory.”

“We are different from you. Our equipment is developed with technology.”

“Can I have a look?”


Wanda showed Thea Queen the magical effect of the mirage ball. This miraculous technology made Thea stunned. The little girl also wanted to show herself, and she also showed her power to the two of them. The ability of the Mangekyou Sharingan. This time it was Felicity’s turn to be dumbfounded.

After some exchange of abilities, the relationship between the three of them became closer. From this day on, another superhero in Star City made his debut.

Until a month The next day, major news media began to report that Oliver Queen was back.

As soon as Thea learned that her brother was back, she ran to see her brother.

It was now morning, Feli Sheedy is working at Quinn Group, and Wanda is the only one with nothing to do.

She is not in a hurry to return to Marvel. Although time flows at the same speed at Marvel and DC, this actually does not make sense to Wanda, regardless of her No matter how long she stays in the DC Arrowverse, when she returns, she can travel through time and space back to the day when she left. To the people over there, it is as if she has never left. This is how she can feel at ease. The main reason why you can’t go home after playing outside.

The return of Oliver Queen of the Arrowverse to Star City also means that the curtain of the Arrowverse has begun.

Wonderful stories will follow one after another. Wanda is reluctant to leave so early……

At Queen Manor, Thea saw that her brother Oliver had finished chatting with his mother, so she ran over and took Oliver to the other side, and asked him in a low voice:”Oliver, did you go to a place called Alcatraz Island?”

Oliver Queen was stunned.:”How do you know?”

If his sister always knew where he was, why didn’t he tell his mother that he was sti

ll alive and go there to pick him up as soon as possible?

Is there any conspiracy in this? How can this be!

Thea was just a little kid when he disappeared. How could such a young Thea have such a mind.

Seeing Oliver’s surprised look, Thea knew that the Q&A video was real. She said,”You may not believe it, but a month ago, I went to a magical place…….”

Thea spoke to Oliver about her experience in the Q&A space.

Oliver Queen was stunned after hearing this. The question and answer space sounds very unreal.

That night, Oliver went to a nightclub with his good friend Tommy Merlin and was kidnapped.

Oliver, who had already learned about this from his sister in advance, was not panicked at all, because Oliver knew that the two friends his sister had mentioned would appear.

Sure enough, rescue came not long after she and Tommy were kidnapped.

They were three women wearing masks. Oliver recognized one of them by her figure as his sister. He was a little worried about his sister’s safety, but he soon gave up.

The three masked heroines, including her sister, may not be very skilled, but their abilities are really weird. When they fight, they look like they are in a horror movie, with special effects from the underworld.

The people who kidnapped him and Tommy were all frightened and fainted without exception.

Oliver was speechless and found that his good friend Tommy Merlin was also frightened and fainted. He was obviously not targeting him, but he could still be frightened. It can only be said that his courage needs to be improved.

After all the enemies were stunned, Oliver and Tommy Merlin were saved.

Thea Quinn took off her mask and proudly said to her brother:”Oliver, I’m awesome.”

“Although I don’t want you to be a superhero, but yes, you are very powerful.”

“I like this life very much and I don’t need your advice on my life.”

Thea said.

Oliver smiled bitterly. She looked at the two masked women next to Thea and asked,”Who are you two?”

Wanda and Felicity took off their masks and introduced themselves to Oliver. Everyone knew each other.

“I’m still against my sister becoming a superhero, but since it’s her choice, I hope you can take good care of her”

“Don’t worry, Thea is so cute, just like my sister, how could she be harmed. Felicity smiled.

“Oliver, are you ready to become a superhero? Why not come to our base, where the equipment is complete and we can design a set of equipment for you.”

Thea Quinn said

“Let’s talk about this later. I’ll send Tommy back first.”

Everyone separated here.

As for the group of kidnappers lying on the ground who were scared to death and fainted, of course they should call the police station and ask them to clean up. It would be better than the end of being killed by Oliver in the original time and space.

Original In time and space, when Oliver was the Green Arrow, he was usually chasing criminals and the police were chasing him. Who told him to kill anyone? This is good now. If Oliver has never killed anyone, the police will treat him. The vigilante turns a blind eye and closes a blind eye

【I had a high fever and thought I was positive, but when I found out it was not the case, I breathed a sigh of relief. But it’s still very uncomfortable. Please allow me to take a day off. Updates will resume tomorrow and will be updated the day after tomorrow.】

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