Chapter 154 Is Dr. Wells the culprit?

【Thea Quinn answered correctly, congratulations on your reward: Madara Uchiha’s physique. 】

The first time she received this reward, Thea Quinn found that the burden on her body from her eternal kaleidoscope eyes disappeared, and at the same time, a large amount of energy appeared in her body-that was chakra.

At the same time, the introduction of Uchiha Madara came to Thea Quinn’s mind.

However, Thea Quinn only obtained Uchiha Madara’s physique and chakra, and it was the physique after being integrated into Hashirama’s cells, but she did not obtain the opponent’s combat experience and ninjutsu.

But just having this physique makes Thea Quinn’s Sharingan burden disappear, and she can use it without restraint in the future. If Thea is smart enough and realizes what the chakra in her body can do, she might be able to develop her own jutsu. But if she doesn’t realize it, it can only be said to be a waste of talent.

Seeing that Thea answered correctly, Cisco Ramon fell silent again.

It was possible that Dr. Harrison Wells, whom he admired and even regarded as a father figure, was not who he thought he was, and this made him feel heavy.

He wanted to say that Wanda’s analysis was wrong, but he couldn’t find a more reasonable explanation so far.

The magic shown in the question and answer space cannot be faked. Although it is impossible to judge whether Wanda’s analysis is true or false from this question, this question at least proves that there is something wrong with Dr. Harrison Wells.

Caitlin Snow was also a little surprised. Dr. Harrison Wells, a kind person, should not be like Wanda’s analysis……..Bar?

Caitlin Snow refused to believe it, but her inner personality believed it, and then her outer and inner personalities switched between each other, and her whole person immediately turned dark.

Her boyfriend died in a particle accelerator explosion. Although it was later proven that he was not dead, if Wanda’s analysis is correct, then Harrison Wells, who deliberately contributed to the accident, was definitely the culprit of her boyfriend’s tragedy. The culprit, how could she remain calm after learning this.

Killer Frost appears.

At this moment, a large amount of heat in the question and answer space was absorbed by Caitlin, and the temperature here began to drop.

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the direction where the cold air was coming from, and saw that Caitlin’s smooth flaxen hair was gradually turning white from the roots. Not only did the color of her hair change, but the color of her eyelashes, lips, and eyes also changed to white.

Everyone was surprised by Caitlin Snow’s change. Sisko thought of something and asked tentatively:”Are you still Caitlin?”

“I am Frost.”

Killer Frost said coldly.

Damn it, Caitlin really has a second personality, and this second personality is much more powerful than Caitlin herself. Is it absorbing heat or releasing cold air? Well, Sisko feels that his brain I smoked it. Isn’t this the same thing?

“All offensive behavior is prohibited in the Q&A space, and violators will be thrown out. If you absorb heat like this, the system will judge it as illegal.”

Wanda reminded Frost.

Killer Frost has restrained her coldness. Although her character is very cold and unreasonable, she will not make trouble unreasonably. The main character is such a smart academic, how can her IQ be low?, sh

e is also able to assess the situation.

The temperature in the Q&A space gradually began to warm up, but Bingshuang still had the same pure white and icy look, as if no strangers were allowed to enter.

“I’m going to kill Harrison Wells.”

Bingshuang said coldly

“The most important thing you have to do is calm down. The previous ones are just my reasoning and may not be correct.”

Wanda shook her head. The Q&A video continued to play.

–After testing, Caitlin and others learned that Barry Allen could easily run at a speed of Mach 2.

Barry Allen, who was running during the test, found that as he accelerated, yellow lightning appeared around him, which reminded him of one of the two lightning bolts that appeared in his home on the day his mother died.

Because of these thoughts, he was distracted and did not pay attention to the obstacle in front of him, so he crashed into it, causing multiple fractures in his body.

Fortunately, his body’s recovery ability is also at the level of a speedster. This kind of injury that would require an ordinary person to lie in bed for several months, he recovered not long after he was brought back to the Star Laboratory.

Later, a criminal with superpowers appeared in the city, and he seemed to be able to control the weather.

After all, Barry Allen fought with the super-powered criminal named Weather Wizard by Cisco Ramon.

When the Weather Wizard set off a violent tornado and prepared to destroy Central City, Barry Allen also broke out. By running in reverse circles under the tornado, he offset the air kinetic energy of the tornado, and finally defeated the Weather Wizard and successfully turned the tide.

It was also from this day that The Flash was born. The screen ends here

“You all answered the questions, but I didn’t. The Q&A live broadcast ended just like this. No, when the next live Q&A starts, I want to be the first to answer the question.”

Felicity Smoak is anxious.

“Don’t worry, I’ll let you answer first next time.”

Thea Quinn, who has won a grand prize, said in a great mood.

Wanda waved, and the Penglai doll in Thea Quinn’s arms returned to Wanda’s shoulders. This doll is so cute, Wang Tatsuya liked Tatsuya very much, but he had no intention of giving it away.

After the Q&A live broadcast, everyone was teleported back to their previous places. Wanda and Caitlin Snow returned to the latter’s home at the same time.

Caitlin Snow After returning, she automatically restored Caitlin’s appearance from Killer Frost’s inner personality.

Caitlin said:”I must find out the truth of the matter.”

“What are you going to do?”

Wanda asked her

“Still thinking”

“By the way, you quickly call Cisco Ramon and tell him not to test Dr. Wells. If the other party really has a problem, his life may be in danger.”

Wanda said.

Caitlin quickly took out her mobile phone and called Cisco Ramon.

Half a minute later, she hung up the phone and said to Wanda:”Cisco said he wanted to meet with us in private.”



“Then I’ll contact Felicity”

“As for Thea, you and Felicity both know her, right? Aren’t you going to contact her?”

“She lives in Star City, California, which is far away from here.”

Half an hour later, Wanda, Caitlin, Felicity, and Cisco met in a coffee shop.

【Today I am going to make an update, and I will make an update very hard. Don’t be stingy with your votes, kneel down and beg for votes].

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