Chapter 172 Marvel Independent Universe?.

Alitham observed humans for a few more days before making the final judgment that human civilization has the value of continuing to exist. This relieved everyone.

Alithem, who had finished judging humans, found the Eternal Race Sersi on the earth. The reason for the trial was that Sersi killed the son of the god.

Seeing that Circe was about to be judged, Ikaris, Tina, Ajak, Water Elf, Phastos, Macari, Gilgamesh and others came one after another. They interceded with Ali Semu for Circe.

Only the rebellious druid is absent.

Wanda noticed this, so she ran over and took the initiative to become Circe’s defender. How to argue?

Of course she was telling lies with her eyes open. She said to Alitham:”Cersi is my believer, and my name is registered in the Court of Life. If you want to judge my believers, you need to go through the process of the Court of Life.

” In response to this situation, Judge Alitham’s brain almost died.

He could somewhat tell that the Scarlet Witch’s life level in front of him was extremely high. He couldn’t see exactly how high it was, but at least it was on the same level as his behind-the-scenes boss, the Eternal God.

Based on the behavioral logic of choosing the lesser of two evils, Arithem gave up the trial of Cirsi because it was not worthy, and finally Ali 09 Them left the earth.

Wanda’s action of saving Circe earned the friendship of the Eternals.

Wanda saw Circe standing there looking thoughtful, so she asked her:”What are you thinking about?”

“I’m wondering if I should really believe in you.

Said Circe

“That was just what he said to fool Alitham.”

Wanda was speechless.

Circe smiled. She stopped thinking about those messy things and thanked Wanda:”Thank you, Wanda.”

“We are friends, you don’t have to be polite to me”…

For the next month, Wanda stayed at home with Qin and didn’t go anywhere. Until one month later.

She is ready to go to other planes to continue spreading her will and power.

She had a hunch that as long as she spread her will and power to two or three more planes, she would be able to initially complete a breakthrough. By then, she would not need to run around, and she would be able to spread her will and power outward across the planes.

Speaking of which, it had been a while since she had returned to the world of her previous life. She planned to go back and have a look, and spread her will and power there.

She used the plane transfer function of the question and answer space to return to the world of her previous life.

While she was spreading her power here, she was sensing the clone that had stayed here.

The clone was created using chaos magic when she came here last time. The clone became who she was in her previous life and acted as her in this world.

The clone has no memory of the original body, and is closer to an independent individual without supernatural powers. The purpose of its existence is to replace Wanda’s filial piety to her parents in the previous life.

Through observation, Wanda found that the clone did a pretty good job and perfectly played the role of herself in her previous life. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the clone, Wanda stopped paying attention to him.

Wanda returned to her previous appearance and went home to spend a few days with her parents.

While spending time with her parents, she also used these few days to successfully infiltrate the home plane of her previous life and all parallel time and space, giving birth to a peer in each time and space.

Her will now spreads across four planes. Marvel, DC, Naruto, hometown in previous lives.

The”Wanda’s Will” in the four planes are connected to each other, promote each other, and amplify each other, which further enhances Wanda’s power. She can perceive more and more unknown planes that she has never been to.

She looked for a nearby plane and wanted to see if

she could infiltrate that plane and have her peers be born there without going there.

This attempt failed. Still a little short of that.

Wanda had a hunch that when the planes she was immersed in reached five, she would be able to do this kind of thing. Then she would not have to run around, she would only need to find a place to retreat once, and slowly spread her power to All the multiverses in the super-large universe will allow themselves to break through to the super-large universe level. At that time, she will be infinitely close to omniscience and omnipotence.

In order to have a more ceremonial feel, Wanda is preparing to use her own power to travel through dimensions.

She let go of her dimensional perception with all her strength, found a plane in the”periphery”, broke through the void and traveled through it…….

There were no accidents during the crossing and it was a success easily.

This also means that she can travel without the power of the question and answer space. The plane she arrived in also existed on Earth, and she landed on Earth.

The first thing she did on Advent’s side was observe. After all, before coming here, she didn’t know which world this was or whether any of the stories she was familiar with happened. Through observation, Wanda’s eyes widened.

She discovered that this place was actually an independent Marvel universe isolated from the Marvel multiverse. There is no parallel time and space here, nor is it a multiverse pattern.

Is this a universe that was ripped out of the Marvel multiverse by some being?

Wanda began to observe the world more carefully. By observing the past and future here, she discovered that this Marvel independent universe is a Marvel hodgepodge.

Marvel movies, Marvel spin-offs, Marvel comics, and a series of Marvel stories will be staged here. But there are differences.

Wanda thinks there may be a time traveler here who is familiar with the plot and has a golden finger.

She observed a suspicious guy, and his fate was almost diverted to her grandma’s house.

The opponent is the mutant Anna Marie, codenamed Rakshasa and nicknamed Little Naughty. Her ability is to gain the vitality and abilities of other people through physical touch.

This Miss Anna Marie did not follow Wolverine to join Professor

In addition to different life trajectories, the other party’s abilities are also somewhat different.

In normal Marvel time and space, Anna Marie can only temporarily gain the abilities of others through physical contact. But in this Marvel world, which is isolated into an independent universe, she can permanently retain the abilities she acquired from others.

She is not an Omega-level mutant, but an Alpha-level mutant. Her ability to achieve this level obviously has little to do with her own X gene.

She has a golden finger!

Wanda tried to read her mind remotely and pry into her secrets, but this prying was blocked by some power inside her.

The mysterious power that blocked her prying eyes caused a stress reaction and turned into a torrent of energy that was unknown and invisible to ordinary people, surging towards Wanda.

In Wanda’s perception, this unknown force actually surpassed the level of the single universe and reached the level of the multiverse.

Before she figured out what the other party was, Wanda didn’t want to be discovered by the other party for the time being, so she disappeared from the place and temporarily merged with Wanda, the peer in this world who was almost disconnected from herself, to avoid the gaze of that mysterious force..

The unknown force didn’t find her, so it began to spread to the entire planet and the entire universe, constantly searching for her whereabouts. Without attracting the other party’s attention, Wanda quietly analyzed the unknown power that emanated from Anna Marie and enveloped the entire universe.

【PS: Don’t worry, there won’t be any bloody plot】【Please vote].

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