Chapter 174 Yes, I am a witch.

Seeing how cowardly the other party was, Wanda gave up her previous plan.

She let go of her hatred, left the”Hated Universe” and found a new, unknown plane nearby to observe. This new plane is a multiverse level plane.

Through observation, Wanda determined that this was the Hasbro universe.


【Stories such as”Special Forces Cobra” all happened here.

The Hasbro Multiverse includes not only the Hasbro Cinematic Universe, but also the Hasbro Comic Universe. Wanda of the Hasbro Comic Universe was very interested in the story of [Transformers], so she came to Hasbro The Transformers Cinematic Universe in the multiverse, with a specific address of Duluth, California.

This city is where Sam Witwicky, the hero, and Mikayla Baynes, the heroine, live in the Transformers story. The time when Wanda chose to come was before the beginning of the first Transformers story.

She used Chaos Magic to change her appearance from a twenties-year-old to a sixteen- or seventeen-year-old high school student. She gained an identity in this world by modifying reality, and became a transfer student and enrolled as the protagonist and heroine. The school where you are……

When we come to the world of Transformers, if we don’t have a cool sports car, we always feel that there is something missing, so Wanda drives a supercar to school.

Students who can drive supercars these days, regardless of whether they are male or female, will definitely become the most beautiful girls and boys on campus.

Wanda, who came to school in a red Ferrari supercar, unsurprisingly became the center of attention on the campus. Everyone was speculating as to which rich family she would be.

Wanda parked the car, and under the curious eyes of the students around her, went to the principal’s office and completed the enrollment procedures.

She was assigned to the class where the hero and heroine were. The teacher asked her to go on stage to introduce herself, and Wanda walked up. All the students in the class had heard that a beautiful transfer student came to school in a supercar. They all realized that this might be the beautiful girl who drove a supercar, and everyone was very interested in her.

Wanda stood on the podium and introduced herself:”My name is Wanda Maximoff, from Salem, Massachusetts. My ancestor was a party in the Salem Witch Trials. Her name is Agatha Hart.” Nice, she was originally a local pharmacist, but because the medicine was so effective in curing diseases, it was considered witchcraft, and she was burned to death.”

Wanda began to add a personality to herself again.

Modern young people are actually interested in these magical things. When they heard that Wanda’s ancestors were parties in the Salem Witch Trials, they became extremely interested.

A rich second-generation classmate who thought he was handsome asked,”Beauty, do you know how to do witchcraft?””

“Yes, I can still curse you to be unlucky today.”

Wanda said with a smile.

As a result, the whole class burst into laughter.

But suddenly, the stool leg under the butt of the rich second generation who thought he was handsome suddenly broke, and he fell to the ground with a sound. The class was laughing in the audience. There was silence for a moment.

Wanda said with a smile:”This classmate, if you want to avoid bad luck, there is only one way, and that is to stand on the playground during class and shout three times that I am a pig. The rich second generation, who thought he was handsome, stood up with a confused look on his face and said suspiciously:”Coincidence, this must be a c


As a result, the lamp on the ceiling above him came loose and suddenly fell, hitting him directly on the head and knocking him unconscious.

Silence, the whole class was as silent as death.

Even the person who asked Wanda to come to the podium to introduce herself The teacher also looked like he had his mouth wide open. Was once a coincidence, and twice also a coincidence?

Could this beautiful transfer student who drives a supercar really be a legendary witch? After that, the one who thought she was handsome The rich second generation was carried to the infirmary.

And Wanda, of course, was given the title of the mysterious witch by the whole class.

If this was the Middle Ages, then the people around her would definitely be disgusted with being called the mysterious witch.

“The existence of the name of witch cannot be avoided. But this is not ancient times, but modern times. The young people in this era are very courageous. Instead of scaring people, Wanda aroused the interest of a lot of people.”

No, as soon as class was over, many male and female students gathered around and asked Wanda if she was really good at witchcraft and wanted her to perform some witchcraft or magic.

“There is no witchcraft, it was all a coincidence before.”

Wanda said.

But no one believed her explanation. If once was a coincidence, would it be a coincidence twice?….

Unknowingly, the time came to noon.

Wanda walked out of the teaching building with her new friend Michaela Baines. Michaela kept asking Wanda about things related to witchcraft, and she was very curious about this.

Wanda talked about some knowledge that seemed mysterious but was actually not mysterious at all, which stunned Michaela.

Michaela has good looks, fashionable clothes, and a better figure, especially the long legs under the shorts that are extremely slender and slender, and the legs are in the New Year series.

Wanda’s evaluation of her was that she looked very eye-catching.

Separating from Michaela on the playground, Wanda walked to the campus parking lot, drove her stylish red Ferrari supercar, and drove out of the school under the envious eyes of a large group of classmates.

She rented a villa nearby, and this place would be her temporary home in this world. Back home, Wanda was ready to cause trouble.

She kicked off a Q&A livestream from the Transformers Cinematic Universe. Wanda and Michaela appeared in the question and answer space.

Just the two of them, no male protagonist.

Michaela, who suddenly came to this strange space, thought she had been abducted by aliens. She was relieved when she saw Wanda here too.

Even if you are abducted by aliens, if you can have an acquaintance with you to help you with your misfortune, you can feel some comfort, right? But aliens and stuff are too nonsense. Michaela thinks this may be Wanda, the witch’s method.

“What is this place?” she asked Wanda

“I don’t know where this place is, and I suddenly appeared here just like you.”

Wanda deliberately showed doubts

“Could it be that we were abducted by aliens?”

Mikayla’s eyes widened. She was not scared by this incident, but looked eager to try.

Mikayla’s style is bold, which is reflected in the movie. At this time, in the Q&A space, sound sounded

【Welcome to the multiverse Q&A space. ......】

【This space will randomly select people from different places. Come here to become a lucky viewer and participate in the video Q&A.】

【There are rewards for correct answers and penalties for wrong answers.】

【Now, the question answering officially begins, please watch the video. 】

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