Chapter 191 My peer is a goddess.

Crimson, who had condensed her spiritual energy, came out of seclusion happily.

She searched around outside but couldn’t find Wanda.

So she tried to speak to the”Wanda Planet” under her feet:”Dear, are you there?”

“Here I am.”

Wanda appeared out of thin air.

Seeing her, Scarlet rushed forward happily and hugged her:”I succeeded, I have my own origin.”

“I know”

“Do you want to see my new abilities?”

Crimson asked expectantly.


Wanda said with a smile

“Then take a look.”

Crimson let go of Wanda and cast psychic magic in front of Wanda.

With the activation of psychic magic, with Scarlet as the center, skyscrapers rose up one kilometer around. Here Soon it turned into a scene in Times Square, New York.

This is the effect of psychic magic, creating a form invisibly. At first glance, it looks a bit like a fantasy, and a bit like modifying reality. But this is not modifying reality, but It is a change based on the original reality. This change is not permanent and requires ability to maintain. Once Crimson stops casting spells, everything will return to its original state.

This is no longer simply an omniscient ability, but an all-powerful one. Hanging on the side, I can only say that the plan is not changing quickly.

It depends on which direction Scarlet will choose to evolve in the future. There will always be a focus. If you want to move forward on the two paths of omniscience and omnipotence at the same time, the progress will be will be much slower

“Can your ability only affect a one kilometer diameter range?”

Wanda asked

“This is already great, okay? Why does it sound like you are disappointed in your words?”

Crimson said dissatisfied. She was proud of herself for being able to do such a thing.

In Crimson’s opinion, such an ability is no worse than Chaos Magic.

She has not realized the limits of Chaos Magic yet and only thinks of modifying reality. Creating a Westview Town out of thin air is her limit. If she compares it with this so-called”limit”, it is indeed not as good as her current psychic magic. At least the latter is effortless to use and she can do whatever she wants.

“Okay, okay, you are the best.”

Wanda pinched her blushing cheeks.

“You are too perfunctory”

“Let’s discuss your next stage, how to strengthen your psychic origin.”

“I don’t want to think about that for the time being. Come and accompany me now.” said scarlet red

“OK, OK, let’s go back to the castle.”

The two entered the castle and did not walk out of the castle until three days later.

Three days later, Scarlet’s cheeks were rosy and shiny. It was obvious that she had been well moisturized in the previous three days. Wanda and Scarlet were walking hand in hand near the castle. Taking a walk while exchanging topics about abilities

“Your spiritual origin is closely related to your heart and soul. I can probably think of two ways to strengthen your origin.”

“what way?”

“The first is to be a magic stick, pretend to be a goddess, let others believe in you, and strengthen your spiritual energy by absorbing the power of belief. After the people who believe in you die, you can take away their souls and send them to the Kingdom of God, so that they can continue to provide you with faith and the soul power released from their souls in the Kingdom of God – but you must use this In this way, you still need a kingdom of gods. Can I help you as a goddess?”

Crimson is very interested in this matter.

Being a goddess or something sounds very interesting. Even if you just pretend to be a goddess. Just listen to Wanda continue to say:”The second method is to create you in a different parallel time and space. As a psychic peer, you can integrate your psychic rules into each universe and draw on the power of the universe itself to strengthen yourself. The effect of improvement in this way will be very fast, but you can’t do it on your own. You also need my help. Which one do you choose?”

“The earth in this world is still in the age of dinosaurs. Even if I want to be a preacher, I don’t have the conditions.”

“I can create a door to another world in our castle. You can go to the other w

orld to preach through that door, and you can come back at any time through that door.”

Wanda said

“Just do it!”

Crimson red nodded again and again.

“Okay, let’s go back to the castle.”

Wanda created a plane portal in the castle.

This portal connects to the European Middle Ages in a parallel time and space in Wanda’s previous life.

At the same time, Wanda also created a soul world for Scarlet and integrated it into In Scarlet’s heart, she regarded it as her kingdom of God. After the portal was built, Scarlet couldn’t wait to get ready to set off.

Before she left, Wanda warned her:”When you go there, don’t forget the way back., the position of the portal will not change.”

Crimson nodded, and then got into the portal…….

Arriving in medieval Europe in the New World, Scarlet began her career as a”goddess”.

She will show miracles in front of some people, gain believers, and let the believers build temples and churches for herself without wasting money or people.

Her”goddess” can be seen and touched, and she also possesses powerful power. Because of this, she only developed there for a short period of time, and then…

“The cross religion [Tian Chu Jiao] homophonic” has been excluded from the European continent……

Of course, she is not just cutting leeks. After all, Scarlet Hong is still a kind girl and she is doing practical things.

For example, she created a kind of holy water that can cure most diseases. This holy water will be generated out of thin air in every church dedicated to her, forming a pool.

The medical conditions in ancient times were not good, and what may appear to be minor illnesses to modern people could be life-threatening in ancient times.

The emergence of this kind of holy water, which can be called a panacea, has undoubtedly saved many lives, which has allowed Crimson to gain more believers.

The believers’ belief in her gradually strengthens her spiritual energy. Although the growth rate is not fast, it is better than ever. Scarlet is very keen on being a goddess. Except for returning to”Planet Wanda” through the portal every once in a while, she spends the rest of her time preaching in this world.

About thirty years have passed, and Crimson has become the goddess of common belief among human civilizations on this planet. In order to gain more faith, Scarlet encouraged his followers to have more children and increase the rate of population reproduction. But as the population increases, new problems continue to emerge.

The productivity in ancient times was far less than that in modern times. The more people there were, the more mouths they had to eat. If the productivity couldn’t keep up, people wouldn’t have enough to eat. Scarlet is like a fire brigade, running to wherever there is a problem and constantly solving problems.

Gradually, she developed many high-yielding crop varieties, and she also began to educate believers on how steel is made. Under Crimson’s intervention, human civilization on that planet gradually began to evolve from a feudal society to a transformation.

Three hundred years later, the Industrial Revolution.

Crimson’s psionic 4.1 magic source has more than doubled through her efforts during this period. She can now use psionic magic to interfere in an area of 2 kilometers in diameter.

And this only took less than a few hundred years.

Well, this speed is actually not fast, but Scarlet is very satisfied with this improvement, because she has gained a lot of things in the process of improvement that she did not have before.

【PS: Recently I heard that an author offered a reward for more updates but was unable to satisfy it, and finally refused to pay it back. I really feel sorry for his readers. You should learn from me. I never offer rewards. I will add updates when I want! Because I think that if the author adds more chapters, more readers will fall in love with him, so as an author, shouldn’t he do his best to add more chapters for no reason?】

【PS: I have been working hard and will never let readers down. I guarantee five updates a day and never miss a post. Seeing how hard I work, would you readers’ fathers be embarrassed not to give me monthly votes and flowers? 】.

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