American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 116: give him love and strength

  Chapter 116 Give him love and strength

Tommy Hawk wore a custom-made suit made of expensive fabrics, a blue polka-dot tie, shaved his beard, and combed his hair into a greasy head. He walked into the live broadcast room with a smile on his face, but this outfit made him look Like a sudden rich upstart.

Susan stood up, gave Tommy a strong hug, then turned to look at everyone, and said with a bright smile: "It's him, Tommy Hawk, who changed my destiny! Soon, he will change you Your destiny will allow you to have a brand new life!"

"Thank you Susan, thank you for your introduction." Tommy thoughtfully supported Susan until she left, then sat on the sofa and looked at Bob with a smile: "I don't know why you called me up , I was having fun watching backstage, and I didn't even know what to say to the camera."

   "You don't know what to say? Talk about OSS, and your dream..." Bob said with a smile.

"I'm from the east coast, we east coast guys don't love romance and fantasy like west coast guys, we like to be more practical, that is, in anything, doing is more important than talking, there is nothing to talk about, I've done OSS , and leave the rest to the audience. The audience are smart people who know how to distinguish between true and false, good and evil. They have independent eyes and independent brains. They are free citizens of this land and can decide anything by themselves. Be the master of this land, and never be swayed by others." Tommy shook his head, interrupted Bob, and looked calmly at the audience and said:

  "My mother often said to me that only God can make you kneel down in the dust, but it's a pity that he never came here. It's not that he abandoned us, but he gave us true freedom."

After saying this sentence, dozens of spectators in the audience applauded loudly. This is a sentence that most Americans in Florida are used to saying. It began when President Lincoln tried to abolish slavery. The words spoken to President Lincoln have now become the slogans used by the middle and lower classes in Florida to fight against the power of the government, regardless of race.

  Being able to say this sentence, at least this college student looks like one of his own.

"Susan said you..." Bob saw the actors in the audience clapping vigorously. He swore that it was not a plot arrangement, but a spontaneous behavior of these country people. When making a speech, as long as they say this classic line from Florida people, they feel that the other party is standing with them and is inseparable.

   After the applause stopped, Bob continued to ask: "Susan said you are from the country."

Tommy nodded, looking at the audience all the time, and said in his mouth: "Susan is very concerned about my image. She thinks that I saved her, but she just saved herself. If people don't take the initiative to change, others There is nothing anyone can do to help her, so she won't say anything bad about me. I can tell you honestly that I am not only from the country, but also an out-and-out jerk, just like the son you love and hate Or that stupid and lecherous kid from the neighbor’s house, who dressed himself as Batman in junior high school, and thoughtfully prepared a Robin costume for his date, but was treated as mentally handicapped by the dated girl, and ended up **** up his first date. Once on a date, when I was in high school, my classmates and I tried every means to sneak into an adult bar to meet the world, secretly opened a small movie channel without telling the family, set the alarm clock in the middle of the night, got up on time and got up to peek... To tell you the truth, I have all these stupid things I have done it, and I am very good at it. Of course, the price is that my father is also very good at teaching me. He can even lie on the sofa with his eyes closed, and use the slippers on his feet to accurately kick his **** five meters away. I ass..."

  The people in the audience laughed happily again.

Hearing the familiar laughter from the people below, Tommy looked at Bob, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Damn! These people in the audience look similar to my parents. I can't say a commercial to them. It feels too good." Strange, Bob, can you imagine that you go back to your parents' house, and then take out a gadget you made yourself, and tell them seriously, this is a commodity, you only need 49.99 yuan, and you can change your fate? Stop making trouble, I even feel that someone in the audience is ready to stand up and kick my ass, Dad, you are here, right?"

"Look at these people, they are as simple, sincere, and hearty as my parents. My mother was an ordinary housewife, but she died when I was sixteen. My father was a shipbreaker. He worked hard to earn money to raise me. I'm going to college..." Tommy looked at the audience, finally lowered his head in distress, and said in a low voice:

"Bob, I can't do it, I can't sell OSS to these people like my parents, they don't need software to change their destiny, right? A fruit farmer, whose job is to grow oranges every day, a mother, she I have to take care of my family every day, why do they need such a ghost thing! Don’t sell it, change the product, bring OSS here to sell, it is a wrong decision I made.”

Bob said with a nervous expression: "Tommy, this is a live broadcast, you'd better follow the advertisement..., you...or if you think they shouldn't pay for it, why don't you give it away for free like the products we promoted before?" One hundred? The one hundred viewers who call in first, receive the software for free?"

"I should provide OSS to everyone who wants to change for free, understand, all free, completely free, this is my idea, I am still thinking about this issue on the way to the live broadcast room, but I can't, see Is this the clothes I wear? It’s a little strange, right? It doesn’t fit on me as a poor kid. Does it look like those rich men on Wall Street in New York? This is the most expensive dress I’ve ever worn in my life, because I’m going to appear on TV In the program, I took a fashion magazine to a high-end tailor shop, pointed to the high-end clothes in the magazine and said to the tailor, I am from the countryside, but I am rich now, so you have to dress me like those rich people! Let me exude nobleness, and appearing in the live broadcast room can give me the confidence to tell the audience that as long as they buy the software, they can become like me!" Tommy stood up, took off his suit jacket, and directly Tossed to the crowd:

   "But when I saw these kind and friendly faces, I knew I couldn't do it! Throw away that hypocritical suit, I want to confess everything, Actors not only help them, but also need them to help me!"

   "Tommy! Pay attention to your emotions! You'd better think carefully about every word you say!" Holly appeared at the entrance of the live broadcast room with an anxious face, ignoring that it was a live TV broadcast, and reminded in a low voice.

  Tommy stared at Holly, finally shook his head resolutely, and looked at the camera:

"I know it's a bad idea to come to this kind of live broadcast room to sell software, but Actor and I have nowhere to go. Although I lost my mother, I don't lack maternal love. My mother taught me to help women and respect women. I will do what my mother said. I did it, I helped a lot of women, I built a software that was easier for people to use, and I helped students find better-paying jobs."

   “I thought it was the right thing to do until someone told us it’s better not to do this, if you let them get jobs, we’ll kick you out.”

"We received a letter from a lawyer and an indictment from a big company. It is a real big company that can earn more than 100 million yuan in half a year. I consulted a lawyer and the lawyer told me that there is no chance of winning against such a big company. , the simplest point is that any lawsuit will take more than half a year or a year, and some troublesome ones will even take three to five years. They can afford sky-high lawyer fees, but Actor and I can't afford it, because lawyers work on an hourly basis Fees, calculate how many hours there are in a year, and then multiply by two hundred yuan, that is the basic fee I should pay to the lawyer. They only need to delay the time. One day, this little company that did the right thing, will let them have their way."

   “I’m here to sell software and just do my best to make as much legal money as I can before that day actually comes, so as not to look helpless.”

Speaking of this, Tommy took a deep breath: "As long as this software sells 100,000 sets, there will be no more charges. As long as I am still in Actor, it will be free forever, but the first 100,000 customers, sorry, It has to make your money, because it needs to survive, it needs to hire lawyers, it needs to fight those big corporations hard! Even if it ends up being smashed to pieces! I don't know why big corporations want to deny the poor people the opportunity to get rich, but I I am the free people of this land, no matter what conspiracy they have, I will not surrender to them, just like the Floridians back then, even if we cannot defeat our opponents, we still have the courage to charge! I need your help!"

   "You want to study for a decent new job? Pick up the phone and buy OSS! I'll give you a job!"

   "You have never seen a computer, pick up the phone and buy OSS! As long as you study hard, I will give it to you!"

   "You don't want to be blocked by those rich people on the road to wealth, pick up the phone and buy OSS! This is your best chance!"

   "Or you just don't want to see the only country boy who's willing to help you get knocked out by them! Pick up the phone and buy OSS! Reach out and give me strength! Let's take down those capitalists who are trying to enslave us forever!"

"Only God can make us kneel down in the dust, but it is a pity that he has never come here! Except God, no one can take away our right to acquire knowledge! No one can take away our right to change ourselves Rights! As long as Actor exists, our software will never increase in price, our training will always be free, and we will always help ordinary people who want to change their destiny!"

   "Listen to your mother and do the right thing, is there anything wrong! Fuck you! My mother can never be wrong! Never! So no matter how hard it is, I will never back down!"

   "God saves those who save themselves! God bless Actor, in the name of freedom! God witnesses!"

  The audience stood up one after another and applauded loudly for Tommy who was standing on the live broadcast stage with a stubborn face and slightly raised head!

  Amid thunderous applause, the director's voice sounded in Bob's ear:

   "Thirty seconds ago, the sales volume exceeded 1,000 sets, and many women called and asked how to donate to this poor young man named Tommy. They were willing to give him love and strength for his deceased mother."

   The third change, finally finished coding, go to sleep, good night everyone



  (end of this chapter)

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