American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 134: contact meeting

  Chapter 134 Contact Meeting

  Tommy straightened his suit, sat down at the table, looked across at Mickey Kapoor, Robert Morley, and Jim Manzi, who stood aside slightly and looked at himself with his chin in his hand.

Seeing that Tommy didn't speak, the court observer lightly pressed the bell to indicate that the two parties can start and say whatever they want. This is just a private formal contact, not a court session. The two parties can chat like strangers meeting each other. Any topic, but the topic that has nothing to do with the case will not be recorded and submitted after confirmation.

Neither party was in a hurry to speak. Mickey pushed his glasses. When he saw Tommy Hawk's photo before, he hated each other a little. Now when this guy sat across from him, he became more and more sure. They will never be friends.

  Some people can tell the difference between him and you just by looking at him. Obviously, the blond boy opposite is the kind of man who likes to show off in high school and college, attracts girls, and has many friends.

   As we all know, the ones who stand against this kind of people are their own group of nerds who are ridiculed, humiliated, and bullied by these campus figures.

  The lawyers of both parties were not in a hurry to ask questions. Delia flipped through her notebook slowly, while Robert observed the reactions of Delia and Tommy.

There was a small walnut photo frame on the table, but there were no photos inlaid in it. After looking at the photo frame for more than ten seconds, Tommy broke the brief silence: "This photo frame looks a bit old, I'm curious about what happened before. What kind of photo is inlaid with it."

Everyone else was a little puzzled as to why Tommy would ask this question, but Jim moved his hand from his chin and spoke slowly: "Landscape, this is a business meeting room, and there will be no private photos. If I'm not mistaken, it should be An award-winning facsimile of the Boston landscape, the same as your OSS."

"Mr. Jim Manzi, let me remind you that the words you just used are right to me..." Delia didn't even lift her head. She flipped through her notebook and reminded Jim Manzi that some words must Do not misuse.

   Before Delia finished speaking, Robert also said: "You can mark the words of Mr. Jim Manzi, Ms. Delia Keith, but you have no right to stop him from saying anything here."

"Thank you, I guess so." Tommy didn't care about the regular cockfight between the two lawyers at all, looked at Jim Manz, and thanked with a smile: "Actually, the owner of this business center should consider buying the commercial copy of that photo." Copyright, imitations appearing in this kind of place will make customers feel..."

  Jim Manz still seems to be staring at Tommy: "It seems like a high-class beauty is carrying a crude fake designer bag in her hand, like there is a company called Actor around Stanford University?"

   "Mr. Jim Manz, I remind you that your wording has already..." Like Robert, Delia successfully played the role of doing things for money, saying things that she knew were useless but still wanted to say.

Tommy waved his hand, signaling to Delia that there is no need to remind the other party: "Yes, you are right, sir, that's how it feels, but I have a better analogy, like developing the world's first electronic form The software art company and the Lotus company next to it, the soft art company is a steaming pile of shit, the Lotus is the first fly that smells the smell, and the Actor is probably the 78th, Ninety-two, thirty-eight thousand and fifty-nine flies. By the way, you know, I saw a joke about flies not long ago, they like to chase smelly flies, and there are actually quarrels among them: Hey! This **** is mine, understand? You can't come near it, or I'll have my lawyer send you a lawyer's letter."

   "Mr. Tommy Hawk, you are using flies to..."

"Mr. Tommy Hawk just said two things, one is to describe certain problems in the development of the software industry from a biological point of view, and the other is just a joke, there is no connection between the two .” Delia looked up at Robert Morley:

   "If it is not clear, I can provide a record text with clear punctuation marks after the meeting. We will hold him legally accountable for any assumptions or malicious speculations other than what he said."

Tommy looked at Mickey Kapoor, and made the movement of bee wings with both hands: "I am a countryman, and the most I see are **** and flies. By the way, I thought of it. I can change it to an elegant metaphor. Soft Art The company is the flower that drips with honey. Mr. Mitch Kapoor is the first bee to collect honey. Tommy Hawke is just another little bee following Mr. Mitch Kapoor to bring the honey back. Own hive, work to get rich."

When Mitch Kapoor listened to the guy on the opposite side, when he directly compared Lotus to the first plagiarist, although he really wanted to refute, but in the end his inner rationality told him that this **** was deliberately irritating himself, and asked himself to explain in a hurry: Say something that is easy to be grasped by the other party.

   "Mr. Tommy Hawke..." Robert also fulfilled his duties as a lawyer, and immediately reminded Tommy Hawke that what he said was suspected of verbal insult to Lotus.

Jim Manzi also waved his hand: "Robert, this is not a court session, just chat casually, anyway, after the meeting, the two companies will exchange each other's testimony and evidence, let me and this Mr. Tommy Hawke be like friends Just chat."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Tommy, considered his words, slowed down his speech, and said sincerely: "Mr. Tommy Hawke, we are not sitting here to discuss biology with you. We see that your The company has done a lot of things that are beneficial to society, such as helping women find employment, providing computer training services to those with low education, etc. We came here with sincerity. Mr. Mitch Kapoor, Jonathan and I who were not present, all thank you I am pleased with what the company has done, would you mind talking about it?"

  Mitch Kapoor, Robert Morley, and other Lotus lawyers present all showed surprise. Obviously Jim's words were beyond their expectations.

From the corner of Tommy's eyes, Delia paused as she flipped through the notebook, and then she smiled and looked at Jim: "Mind you, because you have always expressed gratitude, but you have never donated money to us and supported us. This is how we have come to the present. The main reason why we just met is that if you really want to know everything, it is very simple. I will ask the secretaries of those organizations to provide you with donation accounts. Cash and checks are acceptable, and the amount is not limited. At that time, I am willing to share with you Talk about public welfare, but not now, because you are not the donors."

  Jim rubbed his lips with the palm of his hand. This guy named Tommy Hawk is really just like himself, an out-and-out bastard. He asked such a sincere question, but all he got was such a disgusting answer.

"Mr. Mitch Kapoor, I saw the news recently. You were in the newspaper news, saying that many women reminded you outside the Lotus company. I guess they are reminding you to do something right and not do something wrong." Tommy kept staring at Mickey Kapoor, and even when he answered Jim, he would pay attention to the other person's expression. When Jim was startled for a moment, he immediately continued to stare at Mickey to attack him.

  Mitch Kapoor crossed his hands and said lightly: "History tells us that those who really do wrong things will definitely be punished."

"It sounds like the MIT history course is not the same as the Stanford one, because the history books I read tell me that the Native Americans did nothing wrong, and those who did wrong, were killing Indians. became the most powerful country in the world." Tommy Hawk looked at Mitch Kapoor:

   "Did I just persuade Mr. Mitch Kapoor to donate money to support public welfare? Now I don't think it is necessary. You might as well donate a sum of money to MIT and ask them to update the history books, so as not to mislead people."

   "So the Actor Company thinks it should do this kind of thing too?" Jim Manzi tried to shift Tommy's focus to himself, because he didn't know how long Mickey could bear this kind of nerd humiliation.

  Tommy looked at Jim with an innocent face: "Actor Company did not scalp Soft Arts Company. As for who the murderer is, I think everyone here is clear."

"Tommy... can I call you Tommy? I think you have a strong resistance to us. Maybe you thought that in the contact meeting, the lawyers asked all kinds of tricky questions about the queue, but we are not prepared to do so. We want to Let's talk calmly and get to know each other, maybe the previous problems were just because of a lack of communication between us."

   "Soviet Union." Tommy stared at Mickey, and a word came out of his mouth.

  Jim froze for a moment: "What?"

"Soviet Union, do you think the misunderstanding between the United States and the Soviet Union is due to lack of communication? Mr. Jim Manz? You have been to the Soviet Union and have a good say on this." Tommy suddenly turned his eyes and stared at Jim Manz , asked with a smile.

Jim is a little speechless, this question is difficult to answer, he just said that talking to the other party calmly is bullshit, from sitting down to now, the two sides have been attacking each other as much as possible for every question, and left a written record, waiting until the court Use it as a weapon when you speak again, attacking each other in front of the judge and jury.

He has a lot of words that can explain the contradiction between the United States and the Soviet Union, and he can also briefly describe it, but if he guesses correctly, this will definitely become a weapon used by the other party to attack the judge and jury in court. Compare it to opening up the United States, and describe Lotus as the Soviet Union, which is opposed to freedom, to win sympathy. I can't give the other party this opportunity.

"I think the misunderstanding between the two American companies is due to lack of communication. As for Tommy, you want to know more about the question you just asked. "National Review" has a 150,000-word report that can tell you the answer." Jim thought. Think, speak.

"Mr. Mitch Kapoor, Actor has offered to communicate with you. I'm curious why you didn't respond. Remember? A version of OSS during our test period was used by a Lotus1-2-3 at Stanford University After the test was over, we sent it to you excitedly." Tommy asked, still staring at Mitch Kapoor.

  Mitch Kapoor frowned slightly, but nodded honestly: "Lotus did receive that version of the software, but I thought it was just a user's personal behavior, so I don't think it was Actor's reaction."

"Of course, when it comes to communication, if everyone is really sincere, I think Actor should receive a phone call instead of a lawyer's letter." Tommy looked at Mickey and suddenly sped up his speech: "We are sitting here to communicate , is what you want to see, Mr. Mitch Kapoor, right? It’s like how you resolved the disagreements with some classmates in high school. You like to communicate, but in front of the dean or the principal, you Want to see those guys who pick you up to class in your underwear and help you write HelloGirl in marker on some organ on your first date with a girl, groveling at you out of fear of the principal...”

   Tommy had already finished speaking for a long time before Robert could speak to stop him.

   "I remind you..."

   "Don't remind me, Mr. Lawyer." Tommy looked at Robert Morley: "You can record it and make sure that if I lie or fabricate, sue me for defamation."

Afterwards, Tommy fixed his eyes on Mitch Kapoor, and continued to say with a smile: "This is the communication you want, right? Mr. Mitch Kapoor? If you exchange some testimonies after the meeting, you will find that Those high school classmates’ memories of those things are completely different from your mood, and my lawyer has thoughtfully sorted them out for you.”

  Mitch Kapoor had a heavy anger on his face, but he always controlled himself and did not lose his composure.

  Jim breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Tommy, and tried to draw the firepower to himself: "Tommy, the definition of communication and sincerity is..."

   "What do I know, let me tell you the truth, I think it should be called the best definition of sincerity in communication." Tommy followed the trend and looked at Jim Manzi, his eyes flickering:

"By the way, Mr. Jim Manz, do you know? A woman that our Actor company helped actually said that you didn't pay for **** with her and her companions in California. Unfortunately, during the investigation, I Attorney Fang found out that you seem to have sold some moon land to farmers in Montana when you were in college, don't worry, I know those things have nothing to do with this case, besides, the SSD fraternity is contacting those poor people to help provide compensate."

  Noticing the slight change in Jim Manzi's face, Tommy smiled, looked at Mickey Kapoor again, and opened his arms slightly:

   "This is what I said, the three points that Actor always insists on, sincerity, communication, and doing the right thing."

   The first update... I don't know which day to count... forget it, let's continue to code the second update~



  (end of this chapter)

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