American Manga Comes to the Motherland

Chapter 102: When I was young, I didn’t know how good my aunt was and mistook the girl for a treasur

On top of the TV.

The owner of the White House is still talking:

"...So far, three Middle Eastern extremist groups have claimed responsibility for last night's attack on Wall Street...The American people have the enduring determination to respond to extremist attacks and seek justice, because those responsible for the attacks on our people have been We have never given up extremist activities... The White House will not hesitate to take necessary measures to protect the American people. To this end, we will launch large-scale air strikes against three extremist organizations at 10 o'clock today, dropping cluster bombs at targeted locations. Eliminate the leaders of the organization and destroy its important buildings and facilities...May God bless America!"

"It's scary. The war is about to start again. I don't know how many people will die in this conflict." Wendy sighed.

"Wendy, are you too sympathetic?" Bai Ye shrugged and said, "The global invasion of the US military is not a good thing, but are those extremist organizations in the Middle East a good thing?"

After hearing what Bai Ye said, Wendy also reacted and thought of something... Indeed, extremist organizations in the Middle East are not good at all. Counter-terrorism is an action reached by the five major gangsters of the United Nations.

The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily a friend.

"Just let them bite the bullet. Why do you care about so many things!"

Bai Ye said.

"Well, I think I have been a little affected by the rampant white left ideological trend. After all, these things are pervasive..." Wendy said: "Now that I think about it, it is true that neither the United States nor extremist organizations are friends of China. , letting them keep fighting is undoubtedly the best choice. But Bai Ye... aren't you an American plutocrat, why are you still looking like you are gloating about your misfortune? "

"Because the interests of the United States are not equal to the interests of the American plutocrats." Bai Ye spread his hands and said: "The interests of the American plutocrats are not equal to the interests of Osborne. Even Osborne's interests are not necessarily the same. Equivalent to my interests.”

Wendy nodded thoughtfully.

When the United States launches wars abroad, not all plutocrats will benefit. Those who benefit the most should be oil plutocrats like Rockefeller, or financial plutocrats like Morgan, or military-industrial complexes like the Stark Group.

As a pharmaceutical complex, the Osborne Group can also make some money for battlefield medicine, but... wars in the United States are basically carried out by aircraft and missiles, covering the ground with firepower, and rarely hand-to-hand combat. Medicine can only earn some hard-earned money. Of course Bai Ye doesn't need to care about Middle East issues.

While chatting, Bai Ye received a call.

Johnny's calling.

Bai Ye turned on the speakerphone and took a sip of millet porridge from the bowl: "What's the matter?"

Johnny lowered his voice and said: "Jianghu is in urgent need, brother, please transfer 1,000 US dollars to me quickly, for life-saving purposes! I will pay you back as soon as I receive my pocket money next month."

Bai Ye showed an intriguing expression: "That's interesting, why 1,000 US dollars?"

Johnny became angry: "Just tell me whether you will give it or not?"

Bai Ye: "Hey, I've never seen anyone with such an arrogant attitude when borrowing money. What if I don't give it to you?"

Johnny's tone softened instantly: "Brother, I was wrong. Don't be the same as me. Just treat it as a good person and good deeds. Good people will have a safe life!"

Bai Ye raised her eyebrows: "Call daddy!"

Johnny didn't hesitate: "Dad!"

Whenever he hesitates for a second, it shows disrespect for money and the NYPD.

"Hey." Bai Ye smiled, picked up his phone, opened his PayPal account, and transferred $2,000 to Johnny: "Okay, check your PayPal account."

"It's here!" Johnny said happily: "Thank you, Dad, I love you!"

Wendy watched the whole process and said funny:

"Are you blue boys so humble when borrowing money from each other?"

"This is nothing." Bai Ye smiled slightly and said, "I have seen the most humble person who borrowed money. He was a Brazilian. In order to borrow money, he actually said that he often watched Chinese football leagues."

"..." Wendy said: "Then he can really be said to be humble to the core."

"But why did Johnny ask you to borrow $1,000?" Wendy asked curiously: "Does it have any special meaning?"


Bai Ye smiled and said nothing.

Based on Bai Ye's estimation, Johnny is probably filming a movie at this time - "I'm Not a Whore God": I beg you, please stop making secret visits for hair washing and massage, okay? I was single for three years. I spent 40,000 yuan on a blind date to find a girl, and I pursued her for three years. My savings were all spent, my family was ruined by me, and now I finally have a massage. You must say it is false. Can we not know whether the service standards are fake or not? That place only costs a few hundred yuan a night and the boss makes no money at all. Can anyone guarantee that you will not be single in your life without meeting a single man? You take her away and we all have to be single. I don’t want to be single, I want a foot massage. OK?

Wendy and Bai Ye were eating breakfast while watching various reports on the TV about the attack on Wall Street.

Bai Ye was still preoccupied, took out his mobile phone and scrolled through Twitter.

"Wendy, look, this post is interesting."

Bai Ye smiled and put the phone in front of Wendy's eyes.

[Today, a recording of a closed-door meeting between American officials and police in Oklahoma City was leaked. These American bureaucrats and police were discussing how to kill several disobedient reporters without anyone noticing. They even discussed the details of murder and silence, whether to hire a murderer or do it yourself, how to kill, and where to bury them... A police chief also complained that times have changed. It is too difficult to kill someone now. In the past, he could easily escape from the mud. Drag an X ghost out of the river, wash it clean in the river, and then hang it on a tree with a rope, causing the result of "suicide". 】

"I'll go!" Wendy was dumbfounded and said: "Master Bai Ye, I originally thought that you bombed Wall Street because you were naturally bold and crazier than ordinary people, but now it seems that I am superficial. It turns out that these Is this your American’s traditional superpower?”

"So, the American police and gangster movies and prison movies I watched before seemed to be nothing special. It's not because Americans have rich imaginations, but because all you shoot are documentaries? Only those who have done things before know how to shoot them?"

"I told you a long time ago, I just blew up the Morgan Stanley building. There is nothing to be afraid of. Everyone in the United States does this." Bai Ye said: "Look now, do you believe it? Morgan Stanley There are just as many dirty things that Li did, but you just didn't see them."

Wendy let go of the worry she had been holding on to. It seemed that it was really because she was not perverted enough and was incompatible with Americans like Bai Ye.

After breakfast, Bai Ye sent Wendy to Tianmei Studio.

Due to the potential development of "Minecraft", the company's valuation has reached 480 million US dollars. Employees of Tianmei Studio also see hope, because Bai Ye has long said that the company will set up an option pool. From the current valuation of Tianmei Studio Judging from the value, a new unicorn is rising. Once Tianmei Studio is listed, there will definitely be many people among them, and a wave of wealth and freedom will come, which makes the employees work very hard.

Bai Ye was also very satisfied with what he saw. They were all green leeks, and they were growing very well.

I mentioned the option pool issue again, and will implement it immediately after "League of Legends" is launched, and also gave some encouragement to the employees.

Employee A was inspired and worked harder.

As for employee B, he sighed secretly: It’s so funny. Now I don’t have to bring food to work. I have cakes drawn by my boss, pots given by my boss, melons given by my colleagues, and fishes caught by myself. As expected, I still love myself the most, the only one. Meat dishes are provided by yourself.

After staying in Tianmei Studio for half an hour, Bai Ye left and went to the snap office building to find Andy.

"Andy, you've done a great job developing Snapchat. Now it's been valued at $360 million by Sequoia Capital."

Bai Ye came to Andy's office, pulled out a chair, sat across from Andy, and said with a smile.

"Because you had previously stated in advance that you would value Snapchat at over US$1 billion before starting Series A financing, so I rejected Sequoia Capital's offer. Do you have any objection?"

Andy said calmly without any sense of taking credit.

She would have been very excited to run a quasi-unicorn company before she left her job on Wall Street.

But now, after all, she has already started to help Bai Ye develop three companies, AIM, Tianmei Studio, and Snap, which are basically unicorns, so if she brings out this third Snap, what surprises will there be?

"Of course I have no objection, just do what you want." Bai Ye said: "However, it seems that Snap has gained momentum and its development is about to be on the fast track, so you should also start preparing a plan to acquire Twitter."

"Acquiring Twitter..." Andy thought for a while and said: "This is indeed a very good idea. When Snap develops and acquires Twitter, we will have the ability to compete with Facebook on social media. Opportunity, but... Twitter's market capitalization is US$20 billion. Do you have that much money? You must prepare the funds first, otherwise, everything is empty talk."

"Don't worry, it's only 20 billion U.S. dollars. I can make it soon." Bai Ye said: "Do you know that the market value of Stark Group has plummeted? My financial company relied on shorting Stark Group. I have made more than 5 billion US dollars, and if I want to make 20 billion US dollars, it is just a matter of doing it a few times, so it is not a big problem."

"Okay." Andy didn't bother to ask more questions about Bai Ye's source of funds. After all, even if Bai Ye couldn't raise it himself, he could have asked the Osborne Group to provide money and participate in the acquisition of Twitter with Snap: "But your actions Hurry, I have received some inside information, and it seems that Facebook is planning to launch a new acquisition of Twitter."

“Facebook again?”

Bai Ye frowned.

Facebook's ability to become a giant is inseparable from its voracious appetite for food. Along the way, it has slowly grown into what it is today by devouring countless startups. For example, it acquired Instagram for US$1 billion. Acquired WhatsApp for $19 billion, among others.

If Facebook is the number one social media in the United States, and Twitter is the number two, how could Facebook let Twitter go if it keeps buying and buying?

So Facebook launched an acquisition of Twitter a long time ago, when Twitter was just emerging, but Facebook’s valuation of Twitter was not bad, a valuation of US$500 million, which could make Twitter’s executives Satisfied with shareholders, but Facebook couldn't come up with that much cash and hoped to acquire Twitter by providing shares, and Twitter initially agreed.


Facebook gave Twitter a reasonable valuation, but gave its own shares a very high valuation, which led to Twitter quitting the business. What a false valuation this thing is, and Facebook cannot prove that it has a strong market. Growth potential, I took your overvalued shares, what if you fail in the future? Twitter believed that it was being underestimated by Facebook, so it rejected the Facebook acquisition.

In addition to Facebook, Google has also been communicating with Twitter in an attempt to acquire Twitter for US$2.5 billion. It is said that Google did not formally make an acquisition request, but was more testing. This proposal was rejected and was even considered an "insult" to Twitter.

Therefore, if Baiye wants to acquire Twitter, Facebook and Google will be his opponents.

"It seems that we need to speed up the pace. Otherwise, when Twitter is acquired by others, our desire to build a new social media empire will be in vain."

Bai Ye touched his chin and said:

"I will try my best to raise money, but if it doesn't work, I have to acquire Twitter first if I use leverage."

Now Bai Ye has almost 10 billion US dollars in cash in Galaxy Capital, and there is also 3 billion US dollars extorted from Obadi. There is only a 7 billion US dollars funding gap. It is completely possible to find a big bank to borrow 7 billion US dollars, and then borrow 7 billion US dollars. If Twitter was acquired, Wells Fargo would be a good choice because the Osborne Family Foundation is Wells Fargo's second largest shareholder.

Judging from the performance of Twitter's shareholders and executives, they actually don't mind Twitter being acquired. They just look at the acquisition, whether they can come up with cash for the acquisition, and whether they can give Twitter a suitable valuation.

And from the perspective of Twitter’s model, self-media is in the ascendant, and newspaper news portals will inevitably be impacted. Media such as Twitter must either maintain their strong vitality by self-reliance, or constantly adjust themselves to meet the needs of the market, consumers, and investors... It is too difficult to develop independently. How can you have the comfort of being backed by a giant and enjoying the shade under a big tree?

West side of Broadway, Morgan Stanley Building.

The entire building was cordoned off, and FBI technicians, wearing explosion-proof suits, were entering the building to search for other explosives and evidence of this violent terrorist attack.

The head of the FBI, Agent Isobel Castile, stood on the 36th floor of the building, looking at the ruins in front of him with a dark expression.

If something like this happens in his jurisdiction, he can't get rid of this scapegoat even if he wants to.

The bombing of the Morgan Stanley Building completely shattered the sky. It had a greater impact than when terrorists used human bombs to blow up several train stations.

He rubbed his Qingming point and said to Hubble Russo, the person in charge sent by Morgan Stanley to meet next to him:

"Mr. Hubble, can I ask you some questions?"

"Of course!" Hubble Russo said quickly: "The company sent me here to fully cooperate with the FBI police officers. If you have anything to do, just ask. But... I also ask the police officers to solve the case as soon as possible. After all... this time Among the people who died in the bombing was Mr. Gyanendra Morgan."

Hearing the name Morgan, Isobel Castile felt a headache.

A member of the Morgan family died. If he and others could not solve the case as soon as possible, the clothes he was wearing were so light that he might... be sent to be buried with Mr. Morgan.

After all, this is Morgan, and he is just a grassroots person.

"Okay, I will do my best to solve the case as soon as possible and give an explanation to Mr. Gyanendra Morgan's family." Isobel Castile asked: "I want to know if Morgan Stanley has offended anything recently. Enemy? Or received some kind of warning, in short, please don’t miss any clues about anything that is different from usual, and tell me everything.”


Hubble Russo recalled:

"Speaking of enemies, the company recently put a stumbling block for Goldman Sachs, which caused a lot of losses to Goldman Sachs, so Goldman Sachs is highly suspected; there is also the Roxon Group. Due to the impact of the two Roxon bombings some time ago, the company shorted Roxon I made a lot of money, and later participated in Rockson's feast, and got a lot of benefits; and the company is also preparing to short United Airlines, and Rockefeller may also be hostile to the company..."

Isobel Castile: "..."

Damn it!

Are these things that my little FBI can hear?

I asked you to say it, do you really say it?

You are not afraid of being silenced, but I am still afraid!

"Pause, pause!" Isobel Castile immediately interrupted and said: "Mr. Hubble, it is completely impossible for the forces you mentioned to carry out violent terrorist attacks on Morgan Stanley. There is no need to say any more. .”

Even if they did it, it's impossible that evidence wouldn't be found; even if evidence was found, I wouldn't dare show it to anyone.

Therefore, when it comes to these big forces, Isobel Castile has no intention of listening anymore.

"You should also ask whether there are any objects of hatred towards Morgan Stanley among some small and medium-sized companies other than large companies."

To avoid misunderstanding, Isobel Castile added:

"After all, struggles between large companies are normal and there is a bottom line. The possibility of doing something like this is very small. We still focus on the most suspected enemies."

"Small and medium-sized companies?" Hubble Russo said: "Hey, the range is quite large. If you ask that, then you take the paper and I will tell you to record it. Morgan Stanley has recently assisted in several An acquisition case, but the person in charge of the other party is not very knowledgeable..."

Isobel Castile felt that Hubble Russo was not very smart and asked him to say it. He really said it. The matter was very clear. Morgan Stanley had many enemies. I don’t know, there are many hatreds of life and death. I don’t know how many people want Morgan Stanley to be shattered into pieces and die with no intact body. From the perspective of the suspect...well, Isobel Castile’s notebook I can no longer write anymore.

"Okay, Mr. Hubble, your answer will be of great help to us..." Isobel Castile gritted her teeth. With so many suspects, if they wanted to check them one by one, they would have to be busy. when? It seems that they have to work overtime and stay up all night these days.

"Really?" Hubble Russo seemed not to hear Isobel Castile's resentment, and said happily: "It would be great to be able to help you, Officer Isobel, my business card was previously I also handed it to you. Within 24 hours, I will turn on my phone and be on call. I will leave it to you, the FBI, to handle this case!"

It's not Hubble Russo who just says whatever he is asked, but Gyanandra Morgan. The death of a member of the Morgan family is a big deal. He is just a little guy, and he doesn't want to get involved at all because of this matter. Trouble, so if he needs to say anything, then he will say it. As for Isobel Castile, if he dares to give Morgan Stanley eye drops by investigating the death of Gyanandra Morgan... ...Well, I can only say that he is really brave!

How angry is Morgan now? In normal times, the FBI might be given some face, but if they dare to take action against Morgan Stanley at this time, it is estimated that these FBI superiors will let these FBI action teams get into several car accidents first.

After the on-site investigation, the FBI launched a large-scale manhunt. Those companies and small and medium-sized capitalists who were defrauded by Morgan Stanley and lost all their money were the focus of the FBI's investigation. However, the harvest was not great because these people had motives but did not. sufficient ability.

People who have motivation and ability...tsk tsk, I don’t dare to think about it, I don’t dare to think about it!

"Why were things done so seamlessly that not even a single trace could be found?"

Isobel Castile fell into confusion. There can be no perfect crime in this world. According to Roca's Law, as long as anyone commits a crime, he will inevitably leave some traces and be discovered, but Morgan In the case of the Danley Building bombing, no matter what, the FBI could not find out how those TNT explosives entered the Morgan Stanley Building. You know, the security measures of the Morgan Stanley Building are not much worse than those of the FBI headquarters. .

"Could it be that those powerful forces really relied on some tactics unknown to ordinary people to commit this crime just to... give Morgan Stanley a warning?"

"Head, the explosive analysis results have come out." Christine Chazal came over and said: "Three kilograms of TNT explosives were placed in the mezzanine of the conference room ceiling. Based on the residual gunpowder and analysis of the source, we found that, This appears to be a product produced by the Hammer Group."

"Hammer Group?"

Isobel Castile flipped through her small notebook and saw, oh, last time the market value of Hammer Group plummeted, Morgan Stanley also contributed to the situation and made a wave of quick money.

The Hammer Group does not belong to the Morgan family, but to the Rockefeller family.


"99.99% probability."

Christine Chazal shrugged and said:

"If it's the Hammer Group, it makes sense. After all, they are in the military industry. Using explosives to kill enemies is their old profession, so they are highly suspicious. What do you think, boss? We need to check out Hammer first. Group?"

"I think it can't be that simple." Isobel Castile frowned and said: "If it was really the Hammer Group, how could they be so stupid and use their own products to commit crimes? With a little IQ, Should we get the explosives produced by Stark Group?"

"Who knows?" Kristen Chazal said: "According to the eldest son of the Osborne family, the IQ test report of Justin Hammer, the chairman of the Hammer Group, shows that his IQ is only 90... and Maybe Justin Hammer was doing the opposite, deliberately using his own explosives to commit crimes, thereby reducing his own suspicion."

"Ah this..."

Isobel Castile suddenly felt that what Christine Chazal said was very reasonable. How could there be so many high-IQ crimes in this world? In fact, for many crimes, the criminals' IQs are not very high. You can find them by following the pictures. If someone is caught, thinking too much will allow the criminal to escape.

"Well, first let's invite Mr. Justin Hammer to come to our place for a cup of coffee."

In Andy's office, Bai Ye has also been paying attention to the direction of the FBI's investigation, but he is not worried about anything, just watching it for fun.

When Bai Ye saw Justin Hammer being invited to drink coffee by the FBI with a confused look on his face, he laughed and said "Gee, gee, gee."

"Bai Ye, could you please stop laughing so obscenely in my office? You've hurt my eyes."

Andy, who was working, raised his head speechlessly, looked at him and said.

"Haha, I'm sorry, it's so funny." Bai Ye laughed and said, "I tried my best not to laugh. You can continue working."

Involving the bombing of Morgan Stanley headquarters and the death of Gyanendra Morgan, Justin Hammer will not be severely punished because of his identity, but the FBI will probably have to annoy him to death during this period. .

After seeing Justin Hammer suffer, Bai Ye felt comfortable, so he adjusted his perspective and looked at Tony's condition.


In the cave of the Ten Commandments Gang.

Tony stood in front of the iron stove with his bare arms and a blue light on his chest, using a hammer to hit the iron block again and again.

A lot of sweat fell like rain.

He may have never suffered like this in his life.

Put the hammered and shaped iron mask into the water to cool down.

Tony placed the iron mask in front of Ethan.

Ethan looked at him with a complex expression and said, "Tony, are you really sure that we can create a mecha? Just in this shabby, damp cave?"

To this day, Ethan still doesn't know what Tony wants to do. He wants to use the Ark reactor as power to create a mecha that only appears in science fiction movies, and then defeat these terrorists and escape.

But things like mechas...

How many industrial classifications are involved...

Even if several of the most powerful industrial countries in the world come together to develop mechas, it will take more than ten years to even see the prototype!

"Ethan, don't underestimate the wisdom of the world's smartest man." Tony smiled proudly and said: "For the genius Tony Stark, nothing is impossible!"

"Maybe." Ethan smiled bitterly: "To those of you who are gifted with IQs, we mortals look no different from fools and illiterate people. Things that are impossible within my imagination are not possible for you. Even if you say it, it may not be impossible.”

"Hey, Ethan, don't underestimate yourself. Without you as my assistant, it would be absolutely impossible to complete the project by myself." Tony patted Ethan on the shoulder and said : "Besides... do you think I was really convinced that I could make a mecha from the beginning? Before that, without your encouragement, I might have given up my life and committed suicide. . It was you who rekindled my confidence and started thinking about how to escape from this hellish place. This also allowed me to perfect my idea of ​​making mechas step by step, so that now I am fully confident that I can make this thing. Make it, and then take the two of us and escape together."

Ethan murmured: "Escape...can you escape?"

He is very pessimistic about this idea.

"It looks like Tony is doing well, so let's look at the situation with Connors and Parker."

Bai Ye seems to be leisurely now, but in fact he is really busy. He has to pay attention to all the trends in all aspects.

He even had to find time to write some novels and scripts to earn points.

Before I knew it, it was already noon.

Bai Ye took Andy to a restaurant called Westlight.

This is a niche rooftop restaurant located in Williamsburg. It is also known as the most beautiful rooftop in New York. It is especially stunning when night falls. The pink-orange sunset shines in through the 270-degree panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, and the atmosphere is immediately filled! When the weather is warm, outdoor dining is also open. Through a layer of glass, you can enjoy the view of Manhattan while eating. From sunset to the first neon lights, each one has its own romance.

The bar will also officially open after sunset, and there will be groups of handsome men and beautiful women chatting with wine glasses in the restaurant. With the night view of Manhattan and the breeze blowing, chatting and drinking with friends is not a bad experience.

The restaurant offers delicious French omelettes, lamb or vegetable sandwiches, souvlaki, desserts and drinks.

Bai Ye and Andy chatted while eating, talking about some issues about the future development of Snap. Bai Ye had Snap's development route in his memory, so he naturally talked to Andy selectively, and Andy controlled the specific affairs of Snap. , we can carry out some adaptive transformation according to Bai Ye's ideas. After all, the snap of Bai Ye's memory is different from the snap created now, and it is impossible to reproduce it 100% perfectly.

"Hey, Master Bai Ye, it's really you!" By chance, Rand Jabbert appeared in the restaurant with Cindy Crawford. He greeted him with a smile: "Across the distance, I'm I thought it was you, Master Bai Ye, but Cindy kept saying no, and now when I look at it, it turns out to be you. The look in Cindy's eyes is not as good as mine!"

Bai Ye looked at Cindy Crawford behind Rand Jabber.

I have to say that Cindy Crawford is definitely a top-notch MILF with excellent temperament and charming charm.

Under the mature and charming appearance, there are deep eyes, a delicate and straight nose like a fine sculpture, and tight lips that are red and glossy, full of confidence.

Wearing a black leather jacket, the cut fit her perfectly and outlined her perfect body curves, making her look even more sexy and charming.

Paired with a pair of skinny jeans and a pair of high heels, it looks very elegant.

She also wore a black hat, which made her look more individual, full of energy and confidence.

Every gesture exudes a unique elegance and dignity.

Of course, only Bai Ye can know in private that she also has the temptation of a charming fairy.

"Haha." Bai Ye smiled and said, "What a coincidence. I meet Rand and Cindy here again. Do you want to sit down and share a table together?"

"No, no, no." Rand Jabber quickly waved his hand and said, "I just came to say hello. Cindy and I have already reserved a table."

He is not a fool with low emotional intelligence. Of course he can tell that Bai Ye is having dinner with a girl. He takes Cindy Crawford to sit down and eat together?

Are there any people that stupid?

The flattery goes straight to the horse's legs.

"Okay then." Bai Ye nodded and said, "Let's talk again after the meal is over? You did a great job last time. I have some other needs and I need to talk to you again! "

I bought a house for Wendy, but Bai Ye also agreed to buy a house for Cindy Crawford last time, but it hasn't been fulfilled yet, so I happened to find her husband to buy it, and there is a saying that the money will not flow away. It’s an outsider’s field!

We are all a family, and the advantage is of course that our family members make money.

Bai Ye even had to prepare to buy a house for Zhou Huimin to live in. After she got divorced, it would be better for her to move to New York directly. It would be good to raise her like a canary.

"Okay, okay!" Rand Jabber was overjoyed. It turned out that he came to Bai Ye to catch up with the past and establish friendship, so that he could continue doing business with the young master in the future. Unexpectedly, the business came to his door like this: "Then Cindy and I will be waiting for you, Master Bai Ye, in just a moment."

Last time, Bai Ye spent 15 million US dollars to buy a house for Wendy, and Rand Jabber earned nearly 1 million US dollars from it. He was slightly excited now. He didn't know whether he would be able to do business with Master Bai Ye this time. How much money do you make?

"Master Bai Ye, then I won't disturb you."

Rand Jabber said.

"Well, go ahead."

Bai Ye nodded.

But Rand Jabbert didn't notice at all. When he turned around, Bai Ye and Cindy Crawford's eyes intertwined, and the two people's eyes seemed to be hooked together.

It took a long time to separate.

it is more than words.

When Rand Jabbert and Cindy Crawford sat at the table they had reserved, Rand Jabbert smiled and said:

"Cindy, have you noticed that the woman who is having dinner with Master Bai Ye now is not the owner of the house I sold."

"What do you want to say?"

Cindy Crawford glanced at him.

Rand Jabber sighed: "Oh, these young men from rich families are really spending a lot of money. It's the scumbag who didn't run away. He has played with so many little girls and he won't marry them... tsk tsk!"

"That's better than you!" Cindy Crawford glared at him fiercely: "I won't even play with you if I marry you!"

Rand Jabber: "..."

"Since you have something to do, let's talk about it first. I'll just take your car back to the company later."

After Rand Jabber left, Andy took out a tissue, wiped his mouth, and said.

Because she was not used to eating together with strangers, she didn't speak much when Rand Jabber was there just now, and it was impossible for Bai Ye to persuade them to sit down and eat together.

"Are you full?" Bai Ye said, "There is a lot left here!"

"I've lost weight recently and can't eat much." Andy said, "Besides, isn't it you? You have such a big appetite, I leave all this to you."

"You... okay." Bai Ye said, "You really don't need me to take you back?"

"You sent me back, why bother coming here again?" Andy picked up his bag, stood up, and said, "Don't worry, your subordinate Tian Yangyi will send me back. Aren’t you still worried?”

"That silly guy has a bit of a brain problem, but he's quite obedient."

Bai Ye took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Tian Yangyi:

"Okay, let him take you back."

Andy left, and the white night was like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. He ate almost all the food on the table, and then came to the table of Rand Jabbert and Cindy Crawford.

"Master Bai Ye, I wonder what kind of business you still want to do with me?"

Rand Jabber asked impatiently.

"It's still about buying a house." Bai Ye said with a smile: "I need you to help me find two more properties worth more than 10 million US dollars."

Two sets?

Cindy Crawford's eyes changed slightly and she looked at Bai Ye meaningfully.

This guy is indeed no ordinary scumbag!

"Then this matter is too simple!" Rand Jabber patted his chest and said, "Our company has cooperated with major real estate developers in New York. As long as you have a request, Master Bai Ye, I will definitely be able to find something that suits your needs." House of!"

"Master Bai Ye, what are your requirements for the two properties you want to buy this time? I'll take note of them."

On the table, Rand Jabber and Bai Ye were talking about business, and Rand Jabber was remembering Bai Ye's request.

Under the table, Cindy Crawford stretched out her round and slender legs and kept rubbing against Bai Ye's legs.

While Bai Ye was talking to Rand Jabbert, he squinted his eyes from time to time and glanced at Cindy Crawford.

Her expression was very serious and elegant. Her moist red lips were eating an egg tart held by her hand. She took a bite and showed an intoxicated look, but Rand Jabber couldn't see it. The seductive look he gave Bai Ye was quite charming.

The upper body is dignified, but the lower body is... As expected, Auntie is very relaxed and knows how to play.

When I was young, I didn’t know how good my aunt was, so I mistook the girl for a treasure!

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