American Manga Comes to the Motherland

Chapter 179 I hold the Blue Silver Grass in my right hand and the Clear Sky Hammer in my left hand.

"Why do you smile so obscenely?"

Johnny looked at Bai Ye with disgust.

"Fuck your sister!" Bai Ye glanced at Johnny: "You are a person who is filming with other people, how dare you call me obscene?"

It was Bai Ye who came and made an introduction to let both parties get to know each other.

In terms of blood relationship, Knox is also Susan and Johnny's distant cousin.

Reed, on the other hand, is Susan's boyfriend. When he heard that Knox was Susan's eldest cousin, he also greeted her warmly.

Next, Bai Ye, Knox, Johnny, and Reed stood in a circle by the bridge so that Susan behind her could change her clothes - except for Knox's suit, she was now wearing nothing.

Susan cursed as she changed her clothes.

"Reed you bastard!"

"Why don't you attract their attention by taking off your clothes in public?"

"Has your brain been eaten by a dog? You came up with such a bad idea!"

Reed was so scolded that he couldn't hold his head up at all. Now that he thought about it, asking his girlfriend to take off her clothes in public for everyone to see was indeed a bit... so bad.

"I'm taking off my clothes... and no one dares to see me?"

Reed beeped quietly.

"What did you say?"


"Sister, I think we should not continue arguing. It seems that I can't hold it anymore?"

Johnny said, pointing to the stone man in the middle of the bridge.

Susan then gave up on scolding Reed and stepped forward to find the stone man.

Next, Bai Ye took Knox to watch the Fantastic Four's battle to become famous.

Among the large number of cars that were rear-ended, one was carrying gas and was on fire, and among several surrounding cars, there was a little girl.

Johnny was a bit of a bastard, but he still had the most basic kindness and hurriedly went up to save the little girl.


There was a loud noise and the gas exploded. Johnny didn't even have time to escape with the little girl. He just instinctively protected the little girl and turned his back to the explosion.

And with Johnny Human Torch's ability, the flames produced by the explosion were directly absorbed by him, and it didn't matter.

But Johnny's ability had just awakened, and it was impossible to be so powerful that he could absorb all the flames and shock waves that surged. He only absorbed the point that rushed toward him.


The explosion destroyed the heavy fire trucks rushing across the bridge, and on the other side, the flames of the explosion rushed towards the spectators on Baiye's side.

This time, Susan used her force field control ability in desperation, covering the flames and shock waves, compressing them into a narrow space and erupting, so no one was harmed.

As for the heavy fire truck that almost fell off the Brooklyn Bridge, it was grabbed by the stone man. With his super strength, he forcefully pulled the heavy fire truck up.

Under the influence of American values, the audience, New York police, and firefighters all looked at Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards, the Invisible Woman Susan Storm, the Human Torch Johnny Storm, and the Stone Man. The four men, Ben Grimm, clapped and called the four superheroes.

Bai Ye scratched his head severely.

It’s so confusing!

Whether it was the rear-end collision of dozens of cars or the safety of life and property caused by the big explosion, didn't it all start because the stone man recklessly hit and stopped a heavy truck on a bridge with high-speed traffic?

Doesn’t all the responsibility lie with him?

The Thing only made some amends, and Johnny and Susan also made amends for the Thing. Why can they still be called superheroes?

I don’t understand, I really don’t understand!

Perhaps it's because Bai Ye is still Chinese at heart and possesses Chinese values, and once developed, it's difficult to change things like three views, so he feels incompatible with such American values.

"Now that Susan and the others have become heroes, what should we do about the tens of millions of dollars in traffic losses?"

Bai Ye muttered.

"They have become heroes, so they should not be criminally responsible. As for compensation, the insurance company will probably pay part of it, the city government will pay part, and Susan and the others will bear part of it." Knox shrugged and said: "That's several million dollars. I hope Susan and the others can afford it."

"Then I guess they don't have it." Bai Ye said with a smile: "Reed is already close to bankruptcy. Susan and Johnny definitely don't have that much money, unless they kill their parents and inherit all the inheritance. Then he took it out to pay compensation. As for the stone man, he is even more of a poor man who followed Reed... a hero? Hehe, you can't be a hero without money."

Tony can be a hero because he has money and power. Gwen can be a hero because her father is the New York City police chief, who specially recruited her into the system and became a non-staff member who cooperates with the police. , there is no salary, but there are bonuses for doing things, in the case of the Fantastic Four... If Reed Richards cannot find a way to make money for the team as soon as possible, then the collective bankruptcy of the four of them is not far away.

Then, at the bridge intersection, there was a unique press conference.

A bunch of reporters, like sharks that smelled blood, pounced on him one after another.

There's no news in New York right now that's more valuable than a superhero interview.

Iron Man, Tony Stark, is not much of a reporter, and Spider-Woman never accepts interviews. This is the first time they have encountered such unique superheroes as the Fantastic Four.

Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards was interviewed and talked about the reason why the four of them have super powers. That is that they were exposed to solar storms and were affected by cosmic radiation, which led to genetic mutations. It is not known yet. Whether a mutation is benign or not...a bunch of scientific jargon.

Johnny still loves to show off, relying on his face that is very similar to Team America, and talking about his blood relationship with Captain America. He has been influenced by his ancestors since he was a child and determined to become a hero. Today, he is lucky enough to inherit his ancestors' aspirations. He was extremely honored to be a hero.

Now many female reporters and female audiences were cheering for Johnny, while most of the male reporters and male audiences had very strange expressions on their faces when looking at Johnny who was making such nonsense.

Did Captain America teach you, a descendant, to shoot a 3VS1 love action movie?

Of course, no one would be stupid enough to come out and go against the general trend at such a time, but everyone was having a hard time suppressing their laughter.

"It used to be the era of Iron Man Tony Stark!" Johnny said in high spirits: "But now, the era of Iron Man has passed. Let's welcome the era of the Fantastic Four!"

The atmosphere at the scene exploded instantly.

The descendants of heroes become heroes again. This is so topical.

No one mentioned Johnny's action movie without the sense of humor. They all praised Johnny as a descendant of heroes and the heir to the blood of heroes. The father of a tiger has no son!

"Johnny!" After the interview, Susan pulled Johnny and scolded her through gritted teeth: "What did we say before you accepted the interview? No nonsense!"

"Who is talking nonsense!" Johnny said: "Isn't what I said the truth? Our family is indeed related to Captain America, and some people say that I look very similar to Captain America!"

Susan was at a loss for words: "Then why did you involve Iron Man Tony Stark? Aren't you afraid that he would cause trouble for you?"

"What's there to be afraid of? We are good buddies, he won't mind such a trivial matter!"

Johnny shrugged. Even if Tony was angry, it would be a simple matter to deal with him. Who told him to have a good sister?

Reed came back with a grimace.

"What's wrong?" Susan asked.

"I just had a short meeting with people from my insurance company and the city government." Reed said bitterly: "This bridge accident was directly caused by Ben. Even though he was trying to save people, he failed to save people and caused thousands of deaths." Tens of thousands of dollars in property damage are two different things. The insurance company is willing to compensate 40% of the compensation out of humanitarianism. It must also let us thank everyone in public when we are interviewed in the future, which is equivalent to asking me to advertise for them. The city government Because of public opinion and the fact that we saved the firefighters and the audience, we are willing to bear 30% of the compensation, and we must bear the remaining 30% ourselves."

Johnny asked curiously: "How much?"

"$3 million!"

With a "thud" sound, Stone Man Ben fell to the ground with a dull look on his face.

$3 million?

Even if he were sold by the pound, he wouldn't be able to raise so much money.

"Oh, you're in trouble, Ben!" Johnny gloated: "$3 million is enough for you to make money in the next life without eating or drinking."


"Okay!" Johnny raised his hands, not daring to resist his sister's aggressiveness: "I won't say anything anymore."

Susan looked at Reid: "What should we do now?"

"I thought about it and I think Ben should not bear this money alone!" Reed said: "The root cause of this accident was my calculation error, which caused us to encounter a solar storm, the scientific research plan was ruined, and... A genetic mutation has occurred, so the money should be borne by my Baxter Company."

"Forget it, Reed!" The stone man said in a low voice: "The space program is over. You can't even pay the bank bill of Baxter Tower this month. If you help me bear the debt of 3 million US dollars, you will be finished. . I’d better figure it out myself.”

The current situation is that either Stoneman will file for personal bankruptcy, or Reed will go bankrupt along with him.

Reed also felt in trouble. He looked at Susan: "Um...can you borrow some money from Victor?"

Susan was speechless.

Why is this man such a bitch? You asked me to borrow money from my ex-boyfriend to make up for your shortfall?

"Victor?" Johnny interrupted Reed and said, "Don't you know? Reed's space program made Doom Group invest 1 billion US dollars, but in the end it got nothing, and the 1 billion US dollars was wasted... … Doom Group is also now close to bankruptcy.”


"But without Victor, didn't we just meet a super rich man?"

When the Brooklyn Bridge was finally cleared, Bai Ye and Knox drove their car to the intersection and were stopped by Johnny and Susan.

"Um...Bai Ye, I'm sorry, can you lend us a sum of money?" Susan said awkwardly: "Don't worry, we will pay you back on time with the highest interest rate on the IOU. Big deal, big deal... …I pledge our house to you as collateral?”

Johnny looked at Susan speechlessly, you are really a big boy to your parents, you even have to mortgage your house for your boyfriend?

"Borrow money?"

Bai Ye blinked.

A few million dollars is a trivial matter, but... lend yourself money to provide Reid with working capital? What do you think of this? Why do you look like a wronged person?

If Susan was his girlfriend, then Bai Ye could lend her hundreds of millions of dollars, not to mention millions of dollars.

But not Susan.

Even though she scolded Reed fiercely, the relationship between the two of them was actually quite strong, and Bai Ye hadn't found a chance to gain leverage yet.

Susan quickly added: "Of course, if you have difficulty with the capital chain turnover, then forget it."

Seeing Susan's hopeful look, Bai Ye also fell into a dilemma.

Borrow it, it will make you look like the wronged.

If you don't want to borrow it, how can you shoot her in the future?

"Well, let's not borrow money." Bai Ye thought for a while and said, "I have a Marvel Comics company that draws superhero comics, such as the copyrights of superheroes such as Spider-Woman and Iron Man. , signed them all to me, and they will be able to get a share of every comic sold. How about you sign the copyright of the Fantastic Four to Marvel Comics, and you should be able to get a signing bonus, even if it is not enough to pay Your compensation is not far behind."

"Is it still possible to operate like this?"

Johnny and Susan looked at each other.

The two discussed it with Reed and Stoneman, and they had no objections. They signed the copyright to Marvel Comics. Marvel Comics will help manage the IP management of the Fantastic Four, and any money earned will be shared with the Fantastic Four. 50%. The difference is that Marvel Comics will suffer operating losses, while the Fantastic Four can just sit back and collect the money.

"I can't understand New York more and more." Knox sat next to Bai Ye and asked: "Then in the future, can I find a few people to act in a scene and save people, so that I can promote myself as a superhero? ? Then as you said, you can make a lot of money by engaging in IP operations? "

"How is that possible?" Bai Ye said with a smile: "The most important thing in this matter is superpowers, sisters! Saving people is only a secondary condition. The key is that Susan and their superpowers are cool. Susan has invisibility and force field control. He is the face of the Fantastic Four; Reed Richards has a super high IQ and is a super genius comparable to Tony Stark. He is also a rubber man who can stretch and shrink at will. Reed Richards has a good grasp on the market of technology nerds and middle-aged women; Johnny is handsome, has the ability to fight and carry the Human Torch, is a descendant of a hero, has a flamboyant personality, and is full of topics; Don't you think the stone man Ben is very powerful, invulnerable, and powerful, with his unexpected appearance, he looks like a mascot?"

"The four of them are almost a standard idol group configuration. They have super powers and are cool. They really deserve their popularity. This is not something you can just find a few ordinary people to perform in a scene. They don't have cool super powers. If ordinary people learn from them, they will only become idiots!"

Knox sighed: "Times are changing so fast. I haven't been to New York for a while, and I almost can't understand it."

Bai Ye took Knox to the Pluto Security Company building and asked Knox to introduce him to the company's security personnel.

These desperate virus warriors are almost all converted from the mercenaries of the Osborne family. They are private soldiers, and their loyalty can be roughly guaranteed. In addition, Bai Ye's Tian Yangsheng team, Gao Jin team, Qiu Gangao team, etc. serve as the skeleton. , it can be driven like an arm.

——Someone also mentioned to Bai Ye that there were too many yellow people under Bai Ye, but Bai Ye turned a deaf ear to it, because for people like Gao Jin and Tian Yangsheng whose loyalty is guaranteed, the more the better, and Bai Ye would not be dissatisfied with any amount. Many, the first priority of security is loyalty. As for the rest, it can be made up for by the Extremis Virus.

On the contrary, Westerners have entered the liberal era prematurely, and there are few people who can be loyal to others. As for a person like Gao Jin, even if Bai Ye asked him to perform a fatal mission, he probably would not frown!

"This group of your men is very powerful."

Knox nodded and smiled:

"Much better than the losers I had in Mexico."

"Nonsense!" Bai Ye said: "These are the elites carefully cultivated by Osborne. They are definitely better than the rotten fish and shrimps you recruited in Mexico. In addition, the confidants you brought over should be injected with the terminal virus as soon as possible. Well, if your own strength is too weak, there may be some thorns here that will embarrass you."

"Understood." Knox said: "What about me? Can't I go together to be injected with the Extremis virus?"

"The failure rate of the Extremis virus is still too high now. Just wait a little longer." Bai Ye said: "Wait for a while, and the new version of the Extremis virus is successfully developed, and you can inject it again."


Knox had no objection.

The two of them were talking about how to lead Pluto Security towards the formal operation of PMC Company, when Bai Ye received a message.

[A theft occurred in the Osborne Building. An employee named Roderick Kingsley stole the super potion 'Human Enhancement Potion' that was being developed by the Osborne Group's Extraordinary Technology Department, and from the aircraft research department, An older version of the Green Goblin skateboard was stolen. 】

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows: Is this the beginning?

Because of Bai Ye's own mental retardation system, he can earn points when he encounters villains to obtain tasks, so Bai Ye has set his sights on many super villains within the Osborn Group early on.

This Roderick Kingsley is the super villain nicknamed "The Evil Dead". He has conflicts with Spider-Man, Kingpin and others, and he can be regarded as a highly intelligent talent.

So Bai Ye gave Roderick Kingsley a certain amount of attention and gave him certain conveniences, so that he could become a supervillain early and contribute to his career.

Originally Roderick Kingsley only stole the Green Goblin's equipment such as the Green Goblin's skateboard and pumpkin bomb, but this time Bai Ye gave him a big gift package [Human Strengthening Potion], which can strengthen his body and become a supernatural being. By.

In addition to [Human Enhancement Potion] and [Green Goblin Skateboard], the evil spirit himself is also an excellent analyst, hypnotist, drug user, and company manager (making the company legal).

"This evil ghost should give me more than 500 points this time, right?"

Now that Bai Ye thinks that Horror only gave him 500 points, he gets angry.

It’s better not to give it!

Knox turned his head and looked at Bai Ye's mobile phone screen, and said in surprise: "Your Osborne Group was actually stolen? Is the security force so weak? You didn't arrange a desperate soldier in the Osborne Group?"

"Sometimes, wisdom is more important than strength." Bai Ye said: "This Roderick Kingsley is a criminal with a high IQ. How can ordinary desperate warriors discover and stop him in advance? But this is not important. He dares to steal our Os The things of this group, the labor and management hold the Blue Silver Grass in their right hand and the Clear Sky Hammer in their left hand. When they recruit people, they grass first and then hammer them, and they get a lot of them. If you don’t believe it, you won’t be able to defeat him!"

Evil Roderick Kingsley!

Eat my blue and silver entanglement move!

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