Late at night.

Cambodia, Phnom Penh at night.

Inside the pitch-black sewers, a man and woman of unknown origin are engaged in a fierce battle.

Judging from the battle situation, this mysterious man was not the opponent of another mysterious woman at all, and in just a few moments, he had been defeated one by one, and even suffered a fatal stab on his body.

Seeing that he was about to die, a man wearing a black T-shirt and his fists shining with extreme gold light rushed to the scene.

“Stop me!!”

With a roar, the man with golden light in his fists threw out a punch with all his strength, knocking another mysterious woman out, and then turned to the injured person who fell to the ground and asked.

“My name is Danny, I’m looking for news about the Hand Club, I think you’re the one I’m looking for.”

“Iron Fist, go home.”

Instead of answering Danny’s question head-on, the injured man grabbed his arm and said weakly.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Your battlefield is not here…”

The injury of the mysterious man in front of him was too serious, and there was no time to answer Danny’s doubts, so he could only hold his breath and say intermittently.

“Go… New York…… There’s all the answers you want to know…”

After that, the mysterious man could no longer hold on, and his head immediately tilted, and he died.

“New York…”

Danny recited the name of the city that was both familiar and unfamiliar in his heart.

Then he stood up and couldn’t calm down for a long time…


“Matt, you can’t fight like this anymore.”

At the home of midnight nurse Claire, Claire said worriedly while helping Daredevil Matt treat his wounds.

“The number of times you have been injured during this time is too much, and the healing speed of your body cannot keep up with the speed of your injury, and you will die if you continue like this.”

“It’s okay, I have my own measure, don’t worry…”

“You don’t look measured now!!”

Without waiting for Matt to finish, Claire interrupted: “Say, Matt, what happened during this time?” ”

“It’s Jin He, he issued a bounty order to the entire Hell’s Kitchen, a bounty order to hunt me down…” After hesitating for a while, Matt finally told the truth.

“Haven’t you already fought Kim many times?”

With doubts, Claire continued to ask: “How can you still be so badly injured because of a bounty order?” ”

“Because it’s a bounty order worth tens of millions of dollars.”


With a tone of surprise, Claire stood up at once and shouted, “Are you sure Kim will spend such a big price to reward you?”

“The facts are right in front of you.”

Matt raised his arm and showed Claire the injuries one by one, then added.

“When I go out at night these nights, I will basically encounter enemies that are far more numerous than several times or even dozens of times, and their strength is getting stronger and more difficult.”

“To be honest, I am already very lucky to have come back alive tonight.”

“Is there no solution?”

After listening to Matt’s explanation, the expression on Claire’s face became more and more solemn.

After a half-ring, she spoke again: “Matt, or you should take a break during this time, and after this limelight, you will come out to maintain…” ”

“You should know it’s impossible, Claire.” Matt shook his head slowly, rejecting Claire’s offer.

Claire continued to advise and said, “It’s really not possible, you can find some like-minded partners and join forces with them to deal with Jin He and this group of gangsters who are greedy for bounties. ”

“Like-minded partners?”

“Yes, like the Mr. Eagle Mountain Hitoshi you told me about at the beginning, and the punisher who wiped out the entire Irish gang with just one person as reported on TV recently.”

Claire bandaged Matt over and over again, and said again: “If you can enlist their help, you will definitely be able to knock down Jinhe.” ”

After listening to Claire’s words, Matt couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

For a long time, he raised his head again and slowly clicked….


“Mrs. Gao, I thought you wouldn’t come back after you returned home.”

Manhattan – Fisker Building, Penthouse Garden.

Jin He’s huge body was sitting on a wooden chair in the open-air garden, looking at the old man figure in front of him with a kind face, and said.

After that, Jin He also poured a cup of freshly brewed hot tea and handed it to Mrs. Gao in front of him.

“According to my previous thoughts, I really don’t plan to come back…”

Reaching out to take the teacup that Jin handed over, Mrs. Gao tasted it lightly, and then exhaled a hot breath and said.

“But my luck was good, and during this period of seclusion, I found a way to continue walking.”

“In this way, Mrs. Gao, you have had a good life.”

Jin He sighed slightly and said, “Unfortunately, the factory you handed over to me may not be able to return to you, because he has been destroyed by Daredevil.” ”

“It’s okay, for me, the factory is never the most important thing.”

For Jin He’s apology, Mrs. Gao shook her head slightly to indicate that she was fine, and then said: “Actually, I came here to find you this time to ask for something. ”

[It’s not easy to write a book~~~New book needs support~~~I hope you vote for flowers and votes to support ~~~ or comment on the author’s book~~~I am very grateful ~~~].

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