Chapter 0066: Isn’t This Enough for AgitΩ to Save!?!!

“Uncle Ren, is my lifesaver.”

After a period of silence.

At this time, Luke. Cage looked at Matt and Jessica with flushed eyes and said in a more determined tone than ever.

“Without him, I would have died that night in the Viper base camp, and Harlem would not have ushered in real change, it can be said that he is the most important person in my life, so I must avenge him.”

“I will never make his sacrifice meaningless.”

Speaking of this, Luke Cage stood up abruptly and came to the front of everyone, and then stretched out his fist and shouted.

“Guys, it’s time for us to make a new choice, whether to continue to be superheroes, continue to fight against the Hand Alliance, or even the tougher and more vicious Amazons, or choose to give up and silently return to the cowardly life of the past, your choice is crucial.”

“It’s all come to this point, do you still need to choose.”

Looking at the fist in front of her, Jessica did not hesitate in the slightest and directly stretched out her right fist and Luke. Cage bumped gently.

“Jessica is right, it has come to this point, and the only way that awaits us is to move on.”

Matt also stretched out his fist and said slowly with a firm tone.

Looking at the fists of the three men colliding with each other, Luke. A smile broke out on Cage’s face again.

At this time, as if remembering something again, he turned his head to look at Matt and said.

“By the way, I also have information, when I was leaving, Uncle Ren told me that I could go to a guy named Punisher for help.”

“The Punisher…”

Matt silently recited the name in his heart, and then replied.

“I know, I’ll invite him then.”

Hearing the conversation between Matt and Luke Cage, Jessica couldn’t help but think of some mysterious organization and replied.

“Actually, I have a suitable person here.”

“Miss Jones, sometimes drinking and drunk yourself can’t solve the problem.”

In the grocery store, Link, who played the role of Takahiro Omi, placed a cup of Tiekannon that had just been poured in front of Jessica, and then said in a deep tone.

“I don’t know why you’re acting so upset, but I hope you cheer up.”

“Hehe, do you think I can still leave the wine now…”

Ignoring the Tie Guanyin in front of him, Jessica picked up the wine bottle in her hand and poured it directly, and then said drunkenly.

“As soon as I wake up now, I will think of the scene of Uncle Ren’s tragic death, which makes me very painful…”

“Uncle Ren?”

As the planner and party of the Battle of Upper New York Bay, Link naturally knows who Uncle Jen is in Jessica’s mouth.

However, his role as Takahiro Omuro is not clear about the setting.

Therefore, when he heard that someone had died tragically, Link, who played Takahiro Omi, immediately put on a serious look and asked.

“Was there an accident?”

With an unconcealable sadness, Jessica poured beer while talking about what had happened during this time.

“We were ambushed by the Hand Association, and Uncle Ren chose to delay the enemy’s footsteps with his life in order to buy us time to escape…”

【Impression +372 from Jessica Jones】

Looking at Jessica, who was so sad in front of him, Link felt a little guilty in his heart.

However, when you see a system prompt that flashes in front of you.

He still quickly collected his emotions.

After all, he couldn’t give up his long-conceived plan for this bit of guilt in his heart.

You must know that the plot of the Avengers is about to begin, and there is not much time left for yourself to become stronger.

If you can’t get enough power before Thanos snaps his fingers, there is a 50% probability of death that awaits him.

For the sake of his own little life, Link will continue on the road of playing and gaining impression points for card draw anyway.

Thinking of this, Link continued to play the role of Takahiro Omi, the liaison officer of the New York branch of the AgitΩ Salvation Society, and opened his mouth to comfort.

“Miss Jones, I know that your heart is very sad, but people cannot be resurrected from death, and you can’t keep going on like this, otherwise, the sacrifice of Uncle Ren who bought you escape time with his life will really be worthless.”

After listening to Link’s comfort, Jessica couldn’t help but fall into a silence.

For a long time, she came back to her senses again, then put down the wine bottle in her hand, and slapped her palms her cheeks several times, allowing herself to slowly sober up from her drunken state…

Then, Jessica raised her head to look at Link in front of her.

“Omi-san, actually, I came here to find you this time to ask the AgitΩ Salvation Society to help our defenders fight against the Hands and even the stronger Amazons.”

“As expected, Jessica came here this time to find helpers against Hand and Amazons.”

Hearing Jessica’s request, Link had a smile on his face.

After all, the reason why he left a mirror doppelganger to open a grocery store here was for this moment.

Moreover, the character of [Takayama Ren] has temporarily withdrawn, and it is just right to arrange a new character to go up and continue to reap impression points in the team of defenders.

Although my heart is about to move, I want to agree immediately.

But on the surface, Link still maintained the persona of Takahiro Omi, said.

“Miss Jones, as I told you before, we at the Agit2 Salvation Society have more important enemies to deal with, and in this case, it is difficult for us to send extra people to help you.”

“Aren’t the Hand Rendezvous and the Last Amazons more important enemies?”

“Now the Hand Association has set off bloody storms in Hell’s Kitchen, and countless citizens living in Hell’s Kitchen have been bullied by them.”

“And the last Amazons feed on human flesh and blood, his blood also has a strong infection 0.3, once something happens, let his blood accidentally flow out, I am afraid that the entire New York City will become a hunting ground and breeding ground for Amazons.”

With a hint of anger, Jessica looked directly at Link in front of her and questioned.

“Isn’t this added up enough for your AgitΩ Savior to make a move!?”

Hearing Jessica’s questioning, Link immediately put on a thoughtful look, hesitated for a while, and slowly spoke.

“I’m just an ordinary liaison, and I’m not sure if the AgitΩ Salvation Society is willing to make a move.”

“But I will submit this piece of information, and no matter what the outcome, I will do my best to help you.”

“Thank you, Omi-san.”

Getting the answer she wanted, Jessica collected the angry expression on her face, and then thanked her with a smile…

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