America’s Big Hero

Chapter 111: : thunderstorm

"Head, Akomo set off, heading southwest, onto Route 29."

"McIntosh also set off..."

"The people behind don't have to follow too closely. The car in front will go to Route 14 to wait in advance." Armstrong had a map of Trenton in front of him. While listening to the report from the headset, his fingers kept stroking back and forth on the map. , he wants to calculate the possible travel route of the two, so that it is convenient to arrange in advance.

At first glance, it was not the first time the two met in private, and they were driving in a car, and the location was never fixed.


"Look, boss, this is what we took today." Armstrong came over with a bunch of photos and a box of videotapes.

Sean took it and took a look. The tape was full of photos of the meeting between Arkomo Appler and McIntosh Quinnear, the Trenton police chief.

The photo is clearer, with Akomo Appler and Mackintosh Quinnier standing beside the car, someone took out a package from the trunk of Mackintosh's car and put it in Akomo's car inside.

After the photo is enlarged, you can see that it is a black plastic bag that is repeatedly sealed, and nothing can be seen from the outside.

After talking for a while, the two got into the car and left.

The videotape is also of this scene. Because the route is a bit far away, it is not so real. However, based on the previous wiretapping recordings, we can see that seven or eight of the things traded are those poisonous scorpions that were confiscated by the police yesterday.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

"How did this call recording come from?" Sean asked with a smile.

"We put bugs on the police chief's office phone," Armstrong said smugly.

"Fuck!" Sean stretched out a thumb, you **** hard enough.

"It's not difficult. Everyone thinks that the police station must be strictly guarded. In fact, the police station is the most lax. You can enter and exit at will with a police uniform on board, and no one cares about you." Armstrong said with a smile.

Well, Sean nodded, he's been to the police station twice, it's really messed up...

"Why is there no sound in this segment?" Sean said, pointing to the tape.

"No way, no way to get close." Armstrong shrugged, "Both of them are cunning, driving halfway around the city."

"Well, that's actually enough." Sean was quite satisfied, there were audio recordings, photos, and videos.

A picture at the beginning can be made up and messed up, not to mention the evidence in hand.

Anyway, it's not going to court, no one cares whether this thing can be used as evidence.

"Print out more things, and attach the information of the two of them." Sean ordered: "Don't take it out all at once, um, for the first time, just take the photos..."


The New York Times, headquarters building.

"Editor-in-chief, I received a letter with no mailer today. It contains some photos. I think you should take a look." The secretary put the item on the desk of the editor-in-chief of The New York Times.

The information and photos detail the identities, experiences and relationships of Akomo Appler and Mackintosh Quinnir, as well as the transaction between the two.

The editor-in-chief is not unusual about this. This kind of thing is quite common, but there is no evidence and not many reports.

He picked up the last piece of paper and wrote a paragraph on it: These things have been mailed to the New York Times, Washington Post, New York Daily News, New York Post, Chicago Tribune and other newspapers, In addition, we have audio and video recordings in our hands.

Such a simple sentence means a lot, that is, even if the New York Times may not report it for some reasons, other nationally distributed newspapers will also report it.

Unless the New Jersey mafia leader can really buy the big newspapers all over the United States, it is inevitable that this will appear in the newspapers.

Thinking of this, the editor-in-chief stood up, took the photo and walked outside, and said loudly with a righteous face: "We have received evidence that the police chief in Trenton, New Jersey colluded with the drug criminals and returned the bag of poisonous vegetables seized by the police. Drug criminals."

"These **** vampires, federal assholes, they're taking taxpayer money and doing their own thing!"

"We absolutely cannot allow this kind of thing to continue to happen in this pure land of America!"

"As the finder of the truth, as the watchdog of public opinion, and as the eyes and mouthpiece of the American people, we must expose this behavior!"


After an impassioned speech, the editor-in-chief handed over the photos and materials to the following people, who will come up with a big news based on these materials...


The next day, as soon as McIntosh Quinnier arrived at the police station, the atmosphere was a little weird, and many people looked at him with weird looks.

At the door of the office, someone hurried up immediately: "Oh my God, why don't you answer the phone!?"

"Big brother may be out of power, you know, that thing uses electricity very quickly." McIntosh Quinnir said indifferently: "What's the matter, what's the big deal?"

"You..." The corner of the person's mouth twitched, you are really calm, but you don't know if you can keep it after reading the newspaper for a while, "Let's take a look."

Picking up the newspaper on the desktop, these were obviously organized by someone and turned to a specific page. There is a large photo on it, and it can be seen from the profile that it is himself.

"Is it a police chief or a drug criminal? 》

Shock: The police chief turned out to be the behind-the-scenes boss of the drug criminals! 》

"What the **** happened to the police in our country? 》

"Is this an individual or a general? 》

Each title is extremely sensational, and just at a glance at the content, McIntosh Quinnir felt that his eyes were darkened, and his body was about to fall.

"This, this, this, this is a rumor, yes, a rumor, I just happened to meet Akomo Mackintosh Quinnir's face was pale, and the hand holding the newspaper was not Stop shaking.

Do you think everyone believes this?

The subordinate opened his mouth, but the words changed again, "If it's just a photo, it doesn't explain anything."

"That's right!" Mackintosh Quinnear said hurriedly, as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

My subordinates really want to tell him that it's useless to tell me what you said, let's think about how to take things down!

The phone on the desk rang, and McIntosh Quinnir hurriedly picked it up. It was Mr. Mayor who called, and he scolded him fiercely on the phone.

There is a saying that pulls out the radish and brings out the mud. If Mackintosh Quinnir explodes, it is very likely that many people will be implicated.

Therefore, not everyone called or asked people to go to Mackintosh Quinnir to ask, what is the situation, and is there any evidence in the hands of the media?

That same day, Sean released the videotape and more photos to the media.

If the topic of the topic wants to be hot, it cannot let the topic pass in one wave, and it must be continuous, so he releases all the evidence in his hand little by little.

Until the recorded dialogue appeared in the media, Mackintosh Quinnill finally couldn't hold it anymore.

Because these things are obtained illegally, they cannot be used as evidence and cannot be brought to court.

However, everyone knew the truth of this matter, so Mackintosh Quinnir had to take the blame and resign to quell public anger.

Of course, he actually didn't want to, but many people thought he should go down, so as not to implicate others!

In addition, the matter also led to Foul Poule had to investigate Akomo.

For a time, Dimio's relationship in the political world became quiet and cautious, and Foboule's investigation also forced many businesses to stop.

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