America’s Big Hero

Chapter 115: : MGM1 fifty-two C spear missile

There is no need for any promises from Akomo at all... abdication, handing over the position of head of the family to the son who was greened by him, that's enough.

Akemo is not Tony, Tony has nothing in his hands now, and Akemo, he is the helm of the current group.

Once he abdicates, it's not that these family owners look down on his son Bradley...

Well, just look down on Bradley.

Twin sons can have one of them to become a younger brother. How can such a person be looked up to by everyone?

Therefore, the decline of the Apple family is certain!

Then, a lot of benefits will be given up. As for who can eat how much in the end, it depends on one's own ability.

Take a look at Akemo now. In this state, it is almost inevitable that his condition will worsen. Everyone doubts whether he can get off the operating table.

The dying person who abdicates, then everyone really has nothing to fear.

Unless Akemo wants to bury the entire Apple family, and now it seems that Akemo is normal.

Promising to abdicate in front of so many people, then Akemo could not help but go back on it, so everyone quickly agreed that they would follow Akemo's orders later.

It has to be said that Akomo is extremely decisive after being at the head of the Dimio crime group for more than 20 years.

At the last moment, he was really willing to break his wrist.


"Boss, the news just came that Akomo secretly went to Camden City early in the morning."

"Have you found out what he was doing?"

"No." Armstrong shook his head and said, "It's just that after Akemo left, we found that a lot of people left the manor, all of whom are the heads of a big family in the Dimio Group. I suspect Akemo is there. Meeting them in secret, there must be some conspiracy."

Sean squinted his eyes for a long time, and said aloud: "Expand the scope of attention, and let me keep an eye on the other members of Dimio's big family."

"it is good."


A day later, Tony received the news that Akemo made a big move and transferred all the power in his hand to the south of Clifton.

At the same time, Sean also received the news.

"Clifton is my territory, what does this guy want to do?" Sean frowned.

Starting yesterday, Akemo's actions suddenly became weird, which was completely unexpected to Sean.

After all, he didn't do it himself. Sean could only let Armstrong keep a close eye on it, and at the same time, let Bill have the manpower ready to deal with it at any time.

But Tony thinks, this is a good opportunity!

Akemo usually hides very closely. It is very difficult for him to kill Akemo directly. Some time ago, everyone exchanged fire several times, but the losses were not large, which made Tony very anxious.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

He was terrified that Akomo would survive this time.

Once you let the other party relax, your whole family will die.

Tony knew exactly what he wanted, and immediately began to lobby others after receiving the news. As long as the elite Akemo was eliminated, the Apple family would be a toothless tiger.

Under Tony's instigation, everyone agreed, and soon, a large-scale gathering of people here was heading towards Clifton.


"Is this going to be a decisive battle?" Sean couldn't figure out what the two sides were thinking, so he couldn't ask.

"Maybe, Tony can't hold on for too long, and Akomo is in a bad situation right now with you." Bill said aloud as a group of people gathered in the base's operations office.

"Akomo came here just after meeting those owners before, so the old guy didn't set a trap for Tony, right?" Sean took a deep breath, it was like drawing a snake out of a hole.

"It is possible." Armstrong said: "Assuming it is a trap, from the intelligence analysis, it is possible that Akomo has reached an agreement with other family owners in private. After all, he is the head of the group and has this ability."

"If it's a trap, then Tony's **** is over." Sean sighed.

This is the disadvantage of the black hand behind the scenes, and you can't actually participate in it.

A group of people looked at Sean. How to decide depends on what Sean means.

After a long while, Sean said after deliberation: "Bill, you can bring some people over in secret and take a look at the situation."


"If you can save it, you can, if you can't..." Sean's eyes slammed, "That means everyone else has reached an agreement with Akemo, then it can't be done!"

"Kill me, and retreat immediately after killing the last group of people!" Sean said with a murderous look on his face.

"But, let's expose this." Armstrong said hesitantly.

"The old guy already knew that someone was behind the scenes, but he wasn't sure who it was." Sean thought for a while and said, "Tony's chess piece is likely to be useless, so it should be used as a waste."

"In one minute, make a surprise attack and leave, don't fight, let them know that someone is pushing behind the scenes, it's okay, as long as you don't know who it is, it's enough, anyway, you can't stabilize Dimio."

"I see." Bill grinned and said, "Do you want to use an RPG?"

"Why don't I give you an MGM-52C spear missile, okay? It'll go straight to the soul!" Sean said angrily.

Following Akomo's actions, the three parties gathered towards the outside of Clifton.


"What shall we do?"

"Nothing to do. Look at Tony. He will fight if he wants to. We are not in a hurry."

"Yeah, the Apple family's strength is still very strong, let Tony consume it."

"Yes, the back of the province Akomo repeated."

Privately, other Dimio families also have their own considerations.


" Tony brought someone here."

"Understood, wait for him, we will divide people into two teams in a moment. Don't take action on the first team. Pay close attention to the surroundings. The man behind the scenes will not just watch it like this. This time, we must catch them." Akomo Keep your back straight.

Although the condition is getting more serious, today's Akomo's extraordinary spirit seems to have returned to his youth.

Outside an abandoned factory, both sides are concentrated here, and Tony also knows that Akomo is here.

Mafia regimes are ultimately going to use guns to solve problems.

"Come on, kill them!" Tony gave an order, and the driver next to him curled up and slammed down the accelerator.

The car roared straight into the abandoned factory.

"Da da da"

"Da da da"

The gunshots sounded at the same time, and Apple's family was ready to fire immediately, and the windshield was shattered immediately.

Tony took the lead, and several cars behind him rushed up quickly.

The car was full of bullet holes, but no one was hit except for a few people who were scratched by the splattered glass.

After rushing into the factory, Tony put the submachine gun on the door and started shooting. The gunfire was loud for a while, and the two sides went all out when they exchanged fire.

In an instant, several people were shot and killed on the spot.

"Go, let's go too." The other families didn't backstab Tony immediately, but instead let people rush up.

In the entire abandoned factory, the two sides fought chaotically and exchanged fire everywhere.

Bill watched from a distance with the binoculars, and not only glanced at the corner of his mouth, but damn, the fight was lively, and few people died.


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