America’s Big Hero

Chapter 2: : Environmental Warrior Peter

As a politician, Benny Cavill has always felt shameless enough.

However, he now realizes that he is still simple.

You are such a mafia leader, you are doing all kinds of murder and arson, and you are also a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who is out of vulgar taste...

Never seen such a brazen person!

Have the money of the president!

Benny Cavill took a few deep breaths to calm his tumbling stomach, squeezed out a smile and said, "Of course, of course, I think so too."

Sean gave Benny Cavill a strange look, "I'm glad Mr. Governor thinks so."

"So, Mr. Sean is ready to take over?"

"No no no." Sean waved his hands again and again.

Benny Cavill's face darkened on the spot.

"Don't be in such a hurry, it's not that simple, right?" Sean didn't seem to see it, and continued to say to himself: "The garbage disposal business throughout the state has assets of nearly 10 million, this is not a casual thing. edible."

"Or, can the governor's government give it to me for free?" Sean spread his hands.

Benny Cavill rolled his eyes and wanted to fart?

If he can give it away for nothing, no matter how much he shuns this business, he will be robbed.

It is impossible for the state government to do this. If he dares, the opposition can immediately overthrow him.

The state government must sell the company at the market price, which of course cannot be a valuation and will be depressed, but it must also be reasonable.

"So, even if I want to help you and help you solve the problem, it's not that simple, and I can't take out so much cash all at once." Sean tapped on the table.

"The state government can make some concessions on taxes and make some concessions on payment methods." Benny Cavill gave conditions.

"This is inevitable. In addition, the state government should also increase some investment in environmental management." Sean proposed conditions.

Residents have to pay for garbage disposal, but the government has to pay for garbage disposal in public areas of the city. Sean asked the government to increase its investment in this area.

"The tilt of government funds is not that simple. If you want to go to the parliament, the party will not bow your head so easily." Benny Cavill shook his head. The state government has only so much revenue, and it has long been divided up. Sean wants to be here. To get a piece of the pie is to steal money from someone else.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing one's parents!

"There is a way, how can there be no way." Sean smiled and whispered a few words in Benny Cavill's ear.

Benny Cavill looked at Sean with a look of astonishment, this approach was beyond his expectations.


There is a door!


"How about the materials you have prepared?" In the villa, sitting opposite Sean was a middle-aged man with a righteous face. It was Peter from Edward Construction Company.

With the help of the last case, Peter joined the Republican Party and, with Sean's funding, is now somewhat famous.

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"I have collected a lot of information, and the preparation is quite sufficient." Peter said with a smile. In the past six months, he has found a new direction in life, and the people and affairs he contacts have become more high-end, and his temperament also has some politicians faintly. smell.

He is enjoying the admirable life he is now living.

Before Sean asked Peter to collect information on 'environmental protection', New Jersey's economic development in recent years has damaged the natural environment at the same time, the natural environment is overwhelmed, and the impact on the environment will bring many bad consequences.

Environmental protection is a big stick, and the name of an environmental protection fighter will greatly enhance Peter's political image.

And this thing is very powerful when wielded, and it can easily blow the brains of many people.

Especially in the recent period of time, the inability to deal with municipal waste in time has caused the sanitary environment to become severe, which is a good time.

"Then start it." Sean patted Peter's shoulder with a smile, "In the future, you will be the most aggressive boy in New Jersey!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.


The next day, Sean paid a well-organized reporter to visit Peter at home.

At this time, Peter was taking care of his own garden. The garden was not very beautiful, but it was full of green plants and flowers. You could tell by looking at the growth that it was well taken care of.

"Every one of us lives on this land, what we eat, wear, drink, and use all come from this beautiful nature, past, present, future, and even one day we will go to space, We are all inseparable from a beautiful and comfortable environment.”

"It is the great environment that nurtures us, but we are like pests, constantly ingesting nutrients from the natural environment, but few people think about giving back to the environment!"

"I have this data in my hand, in the last 40 years, the forest cover of our New Jersey has declined a lot, a lot of trees have been felled, a lot of land has been developed, digging mines, opening factories, and so on. . . . … the environment we live in is being destroyed.”

"Imagine the people living next door to the desert who don't have a sip of clean drinking water and we're wasting it..."

"The infinite expansion of cities, a large amount of domestic waste, non-degradable plastic products and heavy metal products are destroying our world..."

Under Sean's instruction, Peter collected a lot of information, spoke with data, and talked for a long time. After the interview, even if the reporter received money, he also felt the shock.

Especially after seeing the photos and materials that Peter took out, the comparison between the past and the present, the piles of untreated garbage are full of mice and flies,

The black-brown waste water flows over it and is full of disgusting foam, the surrounding vegetation is yellow, and the life in the water is extinct.

All these, after the reporter sorted out, there are some tragic tastes.

The editor-in-chief of the newspaper only said one sentence after seeing these things, "He won't let the sales go!"

With the release of this issue, many media also saw the two big words "sales" in it, especially when the whole of New Jersey is going to stink.

On the same day, more "Tap Water" reporters came to interview Peter, and Peter was so happy.

The next day, the major newspapers set off a wave of discussion about the environment.

At the same time, the Elephant Party was keenly aware that this was an opportunity to attack Benny Cavill, and immediately followed suit.

More people came forward for interviews and criticized people's destruction of the environment. Not far behind, local TV stations in New Jersey joined the discussion on environmental protection issues.

The tide was irresistibly blowing all over New Jersey.

Everything was in Sean's expectations, and he was ready to add another fire while sitting and watching Yunjuan Yunshu.

It's time for those politicians to see their means and demagoguery!




"Tomorrow, at 10 a.m., gather good people, 30 people from each family, try to find white people for me, and black people can't account for more than half." Jonas received a letter from Sean, and immediately put the gang leader in Trenton. Concentrate.

It wasn't long before Sean tamed him last time. Besides, their current status was also given by Sean, so naturally there would be no refutation.

It's just a parade, no money...

"Can't black people? This is discrimination." A gang leader muttered with some dissatisfaction.

"Mom Fake, don't **** bullshit." Jonas pointed at the guy and scolded: "It's discrimination, all black people come out to march, so it can't be in the newspaper at all!"

"Don't you guys know what kind of virtue you have!"

"Environmental friendly?"

"In the eyes of many people, the best environmental protection measure is to kill all black people!"

Jonas scolded a few words, he was not targeting his own people, but this was the reality.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. There are 30 people in a family, and your site has a population of 20,000 to 30,000 people. Don't say that you can't do this well. The more white people, the better." Jonas scolded after a few words. Continue to talk about business, "No matter how much money you make, if you can't do it, it's useless."

After being warned, all the gang leaders nodded.

"In the future, you can get more white people. It's not good for a group of old black people." Jonas stood up and waved his hand. "Remember, go back and say hello to Lao Tzu."

"Tomorrow is an environmental parade, not so much **** racial discrimination, so cheer up Lao Tzu, don't be so unqualified!"

"Whose subordinates will cause trouble for me tomorrow, smashing and looting, buying zero yuan, and **** up the parade..." Jonas' eyes swept coldly across everyone's faces, "Don't blame me for not being there then. greet."

Everyone shuddered in unison, and it was obvious that anyone who screwed up was dead.

"Okay, that's it, let's go."

Compared with how much money he earns, Sean values ​​the organizational ability of the gang more. For this, he also specially trained a professional team.

"This is our planning plan. Tomorrow, at 10 o'clock, we will start the parade from here. We will prepare 120 KT boards, 15 banners, and more than 1,000 flags. The entire parade will last for 3 hours, until it reaches the state capital. It's over." The head of the planning team pointed to the map of Trenton and said.

"The elephant party contacted us. There will be a follow-up filming by a TV station tomorrow, and there will be a lot of follow-up interviews with paper media."

"Have all the people being interviewed been arranged?" Sean asked aloud. This was also the first time he had organized a parade, so he had to show his character and style.

"Don't worry, it's arranged. There are three college students who are specially responsible for this. Those from Newark Law School and Princeton University often participate in social activities in the school."

"Okay, I will promote it on campus in the future. Young people still have passion. They have the idea of ​​contributing to this society." Sean said with great satisfaction.

"Don't worry, sir."


"For our planet, eliminate white pollution!"

"The weeping forest, the earth is weeping."

"The black river is the tears of God."

"To protect the environment and protect the ecosystem is to protect ourselves!"

"for the kids……"

A group of people, holding the KT board, led by the four leaders of the team, kept shouting slogans.

There were only more than 100 people at the beginning. Every time they passed a block, the people that Sean arranged early would join the flow of people, get the KT lever and banner from the logistics car behind, and join the parade with a flag. .

Of course, there were people who were aware of the importance of environmental protection under the bombardment of newspapers and television during this period of time and spontaneously joined the procession. The parade team welcomes this.

Moreover, the current problems encountered in New Jersey really need to be solved, and many people are already very dissatisfied, which is why the parade team is expanding very fast.

When they finally arrived at the State Capital Plaza, only half of the people arranged by Sean were there, and the remaining 500 people came spontaneously, which made the KT board not enough.

Sean is still very happy about this.

Such a huge parade is the first time in nearly a year.

Sean greeted Bertram Jim in advance, and the police cooperated to maintain order.

Xu is that Jonas’ warning worked. Xu is that the proportion of black people in the parade was not high, and the zero-dollar purchase incident did not happen.

Of course, it just didn't happen during the parade. After the parade passed, some old blacks did run out spontaneously to beat, smash, and loot...

Traditional arts, racial nature.

It's like a dog can't stop eating shit...

Fortunately, Sean had already made arrangements. This time, the gang members spontaneously maintained order. As soon as they found someone who beat, smashed, and robbed, they rushed to punch and kick without waiting for the police.

Before leaving, I even spit it hard!

Damn, justice feels so good!

Fighting people is more energetic than before!

Thousands of demonstrators gathered in the square, which made the state capital look like a formidable enemy. People from the Donkey Party looked very ugly, while people from the Elephant Party showed their support righteously.

Just kidding, who wouldn't!

Sit and watch, lie down and watch...

In the governor's office, Benny Cavill's face was a little ugly.

Although Sean said that he would find a way to get the Senate to pass more investment in urban health governance, Sean didn't say that he would do a parade, and it would be so big.

Now that things are going on, Benny Cavill is terrified of things getting out of hand.

People in the office suggested that Benny Cavill come forward to appease the crowd. This kind of march is a disservice to the Donkey Party.

"Sean, I need an explanation!" Benny Cavill asked his subordinates to go out first, picked up the phone and called Hahaha, Mr. Governor, don't be angry, everything is in in control. " Sean said with a smile.

"You never said you were going to have a parade!"

"This is called pushing from the bottom to the top. Only when there is a driving force can the next things be done better." Sean smiled and reassured: "Besides, only when there are bandits can there be soldiers, and when there are problems and contradictions, the performance of the work can be reflected. , isn't it?"

"What we see now is that some people are marching, and some people are dissatisfied, but after one year, two years, four years later, what everyone sees is only political achievements!"

"It's just your achievements in the position of governor, for this city and for the cause of environmental protection!"

"Otherwise, otherwise this political achievement could fall on others?"

"Franklin Roosevelt became one of the greatest presidents because of World War II, and without World War II, President Roosevelt wouldn't have accomplished that much, would he?"

"The right place, the right place and the right people are indispensable."

"I'm talking about the bottom line. The urban health problem will inevitably be solved. The real political achievements are here. The bigger the trouble, the happier you should be."

"The matter is not big enough, and only after the matter is resolved can there be enough political achievements."

"Does helping the owner find the lost $100 count as a grade?"


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