America’s Big Hero

Chapter 153: : New York Flying Man

"Now put a news, put a news!"

"This is ABC TV, and Louisa Olivia is on the scene in Manhattan, New York to bring you a report. There was a robbery here just now. A group of robbers killed a large number of bank security personnel and robbed a bank account. There was a fierce fight with the police behind the car." Louisa Olivia stood in front of the camera with the burning vehicle behind her.

People come and go all the time, including police, hospitals, and other media reporters from newspapers, radio stations, etc., and many people come out to watch.

"According to the people who witnessed the scene, the gangsters used RPGs, grenades, grenades and other weapons to bomb the police's vehicles. After blowing up a passage, they began to flee. The gangsters behind me just used RPG bombing." Said Luisa Olivia pointed behind her, where, the three police cars had been bombed and completely deformed.

"According to the investigation of this station, the police did not give up because of the heavy casualties after the bandits broke out of the encirclement, and immediately mobilized the helicopter to track them.

Luisa Olivia immediately walked over to the OB van next to her after reporting in, "How is the police chasing, any news?"

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"Not yet, our people are watching."

"Okay, go to the bank, there are also heavy casualties? Going to interview bank staff, security guards, passers-by, this is big news!" The group packed up the equipment and walked towards the OB van.

And here, not only ABC, but also the five major American television networks, NBC, CBS, Fox...

Large and small TV stations, newspapers and magazines reporters, hundreds of people gathered around.

Almost all TV stations across the country broadcast this shocking news for the first time.

In just a few minutes, most of the people in the United States knew about this "The Great Robbery".

This is just what happened. As the report deepened, the vehicle finally broke through the bridge and fell into the sea, and the news of the mysterious disappearance of the robbers and his party was reported.

America was shocked!

In a perfect robbery operation, the police were played around in circles, and they never touched the gangsters from beginning to end.

A large number of reporters interviewed every police officer at the gate of the Manhattan Police Department in New York.

"Excuse me, do the police know how many gangsters there are?"

"Excuse me, do the police know how the robbers carried so much money away?"

"Excuse me, what do the police want to say about the whole robbery incident, apart from the heavy casualties..."

The media in New York will not be used to these gangs of police officers, who are suitable and inappropriate, who can be asked but cannot be asked, and they do everything they can to ridicule, and frantically report every thing that catches the wind.

The pressure from the police is unimaginable.

And just because the police didn't know any news about the gangsters, it cast a layer of mystery on the whole robbery.

Americans are all strange. In less than a day, this group of robbers was dubbed the "Flying Man of New York".

Suddenly, a large number of 20 old fans of "Flying Man of New York" appeared in the United States.

This is something Sean never thought of.

Of course, there must be many people who scold, but there are also many people who praise...

When the whole country was attracted by the big robbery, Sean had already returned to the Newark base camp early.

The money was also pulled by Yuri and the others to the dock warehouse in Newark for storage.

Sean was in no hurry to watch.

Where the money could not escape, he went to Wells immediately.

Newark Police Chief, great witness, isn't it!

In less than two hours, Thomson also came back. It was too difficult to catch someone in the sea.

Thomson dived all the way to a public beach, took off his clothes, wore a swimsuit, swam directly to the shore, mixed into the crowd, and left quietly.

After all the eyes of the United States were attracted by the New York robbery, Norris immediately saw an opportunity from it and immediately contacted Harvey Weinstein.

Although Harvey especially looked at Norris, this was not the time to be angry, and he also saw an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Launching relationships, throwing money, giving interviews…

"First of all, I'm sorry for the big bank robbery in New York, and I hope it doesn't happen again, and secondly, I want to say that this film we made is based on the "Shocking" that happened in Newark last year. It was based on The Heist."

"We have cooperated with the police to restore what happened to the maximum extent. The part of the bank robbery used the bank vault where the robbery happened, and all the police officers were local police officers."

"We hope that everyone can better understand the truth of the matter through the camera..." Director John talked eloquently in front of the TV camera.

In order to make better use of the popularity of this wave of New York robbery, the main creative team temporarily canceled the mission of propaganda to various places, divided the troops into two groups, went all the way to Los Angeles, accepted interviews with local TV stations and newspapers, and led the team by Nicolas Cage. All the starring members took gifts to express their condolences to the Manhattan police in New York.

The real money was thrown out, and the two things were indeed closely related. They immediately attracted the attention of a lot of media, and more and more in a row, the entire crew was the hottest star in the United States.

It can be said that this time the crew and the media have a win-win situation.

If the media wants to develop deeper and make more money, it must keep one thing hot.

And maintaining the popularity is like telling a story, you have to let things go, or find more different angles to report.

In this case, the media could not find the culprits, so they could only interview the police and the bank. For these two parties, it was a scandal and naturally they would not cooperate.

At this time, a movie "The Great Robbery" that is about to be released appears in the eyes of all the media, and will naturally be sought after.

Likewise, Wells, the local police chief in Newark, has been covered by a large number of media across the country.

In this regard, Wells is happy to see it happen. In the last bank robbery, he solved the case in just 36 hours and found the culprit.

Afterwards, he bravely rushed to the front line and led his police officers to completely annihilate a group of gangsters in the abandoned textile factory.

Do not believe?

It's all filmed in the movie!

The money from the bank robbery has also been recovered!

The facts are all there, I, Wells, are wise and powerful, and make money!

At the same time, watching the soaring popularity of "The Great Robbery" and the continuous increase in the film scheduling rate of the theaters in various places, Sean, the old father smiled with relief. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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