America’s Big Hero

Chapter 158: : armored vehicle

Chapter 158: Armored Vehicles

Joel Ronald, who served in the Navy with Benny, was transferred to the Logistics Department after the Vietnam War, and currently has the rank of "Colonel".

The logistics department of the US military is extremely large and complex. The procurement of weapons, the procurement of munitions, the procurement of daily necessities, transportation, maintenance, scrapping, and construction must also be divided into domestic and overseas.

Benny called and helped Sean connect, and Sean flew straight to Orlando, Florida, the next day.

It's still an all-purpose golf course, and I play a lot. Now Sean's golf skills are pretty good.

Good Eagles...

On the one hand, the rich and wealthy are asking for help, and on the other hand, they hope to make more rich people to realize their power, and then there is Benny, the middleman, to lubricate them. After a few shots together, the two become acquainted.

For the first time, Sean's request was also very simple. He hoped to get the recent military retired list and select some suitable people to be absorbed into the security company.

It's not as simple as anyone, you have to have military details.

At least, not good people...

Not bad either.

This is very easy for Jor Ronald, and it can also solve the problem of the placement of the first lieutenant and lieutenant, and help him solve the trouble within the scope of authority.

The other is to prepare to buy a few armored personnel carriers, which is enough to make people lose their desire to rob at a glance.

"Armored personnel carriers? What do you want?" Joel Ronald asked with a smile.

"The M113 armored personnel carrier will do. This is what I used to ride when I served in the army a few years ago. You know, the security company over there is all from our army. It's easy for everyone to drive this." Sean Zao I just thought about it, and of course it came when I opened my mouth.

The M113 armored transport vehicle was equipped with the U.S. military in 1960. In addition to the U.S. Army, more than 40 countries and regions such as Italy, Germany, Canada, France, Denmark, Israel, and South Korea use the vehicle. The car has a variety of improved and modified cars, and a total of more than 80,000 models of various models have been produced.

At present, in 1984, the price of the new M113 purchased by the US military was only $178,400.

"M113 has many improved models, what do you want?"

After so many years of development, M113 has changed from a single model to a frame, which can be matched with different firepower on the frame, and there are more than a dozen variants.

For example, the installation of 107 self-propelled mortars, 81 self-propelled mortars, M163 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, M132/M132A1 jet trains, M548/M548A1 cargo vehicles, anti-aircraft missile launch vehicles (equipped with M727 Hawk missiles, vehicle-mounted short sword missiles), M1015 electronic combat vehicle, command vehicle, rescue vehicle... A total of 32 different models.

"M113A3?" Sean's eyes lit up and he asked tentatively.

The M113A3 is a modified model that was finalized just last year. Currently, the military is using A2 to convert it into an A3. This is a new car and is not in the scrapped ranks.

A3 model, with new 275 hp 6V-53T turbo diesel engine, Allison X-200-4 transmission, joystick changed to steering wheel and brake pedal, additional armor installed, machine gun shield installed on the commander's tower , the car is fitted with a caving-resistant lining made of Kevr composite material.

After the above improvements, the combat performance, reliability and maneuverability of the vehicle have been greatly improved. Tests show that the acceleration time from 0 to 32 km/h is reduced from 11.7 seconds to 8.1 seconds, the braking distance at 32 km/h is reduced from 10 meters to 7.3 meters, and the off-road speed is increased from 26 km/h to 33.7 km. /Time.

The ballistic resistance is greatly improved, and it can withstand the firepower of 12.7mm heavy machine guns without being injured.

"It's not a big problem, anyway, the cars are refitted at our logistics department, and the spare parts are always scrapped due to operational errors, right?" Joel Ronald raised his eyebrows with a smile.

Sean slammed into the palm of his hand and laughed.

Yes, a group of rough men in the army, isn't it a matter of course that some parts are scrapped during modification!

"What about the weapons, what do you want, a 12.7mm heavy machine gun, or two M60 7.62mm general-purpose machine guns?"

"Or, change to M134 six-pipe Gatling!" Sean's eyes were bright.

"Okay, no problem." Joel Ronald agreed.

These scrapped parts are all charged.

Sean doesn't care, the problems that money can solve are not big problems.

Anyway, it's cheaper than ordering brand new.

Besides, with this way, Sean somehow remembered what he said when he was joking with Bill last time.

MGM-52C Spear Missile...

Good guy, think about who is so unwilling to be hit by a missile...

After a million-dollar deal was negotiated, the relationship between the two immediately became intimate.

Sure enough, nothing can set the mood better than Franklin.

In a short period of time, the two of them were almost out of honey. If it wasn't for the Black Hawk helicopter, it would be difficult to scrap it, and Sean would have almost bought it here together.

No one's money comes from the wind.

Not to grab a little bit...

When they parted, Sean accidentally dropped his golf bag in Joel Ronald's car.

Joel Ronald also seemed to be taken away without the slightest accident.

When I went back, I opened it and found that in addition to the golf equipment, there was also a long and beautifully packaged box. When I opened the box, there was a reel inside.

There is a note next to the scroll as an introduction. This is a famous antique painting, and the value is neither high nor low, around 100,000 US dollars.

Joel Ronald put it away with satisfaction.

Antique works of art are very suitable for gifts. You can say this famous painting is a family heirloom, or you can find it. Anyway, the value is not high, and the IRS can't find it on your head.

The information was in hand, and there were seven or eight large boxes, all of which were copied from the logistics department's own database.

It's just that the photocopying fee is a bit expensive, but it's enough for Sean to expand the security company a few times.

Once the items are in hand, they must be screened according to the requirements. The intelligence team will do this. After the rough selection, Sean will choose.

Sean can't fake this job. The security company is the core guarantee, and he must control it himself.


After the film was released, the box office response was good. After the first week, the estimated box office was more than 35 million, which made the entire creative team full of energy.

Under the leadership of Norris, propaganda was run everywhere.

At the moment, they are doing a promotion in Atlanta, Georgia, the tenth largest city in the United States.

The so-called promotion, the first is to go to the local local TV station, and then, under the arrangement of the local cinema, appear at the scene to interact with the fans, sign autographs, or perform something when the movie is shown.

Close the relationship with local movie fans in order to attract more people to the cinema to watch movies.

"This woman is really beautiful. She has a unique charm." In a manor in Atlanta, a young man looked at Diane Lane's desire on TV.

Diane Lane is beautiful in her own right, and dressing up in men's clothing adds a lot of heroism to her beauty, which is extremely rare.

Coupled with the specific angles in the shooting process and the moving movements designed by the eighth master, Diane Lane's charm has been raised three layers out of thin air.

What does Diane Lane, who is already a top beauty in her own right, look like she is raising three floors?

"The crew will have a dinner party after the TV station's promotion. Many people are invited, and everyone in the crew will be there." A middle-aged man next to the young man touched the beard on his face and said with a smile.

"Oh, what time?" The young man turned around suddenly, his eyes full of surprises of harvesting the prey.

"10 o'clock, it's too late to go now."

"Then what are you waiting for!" Thinking that the young Diane Lane didn't want to wait for a moment, she got up and walked out.

Behind him, the middle-aged man followed with a smile, brought his subordinates, and drove all the way to the banquet hotel.

Thinking of the look in Diane Lane's movie, the young Dulles Ed felt like a cat scratching in his heart, itchy.

Along the way, I thought of many new ways to play uncontrollably in my mind.

There has to be Diane Lane in that costume from the movie.

Yes, Diane is still a robber. She ran to her house to rob and was caught by herself. Of course, she could also be caught by her...


Dulles Ed twisted his butt, his pants hurt, no, don't think about it!

Speeding all the way to the hotel, it was already past 10 o' However, with the Dulles family's influence in Atlanta, to attend a reception, even if there is no invitation, there is no problem.

As soon as he entered the banquet hall, Dulles Ed began to look around, and soon, he found the target among a small group of people, Diane Lane.

Holy crap, so beautiful!

Of course, Dulles Eddard didn't say that, but English is so broad and profound that it sums up what it means.

After all, one cannot expect much literacy from a mafia family.

After finishing his clothes, Dulles Ed showed a self-confident smile, and walked up, "Hello, Miss Diane Lane, I'm Dulles Ed, nice to meet you. you."

Diane Lane was taken aback by the sudden self-introduction, and looked up and down the person, young, in her 20s, tall and thin, with sunken eye sockets and slightly blue lips, "Hello."

Diane Lane politely stretched out her hand and shook it lightly. Unexpectedly, Dulles Ed grabbed Diane's hand with a sloppy smile on her face, and scratched her finger lightly in Diane's palm. few times.

Diane's face changed, and she pulled out her hand and took a step back. If it wasn't for a public occasion, she would have slapped it.

The people around immediately understood what was going on. Some people who knew Dulles Edd just frowned, and some people didn't, so they wouldn't speak out rashly.

"I have other people to entertain, goodbye." Diane Lane waved her hand and turned away.



Thanks: All the rewards of the chicken dragon brothers!

Thanks: Su Liangfu, book friend 160506141518384, Wei_laugh, rhyme night, and beacon in the sky for the rewards of several readers!

I wish the brothers and sisters are in good health, and they can lower the white tiger and capture the black dragon!

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