America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 205: : destroyer

In three days, Sean sent out hundreds of invitations.

Everyone in New Jersey high society, including politicians, including Governor Benny.

New York's cheap brothers, sisters, Robert, Marvin, Bush Jr. and James are the second- and third-generation dudes.

The underground forces in New Jersey are naturally coming to join in, and Sean from the five major families in New York also sent invitations. In addition, only the old man Huang received the invitations.

It's not that no one has raised the question of whether it is not suitable for those who are in the dark to be in the same occasion as the rich and the politicians, but this was rejected by Sean.

No one dared to mess with the underground forces in New Jersey. The five big families in New York themselves had a close relationship with politicians and businessmen. Sean would not invite those brainless gangs.

Three days passed in a flash.

At night, Newark is close to Jersey City, an island in the heart of the river, and luxury cars pour in one by one.

During this period, there were still many luxury cars with consecutive license plates, all of which belonged to the Peace Hotel.

Sean has bought 40 luxury cars of various colors, a huge investment, these cars are specially used to receive those public figures.

Too many people know their own car, which is inconvenient. Sean has considered the privacy issue very well.

Of course, there are also helicopters. Sean has prepared 20 helipads on the roof of the hotel!

This time Sean didn't come to the door to greet him, because most of them had already come to watch the underground boxing match.

A small number of people who have never been here are all with friends and introduced by someone.

After the surprise, there is only one feeling, how safe!

The privacy is too good, and it is suitable for public figures like them to play.

Of course, Sean invited them not only to let them play, but also to introduce the Peace Hotel to them.

The beautiful waiters in various colors will take them to visit the fully enclosed building on all sides, especially the rooms below for rent.

Here, you can talk about anything and do anything, absolutely safe.

There are two banks downstairs, Sean Bank and Ocean First Bank, which can be used for capital turnover.

At the same time, it is still a hotel, except the scenery is not beautiful, the service is better than the five-star hotel, what you want.

Not illegal, provided by Peace Hotel.

Illegal, provided by a separate merchant.

After the visit, you will directly enter the Xinghui nightclub, which is the highlight of today.

Xinghui Nightclub, 24 hours non-stop, when to come, when to play, no day or night!

Dim lights, passionate music, a huge dance floor in the middle,

The dance floor was designed by Sean, in the shape of a five-star, with a separate stage in the middle and five sharp corners.

There are all card tables between the included corners. This design makes the whole floor have no corners. No matter where you sit, you can be infected with your whole body.

Beautiful women from all over the world will strip here.

Coquettish, seductive.

Sailor, Navy, OL, bunny girl, grass skirt...

Beautiful women in various uniforms will provide all customers with all the services they want during the shuttle!

Everything, service!

This is the paradise of desire, the indulgence, the joy, the Eden of the sinking!

Here, there is absolutely no need to hide yourself, no need, there will be no reporters here, and there will be no leakage of information.

Of course, if you want a little more privacy, you can also have a ring of shelves around it.

All are made of single-sided light-transmitting glass, you can't see the inside from the outside, but you can clearly see the outside from the inside.

However, after all, it is made of glass, and there is no such thing as curtains, so there will still be a feeling of being exposed to the public eye.

Therefore, standing in the compartment to play, there will be a different kind of excitement...

Today, there are no outsiders here, and everyone has little difference in status and status, and they can all let go.

It can be considered that Sean has gained insight.

I am still young...

If you are healthy, you don't need to play so many tricks.

Playing from the first floor to the sixth floor, these guys will be amazed every time they reach the first floor.

When you go up, you will be in high spirits, and when you go downstairs, you will walk against the wall...

The mouth did not forget to praise Sean for being creative and playing.

Youth of the new era!

Individuals have personal hobbies, and they can play wherever they like.

But in the end, the "Script Cannon" and "Indian Adventure" were welcomed.

These two games received the most positive reviews.

After entertaining, and seeing everyone having a good time, Sean was completely relieved.

This Peace Hotel, the cost is enough to build a skyscraper.

In order to make sure everything ran smoothly, Sean stayed directly at the hotel, and there was a room here for himself.

The first day was dedicated to entertaining these bigwigs, and the next day, news spread and it was officially opened to the public.

Sean deliberately found James Dolan and asked him to bring the players of the New York Knicks to play. For the first time, Sean entertained him for free!

At this time, the salary of the NBA is not high. Of course, this is not high compared with future generations. This year, the Knicks' No. 1 pick, Gorilla Ewing, had a contract of more than 500,000 US dollars in his rookie season.

The reason why James brought these old blacks over was because Sean wanted to borrow a lot of money.

The fame of the Atlanta Gold Club in the previous life is due to Ewing the Gorilla.

Moreover, these old blacks will go bankrupt sooner or later. Instead of spending their money elsewhere, it is better to spend it here. At least, Xinghui Nightclub will not let them get sick.

Sean deliberately met these old blacks on the spot. Usually, he felt that he was in good shape, but in front of the gorillas, he was indeed a little smaller.

The most ridiculous, when choosing a fruit plate, the gorillas are indeed two petite and exquisite...

This can't help but make Sean's eyes look weird.

I heard, I heard, the future big shark O'Neal also likes petite.

Sean had to wonder what unspeakable things happened to these giants when they were developing.

Tsk tsk, tsk tsk, in an instant, Sean felt some sympathy for them.

As Starlight Nightclub's reputation for being 'super fun' spread, and after everyone knew it was extremely safe, business was on a straight upward trend.

Backed by the metropolis of New York, there is nothing else here, that is, there are many rich people!

Under the circumstance of ensuring safety, cleanliness and concealment, the number of guests picked up by the Peace Hotel has exploded.

Compared with the famous gold club in later generations, the Peace Hotel is safer and has more tricks to play. You can watch an underground boxing match first, place a bet, and after watching the boxing match, you can go to the upstairs Xinghui Nightclub to do it. Something to love to do.

After playing all kinds of tricks, you can rest in the restaurant when you are tired. There are meals of various tastes, and you can continue to play when you are full.

As long as you have money, you can always live here and enjoy it like heaven.

It is a vehicle specially used for concealed pick-up and drop-off.

Sean's Black Hawks at the base in Newark have all been requisitioned. This is safer and faster...

To this end, Sean had to urgently order 3 helicopters. Of course, this time it was a serious civilian helicopter.

Cheap and fast enough.

Half a month later, the single-day turnover of the entire Peace Hotel reached a terrifying 1.6 million!

According to the calculation of the hotel management team hired by Sean, it is currently an outbreak period, and there will be a decline in the future. However, the transaction function of the hotel itself will show an increasing trend.

The management team predicts that in the future, relying on the characteristics of safe transactions in New York and here, the number of customers received by the Peace Hotel will be around 700 every day.

You must know that the entrance ticket of the Peace Hotel is only 500 US dollars. On average, no one spends less than 1,000 US dollars here every day. The annual turnover of the Peace Hotel will reach a terrifying 240 million or so!

240 million, even if it's just the turnover, that's scary enough.

Of course, hotel expenses are also high.

The salary of a few hundred beauties alone is hundreds of thousands of dollars a day. In addition to the high taxes, the team is cost-effective, and the net profit of the Peace Hotel should be 15%.

Even so, the annual net profit is around 36 million!

It is worthy of the name of the Golden Swallowing Cave.

In the future, this Peace Hotel will become a giant trap cow, providing a steady stream of power for the industry under Sean's name.

Moreover, the above turnover does not count the underground black boxing gambling.

After all, this is an illegal project.

In the part of black boxing gambling, if you remove the profit sharing for the contestants and the gangs behind them, there will be a net profit of about 50 million yuan a year.

This piece will replace fake wine and become another major source of black income for Sean.

This will greatly alleviate the problem of Sean's lack of funds on hand, of course, it is also a hassle to wash the money.

There is a limit to the amount of money the gym can afford each year, and Sean must get an industry that can absorb more money as soon as possible.

It's really not that I want to come out and come out, I think of what industry and what industry, this is also because of helplessness!

Didn't get a gym in the first place just to get money!

The ghost knows that it's getting hotter and hotter...

So much money to be cleaned, what can I do!

I am also very helpless!

In order to think of a good channel for Xian money, Sean really racked his brains.

On the film side, Sean gave up directly. It's boring if the amount is too small, but if the amount is too large, the commission for the theater chain is too high, which is not cost-effective.

He also gave up the idea of ​​X Security to get some virtual business. X Security is the core industry and must be foolproof. Besides, it is still that sentence, which cannot be measured.

Preferably international trade, which makes it more difficult for the IRS to investigate.

It's just that before Sean can think of a good way, on the other hand, Cartagena has made a fool of himself again.


"In the beginning, we really fought a few gangs who were poisoned in private, and we made a lot of money back and forth, seven or eight million, but later, these guys learned to be smart." Jeff was a little distressed. said.

"How do you say?" Sean asked casually while lying on the beach chair with sunglasses.

"These guys are no longer shipping within Cartagena. The coastline here in Colombia is too long, and there are not many goods. There are dozens of catties to hundreds of catties at a time. Just find a beach and put the boat down and you can go. Goods, we can't run out of Cartagena to enforce the law after the goods arrive at sea!" Jeff scolded, "A bunch of **** bastards, they're too cunning."

"If you are not cunning, you will not be a drug criminal." Sean snorted, "What about our trading center, has there been more business recently?"

"It's a bit more. After all, safety is guaranteed, but the proportion of transactions is still too small. It's mainly leaves that go away. The amount of leaves is large, and it's inconvenient to trade secretly."

"How do you think these guys can honestly trade from us?"

"Unless they can attack their shipping channels by sea, otherwise, it will be difficult."

"Combating the sea transportation channel..." Sean frowned and pondered for a while, "It's not impossible."

Sean took a sip of the coconut juice next to him, and then slowly said: "The route from the Caribbean Sea to the United States is fixed. Get a few gunboats to rob them directly at sea!"

"Ah, robbery!?" Jeff looked at Sean in surprise, "This matter can't be concealed, it's illegal, and it will affect us ourselves."

"Pirates looting ships, what does it have to do with us." Sean looked at Jeff inexplicably, "Well, I can't say it doesn't matter."

(In this part of security expansion, don’t mention who plagiarized and so on. In the last book "Hong Kong Movie Heroes", we set up security companies, cultivated pirates, purchased warships, and aircraft carriers.)

"That's right, it's not hundreds of years ago, where are there pirates in the Caribbean Sea now." Jeff nodded in agreement.

"If there are pirates, there must be escort, but we can take some **** missions." Sean said to himself.

Jeff: ? ? ?

"Where are the pirates!" Jeff said with tears in his eyes.

"Why not, I said there are pirates, and he has pirates!" Sean sneered.

"This is the Caribbean Sea, the back garden of the United States. Don't you know how chaotic and poor it is?" Sean gave Jeff a sideways glance.

America is shooting every day, not to mention America's back garden.

Everyone knows the chaos in Palestine, the chaos in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia, and most of Africa.

But in fact, places such as Iraq are okay now, not the most chaotic. There is a place that is more random, but the media does not report it, or rarely reports it.

In the 1980s, most of the ten most chaotic areas were in the Caribbean.

First: Honduras.

Second: Jamaica.

Third: Venezuela.

Fourth: Colombia.

Fifth: Guatemala (the name is very dangerous...)

Sixth: Belize

Seventh: Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

10th: Haiti

Not all of the top 10, I'm sorry...

Even after 40 years, these places are still chaotic, but the media does not report it.

After all, with the world's police, how could the law and order be bad...

Are you questioning that American fathers are not good to their children?

Top 10 countries with the highest murder rates

Number one: Honduras, a popular holiday destination, has a homicide rate of 103.9 murders per 100,000 people and 84% of victims killed by guns.

Second: Venezuela, homicide rate, 57.6 murders per 100,000 people, 90% of victims killed by guns, one of the major oil exporters.

Third: Belize, homicide rate, 44.7 homicides per 100,000 people, 69% of victims killed by guns, homicides are particularly frequent in Belize urban areas.

Fourth: El Salvador, homicide rate, 43.9 per 100,000 people, 77% of victims killed by guns, more than 20,000 of El Salvador's 6 million inhabitants belong to gangs.

(PS: They are all core members, not the kind of punks.)

Fifth: Guatemala, homicide rate, 39.9 per 100,000 people, 86% of victims killed by guns.

Sixth: Jamaica: Homicide rate: 39.3 people were murdered per 100,000 people, 70% of victims were killed by guns, murders and violent crimes were especially frequent in large cities such as the capital Kingston.

Seventh: Colombia: Homicide rate: 38.8 murders per 100,000 people, 80% of victims killed by guns.

Ninth: Bahamas, Homicide rate, 32.1 murders per 100,000 people, 75% of victims die by gun, armed robbery, **** and murder are common here, see.

Eighth and tenth are Swaziland and South Africa in Africa.

The United States is ashamed that the Caribbean region did not take the top ten.

However, if you go to the top 20, Guyana, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, the Caribbean countries, can still actively make the list.


"It's not that they don't want to come out to be pirates. It's better than starving to death. They lack ships to be pirates." Sean explained, "Well, there's no shortage of weapons, but guns!"

"In addition, what is lacking are key factors such as information and technology."

Jeff: ? ? ?

"What is the lack of information and technology of pirates?" Jeff asked with a twitch in the corner of his mouth.

"For example, how to lock on to the target ship."

"For example, how to destroy or block the positioning system on the ship after it has been captured."

"For example, how to ask for a ransom afterwards."

"But, we can provide these technologies to each other." Sean stretched out his hand and gestured: "Especially the ransom trading channel."

"This is impossible. If we provide a ransom channel, then everyone will know that we are behind it."

"Who said we provided channels for pirates?" Sean rolled his eyes, "We give the hijacked ship owners, they can hire us to help them redeem the ship, make sure they won't pay, and then ship or cargo Destroyed!"

"It was they who begged us, and we have to thank us!" Sean laughed.

"In the entire Caribbean region, there are more than a dozen military bases in our military. What kind of pirates can survive?" Jeff still didn't believe it.

"You are still young!" Sean shook his head.

There are also US military bases around Somalia, but this does not delay the development of the Somali pirate cause.

In later generations, this pirate business has also become a huge industrial chain.

There are special angel investors, special lawyers, banks and ports to provide professional services for pirates.

Make money, it's not shabby!

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now." Sean waved his hand. "That's for the future. In the pirate business, I definitely want to take a bite, but before that, let's take care of these **** drug dealers."

"We X security, we should also have our own sea power, get a destroyer or something to play with." Said, Sean rubbed his hands, and his face was excited.

Boys, who doesn't like blood!

Rebuke Fang Qiu!

Thinking of this, Sean couldn't sit still.

"The business of the 'street committee' on your side is going to expand. There are so many coastal cities in Colombia, and the law and order are very chaotic. As an upright and noble person, how can you watch and remain indifferent!"

"is not it!"

"Expand your business and grow a 'street committee' that is dedicated to serving the civilian population. This is your current focus."

"For those sneaky drug dealers."

"Just stare at them and leave the rest to the pirates!"

"Okay, that's it, back." Said, Sean stopped delaying and stood up in a hurry.

Jeff looked at Sean with a bewildered look on his face. Until now, he didn't understand how drug criminals were equated with destroyers.

What is this all about!

"By the way!" Sean suddenly turned around and looked at Jeff, "Get me a villa by the sea next to the base. It's too inconvenient to live in the base every time I come here. Cartagena is also my site, even a villa. There is no manor, you lose your share!"

"Oh, okay, okay." Jeff nodded quickly.

Sean went back and called Norris after hurriedly booking a flight.

Norris is still capable, a talent that the East Factory desperately needs.


Sean flew to Miami in a hurry, and he was looking for Colonel Jor Ronald to buy some military scraps...

This time it's a real waste!

In Miami, Norris had contacted the local professional team to rent a villa before he flew over. When Norris arrived with someone, the professional had already arranged the party scene.

After checking, Norris was satisfied, and immediately ordered a few beauties airlifted from Hollywood to get ready.

A big surprise for Jor Ronald here!

As a colonel, Joel Ronald is well-informed, but in terms of playing, even if he lives in Florida, even if there are many beautiful women in Miami, there are some things he has never played!

It's no fun to just drink. Sean suggested to play cards. If you lose, take off your clothes.

Just a moment,

Don't worry!

long night...

Joel Ronald had a great time.

Until noon the next day, when Jor Ronald got up, he still had some weakness in his waist.

Only then did Sean pull him to tell him his intentions.

"What?" Joel Ronald looked at Sean in surprise, "You want to buy a warship!?"

"Don't be kidding, this thing is very expensive, even if it is scrapped, the annual maintenance cost will scare people."

"Now that we have a foothold in the Caribbean Sea, we must have some means." Sean said with a smile.

"Haha." He didn't believe Sean's nonsense, but, "Forget it, I don't care what you think, but, what level do you want to buy?"

"Keeling-class destroyer, I know this has already entered the scrapping sequence."

The Keeling-class destroyer is an improved version of the American Allan Sumner-class destroyer of the 1940s, which was built from 1945 to 1949 with a total of 105 ships.

After the end of World War II, a large number of ships were reclassified as DDE, DDK, DDR and EDD, among which the "Kieat" was changed to DDG and became the first guided missile destroyer of the United States.

In the 1960s, many "Keeling" classes were refitted until they were all retired in the 1980s.

Since the early 1970s, a large part of it has been refurbished and refitted and sold to the navies of South Korea, Turkey, Gulf and other countries...regions.

This batch of warships sold has been used for more than 20 years before being phased out gradually. In fact, after 20 years, most countries do not have such advanced warships.

Technically really awesome.

The other part was simply sunk as a target ship. I have to say, Lao Mei is rich!

Of course, this sinking... also has something to say.

Among them, from 1971 to 1983, Wanwan purchased fourteen ships of this class before and after the purchase. Some of these warships were equipped with Israeli 'Gabriel' anti-ship missiles, and some were equipped with American-made AGMs. -84 anti-ship missiles.

The warships of the beautiful country are very advanced and the prices are very beautiful.

Wanwan calls it 'Fourteen Yang', all of which are named after the place names with the word 'yang' on the rabbit, such as 'Shen'*. At that time, it was when Wanwan was the richest, and he was very proud of the rabbit. for a while.

Kiat guided missile destroyer:

Displacement: 2425 tons (full load 2464 tons)

Hull length: 119.02 meters

Hull width: 12.60 meters

Draft: 4.42 meters

Speed: 35 knots

Crew size: 336 people

Ship-borne weapons Main guns: 2 Mk32 double-mounted 127mm naval guns

Secondary guns: 2 Mk50 twin 76mm cannons

Missile: 1 double-armed beagle anti-aircraft missile launcher, with 40 ammunition

Torpedoes: 2 triple 324mm torpedo tubes

The Kiat was decommissioned in 1969, and was sunk as a target ship on June 11, 1970.

This Keeling-class destroyer has a small displacement and a relatively fast speed. The most important thing is that it has a mature modification plan, and there is a parking pad at the stern. It was originally used to park anti-submarine helicopters. After modification, it can also be used to park own black hawk.

After Sean bought it, he could go to Boston for refurbishment. He could install Beagle anti-aircraft missiles, and he could install AGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles.

If the modified Keeling-class destroyer is compared with the Colombian Navy...

That's roughly equivalent to around 2050 in Colombia...

Maybe the 2050 Brother Navy does not have such advanced naval ships.

It is no exaggeration at all. After 40 years, in 2020, the most advanced surface battleship of the Colombian Navy is the 'Admiral Padilla' small frigate.

Admiral Padilla

Full load displacement: full load 2464 tons

Hull length: 95 meters

Hull width: 11 meters

Draft: 3.52 meters

Speed: 27 knots

Crew size: 92 people

Ship-borne weapons Main guns: 2 Mk32 double-mounted 127mm naval guns

Secondary guns: 1 "Otto Merara" 76mm naval gun, 1 40mm gun

Missiles: 1 French-made Flying Fish anti-ship missile, with 8 spares

Torpedoes: 2 triple 324mm torpedo tubes

This main battleship is a whole number smaller than the Keeling-class refitted after World War II, and its firepower is completely incomparable.

French Flying Fish:

Weight: 670kg

Warhead: 165 kg

Range: 65 km

American AGM-84 Harpoon:

Weight: 1110kg

Warhead: 221 kg

Range: 93-315 km, depending on the launch platform

If we put it to the present in 1985...

Be conservative and keep a low profile, the Keeling class can single out most of the navy.

"Kelin-class." Jor Ronald pondered for a while and said, "Kelin-class destroyers are indeed very good."

"That's right, it's better to sell it to me than to be blown up as a target boat, right!" Sean spread his hands.

"The point is, there is currently no precedent for privately buying warships!"

"It's never been purchased privately, it's blown up, it's blown up!" Sean pointed to the outside.

"Target ship? Blown up!" Joel Ronald stared at the boss.

This is not a gun or something, such a big warship is placed at sea!

Blind, can't see!

Surely it will be discovered, okay?

Joel Ronald thinks Sean is crazy.

"That is to be completely scrapped and sold at the price of scrap steel!" Sean considered it for a while, "Well, it will be sold to a waste recycling plant. Tomorrow, tomorrow I will set up one."

"You're just joking, who would believe it!" Joel Ronald said with a bit of tears and laughter.

"Whether others believe it or not, I believe it anyway!" Sean smiled and said, "Who believes it? I believe it, you believe it, the military believes it, that's enough!"

"Who will check it?" Sean chuckled, "It's not good to say, who doesn't know that the military is helping to transport the poisonous scorpion, how to check it!?"

"You..." Joel Ronald hesitated.

"Find more people, let's all carry it together!" Sean continued to bewitched, "Besides, there is no precedent for Congress to control the military's affairs. MacArthur did more than he did in Japan back then, and he still participated in the presidential election. Well!"

"I'm not really cheating. Well, the scrap steel recycling company must be real!" Sean thought for a while and said, "I will definitely start this company, and the business will be very big!"

"No, are you really here? What's the use of this thing?" Joel Ronald looked at Sean's serious look, a little confused.

"Sell it. Although scrap steel can no longer be made into high-quality, ordinary quality steel is still fine. I know they need it, and the demand is huge." As he said that, Sean frowned slightly, and touched his chin with his hand to calculate.

Rabbit's demand for steel in the next 20 years is beyond imagination, and this is a sure-fire business.

Moreover, I happen to have a waste incineration power plant, and I can make steel with an electric furnace.

If I remember correctly, electric furnace steelmaking is to use scrap steel as the main raw material to produce high-quality carbon structural steel, tool steel and alloy steel.

This kind of smelting crime has low production cost and high labor productivity, and can also digest scrap steel and recycle it, which is beneficial to environmental protection.

Yes, you can also play the environmental protection banner and get certain preferential policies from the state government!


I am such a genius!

At this time, Sean completely forgot what he had promised Monroe Deve before.

Who is Monroe Diff?

do I know?

What is random investment?

Can a genius mind be imagined by mortals! ?


"Hey, what are you thinking?" Joel Ronald saw Sean lost, and thought that this guy didn't want to buy a warship anymore.

That's a multi-million dollar business!

He suddenly felt distressed when he thought that those little green cuties were likely to leave him under his own advice.

Angina pectoris!

There is no such thing that can't be cured by hundreds of millions.

No, you're talking, I'm so scared if you don't talk...

I don't object anymore, okay? !

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