America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 225: : 3 threatening invitations

(The child has a cold, and last night was noisy all night. He didn't sleep until 4:00 in the morning, and the headache died)


This guy Norris, regardless of his ability, really pulls his crotch a little bit, he is a proper villain, but...

Really sweet!

It is said that the ancient emperors reused eunuchs and traitors, and now Sean has realized it.

Knowing that Sean was tired from work a while ago, this guy moved his mind.

Since Sean entered this little villa in Beverly Hills, this guy has taken over the secretary job beside Sean.

For three whole days, he didn't let anything disturb Sean.

For three days, Sean didn't leave the villa, and spent the whole day messing with Diane Lane.

combine together,

Dress up and play with tricks.

For three days, apart from working hard, there is basically no amount of exercise, just like an emperor, you don't even need to do it yourself to eat!

Norris found six beauties to serve Sean, it was really a meal to open your mouth, clothes to...

In terms of clothes, the winter in Los Angeles is not too cold, around 18-20 degrees, so you don't need to wear much, not to mention Sean's physical condition is good, just a bathrobe is enough.

Mainly convenience.

At night...

Serious people who wear clothes at night!

Those who wear clothes at night are all perverts, and they don't know how to respond to the call of the country...

Three days, three days, do you know how Sean lived these three days!

Fortunately, Sean is a man of self-control, and he finally remembers what he was doing in Los Angeles...

To drive away all the depraved goblins in the villa, Sean ate breakfast at noon, reading the newspaper while eating.

In this day and age, most information must still be obtained from newspapers.

"Based on the mafia, develop the fake wine business!?" Sean put down his chopsticks and solemnly picked up the newspaper and read it from the beginning.

From the beginning, it is found that this is a serial report, which is obviously not the first day.

The full text, in the form of storytelling, reports the fortune history of a rich man in a state in the eastern United States.

There is no specific state name, replace it with X.

The protagonist's name is also replaced by the initials SR.

Don't get it, Sean can't see it, SR, isn't that **** short for SeanRockefeller.

Of course, if you have to go deeper, SR can be an abbreviation of too many names, and this thing is unclear.

But damn, in this **** report, the specific place name doesn't appear, but in the description, it's the East Coast and New York, and the protagonist drives to New York at every turn, either Connecticut or New Jersey.


And this X, Sean felt that he was secretly referring to his own X security company.

He snapped the newspaper on the table, put down the front page, a tabloid, and Sean was not used to reading newspapers, so he had no idea who was behind him.

"Norris, come here to the fuck!" The newspaper must have passed Norris's hand when it appeared in front of him.

That guy must know what's going on.

Or say the eunuchs around the emperor have great power, and the emperor can know what he wants the emperor to know.

Seeing Sean pointing at the newspaper, Norris immediately said: "This tabloid has been reporting for many days. I have kept all the previous newspapers. I think this tabloid has bad intentions."

"Do you need me to come and show you?"

"Why, do I need to revisit it!" Sean scolded angrily, "Are there any other newspapers reporting?"

"Yes, after this serialized report for a few days, several newspapers followed up, but none of them named names." Norris turned around and went to get a few newspapers. The first one was "New York" post".

The first time he saw the newspaper, Sean's face turned gloomy, and he looked at it, good guy, "Barron's Weekly" and "The Times" are all newspapers in Murdoch's hands. At this time, Sean is not yet It's weird to understand.

"Damn Australian criminals!" Sean cursed with a dark face.

After scolding, he opened the newspapers and read them.

Although he knew that these newspapers would not say anything good, he still read it, at least he knew how the other party arranged himself.

Seeing this, Sean's mood was even worse. He didn't name any of them. They were revealed by police insiders, victims who didn't want to be disclosed, or some international company.

Of course, Sean's name was not mentioned, he was a new super-rich, even in the United States.

What kind of mafia, murder, extortion, pan-drug, forcing the good into pomfret, smuggling, counterfeiting...

Seeing Sean's brows twitching, "I've been too **** poisonous?"

Norris shook his head frantically, "That must have never been done!"

Norris: How troublesome is the pan-drug, and it’s illegal. It’s not faster to rob drug criminals directly.

"Am I forcing me to be a pomfret?"

"It's pure rumor, those women want to pounce, but obviously, they are not qualified!" Norris said loudly.

"Am I cheating?"

"No, it's called a cottage!" Norris has heard this word!

Forget it, Sean threw the newspaper in a ball directly onto Norris.

"What's the latest news?" Sean asked with a dark face.

"The newspapers not only reported on you, ahhh, they reported these false news, and many media in Europe and Asia were re-reporting the previous Cartagena incident."

Damn, even though I have known all the time, the media and the importance of public opinion, the position of public opinion... ahem, but, after all, it's all hearsay.

This time it really fell on him, and Sean knew it hurt!

His own reputation has made this **** stink!

He knew that this was Murdoch's revenge, revenge for his inciting the "New York Daily" and other newspapers and media to say that he was preparing to illegally acquire a TV station, and revenge for his invitation to the Metropolis Media Company.

In Murdoch's view, this was a warning that if Sean continued to fight him, he would be named.

"Phone!" Sean beckoned, and Diane Lane immediately took the phone and sent it over.

"Harvey, come to me."

Half an hour later, Harvey trots in panting.

"Don't pretend to be so special, there are only a few dozen meters from the garage to here, gasp!" Sean scolded angrily, "Come here, I let you know the information about Pete Cherning. ?"

"I understand." Harvey stopped breathing immediately, walked over and sat next to Sean.

"Make an appointment, just today."

"Where to meet? When?" Harvey asked.

Sean frowned and thought for a while, "Wait, I'll make a call."

The meeting place is very important, to be able to fully demonstrate their financial resources and network, this is the best in the United States!

Sean picked up the phone, turned to the bedroom on the second floor, closed the door, and then dialed the phone, "Grandpa Fifth!!"

It's okay to be called that, Sean... David Rockefeller doesn't want to keep talking, "I remember an old saying in China, I don't usually have much contact, but suddenly one day a person who appears to be very kind, this kind of person is not a bad guy. It's a thief!"

David Rockefeller was one of the first American capitalists to visit Rabbit. He went there as soon as they established diplomatic relations.

Of course, the Rockefellers have been doing this for generations.

"Nothing to be courteous, no traitor or steal!" Sean said in Chinese, "Five grandpa, I'm really sad when you say that, I just didn't get in touch with you before, that's not my fault, but it's different now. , the first time I saw you, I felt a sense of intimacy in my heart, an irrepressible intimacy."

David Rockefeller: "..."

The old man David's heart trembled when he said this, didn't he?

Well, there is no truth in this little guy's mouth, he must be cheating, attacking me, a 70-year-old man!


"You can speak Chinese?" Old man David was puzzled.

"Yes, it's hard to speak Chinese, but I don't know why, but I can learn it once I learn it. Maybe it's a talent." Sean didn't want to talk about this, so he habitually pretended to be forced and then changed the subject: "Five Grandpa, I'm in Los Angeles now, what do you like to eat, I'll bring you some when I go back."

"I still have less to eat!" David said angrily, but suddenly felt that Sean was more and more like him.

The old man can also speak Chinese, although it sucks.

"Okay, let's talk, what's the matter." Old man David said directly.

"Uh, Fifth Grandpa, does our family have anything special in Los Angeles, such as super luxury yachts, ancient castles, villas, manors, etc." Sean asked with a smile.

"What are you doing?" David asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I'm asking for a personal meeting. Recently Murdoch, the Australian criminal and thief, has been slandering me in the media. It can be seen that it is very necessary to master the channels of the media. I am going to dig someone to help me set up a TV network. A decent enough place to meet."

"Hahahaha." Old man David suddenly laughed, "I don't think it's slander, I think he's right, there's nothing wrong with it, it's a good demonstration of the authenticity of a journalist's reporting."

"An impartial media person!"

"I like him very much!"

Sean: "..."

Smelly old man, if I hadn't asked for you, the young man would definitely call at the door!

"You don't want to laugh so happily when you see others slander me!" Sean said while biting his back molars.

"Rarely happy." David was in a good mood.

"Hell, well, tell me, is there any, I'm going to make him look good." Sean decided to skip the topic.

"Of course, make this call." Old man David slowly gave Sean a number.

"Where is this?" Sean asked as he took notes.

"A villa estate in Beverly Hills, his owner is Marvin Davis."

"Is there any special meaning?" Sean asked after a moment of surprise.

"Idiot, you don't understand anything, and you still want to open up a market in the media circle!" David was refreshed after scolding.

The corners of Sean's mouth twitched, no one knew him, and he didn't even know how to refute it.

"Marvin Davis, an oil merchant, a partner of the Rockefeller family, in 1981, Marvin Davis bought a company, his name was Twentieth Century Fox." David said word by word.

"Hey..." Sean sucked in a breath, his tone revealing excitement, "So, Murdoch bought Fox from Marvin Davis the year before last!?"

"Of course, and the money has not been paid all at once, the Australian criminal doesn't have that much cash, and Marvin still holds a lot of Fox's shares. Since you are going to wrestle with Murdoch, then in Marvin The villa manor is not better than that." After speaking, the old man David sneered, "What luxury yacht, ha, only those low-level upstarts pursue such worthless things."

"No beauty! No taste! No art! No heritage!"

Sean rolled his eyes, reached out his hand and touched his nose unconsciously, he was really going to buy a luxury yacht, and was scolded by the old man...

Sean unconsciously thought of those buyers of superyachts in later generations, Internet upstarts, Russian local tyrants, Middle Eastern tyrants, Mexican drug lords... There is almost nothing different from what old David said, and they are really a group of nouveau riche!

All of a sudden it doesn't smell good!

"Remember, little guy, your surname is Rockefeller, and this is the United States, and Rockefeller is the master here!" David's tone was calm, but he revealed a strong momentum!

On the other end of the phone, Sean dazedly grabbed the microphone. It took a while for him to come back to his senses, and he tutted twice in annoyance. The old man is so old, and he speaks quite domineeringly.

Domineering side leak ah!

Sean was a little envious.

But Sean won't admit it, "Okay, I get it, really."

"Hahahaha." After being scolded, the old man David not only didn't get angry, but laughed.

"Cut!" Sean rolled his eyes, "Okay, I'm hanging up."

"I warn you, don't give me those messy methods to deal with Murdoch." The old man David suddenly said in a serious tone: "Your name is Rockefeller, there are advantages and disadvantages, you dare to do it, those guys staring at Rockefeller I won't let you go."

"Long-winded, I have my own measure and I hesitate." Sean said angrily and hung up the phone.

Old man David, it's not cute anymore!

Shaking his head for a while, he called according to the number, and things went well. Although the other party didn't know who Sean was at all, Rockefeller's name and old man David were enough.

Coming down from the second floor, Sean raised his chest and stood on the stairs, the original dissatisfaction on his face all dissipated.

When Sean said the address of the meeting, this guy Harvey stood up from the sofa!

Sean didn't know that it was normal, how could Harvey, a guy in Hollywood, not know who the owner of this address was.

Harvey's tone changed, "You sure!"

"Nonsense!" Sean pouted, "What's the problem."

"No, of course not, Mr. Sean is Mr. Sean!" Harvey laughed and stretched out his thumb for a comparison, and Norris next to him applauded, only Diane Lane looked blank.

Of course, Harvey could see that this house was borrowed by Sean, and Sean had never thought about it beforehand, so he could only say that it was the Rockefeller family.

This is simply a slap on the head of Murdoch.

An understatement, the crushing of the background without fireworks.

What the **** is strength.JPG


Pete Cherning was a little surprised when he saw Harvey. He didn't know what the fat man was looking for.

But he heard that Sean was even more surprised when he invited him to meet.

Pete Cherning knows Sean, the most prominent company outside the Big Eight last year, a small-budget film that sold more than $200 million at the global box office.

The most important thing is that it is not the big eight participating in the issuance, and the profits are surprisingly high.

Of course, beyond that, his knowledge of Sean was limited to newspapers.

Well, it's also thanks to the ambiguous reports from News Corp. these days, and those of you know who it's alluding to.

Just don't know why this happens.

But this has nothing to do with him. Of course, Pete Chernin will not refuse an invitation from a super rich man, let alone a new and ruthless rich man.

Harvey vaguely mentioned that Sean and Murdoch were fighting secretly, pretending to force this thing invisibly. Because it is too obscure, it must be quietly reminded.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a wink for the blind to see!

So Pete Cherning was also taken aback when he learned the meeting was set at Marvin Davis' Beverly Hills villa.

It can only be said that Rockefeller is Rockefeller, always inadvertently showing the strength of the family.


Marvin himself is not in Beverly Hills, just like Sean's villa in Beverly Hills, where the rich and powerful have a lot of business.

When Sean arrived, the villa and manor on this side had been cleaned up, and he took a look inside and out. It was much more stylish than his own small villa.

This is one of the most luxurious villas on top of Beverly Hills.

Pete Cherning is not tall, will be around 170, and he is not fat. He belongs to the kind that cannot be recognized after being thrown into a crowd. When we first met, Sean seemed more enthusiastic.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Rockefeller."

"Haha, don't be so polite, just call me Sean."

After chatting for a while, Sean took Pete Cherning to the restaurant on the first floor of the villa.

They were all in Hollywood, and Sean didn't let Norris arrange any beauties to add to the fun, just a simple meal.

"I don't know what flavor you like, so I just arranged it." Sean pointed to the three large round tables and said.

Three tables with dishes of different tastes from three countries.

Chinese, Italian, French.

12 dishes per table.

"Huh", Pete Cherning looked at the dishes in front of him with surprise, especially those Chinese dishes.

Exquisite in shape and superb in carving, it is far superior to Italian and French cuisine in terms of aesthetics alone.


It's not that I haven't seen it in the market, but I've never seen such a simple dinner.

Sean always took chefs with him when he went out. Of course, they were all rabbit cooks, and arranged for Norris to invite an Italian chef and a French chef.

Originally, the two chefs did not accept door-to-door service...

However, Sean gave too much.

"You can't guess, where did I know about you." After chatting for a while, Sean brought up the topic.

"Oh, where?" That's definitely not Hollywood, Pete Cherning became curious, of course, he was more curious about what Sean was looking for him.

"Consult in Luo Sheng." Sean said with a smile.

Luo Sheng, headhunting company?

Pete Cherning was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about it. He saw his profile in the headhunting company. Obviously, Sean was telling him that I was going to dig you.

However, although Sean Films did a good job, it only had one successful movie. How could he let Columbia, one of the eight majors, quit and jump to a small company.

"This, I really didn't expect it." Pete Chernin smiled and didn't answer directly.

However, what puzzled him was that in the normal process, the headhunting company should not have contacted him first, explaining which company was poaching him. Should he arrange a meeting if he intends to change jobs?

It's... a little embarrassing.

Pete Cherning's mind was spinning quickly, how could he politely refuse without offending Sean.

Sean could see at a glance what Pete Cherning was thinking, after all, he had already dug so many people.

"How are you thinking about rejecting my invitation?" Sean looked at Pete with a smile, a dangerous aura in his eyes.

"I...he, hehe..." Pete Chernin looked embarrassed. Although Americans like to say it straight, it is too direct.

Having seen those rewards, he knew that the guy in front of him was not a good man and a woman.

I also arranged to meet him at Marvin Davis' villa today to show his strength.

What do you want him to say now?


This guy can't get mad, can he? !

"No, no." Pete could only perfunctory first.

"No, that's a promise!" Sean stood up and reached out, "I'm glad you joined my team, you won't regret it."

Pete Cherning: (O_o)??

No, when did I promise! !

Looking at Sean's outstretched hand, Pete Chernin was in a bad mood.

Panicked, completely overwhelmed.

I shouldn't **** be here!

Roaring loudly in his heart, but his face was full of stiffness. He slowly raised his head and looked at Sean's smiling face so close to him.

Sean just put his hand in front of Pete Cherning without taking it back, and said softly, "Luo Sheng means that they will contact you first to prevent embarrassment after being rejected, but I rejected it. Over the years, I have The heads of the companies under my name are all invited by me personally.”

"Currently, the success rate is 100%."

"They asked me why there was such a high success rate."

"Guess what I said?"

Pete Chernin's mouth twitched wildly, and he said with a dry smile: "I, I can't imagine it at all."

"Actually, it's very simple. Remove all the unsuccessful ones, and only the successful ones remain. The success rate is naturally 100%." ​​Sean said softly.

Pete Cherning: o_O||

"It's actually quite simple, a big out-of-control truck, an aging leaking gas line, a mindless repeat burglar, a lot."

Pete Cherning was dizzy, he wanted to stand up and growl, pointing at Sean and scolding you as an executioner, lunatic, but his body was not obedient.

Just when he was feeling at a loss, he suddenly felt his hand tighten, and only then did he realize that Sean had already held his hand.

"Hahaha, I'm glad you accepted my invitation. From today, from now on, we are a family." Sean said, letting go of Pete's hand.

"Okay, just kidding." Sean raised his glass and gave Pete a toast, "It's all about that Australian criminal Murdoch slandering me."

"Hehe, hehe, yes, yes." Pete Chernin squeezed out a smile, picked up the glass and touched Sean.

He decided to go back and report to the parent company Coca-Cola for help.

He's crazy to do it with Sean.

Absolutely not!

Not even to die!

"Okay, let's stop joking, let's get down to business." Sean put down the wine glass, wiped his mouth with the napkin, and looked at Pete solemnly.

Pete Cherning was stunned for a moment, looking at Sean's serious look, he was really unsure whether the scene just now was actually performed.

"Murdoch has great ambitions. He wants to build a news empire of his own, and he will start deploying it early in Asia and Europe. However, if he wants to achieve his goals, then there is one thing he must do well in advance." Sean As he said, he stretched out a finger, "He must get the permission of the world's largest country, the United States, to first have enough news media right to speak in the United States."

"That's why he spent a lot of money to buy American newspapers and magazines, supported Reagan to take office, and bought 20th Century Fox."

"He also wants the President's approval to get around legal restrictions on acquisitions to form his own network."

"But American media, American media, should not be controlled by a descendant of an Australian criminal."

"There were not many people who opposed it before, and a small number of objections were bought by Murdoch, but that was in the past, not now."

"It's impossible for him to get special approval from the president."

"I have already arranged for someone to make an offer to the Capital Media Company."

Pete Cherning was stunned, and it was impossible for Murdoch to suddenly expose Sean in the media. It turned out that Sean was demolishing his stage.

So, wouldn't digging yourself be...?

"Yes, I want to form a media group, and the core of the media group is the TV network. I personally think that with the development of the TV industry, the film industry will inevitably be hit hard, and Americans will spend more family time sitting on TV. In front of the plane and not in the cinema."

"Not to mention, its ability to guide public opinion, so I must take it down!"

"No one can stop me, no matter who he is!"

"So..." Pete Chernin was unknowingly attracted by Sean's words. He was not fake in the film company, but his work was based on more TV stations. He clearly knew that the influence of TV stations was expanding rapidly.

In fact, he also knew that the Big Seven were also involved in TV production, with Universal being second only to Columbia in size.

"So, New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, originally I only wanted to win the three in the East, I didn't put in Los Angeles, Dallas, and Houston in the West, but now, I want to win all of them. Down."

"Then, I will combine them with Sean Films, Sean's Agency, and several newspapers to form Sean Media Group."

Sean stared at Pete Cherning, reached out and tapped his chest, and said in a bewitching tone: "The reason I'm looking for you is to let you take the lead and form a brand new TV network, we're going to kill it, Play a piece of the world that belongs to us."

"In Colombia, you won't have a chance to be in power for 10 years, and Coca-Cola will not give Colombia much financial support."

Pete Cherning looked at Sean, his throat moved, "It's not that easy, we, no, you're going to collide with Murdoch head-on."

Sean smiled, raised his foot and stomped, "Do you think I'll be afraid of him Murdoch?"

"This is **** America!" Sean said, showing his big white teeth shining with cold light, "It should be him praying, praying that I will obey the rules and not kill him!"

Pete Chernin looked at the ground, this is Marvin's home, and then the corner of his mouth twitched, you said you were just joking!

However, Sean's words made him feel at ease.

That phrase is 'We promise not to use illegal means in the first place'!

"Murdoch's advantage is too great." Pete Cherning muttered, frowning.

"Are you afraid?" Sean raised his eyebrows, "I'll give you a guarantee, first of all, New Jersey is our basic market, with a population of 7 million, let alone 1 million households, even if God comes, it won't work. I said!"

"Those six TV stations are not so easy to acquire. Although I don't know Murdoch's offer, our participation in the bidding will only make the price higher!" Pete Chernin frowned and said: "These six The location is the largest city in the United States, and the price will be very, very expensive.”

"300 million?" Pete Cherning lowered his head and thought for a while, then shook his head, "Not enough!"

"500 million may not be blocked!"

"These six TV stations just surround the entire United States. If you add Seattle, relying on these six TV stations, you can really weave a huge TV network."

"Don't look at me!" Sean waved his hand and said calmly: "I can't come up with so much cash, not only I can't take it, but Murdoch can't take it either. The 575 million he bought from Twentieth Century Fox has not yet It's over."

"Loans, everyone is a loan, and funds are not a problem for the Rockefeller family." Sean directly talked to Rockefeller at the critical moment.

As for what the old man David said had nothing to do with Rockefeller, Sean had long since thrown it out of the sky.

The United States also said that it would not interfere in the politics of other countries...

Whoever believes it is an idiot!

Pete Cherning stared at Sean, money is not a question, then there is no problem!

Sean can also guarantee that Murdoch can only compete fairly by commercial means, so Pete Cherning really doesn't think he is afraid of anything!

After so many years of TV shows and TV dramas, it would be a lie to say that he did not have the idea of ​​running a TV station himself in the middle of the night, but there was no chance.

Now, the opportunity is at hand, do it, don't do it?

Seeing that Pete Chernin was on the verge of heartbeat, Sean added the weight again, "Nelson Rockefeller has been the governor of New York for three terms. New York, including New York State, is Rockefeller's stronghold. Here, no one can compete with us."

"My uncle, Jay Rockefeller, was elected to the West Virginia House of Representatives in 1966, then Secretary of State. From 1974 to 1980, he served as the Governor of West Virginia, and now he is a U.S. Senator." What a ghost uncle, Sean hadn't seen each other, but it didn't matter.

Well, next time I'm in Washington, I should pay a visit.

"Done!" Pete Chernin waved fiercely.

The opportunity is rare. With Sean's power, at worst, he can open up a market on the east coast of the United States.

"A wise choice, you will be grateful for your wise choice today!" Sean laughed and stretched out his hand to hold Pete Chernin's.

The two picked up the wine on the table, and Sean said with a smile, "Cheers to victory!"

"Cheers to victory!"

Putting down the wine glass, Sean suddenly remembered something, "Oh, by the way, I'll give you another surprise."

"What surprise?" Pete Cherning looked curious.

"The surprise is, the TV networks of South America, whoever dares to stop Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will blow up his TV station!"

Pete Cherning stiffened in place with a single finger, and suddenly felt as if he was on a pirate ship.

Impulsive, impulsive!

Whether it is impulsive or not, since Pete Chernin has promised Sean, he cannot go back.

Sean once again proved that he was 100% successful in recruiting his men!

The next day, Pete Chernin handed in his resignation when he went to work the next day. At his level, it is not so easy to resign. It takes a month to hand over.

There is always time for Columbia Pictures to prepare a successor, and Sean is also in a hurry.

Pete Cherning is a figure standing at the top of Hollywood. As soon as he submitted his resignation, he immediately caused an uproar in the high-level range.

Originally, there was no need to hide it, because the entertainment industry itself is not very big, and they are still dealing with these people no matter what.

However, news came from Harvey's side that the release of "Instinct" really encountered problems.

Disney and Paramount didn't have time to deal with Sean, but Universal did.

The Eighth National Congress has movies released every year, and Harvey has tried to avoid it as much as possible. After all, head-on collisions are not good for everyone and affect box office revenue.

However, it is impossible for Sean to choose a sloppy schedule to release the movie in order to avoid the eight major movies!

The movies that the seven major film companies are going to release this year have all been listed, as well as Sean on the list.

There are only blockbusters that Sean has an impression of, Paramount's "Top Gun", "Crocodile Dundee" and "Star Trek: 4 Save the Future".

20th Century Fox's "Alien 2" and "The Flies."

Columbia Pictures "Walk With Me" and "Longwei Kid".

In addition, Sean also has an impression of a movie called "The Golden Boy", Eddie Murphy's old movie. The reason for the impression is that the little golden boy who saved the world is a Westerner...

This is still an impression, there is no more impression.

In addition, there are more movies that are not released by the seven major productions. Paramount has 9 "Border Warrior", "Transformers", "King Kong 2", "Demon Dance", "Evening to Kill", "Big Class" ""Blue Velvet","Fire Demon Chariot","Sin of the Heart"

Several of them, Sean, have also heard of them, and later generations are famous.

The other 5 major companies are similar. If there are so many movies, if "Instinct" is avoided, it will not be released at all.

Even if Sean does this, the Eighth Congress will accept Sean?


Besides, Harvey wouldn't dare to arrange it like this!

The schedule of the winter vacation is set by Sean, and he will bring a touch of 'hotness' to North American men in this cold winter.

Then, without waiting to bring a touch of "hot" to North American men, he was the first to make the world hot.

This year, there are many films released by Universal. Among them, the production cost of "French Open Condor" is 35 million US dollars, which is one of the large-scale productions in Universal last year.

This is 1985, and the production cost of 35 million is already scary.

Those movies that are still memorable decades later, Sean went crazy to compete with them. In the case of a crash, Sean must pick a soft persimmon.

What nonsense "French Condor", Sean has no impression at all, plus the schedule is just during the winter vacation, and it is hard to catch someone who is easy to bully, so don't bully to death! ?

What makes Universal even more annoyed is that they waited for the news that "Die Hard", whose post-production was nearing the end, had to collide with another of their films, "Spirit of God".

"The Soldier of Heaven" is also a big production, with a production cost of 30 million.

if not?

You can't stand up to Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, truck drivers, gorillas, Transformers or whatever!

There are only 12 months in a year, and Sean has 10 movies to avoid.

Sean: What can I do?

"I received news that Universal is communicating with some theater chains. They want to reduce our film schedule and try to schedule "Instinct" to the morning or early morning time." Harvey stood with a somewhat ugly face. In front of Sean, "People from Universal have said that between Universal and Sean's movies, these theaters can only choose one."

"Then what?" Sean said blankly.

"Most theater chains don't want to offend Universal because of us, Universal, don't mess with it!" Harvey sighed. He helps release many small-budget movies every year.

It's not without reason that he has an explosive temper and likes to abuse actresses.

"Just saying that just because of a movie crash!?"

"Are their high-level heads all brainless guys?"

"Did I dig their ancestral graves or what?" Sean frowned and looked at Harvey with his head tilted. He suspected that Harvey was exaggerating and sowing discord.

Harvey can do this kind of thing, this guy is a proper little guy.

"This is indeed what Universal has said privately to many Harvey quickly cursed and swore, "And, Universal also has the confidence to do so. "

"Universal has the largest filming base in Hollywood. Most of the filming locations for "Instinct" and "Die Hard" are rented by Universal, um, including countless Hollywood film companies."

"All Hollywood studios have to give Universal some face."

Sean stared at Harvey for a long time, "Find a way to communicate with their senior management, I don't want to have too many conflicts with Universal at this time, OK?"

"Okay, I'll try my best." Harvey sighed and walked out.

It's so hard to make money standing up, splint!

Harvey is gone, Sean is sitting on the couch in a bad mood, damn, if you crash, just compete, what the **** is going on like a **** mad dog! ?

At this moment, Norris appeared out of nowhere. Seeing that Sean was in a bad mood, he immediately walked over quietly and said, "Boss, can I show you a movie?"

"Huh?" Sean turned his head to look at Norris, what movie did this guy show himself inexplicably?

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