America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 234: :live streaming

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, the big man

Hanging up the phone, Li Shutang came into the crowd with a gloomy face that was about to drip blood, and asked in a hoarse and angry voice, "Who knows what happened to Irish ira?"

Li Shutang has never been as frustrated as he is today.

He didn't know who to vent his anger at!

This is indeed a colony.

The British are the masters here.

The kidnappers are right, they are masters, they are not slaves?

It's just that no one wants to admit it, and everyone is deliberately ignoring it.

Today, this layer of scars on his body was torn open by life, and Li Shutang trembled in pain.

A group of senior police officials around Li Shutang looked at each other, no one knew what the **** ira was.

Newspapers and media on Hong Kong Island are not allowed to report such news.

Well, in any British-controlled colony, propaganda of similar information is not allowed, and there is a fear that someone will follow suit.

"I, I know." A young policeman next to him stretched out his hand and said.

A circle of bosses turned their heads and looked over, and the little policeman shrank his neck in fright.

"Come here, talk." Li Shutang ordered with a dark face.

"It was an anti-government group in Northern Ireland, they were seeking the independence of Northern Ireland from British control. This group has carried out many terrorist attacks over the decades, killing thousands of people, and has been designated as a terrorist organization throughout Europe." The little policeman thought for a while and added, "Very cruel and inhuman."

After the little policeman finished speaking, everyone looked at Li Shutang. Li Shutang's chest heaved violently, but he couldn't say a word.

The situation in Northern Ireland is much worse than that of Hong Kong Island, but people just want to be independent.

Whether you say they are cruel or irrational, they just want to be independent.

To put it bluntly, Hong Kong Islanders dare not.

Dare is not dare.


Li Shutang waved his hand with a gloomy face, "Block the entrance, block those **** reporters, the rest... forget it."

Suddenly I felt a little disillusioned.

Looking at Li Shutang's hunched back, a group of people looked at each other and were completely at a loss. No one could figure out what the kidnapper said just now, which made Li Shutang feel depressed.

After a while, the sound of the chug of the propeller sounded, and a helicopter circled back and forth near the building.

Hearing the voice, Sean raised his brows and stretched out his hand to greet Jonas, "Go find a British guy, take it to the top, don't go to the top of the building to guard against snipers, just find a random place, wait for my order, and take him out. Drop it."

Next to him, Shen Bi hurriedly shouted: "Don't, don't, don't, there is something to talk about, why do you want to kill, there is nothing that cannot be communicated."

"Why, want to be a hero?" Sean tilted his head to look at Shen Bi, his face covered with the national flag and only a pair of playful eyes could be seen, "How can we prove our determination? Dead people!"

"How about I let you choose it yourself?"

"You choose, I'll kill the one you choose. If you don't choose, I'll just find two and kill them. How about giving you a chance to be a hero."

Shen Bi's face changed suddenly, but he opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound.

The guy in front of him is too vicious, if he really does this, he will be completely finished!

Choose or not, he is finished!

Unless he chooses himself...

But he didn't want to die.

He is the head of HSBC, he controls the economy of Hong Kong Island, and he is all-powerful.

He hasn't lived enough yet!

Sean raised his head and laughed loudly, as if he was a big villain, without a trace of cheating!

Jonas: Be confident, get rid of the 'like', you're a big villain!

"How about it, do you want to be a hero?" Sean looked at Shen Bi with an evil look on his face.

Shen Bi frantically shook his head.

"Then shut your mouth, before I let you speak, ok!" Sean said softly.

Shen Bi raised his hand to cover his mouth and kept nodding his head.

Sean waved to Jonas, who turned and left.

The whole building is very big, and it is a waste of time to search layer by layer, but you must search carefully.

Sean doesn't want to play a live-action version of "Die Hard" on Hong Kong Island, um, "Die Hard" doesn't work either!

Asking someone to watch Shen Bi, Sean stepped aside, picked up the walkie-talkie and asked, "Elephant, received a reply."


On the other side, Bill and his party who left early came to the rented van.

The two vans have been rented for many days and have been refitted.

Money is a really heavy thing!

A $100 million trap, even if it is a hundred-dollar bill, still weighs one ton.

If it is a common banknote such as twenty dollars, a ton is only 20 million!

100 kilograms, but 2 million.

The biggest challenge in robbing a bank is not how to open the safe, but how to get the money out.

A person can make you dress up, but you can't actually take much money with you, not to mention that most of the time it is petty cash.

So, a van is essential.

"Elephant received." Bill picked up the walkie-talkie and replied.

"How are you preparing?"

"The ropeway is being arranged."

"Okay, let me know when the arrangement is complete."


After hanging up the communication, Sean came out again.

The probe looked outside, the first brother of the police force hadn't come yet, and Sean was not in a hurry, moved a chair and sat down and waited slowly.

It is said that robbery has no technical content, which is not true at all!

Sean decided to reverse this misconception.

He waved to Kasai, the supervisor in charge of bank security, "Come, tell me, where is your electric well."

"Electric Well?" Kasai was stunned, completely confused as to why the terrorists asked this.

"Don't talk nonsense, take my people there." Sean greeted someone and said, "Cut off all their external communication channels."

"Ok!" His subordinate pointed his gun at Kasai, but Kasai had no choice but to follow.

Looking left and right, this action will not be short, it is really boring to sit, Sean glanced at the hall, and a bad taste appeared in his heart.

Stand up and walk to the corner of the hall.

There are more than 10 people squatting here, all of them are the hostages who have just been blocked in the hall.

Seeing the leader of the kidnappers approaching, a group of hostages crowded into a crowd involuntarily in panic, and several women shivered even more.

Seeing this scene, Sean waved and greeted everyone, "Hello everyone, it's the first time we meet, let me introduce myself, I'm from Northern Ireland, don't be nervous."

"After all, I'm not a demon either."

"Who's the manager here? Get up and get acquainted."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the person hiding in the middle holding his head.

Under Sean's sharp eyes, the man stood up trembling, his teeth were fighting, and the whole person was shaking like a sieve.

male! ?

Still a squinting, dangling man, with an oily hair, he looks like a **** traitor at first glance.

Sean frowned and walked towards the person, and a group of hostages subconsciously made way for a passage.

He grabbed the man's collar and dragged it out. Sean looked down at him, "Why are you trembling, are you afraid of me?"

"Yes, yes..." The man trembled even more.

"Crack!" Sean raised his hand with a big mouth, and turned the person around in a circle, his face swelled on the spot.

"What the **** is wrong with you, you're afraid of me like I'm a bad guy!"

"I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language, are you afraid of me!" Sean stared at each other.

Covering his swollen face, the man quickly shook his head, "Not afraid, not afraid!"

"Crack!" The backhand was another big mouth, and the man who was pumping turned around again, and the whole person was stunned.

"I'm not even afraid, how the **** are you so bold!"

The man was completely stupid, looked at Sean's emotionless eyes, and knelt down without saying a word, "I don't know, I don't know anything, let me go, please, don't kill me. I, you can let me do anything."

"Really!?" Sean asked with a smile.

"Really, really, I'm willing to do anything!" The man raised his head and tried to squeeze out a docile smile, but his swollen face made his expression look weird.

"Very good! So, you're a dog now!" Sean said evilly in his voice.

The man immediately climbed up quickly around Sean, barking non-stop while crawling.

Sean lifted his foot and kicked over, "Fake, that's disgusting."

The last time I was in the coffee shop, the woman performed so well, the man was disgusting in comparison.

"Okay, okay." Without looking, Sean beckoned, "Find two good services and come with me."

The man immediately jumped up from the ground, his face was full of excitement, and his waist was straight for three points.

I was caught by the kidnappers! !

Don't you save the **** life!

Be a dog, be a dog what's up!

It is an honor to be a dog for the kidnapper!

"You, you, you, stand up and come with me." The man pointed at the three women arrogantly.

The three women looked up, gritted their teeth, and their faces were full of resentment. The ghost knew what the kidnappers wanted them to do.

"What are you looking at, don't linger, are you courting death, hurry up, immediately, immediately!" Zhongfen shouted loudly, full of anger.

He was like that on weekdays, especially when there were Englishmen passing by.

Although he didn't know what to do, the security guard with a gun pointed at him, "Dog!"

The three women were helpless and could only move slowly to follow.

"Look up and look at me." Sean greeted.

Everyone who works here understands English.

The three girls raised their heads, and Sean's eyes lit up, quite beautiful.

But also, if you can be the front desk in the HSBC Building, you will definitely not grow into crooked melons and cracked dates.

As long as it is not used for publicity, in fact, the aesthetics of people all over the world are similar.

"Don't be afraid, we are here so many guests, and we don't even have one to entertain. Isn't it a bit excessive."

"I'm really sorry, we were too rude, I'll prepare right away!" Zhongfen immediately bowed to apologize.

Sean glanced over, did I **** ask you!

If it weren't for the fact that this guy was born to be a slave, Sean would never use him.

However, being a slave is also beneficial, so don't worry.

"You don't have any weapons on you, right?" Sean looked up and down at the three girls.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll search..." Before Zhongfen's dog-legged words were finished, he felt Sean's sharp eyes, and the words immediately turned around, "Sir, just do a search."

Sean threw an approving look, "You're a good dog."

"Thank you for your compliment, sir!" The center bowed and bowed, giving a gentleman's salute with one hand in front and the other behind.

"Head, the police sent a message from outside, and their boss is here." A subordinate came over and said.

"Open an opening and let him in." Sean waved his hands indifferently, still looking at the three girls.

The three women's faces were pale, obviously frightened by Sean's body search.

Sean was overjoyed, with no expression on his face, he just stood up with a smile, shaking his hands and fingers in front of the three women.

That way, how obscene, how obscene.

As Sean approached step by step, the three women stepped back, clasping their arms in front of their chests, frightened.

"Hahahaha..." Sean laughed out loud.

The three girls were confused. Is this... just to scare people?

"Hey, that guy didn't dare to come in, he only brought a walkie-talkie." The man at the door came over with a walkie-talkie in his hand.

Only then did Sean stop laughing, "Is this the police chief?"

"Ha, the guts."

"Count on this kind of person, I think you are finished." Sean mocked the three women before pressing the walkie-talkie, "Yan Liguo."

"It's me! Who are you, and what are your requirements?" At the back of the police line, a white man hid tightly and said with a walkie-talkie in his hand.

"It seems that you didn't understand the seriousness of the matter and gave you a chance to negotiate, but you didn't grasp it."

"If you need anything, we can talk about it now." That's a terrorist, and he won't go up unless it's a last resort.

What do you want my first brother to do, and what do the people below do?

Be confident.jpg

"A small gift for you, I hope you like it." After that, Sean hung up the walkie-talkie, picked up the other one, and said, "Joe, drop the man."

"Ok!" Jonas replied, and the people around him immediately opened a window, and the two grabbed a white man and shoved it towards the window.

"No, no, don't, don't, let me down, don't!" The man struggled desperately, at the juncture of life and death, the burst of strength was extremely terrifying.

Jonas, the two burly men, couldn't hold back.

"Look!" The police shouted loudly from below, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

On the other side, those reporters also looked up.

"Quick, camera, zoom in." the TVB host who was doing the live broadcast shouted loudly.

"Look, it's a man with his legs stuck out of the window!"

"My God, what is the kidnapper doing?"

"Aren't they going to leave people behind?"

Yan Liguo, who put down the walkie-talkie, also saw this scene and was dumbfounded.

While dumbfounded, I was even more frightened. It was too cruel. This gang of terrorist organizations was too cruel.

The two of Jonas finally pushed the lower body of the person in their hands out, and finally pushed them outward...


The man fell straight down with a long scream.


Plasma was pouring out, and the whole person was completely smashed.

At this moment, the square downstairs fell into complete silence.

A living person was thrown from the roof alive.

Even through live broadcast, the citizens who saw this scene in front of the TV were too frightened to speak.

Looking at this scene, and then turning to look at Yan Liguo, who was hiding at the back, Li Shutang felt an inexplicable joy in his heart at this moment.

A stereo was pushed to the door, and Sean took the microphone and said, "Yan Liguo, are you still satisfied with the little gift I gave you?"

"I gave you a chance, didn't you, but you didn't even have the courage to come in and negotiate with me. These are English men, a bunch of cowards, bastards!"

"Now, I'm telling you, immediately, get in there right away, and let the rotten helicopter above you get out, and in a minute, let me hear or see that rotten helicopter, and I'll send two more British **** down ."

"Don't worry, I won't let the Chinese go down, because I know that you don't care how many of them die. Even if they die, there will still be people running over."

The sound of the stereo was loud, and the square was silent, and everyone could hear this passage clearly.

The reporters and hosts were not afraid of the big deal, so they immediately reported this passage as it was, and everyone on Hong Kong Island heard it.

This time, everyone began to scold Yan Liguo.

Curse anything.

It's messed up, totally messed up.

The pressure came to Yan Liguo's side.

Yan Liguo's face was unprecedentedly ugly, and he could not wait to immediately rush up to stop the terrorists' mouths.

This ira terrorist is not only ferocious, but also cunning enough!

Some things can be done, but absolutely cannot be said!

The people can let them go, but they can't let them know!

The British Empire does not have this sentence, but, the same meaning, every country has it, and it is the default.

The news needs to be controlled, and those who should not know should not be allowed to know.

Now, Sean is breaking these things on purpose, and Yan Liguo sits on the wax in an instant.

After half a minute, his phone rang, from the Governor's Palace!

The Governor has been paying attention to the situation through the TV. After all, it is HSBC that has the problem.

Just as Yan Liguo scolded Li Shutang, now the Governor scolds him.

He hung up the phone with an ugly face, raised his hand and rubbed his face fiercely, cursing in his mouth, but even if he was afraid, he had to go up and talk to the terrorists directly.

This is the power of public opinion!

You can't suddenly order to interrupt the live broadcast, right?

It's not...ahem, is it.

Stepping out of the police line, Yan Liguo swept away his men who were going to put on a body armor for him with an ugly face, "Tell me, is it because they can't kill me again after I put on this **** thing!"

The subordinates looked embarrassed.

"Go away!" With a low growl, Yan Liguo stepped out of the team, his expression immediately changed from anger to dullness.

Old politicians know what to use when.

Don't show the slightest fear, otherwise, with the Empire's good-faced disposition, no matter how well he did, he would still be punished when he came back.

"Look, isn't this very good?" Sean took the microphone and looked at Yan Liguo who walked in, "You have to come in when you were just let in, and you didn't show up until a dead person. You said, are you mean or stupid? ?"

After all, Sean came up and handed the microphone to Yan Liguo.

If it wasn't for fear, Yan Liguo really wanted to punch the flag on Sean's face.

"We will never compromise with terrorists at any time!" Facing the microphone, Yan Liguo could only grit his teeth.

"Really, I don't believe it!" Sean jokingly looked into Yan Liguo's eyes, took out the pistol at his waist, and fired a shot at the hostage without even looking.

"Bang!" A shot rang out, followed by a loud scream.

The sound of gunfire was transmitted through the speakers, and everyone could hear the conversation just now.

Immediately there was an image in my mind.

The labels of brutality, murder, blood and inhumanity have been hung on the heads of terrorists.

Now, no one dares to ignore any word of the terrorists anymore.

The Governor, who was watching the scene on TV, even cursed loudly.

Something really happened, **** terrorist.

Damn Yan Liguo!

And actually...

The hostages were all squatting on the ground, and no one was injured except that the bullet fell and hit one person.

But the screams weren't fake.

Not to mention the people outside, Yan Liguo was so frightened that he almost lost his soul, and he breathed a sigh of relief until it was confirmed that he was not hit.

If someone died because of his tough words, he couldn't even imagine how much criticism he would receive.

Seeing Sean looking at him, but the muzzle of the gun was moving down, Yan Liguo hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Calm down, calm down, if you have any requirements, we can communicate, instead of using violence, peaceful talks are the better way to solve things. ."

"Hehe, hahaha, hehehehe..."

The laughter that came out of the sound was definitely a mental illness.

Sean walked to his seat just now and sat down, and the middle parted head immediately moved another chair to Yan Liguo, "Two gentlemen, what would you like to drink?"

Yan Liguo was stunned by this act of style!

Downing Street needs talent like you!

"Coffee," Sean said.

Yan Liguo had no appetite, but he said calmly, "Black tea!"

Zhongfen turned his head to look at the three women who were at a loss, and shouted fiercely: "What are you still doing, go to work!"

"Please don't mind, sir, they are too timid." Turning his head, he quickly put on a flattering smile.

I think you're too bold, Yan Liguo couldn't figure out what the situation was about the split.

Sean is also very convinced. This kind of person has only been seen on TV before. Really, it's a dog.

"Can you say it now, Mr. Cú Chulainn." Yan Liguo couldn't wait to ask: "What do you, or your organization, ask?"

"Well, don't worry, I suddenly thought that our conversation should be open, transparent and fair." Sean said: "In this case, wait for me."

With the confused eyes of a group of people, Sean walked to the door again and picked up the microphone, "I just saw a live broadcast car with a TV station. I don't care what TV station you are, I just want to ask if you have the courage to come in and report on it live."

tvb: And this good thing! ?

Shao Laoliu, who was following the live broadcast, almost jumped up from his chair excitedly. Now, the TV station is going to be famous, it's going to be famous!

The host at the scene was also mad with joy, and without saying a word, greeted the cameraman, pushed the crowd away, and rushed inside.

The police stopped it immediately, and without permission, how could it be possible to let reporters in.

The police hate reporters the most, they only add to the chaos.

"I saw that the police are not going to let people from the TV station come in, what does this mean?" Sean continued to stir up the fire, "It shows that they don't want to let the public know, they are afraid, they are afraid that the public will know the truth, and they have been hiding it all the time. , is deceiving the public."

"The public has never known that the government is selling your body, your blood, and your soul!"

"You are losing your self, your soul, and your dignity in the atmosphere they deliberately created!"

In the Governor's Palace, the Governor suddenly stood up from his seat and cursed loudly, "What the **** is Yan Liguo doing, why don't you stop him from talking nonsense!"

"The facts clearly show who is on the side of justice!"

Yan Liguo finally reacted from the shock, and suddenly threw the black tea cup in his hand, jumped up and rushed towards Sean.

"What you saw and heard before was just what they wanted you to see and hear."

He grabbed the microphone from Sean's hand, "Let them in, you guys..."

Halfway through speaking, Yan Liguo finally reacted and swallowed the following words.

Sean laughed loudly, leaned over to the microphone and said, "So that I can finish the sentence for Yan Liguo, you **** colony pigs."

"I didn't, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!" Yan Liguo turned pale and defended loudly, trying to grab the microphone.

Sean held him with one hand, and Yan Liguo at this moment was like a clown.

A complete farce, a complete farce.

The British Hong Kong government has lost all face.

The Governor was no longer angry, and called the security office with a dark face, "When you come back, let the **** idiot Yan Liguo go back!"

The faces of the Hong Kong police were all dark.

Maybe that's not what Yan Liguo wanted to say at all, but it's meaningless now.

The TVB host broke through the blockade and rushed to the door of the building with the cameraman carrying the camera panting.

Looking at the four corpses blocked on the ground, the hostess's legs trembled involuntarily, but the excitement on her face did not diminish.

Fear, fear, and excitement are intertwined, the heartbeat is frantically accelerated, the face is flushed, the hips...


I dare not bow my head, my eyes are half-closed,

Looking at the host, Sean's eyes lit up, he was so beautiful, so young, so delicate, and so good.

It's my type!

He took a step forward and stretched out his hand, "Beautiful lady, I'll help you come over."

Le Huizhen stretched out her hand to hold Sean, and with a hard jump it was over.

After taking a few breaths, Le Huizhen patted her bulging chest with a relieved smile on her face, "Thank you."

Blood, corpses, beauty, thank you...

The scene is very weird.

The fat man carrying the camera also stretched out his hand, wanting Sean to pull him.

Xiao En didn't even look at him, he reached out to Le Huizhen and made a please gesture.

Fatty: ? ? ?

This scene was all played out.

Lorraine, who was also watching the live broadcast, spat fiercely, "Sure enough, men all over the world are the same!"

Even if he is mentally ill and a terrorist, he still likes young, beautiful and good-looking women.

Resisting the fear of wading over from his body, he quickly circled the hall with the camera on his back.

The squatting hostages at the foot of the wall, the fully armed terrorists, the two sofas and coffee table pushed over in the middle of the hall, and the three service staff who were cleaning up the broken quilts on the ground.

No wounded and no dead bodies!

In other words, there were no casualties from the gunfire just now.

Sean winked at the center point, the guy reacted immediately, and quickly greeted the person and pushed another sofa over.

Greeting Le Huizhen to sit down, Xiao En asked with a smile, "What would you like to drink?"

"Ah..." Le Huizhen still couldn't accept her current state.

Isn't it a terrorist attack?

How does this look like an interview!

"No, no need." Le Huizhen quickly waved her hand.

"Beautiful lady, I don't know your name yet?" Sean regrets that he can't use the original sound now, and the electronic sound can't show his sincerity at all.

"My name is Le Huizhen." Le Huizhen twisted her body a little uncomfortable, the atmosphere was too awkward.

Even so, Le Huizhen calmed down as soon as possible and asked, "Can I ask your name?"

"We are the Northern Ireland Independent Organization. You and I can call me Cuchulainn."

"Northern Ireland Independent Organization?" Le Huizhen had never heard of the name, but he knew Northern Ireland, part of the United Kingdom.

"Look!" Sean spread his hands, "It turns out that your eyes and your ears are under their control!"

Sean pointed to Yan Liguo next to him, "They don't want you to know, you will never know."

Pointing at the flag on his face, Sean said loudly, "Northern Ireland has also been invaded and occupied by these British people. We have been resisting the rule of these invaders, never ending, we have been seeking independence!"

"Everyone in the colony, it's time to stand up!" Sean waved his fists hard at the TV camera.

"Arise, slaves of hunger and cold, rise, sufferers of the world."

As soon as these words came out, the Governor immediately grabbed the phone, and hung up after a long while irritably.

At this time, if the live broadcast is interrupted, the impact will only be worse.

He won't make the same mistake that Yan Liguo's idiot made, and give those idiots room to imagine.

Looking at the picture on the TV, Lorraine touched her chin. It seemed righteous, but there was a strange yin and yang atmosphere everywhere. The words in the tea made her think of someone in the north.

Like that bastard!

Shen Bi, who was listening, slapped his forehead fiercely, is this a **** terrorist?

Well, it is indeed a terrorist!

This mouth is really scary!

He glared fiercely at Yan Liguo, who was sitting there dumbfounded. Shen Bi could not wait to rush up and kick him to death. Forget it, what the **** are you talking about, let him talk nonsense like this! !


Shen Bi kept winking at Yan Liguo.

Finally, this guy saw it and reacted.

"You, well, you have no right to say that, you killed so many people, you butcher, executioner." Yan Liguo pointed at the corpse at the door and shouted.

"Yes, although I didn't kill it, but the orders I gave, including the guy who was just thrown out, I admit, there is nothing to be embarrassed about." Sean admitted it plainly.

At this time, a security guard came over and said, "Head, the inspection of the underground garage has been completed, what should those people do?"

"Take the stairs, take them to the 13th floor, and leave the guards as hostages in Group 2." Sean didn't shy away from the camera, so he picked up the walkie-talkie, "Group 3, report the inspection situation."

"The 25th floor has been searched."

"The 4 groups will **** all the hostages to the 13th floor, and then search upwards from 130% to complete the hostage search task as soon as possible."


Le Huizhen looked at the man in front of him and raised the hostage in front of everyone, as if everything was taken for granted, so she couldn't understand it.

"If you use hostages to threaten like this, isn't this a terrorist organization?"

"And then?" Sean laughed. "What do you want to express? Should you resist, or should you not take hostages?"

"Do you think this is right?" Yan Liguo rebuked loudly, "Do you still have the slightest reverence for life!"

"Yes, that's what it should be!" Sean nodded and admitted, "For example, Zimbabwe, which was once also colonized by British imperialism, did evil here and slaughtered the local people. Zimbabweans were not willing to be slaughtered and bullied, and they rose up to resist. , was slaughtered by the British invaders batch after batch, but, in the end, they took back their own land and re-established their own country."

"In the former empire on which the sun never sets, a large number of overseas colonies have gained independence through riots and armed resistance."

"Faced with the invaders, should we still eat, drink and sing with him?"

"This is ridiculous!" Sean laughed sarcastically.

Yan Liguo's face was full of bewilderment, and he didn't know how to refute.

He was flustered, he was helpless.

His heart was beating so fast right now that it was jumping out of his chest.

He knew he was done!

It's over!

The more so, the more nervous, the more afraid, the more unable to open his mouth.

"Only force, only force can win independence and dignity!" Sean shouted to the camera, "Cameroon, Gambia, Uganda, Mauritius, Nigeria, Ghana, well, I can name dozens of countries, They've set an example."

"The facts are in front of you, and that's the right answer..."

In the Governor's Mansion, the Governor could not wait to order a sniper to kill Yan Liguo with one shot. He didn't hate terrorists, and terrorists could do such things, but he hated Yan Liguo.

Why didn't I find out before, this is a complete waste!

Idiot like a pig!

"They have proven countless times that only armed, violent, and resistant to the end can win..."

"Okay, Mr. Cuchulainn, let's go back to the topic and talk about how to solve this hostage incident." Shen Bi couldn't stand it any longer, and interrupted Sean's words with his words.

Even if he is a hostage, even if he does not serve in the government, he is there, but when Yan Liguo is incompetent, he must stand up.

No one thought that this terrorist could say so much, and even made it live on TV.

Nothing like this has ever happened!

Although ira has always been a headache, they are a group of things with no muscles in their brains. For decades, they have only exploded, poisoned, and assassinated.

The ghost knows how such a cruel and cunning thing suddenly appeared!

Although Shen Bi was not outside, he knew that things were definitely going to get worse.

Major media from various countries have branches on Hong Kong Island, which is the center of Southeast Asia. The news must have spread.

I don't know how many TV stations around the world will broadcast this video.

He had to do something, otherwise, even if he got out alive this time, he would be finished.

"Oh, ha, look, you don't want me to say it." Sean smiled at Shen Bi.

The photographer also cleverly turned the camera around, and Shen Bi's face appeared on the TV screen. His hair was messy, and he lost the solemnity he used to have. Half of his face was covered in blood, and he looked quite embarrassed.

This looks like being beaten by terrorists.

Everyone knew that he was a hostage, but now, the way he talked freely was much stronger than that of Yan Liguo, who only broke out in a cold sweat, trembled, and couldn't say a word.

"Those things have nothing to do with today, right?" Shen Bi raised his hand and pointed at the hostages upstairs, "The most important thing is to solve the current affairs. Those demands, you should communicate with Downing Street, not We, we have no ability or right to make any decisions on behalf of the Empire!"

"Beautiful!" Inside the Governor's Mansion, the Governor waved his hand fiercely and shouted loudly!

"Immediately give the order to the front, Yan Liguo immediately get out of the way, and let Shen Bi be the negotiator!" The governor ordered loudly.

Just seeing the TV screen, Shen Bi stared into Sean's eyes, "Even if you kill us all, right!"

"You know, that's useless, it's useless at all!"

clap clap clap!

At this moment, in front of the TV, I don't know how many British people are applauding Shen Bi.

He tilted his head and looked at Shen Bi, who was a little embarrassed, and at Yan Liguo, who was in a panic. Sean stood up and walked over, grabbing Yan Liguo's hand and shaking it, "You are a good opponent, but it's a pity. , that guy stole your limelight."

"Really, what a pity!" Sean shook his head in disappointment.

Yan Liguo raised his head and looked at Sean with a bewildered face. Shen Bi had the urge to cover his face.

What a shame!

Sure enough, the voice of a loudspeaker came from outside, "The Governor's Office has decided that Mr. Shen Bi will be in charge of the next negotiation. Mr. Yan Liguo, please return to your post."

Hmm, very euphemistic.

Yan Liguo seemed to have become a deflated ball, and he stooped down, barely standing still, and walked out with heavy steps.

What greeted him would be the end of his political career.

"You seized the opportunity and turned from a hostage into a negotiator, but it's actually useless." Sean looked at Shen Bi.

"Maybe, but, as a person from the British Empire, I have to do my best to do something?" Shen Bi said with a serious face.

"Okay." Sean nodded and waved at Zhongfengtou, "I haven't asked your name yet."

"Charlie Cao, just call me Charlie, sir." Charlie Cao bowed.

"Talent!" With a thumbs up and shameless to such a degree, Sean is ashamed, "Take Mr. Shen Bi to clean it up, and I will give you the treatment you deserve as a negotiator."

"Thank you." Shen Bi got up and left with Charlie Cao.

"Can you tell the audience in front of the TV what are your requirements for doing this?" Le Huizhen stretched out the microphone and asked This matter is not in a hurry. ' Sean shook his head.

Of course not in a hurry, Bill isn't ready yet!

"Wait for our negotiators to come together and say, before that, I'll show you around and see our arrangement," said Sean and stood up.

"You, are you talking about your arrangement in the building!?" Le Huizhen looked at Sean in disbelief.

Terrorists dare to show their arrangements thoroughly, isn't that all exposed?

Is this confidence?

Or arrogant?

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