America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 253: :

"It's very complicated." Old Bu shook his head. "Although the president is the leader of the country, even if it is a king in the feudal period, thousands of powers are gathered in one body, but they can't help themselves, let alone the president of the United States."

"Because of weapons smuggling?" Sean frowned and looked at Lao Bu, "No, the big deal is to find an agent abroad, and you can also sell weapons, just make a little less money, clean, nothing will happen. The aftermath, I can think of that.”

"Of course it's not just to sell a little arms. Everyone knows that Yifang has been using American products, except for the public." Lao Bu organized the language and said: "This matter is so complicated that it can't be finished in a day. To put it simply, we can't Give up Yifang, even if they are anti-American, we still have to maintain our influence in Yifang, we cannot let them completely fall into the arms of the Soviets, and we cannot let that power continue to expand.”

"No, that's not right!" Sean shook his head, "The Soviet Union is atheist, and they are not compatible with those green sects at all."

Lao Bu looked at Sean with a strange expression, "You... well, you haven't studied modern history."

Sean: ? ? ?

Old man, are you mocking me for being uneducated?

Old Bu shook his head, his face was expressionless, but just like this, Sean almost jumped up.

Why don't you just laugh at me loudly! !

He turned his head, rummaged through the desk, found the first map, opened it and put it on the table.

"This is the Soviet Union, do you understand!" Old cloth pointed to the map.

Sean looked down, then frowned, and then slapped his forehead hard!

Shit, it's a plant.

After all, the rebirth time is still short, and the map in his memory belongs to the later generations, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union!

On the current world map, this Stan, that Stan...etc are all from the Soviet Union!

The border is on the top of Yifang and Afghanistan.

If the United States had not been supporting Yifang and Afghanistan at all costs over the years, the flag of the Soviet Union would have been planted long ago.

For the United States, this thing is like a virus, and the speed of spread is beyond imagination!

"Therefore, the United States does not dare to go to war with Yifang at all, even if the pro-American forces are driven away, even if they slap the Americans in the face with a big mouth, push the embassy to the ground, and detain the personnel, we will also You have to endure it, and get on the pole to lick their **** and support them!" Sean said with a weird expression.

"Otherwise?" Lao Bu spread his hands helplessly, "What else can we do?"

"You see, it turns out that the so-called religion can't resist the spread of red at all, not to mention, after the Great Patriotic War, Stalin let go of the strategy of purging religion to the end."

"No matter how unwilling they are to give up their rights, there is absolutely no way to stop the Soviets simply by relying on them."

"Even if they are full of confidence and think they can do it, we can't let him try!"

"The United States cannot and dare not let the Soviets spread to the Middle East. They will completely destroy the foundation of the United States, the 'petrodollar' system, not to mention, they must not be released at a critical moment in the Star Wars program."

"They must be locked in a cage!"

"For this reason, we did not hesitate to compromise with the rabbit!"

Sean finally understood, no wonder Yi Fang jumped up and down like a disgusting clown all these years, but from the beginning to the end, the old beauty just said things like 'evil country' and 'terrorism' that were no different from protests.

Thunder and heavy rain... There is no rain!

The cowardice does not have the tolerance of the world police, the original root is here.

The United States has 100% certainty to clean up the current Yifang, but once it has an absolute advantage on the battlefield, Yifang will immediately fall into the arms of the Soviets...

If you don't want nuclear bombs flying all over the sky, then there's nothing left!

If you win, you're a douchebag, if you lose, you're a fool.

There is no way to openly say anything about this kind of thing. The United States is the largest country and the most powerful. He must not show helplessness and must be tough.

Therefore, to Yi Fang, he can only be comforted and patient like a bear child from a strong neighbor.

In the face of this disgusting, fearless hob meat, Reagan is really, it's too difficult! !

"This is Reagan, it's miserable!" Sean shook his head and sighed.

"So, there is one thing I need your help with now." Old Bu stared at Sean and said, "I won't admit to leaving this room without any paper orders."

"Private life, right, you said." Sean laughed, he liked private life!

His identity ensures that he is not afraid of being silenced, Reagan and Lao Bu have no such ability.

Then, private life is a big favor!

To get this favor, as long as it's not too much, before Reagan steps down, he can let go of his hands and feet to do something!

I really can't ask for a pardon.

"Send someone to go to Lebanon secretly. We need all the reporters kidnapped by terrorist organizations to rescue, get out, and come." Lao Bu said in a low voice.

Seeing that half of Old Bo's face was in the shadow of the lights, Sean felt, "Uncle Old Bo, you look particularly evil at the moment."

Old cloth: ヽ(゜Q.)ノ?

Looking at Sean with a bewildered face, Lao Bu really felt it, speechless!

"Hahaha, Uncle Bo, don't be angry, just kidding." Sean said with a smile: "This kind of thing is normal, no one wants them to have an accident, but it's just like this, it's out of control, there are always people who are lucky, There are always people who are unlucky, and there are always people who stand at the end that most people will never reach in their lifetime."

"Trouble must always be resolved. Back then in North Korea, why were our soldiers beaten to pieces?"

"That's because the opponents are really strong. They really dare to fight to the last person without any supplies and without any rescue and will never surrender, while our people surrendered tens of thousands of people in the Philippines."

"Of course, this kind of institutional issue is not something we need to discuss now, but, I have to admit,"

"People are not cruel, they can't stand firm!"

"Are these hostages the source of everything?" Sean looked at the old cloth.

"Accurately speaking, it's an excuse." Old Bu thought for a while and said.

"What if the excuse dies?"

"It must have been brutally murdered by terrorists in Yifang. We can only express our frustration and grief, and at the same time, condemn Yifang's evil actions, and increase the embargo and blockade intensity!"

"Then the private contact with Yifang before, this matter will definitely be exposed, and the Donkey Party will definitely do this. As long as they control the scope of the spread not to exceed the United States, this will definitely hit a wave of the Donkey Party, just like It's like what the party did six years ago."

"That's to investigate the life and death of the hostages. We must confirm whether the hostages are alive or not." Old Bu replied without thinking: "But it's a pity."

"Hmmmm." Sean nodded, "In a conflict in Lebanon, several hostages were unfortunately killed."

The old cloth nodded slightly with an expression on his face.

"Oh, yes, I need to know where the hostages are."

"There's only going to be a rough range, it's not entirely certain at all."

"Okay, okay, what a hassle!" Sean shook his head.

Agreed to the black job given by the old cloth, and Sean left without negotiating any conditions.

Old Bu spoke a few times, and he was about to make it clear that Sean had to make a condition, but Sean refused one by one!

Can this be mentioned?

It can't be!

Old Bu reluctantly sent Sean away, and catching a plane overnight, Sean went straight to New York.

Really busy feet don't touch the ground.

Sean didn't want to live in Rockefeller Manor, nor did he want to go to the family mansion, so he stayed in a five-star hotel in New York.


Just when Sean in New York fell asleep, Hong Kong Island, Shatin.

Le Huizhen put on her makeup and walked out of the room listlessly.

In recent days, Le Huizhen has been having a hard time.

It's not that she was fired from TVB, on the contrary, she is living a very nourishing life in TVB now.

Extraordinarily moisturizing.

There is no need to go out and run on location in the strong sun. The work becomes a daily work plan arranged by the department to the people below, and it can be checked after get off work. The rest of the time, I just sit in the building drinking tea and reading newspapers.

To be honest, the former Le Huizhen was extremely envious of this kind of life, with few things, high wages, and no need to use her brains.

But now after she really let her do it for a while, Le Huizhen felt like she was about to grow hair.

Of course, what really made her uncomfortable was that the people in the company looked at her as if they had seen the plague, and wanted to hide as far away as possible.

Obviously people are in the company, but they are silently rejected by the whole.

For Le Huizhen, this kind of silent violence is better than being fired directly, then kidnapped or something.

Too tormented!

Mainly at the Governor's Mansion, the new Governor has arrived and is in the process of handing over to Youde. It is a huge Hong Kong Island, and the location is so important that the handover cannot be completed in a short time.

Now no one has time to care about such a small role as Le Huizhen.

And the fact that three well-known Hong Kong Island lawyers joined hands to release Le Huizhen on bail made TVB feel strange, and they didn't dare to find any excuses to fire people easily.

TVB is waiting for the new governor to officially take office.

Flattering and selling favors, you have to grasp the timing, right? What you do now is to wink at the blind, and it is easy to provoke yourself.

On the side of the road, a taxi was parked, and a man hurried over and opened the door to get in.

"Getlost!" Neil turned his head and cursed.

The man was stunned when he saw that it was a foreigner driver. Although he didn't understand it, he understood the gesture of Neil extending his finger outside.

Facing the 'locals', the outsider quickly nodded 'good fortune' and 'good fortune'.

Neil kept seeing Le Huizhen come out, so he hurriedly stepped on the accelerator and stopped in front of Le Huizhen.

How expensive is a taxi, Le Huizhen walked forward and walked around, but Neil drove forward again.

Le Huizhen leaves again, Neil leaves again.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

"Beauty, let me pick you up." Neil tilted his head and shouted in a low voice.

These words sounded like thunder in Le Huizhen's ears, causing Le Huizhen to freeze in place.

He opened the car door with his trembling hands and immediately sat in. He reached out and grabbed Neil's arm, suppressing his trembling voice and asked, "You are, you, I, I don't know you, how can you prove it?"

"Not bad, a little vigilant." Neil smiled and suddenly said, "You kissed on the head!"

"Ah!" Le Huizhen screamed, her face flushed.

There was excitement, joy, fear, and relief on her face. She had been worried for a while, but it had tortured her so badly that she once thought that the bad man had completely forgotten her.

Sean: Impossible, absolutely impossible!

When Le Huizhen calmed down, she found that the car had already driven a long way.

"No, wait, where is this going?" Le Huizhen asked quickly.

"Go to the airport, have you brought your passport?" Neil turned his head and asked.

"I, I don't have any. What passport do I bring to work?" Le Huizhen replied quickly.

"This is for you, your new identity." Neil took out a passport from his side and handed it over.

When Le Huizhen opened it, she didn't recognize the text at all, but the photos were eight-point similar to her, "Where is this passport?"

"From now on, you are Colombian Chinese, don't look at it, the passport is 100% real, issued by the government, the air ticket has been bought for you, and you are going to Pattaya, Thailand, and someone will pick you up there." Neil Dan Said while driving a taxi.

"Oh, that, that, that..." Le Huizhen blushed and didn't ask anything for a long time.

"Boss, you will see you in a few days."

"Oh..." When she heard that she couldn't see anyone right away, Le Huizhen's mood immediately dropped.

Seeing this, Neil added, "Don't worry, even for those Hollywood stars, the boss has never been so careful."

As soon as these words came out, Le Huizhen only felt that a basin of ice water was pouring down on her head. Obviously, there are many bad women, even big stars in Hollywood, so what is she?

Although Le Huizhen had also thought about it, the man must have been through a hundred battles because of his old-fashioned methods, but when he heard this, he was still in a panic.

The whole person became sluggish, and the tears were rolling in the corners of his eyes.

Neil was dumbfounded, this...

Maybe, like, maybe, say something wrong?

He quickly remedied, "Although there are many boss women, the real girlfriend has not yet been determined."

a lot of? !

"Wow!!!" Le Huizhen burst into tears wherever she lay.

Neil: "..."

I seem to be in trouble...


The next morning, Sean went straight to the New York City government.

In a small meeting, although old man David paved the way for Sean, Sean had to come up with a reasonable takeover plan that would satisfy the city government, and he had to personally commit and sign some agreements.

Wolf Casey, left over from the Dimio Group period, can now stand in the Sean Group all the time, which shows his ability to do things.

What Sean values ​​most about him is the word "stable"!

Don't expect Wolf Casey to expand the market, and don't expect him to increase the company's profits, but this guy's can make the garbage disposal company run smoothly without problems.

Of course, Wolf Keshe wasn't so steady before... Now he doesn't dare to be so steady.

At that time, a large part of Dimio's elite were on the side of the garbage disposal company. He saw with his own eyes Sean's men driving a car with a six-pipe Gatling.

After taking a quick look at the takeover plan that Wolf Casey came up with, Sean was satisfied and handed it over directly.

It is not a direct acquisition like the merger of other companies. The whole plan will take a month.

At first, it only took over the garbage transported from New York to the comprehensive processing center here, and completed the processes of stacking, secondary sorting, incineration and power generation.

In the past, all garbage in New York was transported to Pennsylvania, where there were many tunnels left after mining, which could be used for deep landfills. Now, all garbage must be shipped to New Jersey.

After the transportation, stacking, sorting, and incineration systems are running smoothly, we will take over the garbage compression and packaging factory in New York City.

Finally, divide the area and take over the sanitation workers and the vehicles that transport the garbage one by one.

Slow is really slow, but really stable.

Every time I take over a link, even if there is a problem, it is easy to deal with it. It is better than taking over it all at once, without any running-in in each link, and it is better to mess up.

In this regard, the New York City government is quite satisfied.

The government department responsible for managing garbage disposal is very happy!

Departments that stink more than **** are all handed out here.

In this era, other than landfill or incineration, there is not much oil and water in the disposal of garbage.

They don't make 'blended oil'...

It is nothing more than a little right to purchase garbage cans, repair garbage vehicles, and transfer the capacity of trains and barges. If you change to the East, you can still squeeze out oil. In Laomei, this is directly signed with a large service company for long-term contracts. contract.

Want to use power for personal gain?

Don't think about it!

The threshold is above the head of the department with the decision-making power, and the IRS must be vigilant at all times.

In the area of ​​anti-corruption, Lao Mei really plays very clearly.

There is simply no need for a 'property declaration system' that can never be 'truly' passed, implemented.

In 1978, the US Congress passed the "Government Ethics Act", which clearly stipulates that officials of the executive, judicial and legislative branches must disclose the property status of themselves, their spouses and dependent children, and submit a written report on the property status according to the prescribed procedures.

In 1985, the "Code of Ethics for Members of the House of Representatives and Employees" was passed, which made more detailed regulations on the declaration of family property of members of the House of Representatives and employees.

Don't think about cheating, people from the opponent party will be very careful, serious, responsible, and review it back and forth for you.

(In the previous article, many readers questioned the monthly "consultant fee" of 10,000 US dollars, saying that it was too little, which only shows that the tolerance of corruption among the officials is too high...)

(In 2020, House of Representatives Jason Booble, a member of the Natural Resources Committee, served as a consultant to Terra Energy Production Company. In 2019, his income was $460,000, which is only 40,000 per month. This is the price of the House of Representatives in 2019. .)

What's more, the IRS is staring at everyone's tax returns. In the old United States, money must be deposited in the bank, and every penny must have a clear and legal source. Any property of unknown origin will be directly confiscated.

Someone or a family member has more than a dozen houses, how much savings, and if you can't understand a reasonable and legal source of property, then you will be miserable!

Closer to home, after the handover process is passed, the rest is to sign some documents and commitments.

This was all negotiated, and Sean signed his name with a swipe of his pen.

As for the legislation to be passed by the New York Congress, this cannot be discussed at this time.

However, this law, which is used to maintain the environment and ensure that the city is clean, tidy and beautiful, has a 100% probability of passing.

After finishing this, Sean chatted with a group of government officials. There were not many opportunities for everyone to deal with them before, so I took this opportunity to get acquainted with them more.

In the future, many of Sean's business will be launched in New York, and there will be many opportunities for cooperation.

But eating is not enough, the day is working time.

After getting things done on the New York side and leaving the details to Wolff, Sean hurried back to Newark.

In the evening, I also had an appointment with Gilbert, the owner of OceanFirst Bank.

Gilbert also has a stake in the Peace Hotel. He is one of the bosses, so it doesn't matter who entertains who.

In Xinghui Nightclub, in the private room of the glass room on the first floor, there is one that Sean reserved for himself.

There were no outsiders in the box. Gilbert picked up a glass of wine and toasted it with a smile and said, "I haven't congratulated you yet. The box office of "Instinct" exceeded 5 million on the first day. According to the current trend, it can reach the 30 million mark." Gil Burt smiled and said, "I heard that you wrote this script and edited it yourself?"

"The box office, it's okay." Sean said with some dissatisfaction: "According to this trend, North America will only be more than 100 million."

To be honest, he is not satisfied, at least, his memory, the film "Instinct" should be very high at the box office.

But this is another taste in Gilbert's ears. Your mother, are you still dissatisfied with the box office of more than 100 million?

Are today's young people's pretense realm so high?

Could this be the trick that this kid has more assets than me in just three years?

Learning is abolished, learning is abolishing!

After a few compliments, Gilbert chatted with Sean about investing.

Speaking of which, Sean also joined the New Jersey consortium and has shares in Ocean First Bank.

However, Sean's expansion was too fast, and the New Jersey consortium did not gain much benefit from it, and Gilbert also came for this.

Sean's assets increased rapidly, surpassing Gilbert, the head of this small local consortium in a short period of time. Of course, it was definitely not comparable to the entire New Jersey consortium.

The New Jersey consortium has assets of more than 20 billion US dollars and controls assets of more than 50 billion.

Small it is also a consortium is not.

"Investment?" Sean tilted his head to look at Gilbert, "Tell me, what areas does the consortium want to invest in?"

"New World Media, Cartagena."

"Huh?" Sean looked at Gilbert with some playfulness. "I remember that when I bought Capital Media all the time, everyone was waiting to see the joke."

"So, the truth is often in the hands of a few people." Gilbert spread his hands and said, "Although the time is still relatively short and nothing concrete has been reflected, everyone can see that the new century is indeed changing. "

The effect of the tit-for-tat war of words between Sean and Murdoch is obvious to anyone who pays attention.

There are also traces of intentional guidance in this.

"I heard that you are going to continue to inject funds into the new century, and you are going to build a cable TV network covering the United States on this basis, right?" Gilbert's news is still very well-informed.

Sean nodded with a big smile. It wasn't that the content of the meeting was leaked. In fact, there were detailed regulations on what was confidential and what was not.

The matter of injecting funds is the information disclosed to shareholders, and it is normal to spread it out.

As for the TV network gradually covering the United States, this is what Sean approved for all employees.

The three fires of the new officer's appointment are to boost the morale of all employees and let them see a broader future. Since the original Capital Media was in operation and sold, the morale of the employees has dropped to the bottom, and the work efficiency is low. Afraid of being laid off, this is not acceptable!

In addition, clear goals and high ambitions can also make acquisition targets feel the determination to win, either to be acquired or to seize the market!

All of the above, the New Jersey consortium also controls most of the media in New Jersey, how can it not be seen.

"New Century, no problem, how does the consortium want to buy shares?" Sean agreed without much thought. As for the reason...

Gilbert is getting old!

Gilbert's sons are much older than Sean.

No matter how visionary and courageous Gilbert is, he will never be able to do the time. Sean is still alive and kicking when he is dead.

So, Sean is not afraid that Gilbert can shake his empire.

"How do you want to buy shares, in exchange for shares or in cash?" Gilbert asked.

"Well... let's exchange shares, although I'm short of cash." Sean said after hesitating for a while: "But, I'm going to fly to Southeast Asia early tomorrow morning, and I may have to wait for me to get back before I have time to get the specific things."

"Go again!" Gilbert looked at Sean in surprise.

Some time ago, Sean has been making waves in Southeast Asia for a month, and it's only a few days after he came back.

"Yes." There was a wry smile on Sean's face. "It's really, busy and earning some money. I don't know if I can fulfill the dream of 30-year-old worth tens of billions of retirement."

Gilbert's mouth twitched, his hands uncontrollably grabbed the wine bottle with such force that the veins on his hands jumped.

Maja Fake, it's all the law that saved you!

Sean leaned back subconsciously, "Don't stop, calm down, make a joke, liven up the atmosphere, you see, at such an old age, you must take care of your body!"

Gilbert looked at Sean helplessly, "I wouldn't be surprised if you were beaten up one day!"

"This situation is basically unlikely." Sean said with a smile: "Look, I have mostly come into contact with billionaires, and the rich, most of them are old, usually fight... oh, don't, don't, don't, Put down the bottle in your hand."

Gilbert was amused by Sean, but just kidding, everyone's relationship got closer.

That age brings fewer barriers.

"When are you coming back!"

"This trip won't be short."

"Is there any chance of making a fortune in Southeast Asia that makes you invest so much time."

"It's mainly to open up the market for the umbrella in Southeast Asia. There is no way. With the expansion of the umbrella, there is not much room for the umbrella in the Caribbean." Sean said with a hand.

The Caribbean region is actually the most chaotic, not necessarily the Middle East, Africa and other places, or even more chaotic.

After all, heaven is too far and America is too close.

But this is one-third of the US military's land, and the focus of the umbrella's development is on the sea, so there is no room for Sean to use it.

This is something Sean hadn't thought of before.

It was just to force the gang of drug criminals to take goods from Cartagena and regulate their itinerary.

It wasn't until later planning with Old Man Leighton that I discovered this problem.

Of course, if Sean's development direction is placed on the Army, then there is really a lot of room in South America for him to gallop.

"I heard about this, and your handwriting is also... You want to win the naval defense of a country, really, beyond the limit of my imagination." Gilbert sighed.

"Then you don't know how rich those guys are!" Sean snorted, "Do you know about this country?"

Gilbert shook his head. He had never done any business there, so how could he know that it was not the Internet age.

Speaking of which, anyone in the internet age is at the level of "Knowing King"!

Gilbert was shocked when he heard that the per capita income of Zongni was higher than that of the Americans. His first thought was that it was impossible, and then it was absurd. When will the income of noble Americans be lower than that of the Americans? A group of monkeys?

Gilbert was really sour when he heard about the palace of Haji, the king of the mud!

Ordinary people will have the feeling that they can't see the shadow of some people's voice when they struggle all their lives.

Gilbert just never thought it would happen to him.

"It just doesn't make sense that these places don't have wars!" Gilbert, a descendant of Anglo-Saxon, said through his back molars.

Sean also nodded in agreement, his own strength is weak, and he is so rich, which in itself does not conform to the normal laws of society.

The reason why there is no war in those places in Southeast Asia should thank the rabbit! !

If it weren't for the bunnies, hey...

"I support you, and you should really let them know who is the master of this world!" Gilbert patted Sean on the shoulder.

Sean squinted at Gilbert, your old boy is really not a good person, but I like it, hahahaha.

Later, we talked about increasing investment in Cartagena, and the New Jersey consortium saw the development prospects there.

Excellent huge population, stable security environment, low wages, huge domestic market, the money scene is visible to the naked eye.

It is not that South America does not have enough room for development, but that it is too close to the United States and has no development environment.

Sean doesn't care about this, Gilbert and the others are looking at the cheap industrial workers and tax environment there.

Sean just explained in advance that transportation, shipping, ports, retail, electricity, water, and real estate should not be touched. These are my, Sean's private plots.

Controlling the people's livelihood industry is the most stable and most profitable!

About the next direction with Gilbert, Sean went back.

The next day, I changed into another identity and flew straight to Hong Kong Island.

Boss He should collect the money!

It's just that, according to the information Sean got, many people are eyeing the 500 million.

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