America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 255: :

The group of people all put on diving equipment and stood at the living water hatch. Neil said solemnly: "Be careful, the speedboat is very fast now, be careful not to get involved!"

A few people beside him nodded, no one grabbed an iron chain and hung it around his waist, and a huge iron ball was tied under the chain. After a while, they would rely on this to sink quickly and play the role of an anchor.

Nodding to each other, Neil held the iron ball first, curled up and jumped.

Hearing a 'boom' sound, Neil fell quickly after entering the water, and immediately escaped from the cabin.

At the moment of separation, he was taken by a high-speed ship, and after a sharp pain came from his back, the whole person rolled and quickly sank toward the bottom of the sea.

The surroundings quickly became dark, Neil endured the pain and opened his eyes, he was still sinking rapidly, the water was passing over his head, and the speedboat quickly left.

Holding the buckle on his waist and pressing it lightly, the big iron ball broke away from his body in an instant, and along with it, his body jumped.

The body pressed by the sea was very uncomfortable, and Neil quickly began to swim towards it, and soon, he saw a figure falling rapidly.

Not long after, a few people converged, gestured, turned on the small underwater auxiliary propeller on the body, and quickly swam in the predetermined direction.

On the sea, the helicopter was still tracking the speedboat. Behind, Niuniu's fast patrol boat quickly flanked it from the side.

As long as they leave the waters of Hong Kong Island, they are ready to go up immediately to lure the other party into firing stingers.

If it weren't for the fear of blowing up the money, they would have fired the cannon!

But don't worry!

Of course, Neil and the others are not in a hurry!

It was only 5 kilometers. With the help of the auxiliary propeller, it didn't take much time. Seeing that it was approaching the public beach swimming area, a few people stopped in the distance to rest for a while, and discarded all the equipment and diving suits in the water. Ordinary swimming trunks, quickly swim to the shore, go ashore, and change into the clothes that have been prepared for a long time.

Get in the car and disappear from everyone's sight.

And just half an hour ago...

The place where Neil and the others pushed the money box down.

A small cargo ship is parked here!

Everyone's eyes were drawn away by the big speedboat with money, and no one would notice it.

Several people quietly dived from the boat.

This is what Sean explained long ago. Neil and others have been training for a long time. With the physical quality of these soldiers, with the help of professional diving suits, diving 20 meters is not a problem at all.

When Niu Niu's navy finds out that there is a problem with the speedboat, they will definitely think that the money is on the bottom of the sea!

Those guys will definitely come back with the submarine along the route just now!

That is 500 million, and the other party will spare no expense.

Therefore, if this Jin Chan's plan to escape the shell is to be perfect, the ten money boxes must be transported away in time.

At 20 meters, people on the water can't detect it without professional equipment. Sean's fight is the time difference.

Of course, not much time!

Fortunately, the ten boxes are specially made and will emit fixed signals, and there are receiving equipment on board, which can determine the specific location.

Dive quickly, approach the box quickly, open the buckle on the box, and after the iron ball as the load is detached, the buoyancy of the box itself makes the weight much lighter.

After the hook on the cable is hooked up, there is no rush to start the winch. It is too slow to start one box one by one, and the time must be too late.

The five people divided the labor, like a longline, stringing all ten boxes at one time. Fortunately, the distance between the boxes is not very far, and they are distributed within a radius of 100 meters.

Five cables, two boxes per person, are eventually aggregated to the same main cable.

Less than ten minutes before and after, the ship received a signal and immediately started the winch.

In the humming sound, watching the ropes continue to roll up, the hearts of the boat are excited.

The speed was very fast. The cable of more than 30 meters was put up in a few seconds. The first box came out of the water, and the winch stopped immediately.

On both sides of the gap is a short piece of steel rail, a flatbed truck was quickly pushed over, the buckle was released, and the 500 kg box fell directly on the flatbed.

Pushing away, the winch continued to turn, and soon, boxes were pulled up.

This set of equipment was designed by Sean, and Neil and the others found a small factory to help with the welding while they were in Thailand.

Repeated tests, practical drills in the sea with boxes, and one by one are very skilled.

It took only 13 minutes before and after stopping the boat and diving to the surface.

Amidst the cheers of howling ghosts and wolves, the cargo ship started and quickly left the waters and headed towards Macau.

"Head, it's done, we're heading towards Macau."

"Nice job, I'll wait for you here!" Sean, who received the news, said with a big smile on another cargo ship approaching the channel towards Macau.

This is a cargo ship from the west coast of the United States bound for Sri Lanka.

Sean arranged it early!

Said to be ready to invest in Sri Lanka, that is for sure.

The ship is loaded with a few sets of old production lines.

There should not be too many boats on this waterway, and it is inconspicuous to get in, and the direction of the large speedboat is towards the Philippines.

At this time, after running out of the waters of Hong Kong Island, Niu Niu's helicopter began to fly at a low altitude near the speedboat to provoke.

However, no matter whether it was shouting, threats or provocations, there was no response on the speedboat, which made Niuniu feel that something was wrong!

In the end, the command room ordered to approach the past to blow up the propeller of the big speedboat!

The helicopter chased up against the sea, the cannons roared, and after the ship finally stopped in a circle, several British navy airborne immediately.

"No one? How can there be no one!" The man in charge of the Niuniu garrison roared frantically in the command room, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Soon, more specific news came out. The ship had long been manipulated, and the back was simply sailing automatically. Ren and Qian sank to the bottom of the sea through the gap in the living water tank at the bottom of the bed.

"Damn bedbugs, ground mice, look back along the route, they must have sunk to the bottom of the sea!"

"Send me those two submarines, right away, right away!"

"Search for me inch by inch, and be sure to find it for me!"

"So much money, a full five tons, it's impossible for them to take it away!"

"Yes, block this area of ​​the sea, and don't allow any ships to approach!" The motivation of 500 million US dollars was too great, the Commander Your Excellency's mind started frantically, and orders were issued quickly.

However, at this time, Sean had already reunited with the cargo ship.

10 boxes were lifted one by one and transported to the huge freighter.

It doesn't matter if this scene is seen.

Because of the rapid development in the north, the freight capacity is completely beyond the capacity of the wharf. In the current Hong Kong Island, a lot of buoys have been built separately outside the wharf.

Even these buoys have to be reserved in advance.

Many ships are unable to enter the port to load goods, so they operate at sea in this way.

After everything was done, the cargo ship continued on the road and drove in the direction of Sri Lanka.

Later, Neil and others will follow the cargo ship to Sri Lanka, while Sean, he will transfer to Macau, then take the ferry back to Hong Kong Island, and then change his identity and fly straight to Sri Lanka.


"A bunch of rubbish!" After receiving the news that Niu Niu Haijun blocked the sea area near the transaction, Boss He cursed with a dark face.

Apparently it was no cash found on board!

Damn, I took 500 million in cash under your nose, and such a big fleet has chased people and money away.

Isn't it wrong to say they are trash!

As for the continued search in the blocked sea area, Boss He is not holding out any hope.

The obvious golden cicada escapes!

When scolding Niu Niu Haijun, Boss He also felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet.

After all, it's a navy navy, so can anyone play tricks?

Pray these guys are really credible...


A day later...

Colombo, Sri Lanka, Sean came out of the airport and got into the car.

"Huh, it's finally done!" Sean stretched, what the hell, going back and forth is really a lot of tossing!

The beach house, a temporary settlement bought by Sean.

When he got out of the car, Sean walked in and stood at the door, looking at the little beauty who bit her lower lip and twisted her hands together, with a nervous expression on her face.

Le Huizhen naturally knew who was coming. She looked up at Xiao En who had an 'evil' smile on her face, and immediately lowered her head, rolling her feet on the ground uncontrollably, her face flushed red.

Good, good, handsome!

So nervous!

At this moment, Le Huizhen was excited and nervous.

Excited to finally see what the person looks like, and nervous because she doesn't know what her future destiny will be like.

Sean didn't speak, he took out an Irish flag scarf from his pocket with a smile and put it on his face.

Sean's Le Huizhen, who had been paying attention secretly, froze, and her heart suddenly became quiet for some reason.

Xiao En stood in front of Le Huizhen, raised Le Huizhen's chin, and said condescendingly, "You asked me a total of 12 questions last time, plus the interest for such a long time, you know that you will be interrogated. How many times?"

'Huh' Le Huizhen's face immediately turned red!

I was nervous last time, and I didn’t have time to think about many things, but after I go back, every time I think about it, my pants are soaked through...

Now that Sean said it in person, Le Huizhen's whole body softened.

Xiao En took a step forward, picked up Le Huizhen, blew the face towel, lowered his head and kissed it roughly.

Le Huizhen didn't know anything with a 'boom' in her head...


Everyone pushed it out with interest, leaving only Sean and Le Huizhen in the entire villa.

Le Huizhen, who was held in Sean's arms, only felt dizzy, and when her lips parted, she immediately gasped for breath.

After a long while, the talent came back to his senses, but found that he had been lying on the big bed at some point.

Sean tore off the face towel on his face and pressed it directly, hu, hu, hu, with a stab.

With a painful cry of 'ah', there is one more woman in this world...

The spring in the cave is a square inch, and the flowers are in love with a ball of spring... The first soldier who rushed in must have come out with blood on his head.


Sean was lying on the bed, Le Huizhen was curled up in his arms, and there were scattered clothes on the ground.

With one hand supporting Le Huizhen's bright and clean back, Sean was very happy.

In the end, she was a goddess who could only be in front of the computer...cough, look, the feeling is different.

Well, compared to the unrestrainedness of Diane Lane and other women, Sean's feeling at the moment is conquest.

Reaching out her hand and gently stroking Le Huizhen's face, Le Huizhen arched like a pig, she was really tired.

I have been worried and feared for the past few days.

This sleep has been sleeping until the night.

Sean woke up from hunger and pulled out the numb arm that was pressed by Le Huizhen. Sean pulled the phone, "Is dinner ready?"

"Don't worry, you can come down to eat anytime."

With a "hmm" sound, Sean hung up the phone.

Looking at Le Huizhen who was still sleeping, the corners of Sean's mouth curved slightly, and a pair of big evil hands stretched out again.

After a while, Le Huizhen woke up, her hazy eyes suddenly widened, "Ah!"

The whole person curled up and got into the quilt.

Sean laughed, the little girl was shy and timid, so funny.

Le Huizhen covered her face with her hands and was carried into the bathroom by Princess Sean. Sean wanted to bathe her in person.

If it weren't for the consideration of Le Huizhen's first experience, Sean would really want to...


Half an hour later, Xiao En took Le Huizhen, who was a little uncomfortable walking downstairs.

Robert A. Owens was sitting at the dining table waiting for Sean.

After saying hello, it was done, and the servant immediately started serving the dishes.

Xiao En deliberately served a bowl of soup for Le Huizhen himself. Looking at the dishes on the table, most of them were Chinese food. Le Huizhen was a little confused and sweet at the same time.

She felt that this was specially prepared for her by men in order to take care of her.

To be honest, up to now, Le Huizhen only knew that this man was named Sean, a member of the Rockefeller family, very powerful, and had his own armed forces.

She had lived here for a few days, and there had been American soldiers standing guard at the door.

But she didn't know anything more specifically, and no one told her about the boss.

"How's it going during this time? What changes have happened here in Sri Lanka?" Sean asked while eating.

"It's calm, at least on the surface. The Tigers are shrinking. Nothing has been done during this time. The ships are all shrinking in the port, guarding us." Robert said.

"Haha, for sure, our two warships are parked here. It's strange that they are not afraid. Now whoever in Southeast Asia doesn't know that we are selling coastal defense plans everywhere, it's strange that they can't think of it." Sean smiled disdainfully: " However, it doesn't matter, this is the crushing of strength, they can't run away, they can only shrink in the hole and shiver!"

Le Huizhen was at a loss, who is the tiger and why is it shivering?

Isn't your man going to start a war?

"Yes, it's not just the Tigers, there is also a reaction from Asan, a formation is operating at the border." Robert said with a smile.

"Ha, don't pay attention to them. When the agreement is signed, they will directly blow them up if they dare to cross the line!" Sean waved his hand and said very domineeringly.

Robert nodded.

"Has the station been chosen?" Sean continued to ask.

"Once selected, in the Mannar port on Mannar Island in the northwest of the Poke Strait, Asan is very close to the opposite side of the strait, and to the north is Jaffna, where the LTTE is entrenched, we can hit it with a missile! ' Robert replied.

"The bad news is that it's dry and barren and the entire island has a population of only 120,000 people. The good news is that where the land is cheap, the whole port is being sold to us."

"If you don't have much money, you can buy it when you go back. It will be stationed here for ten years. Even if there is no accident, the number of soldiers stationed here cannot be less than 200." Sean said casually while drinking soup: "200 people here can at least leverage the consumer market of 20,000 people. After all, our wages are much higher."

"I can earn this money back sooner or later."

"By the way, I asked you before, which warships are added to our fleet, and what are your plans?" Sean continued to ask.

"Lehi-class cruiser!" Robert said without hesitation: "The full-load displacement is 8,000 tons, and the main battleship can serve as the flagship of the destroyer fleet. It has an air defense force, and has early warning and anti-submarine capabilities. With this guy, as long as you don't encounter The Soviets, we are not afraid of the fleet of any other country!!"

"I think you look like a Lehi-class!" Sean cursed angrily, "That thing has only been launched for more than 20 years, and it's still in service. How did I get it and steal it from the Navy!"

"Besides, how much does it cost, Fake!"

"Uh... well." Robert touched his nose embarrassedly, he just tried it out, and he himself knew that there was a high probability that it would not work, "Then the Kunz-class destroyer, fully loaded with 6100, can also be used as the flagship of the destroyer fleet."

"I don't remember this thing being retired, right?" Sean tilted his head and said uncertainly.

"I haven't retired, but I've already made two applications for retirement. If you can help me, boss, it's not a bad thing. After all, the Kontz-class destroyer is improved by the Farragut class."

"The Farragut class is something from the 1930s. At first, there were no missiles at all. Later, the Soviets were first equipped with anti-ship missiles after the war. The Kontz destroyer was ordered in danger, which became the first regular missile cruiser in the United States."

"It didn't take long for the Leahy-class cruisers to be designed and manufactured, and, in order to keep up with the aircraft carrier fleet, the focus is now on nuclear-powered cruisers."

"I can only say try." Sean shook his head, not sure about this at all, "You better talk about reality, do you want to add a Sherman-class destroyer, which is larger than the Keeling-class. ."

"No no no, boss, this can't be done, the Sherman class is a big pit, don't look at this guy's service time is later than the Keeling class, and the displacement is a little bigger, but in fact, this model is not easy to use, his The engine has a big problem, it always breaks, and the military scraps it because it can't be repaired."

Robert shook his head and said, "The production quantity is small, and the technology is not very mature. It can't be sold now, and the Keeling class, don't look older, I bet this guy can be used for another 30 years with good maintenance!"

"There are also Mitchell-class destroyers in this category. They are all garbage, and the Kontz-class is a good thing!"

"Okay, then add a Keeling class." Sean asked.

"Of course, I have no objection at all. Even if we use this thing for ten years, as long as we get through the relationship with Congress, we can sell it, and maybe we can make a fortune." Robert blinked and said.

Sean pouted, what else could he say, except that the industrial capabilities and technology of the United States are really awesome.

"President Sri Lanka asked, when are you going to sign the contract, boss." Robert asked after talking about his fleet.

"Notify them, you can always make some money, otherwise, how will you feed your gold-devouring beasts!" Sean rolled his eyes.

On a trip back to the United States, Sean threw a total of 700 million!

Sean Bank is now an empty shell, a complete empty shell!

If someone started a run now, Sean Bank would immediately go bankrupt.

Robbery at HSBC... Well, the 800 million borrowed from HSBC is still piled up on the Sean, including some gold, and there is no time to ship it back.

It was agreed to borrow money from HSBC with the Sri Lankan contract, but the contract has not been signed yet!

I borrowed 500 million from Boss He, and it is still floating at sea. It will take at least a week to deliver it to Sri Lanka.

When the money arrives, Sean will have to find a way to send it to Lao Sa before it can start to turn around.

Sean must get the Sri Lanka contract immediately, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

On President Sri Lanka's side, there is naturally Robert to inform, so Sean doesn't need to worry about it.

After dinner in the evening, Sean and Le Huizhen played at the beach for a while, you chase after me, catch up with me and let you play the game.

It didn't take long for the gun to go off. Fortunately, there were no outsiders nearby, and with the night falling, Le Huizhen blushed and sat down on the beach slowly...

There is a saying: blushing darkly stained with rouge sweat, white face mistakenly stained with powdered oil, upside down and sleepless, the sound of chickens sings out of the five watch.


The Sri Lankan cabinet was very happy after receiving the news from Robert, and began to prepare for a large press conference the next day.

On this day, Sean still did not appear.

Young and young, eat the marrow and know the taste, right?

Basically, it is the bed, the dining table, the swimming pool, the beach, leaving traces of love everywhere.

Sean didn't show up until the third day, when it was time for a press conference.

The press conference was at noon, but early in the morning, Sean brought people to meet with people from the Sri Lankan cabinet.

Some small details of the contract need to be settled, and the lawyer also needs to review the contract.

During this period, Sean listened to Robert's speech together with the people in the Cabinet.

It is about how to attack the Tigers.

The LTTE fleet is active in Jaffna, Naina and Delft. This generation has many islands and complex terrain, which is very suitable for those small LTTE boats to be active.

According to Robert's plan, the Sean was the main force, blocking Delft and Jaffna as a command and fire support platform.

The Security carried Sri Lankan navy boats as the main strike force, while Black Hawks were used in the sky for reconnaissance and fire support.

After some explanation, the Sri Lankan cabinet and the Sri Lankan military are very satisfied.

They bluntly said that there was nothing they could do about the Tigers. First, it was because of the intervention and containment of the Asan battleship, and second, it was because of the lack of firepower.

Yes, there is no difference between the Sri Lankan Navy and the Tigers, they are all on the same level.

After the signing of the contract here, the two parties came to the press conference hall outside with a look of joy.

Although Sri Lanka has little influence in the world, it is still a country anyway.

What's more, the two guided-missile destroyers of the Umbrella Company have been parked here recently. Every country in Southeast Asia knows that the Umbrella is promoting the 'sea and border defense agreement'. Seeing the way Sri Lanka and the Umbrella are hooking up, everyone almost thinks it will happen. what to do.

Therefore, hundreds of media from around the world have gathered here!

As soon as President Sri Lanka and Sean came out, the flashlights flashed wildly.

The two sides sat on both sides of the rostrum and exchanged and signed the agreement in a pretentious exchange of 'click' and 'kacha' flashing lights.

Afterwards, President Sri Lanka coughed lightly and said with a smile to a bunch of microphones in front of him: "First of all, I would like to officially announce that Sri Lanka has officially signed the 'Marine and Border Defense Agreement' with Umbrella Global Security and Defense Consulting Company. The strength of the company is very recognized, and I believe that the addition of the umbrella company can greatly make up for the lack of high-tech combat capabilities of the Chinese navy. In the next ten years, Sri Lanka's maritime security will be greatly improved!"

"Thank you President for your compliment." Sean took over the conversation with a smile on his face, "It is a great honor for Umbrella Global Security and Defense Consulting to sign this 'Marine and Frontier Defense Agreement' with Sri Lanka. This is a historic moment, we The cooperation between the two sides has created a precedent for the combination of commercial companies and national defense, and the Sri Lankan military will definitely play an important role in the peace, security and stability of the Indian Ocean region in the future."

After the two finished speaking, the host at the scene signaled that the reporter could ask questions, and immediately raised an arm.

The host randomly ordered one, which was a Sri Lankan domestic reporter.

"Excuse me, Mr. President, what made you decide to sign a maritime defense agreement with the Umbrella Corporation."

"Colombia and Sri Lanka have certain similarities in their domestic situations, and since the cooperation between Umbrella Corporation and the Cartagena Municipal Government, the crime rate, homicide rate, and security situation have all improved significantly. It will deceive people." President Sri Lanka said with a serious face: "Due to the substantial improvement of public security, Cartagena's economy has ushered in a take-off development. We have seen all this and the strength and credibility of the umbrella company. "

"After further communication and mutual understanding, we finally decided to cooperate with the umbrella company. We firmly believe that this will help Sri Lanka out of its current predicament and make Sri Lanka a better place."

Everyone understands what President Sri Lanka means, rebels, tigers!

"Excuse me, Mr. President, is your country's cooperation with the umbrella against the LTTE?" a reporter simply asked.

"The LTTE is an illegal organization, an anti-government organization, and a terrorist organization recognized by countries all over the world. We will not make any compromises with the LTTE. We will firmly and resolutely crack down on it." President Sri Lanka was very straight. Speak loudly!

I am not afraid not afraid of pulling, my military is very strong, not afraid not afraid not afraid of pulling...

A reporter with a foot wrap on his head stood up and shouted without waiting for the host to choose: "Mr. President, have you considered what the Tamils ​​think, war does not bring peace, Sri Lanka should give justice to the Tamils, You are a murder, a crime, an excuse to slaughter the Tamils!"

Sean wanted to spray it back, thinking about it, this is a Sri Lankan thing, and finally shut up.

"This fights against illegal armed forces. Anti-government organizations are Sri Lanka's internal affairs. The LTTE is a terrorist organization formed for personal selfish desires. This is recognized by the international community," Sri Lanka said.

Sean pouted secretly, these small countries are really not tough at all.

"Mr. President, a country's maritime and border security issues need to be protected by private companies in other countries. Don't you think this is bringing shame to the whole of Sri Lanka?" Another Asan reporter jumped out and asked.

Sean's eyelids jumped, and he saw President Sri Lanka's face gloomy. This time, before President Sri Lanka could speak, he preemptively said: "First, as a reporter for Asan, you are not qualified to question the internal affairs of other countries."

"Secondly, for an elected government, the first thing to consider is whether the people's lives can be met with food and clothing, and then whether the people's safety can be guaranteed, not a matter of face! A government that cannot make the people live a happy life and whose safety cannot be guaranteed. The government should be ashamed! They don't deserve to be the leader of a country!"

Sean's words were sonorous and powerful, directly occupying the moral commanding heights, and the Sri Lankans in the venue applauded vigorously for a while.

As for people from other countries, hehe...

"Mr. Sean, do you think it is inappropriate for private companies to interfere in other countries' internal affairs!" A reporter immediately stood up and asked.

Sean raised his brows and couldn't tell which country he was from, "The Umbrella Company is a legitimate commercial company that provides security consulting services. Our partner is the legitimate government of a country recognized by the United Nations. I don't think a country's The decision of the legitimate government needs to be questioned by someone else who is not relevant."

"Mr. Sean, does your company's actions represent the U.S. government's readiness to intervene in Sri Lanka's internal affairs and Indian Ocean security issues?"

"I'll say it again for the last time, the Umbrella Company is a private company, and such mindless problems should not arise again." Sean sprayed it back directly. He is not a head of state, and his positioning is like this!

The entire press conference was similar to what Sean expected, except for the two reporters they arranged, most of the others were questioned.

Of course, the main one is Asam, and others include Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. These three self-proclaimed big countries are all wary of umbrella companies.

However, this is not in Sean's consideration.

The press conference lasted for 2 hours and then disbanded. From beginning to end, Sean's attitude was very tough.

And just after the reception here, Asan's diplomatic spokesperson issued a statement, what kind of umbrella company's involvement will lead to military chaos in Southeast Asia, and what will pose threats and security risks to Asan's sea, borders and the country.

There are so many important things, and finally, for the safety of the sea and the peaceful development of the surrounding area, the conflict will be stopped at the right time.

After all, it is against the intervention of the umbrella company and reserves the right to pursue it at any time.

About this Sean is completely joking.

However, under the lobbying of President Sri Lanka, Sean was interviewed by reporters in Sri Lanka.

"The so-called threat is something that didn't happen, because what happened is called a fact, and what didn't happen is guesswork. Can guesswork be used as evidence? Can guesswork be used as a reason?"

"I also said that Asan's plane can cover Sri Lanka. This is a threat. It may bomb the Sri Lankan people at any time, and Asan's plane should be destroyed."

"Can that be the reason?"

"He can't, he's illegal!"

"As for how to stop the conflict, ha, a very funny sentence, Asan should first consider how to stop the conflict in Kashmir." Sean sneered back mercilessly.

In any case, the day after the press conference, the situation in Southeast Asia was tense.

Especially the Tigers, everyone is on alert!

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