America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 260: :

Lebanon, also known as the "Switzerland of the Middle East", is a recognized developed country.

Don't ask who is recognized!

Before 1970...

Lebanon is a stable country, with high income from tourism, banking, and transit trade, and a standard of living comparable to that of petro-states.

Beirut, the capital, has become an international financial capital and a transportation, education, and cultural center in the Middle East, known as the "Paris of the Near East", along with Zurich. The Lebanese pound has also become an international currency as strong as the Swiss franc and the West German mark.

All this is due to the fact that the population ratio of Christianity and Green religion in Lebanon is 6:5, and the ruling faction is Christian.

It's just that although the domestic green population is growing rapidly, gradually surpassing the Christian sect and occupying the majority in the country, everything has changed...

On April 13, 1975, civil war broke out!

(We don't know who's right and who's wrong, and we don't know which sect is better, but, from the results...cough, forget it, forget it, the old man can't control his own hands...Fireworks: Honest Bajiao.jpg)

At the end of August, Sean hurriedly settled things in Sri Lanka, and under the urging of Lao Bu, secretly arrived in Israel.

When they came to the stronghold arranged by Bill, the two hugged.

After entering the basement and changing into a set of clothes, they sat down and chatted.

"How are the preparations?" Sean asked with Erlang's legs crossed.

"For more than a month, it can be said that the terrain of Beirut is clear and clear, and there will be no problems in action."

"What's the situation in Beirut now, you know, we can't reveal our identities this time, we'll either get out alive or die somewhere."

"How should I put it, the situation here is completely different from that of South America. Although it's all war, in fact, the hostility in South America is not high, and the danger is not high, but it's different here." As he spoke, there were lingering fears on Bill's face.

"I heard about chaos here before, but I didn't feel it. This time I came to know that this is not chaos, it is endless death."

"In South America, at least civilians can live in peace, but here, those young people may turn into killers at any time, there is no difference between women and children, you are like living in hell, be careful of everyone."

"You must keep a certain safe distance, even so, it is not safe, but you must stay away from anyone who sees those who have stiff eyes. It is likely that they are the dead men of his sect. They have bombs tied to them... Boom!! ' Bill gritted his teeth and waved with a hint of fear on his face.

"There's no **** commoner here, do you understand?" Bill said, getting more and more excited.

"Everyone is a fighter, and everyone is a lunatic. Not only the youth who believe in green, but even those Christians are lunatics. Once a war begins, they will kill anyone they see, regardless of age or gender."

"In other areas, the death of a few people in a conflict would have to be reported in the news, but not here. It is normal for a dozen or twenty people to die in a conflict."

"In other countries, people die of illness and old age, but here, most of them can't live to the end of their lives and have no chance to be taken away by the disease. They all died in the conflict."

"Before I came here, I never knew who would dare to fight the United States directly, bomb the American embassy, ​​kill Americans when they saw them, and the media never reported this place, but now I know!"

"Three years ago, on April 18, 1983, they used bombers to rush directly to the embassy. These lunatics, fuck, they didn't know what death was, they were beaten. Even if you die, if you are not killed, you will rush in and die together. More than 50 people died in the embassy."

"In October, they suddenly launched a death charge, and the peacekeeping force headquarters was blown up. 239 Americans died, and nearly 100 Italians and French died. Reagan was forced to order the troops to withdraw from here."

"I can't imagine!" Bill's expression was extremely solemn.

"Afterwards, it's impossible for the U.S. military to not fight back, right?" Sean asked with a frown.

"We fought back and bombarded the cyan military positions. We dare not fire at civilians. The international pressure can't bear it." Bill scolded with a displeased face, "This is not a **** fair war at all."

Sean can imagine Bill's mood, it's not a **** issue of invincibility, there is a feeling of 'South Korea War', but anyway, South Korea was a regular war that time, and both sides were soldiers.

But this is different!

The horizontal is afraid of the stunned, the stunned is afraid of the dead, the deadly is afraid of the lunatic!

The U.S. military is at most a horizontal one!

Three levels away.

Handed a stack of documents to Sean, Sean picked it up and looked at it.

From the beginning of the conflict in April 1975 to the signing of the Shitaura Agreement in 1977, in two years, more than 40,000 people were killed, more than 100,000 were injured, and hundreds of thousands of people fled abroad.

A few days after the agreement was signed, fighting broke out again, with guerrillas always infiltrating and firing bazooka and artillery shells at Israeli villages.

After that, they fought every year, every month, and every day. In the middle, the Soviet Union intervened to support a large number of weapons in Syria. Syria sent troops into Lebanon to fight Israel and local Christians.

As soon as the two sides started fighting, they attacked civilians. They especially liked bombing refugee camps. The casualties started with a few hundred people. The biggest one caused more than 30,000 deaths...

The purpose of the Soviet Union is to destroy the stable situation of the old and the United States in the Middle East, leveraging the interests of the United States in the Middle East, and destroying the petrodollar system.

During this period, the Soviets were really struggling. While investing 900,000 people in the imperial cemetery, they still had the ability to support Syria in doing things in the Middle East.

Regardless of future generations, at this stage alone, the Soviet Union is attacking, and the United States is receiving.

The Soviet Union at this stage is the real world's largest power.

Attack the Imperial Graveyard.

Help Yifang drive away Laomei.

Support Libya to expel the old and the United States.

Support Cuba and support Venezuela in making waves in the back garden of old America.

Support Syria, Egypt, and Jordan in the siege of Lebanon and Israel.

Support India to suppress rabbits.

The old and the United States are trying their best to maintain peace, stabilize the situation, resist at all levels, step back, negotiate and compromise.

It was against this background that the oil guy overthrew the Seven Sisters, and he was the old bitter master of Rockefeller.

During this period, there was quite a taste of Chu and Han struggle for hegemony. Wife and child, share with me!

It is said that the media in Laomei is the most open and dare to say anything.

In fact, it is also under the influence and control of Congress, and does not report much on the situation of the United States abroad.

This is also the most important reason for Congress to support private military organizations as auxiliary forces of the US military.

Looking at the information in his hand, Sean was only shocked. Four years ago, Lao Mei was stationed in Beirut with more than 4,000 Italian-French coalition forces. He was kicked out by a suicide attack and suffered heavy losses.

It can be seen how crazy and inhumane it is.

Sean was just shocked!

Bill has been here for almost two months. I don't know how much I have seen these things, but when I think about it, I still can't calm down. I pick up the glass and drink it one by one. Religious madness, how terrible.

Seeing the latest news, Sean's brows jumped a few times, looked up at Bill and asked, "Is the situation unstable recently?"

"Just like when the situation stabilized." Bill sneered.

At the beginning of the year, the leaders of the Lebanese Forces of the Christian Organization, the leaders of the Green Leaf faction, the leaders of the militia, and the three leaders held peace talks again, but the three parties could not reach an agreement at all.

In order to contain the Green Leaf faction, the Lebanese Forces secretly let the Palestinian Liberation Organization in, and the action changed from a three-way confrontation to a four-nation war in an instant.

Both the PLO and Luye believe in the Green Sect, but heretics are more hateful than pagans. Therefore, the first thing the PLO wants to do is the Luye Sect.

Recently, the friction has gradually escalated, and there is a tendency to restart the war at any time.

Sean patted the information in his hand lightly, and a bold idea popped up in his mind.

"Call everyone back, we should make a plan of action." Sean suddenly looked up at Bill.

"Ah, oh." Bill froze for a moment and then nodded quickly.


A man in an old suit, polite and sunglasses got out of the car, Sean quickly walked up to him, stretched out his hand and punched the other side's door, "Fake, why are you really here, are you? crazy."

"I, I, what the fuck!" Before Sean could say the next sentence, Xiao Bu stepped aside and got out of the car by himself. Sean's eyes almost fell.

"Robert Jianguo, no, why are you here!"

"Haha, my old friend, isn't it a surprise to see me here?" Robert came up and gave Sean a big hug.

Afterwards, he stepped aside, turned his head and introduced to Sean with a smile, "Introduce me, my brother, Chuan Jianguo."

Sean blinked and blinked, and the whole person was not well.

I've known Jianguo for a long time, but I haven't found any good opportunities to meet, including Xi Deng, who has been too busy recently to meet.

Unexpectedly, the first meeting turned out to be here.

This was beyond Sean's expectations.

Jianguo didn't look at all, his blond hair was a little messy, but with a bright smile on his face, he took the initiative to extend his hand to Sean, "Haha, nice to meet you, Mr. Sean."

"Mr. Jianguo, to be honest, I'm very surprised. I've thought of countless ways to meet, but I never expected to be here, under such a circumstance." Sean shook his head and smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Hahaha, I like surprises, and surprises are interesting, aren't they!" Jianguo said with a big laugh.

Well, it's state-building!

Sean shook his head and laughed, turned sideways to give in, "This is not the place to talk, go in."

Entering the house, the three kept looking around, following Sean all the way to the basement.

"Why are we not up there, is there any secret to tell?" Jianguo asked as soon as he came in.

"We all live in the basement without a secret. I often say, safety, safety, or their safety." Sean said with a smile: "This is Beirut, and it's not safe at all. If the bomb that suddenly flew over kills you, you'd better live in the basement."

"Wow, that's cool!" Robert exclaimed.

"Heh, I hope you won't be woken up when you suddenly think of the explosion at night." Sean rolled his eyes, "What do you think, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Settling down, Sean couldn't help asking.

"It's him!" Jianguo pointed at his brother Robert, who pointed at Xiaobu.

"Didn't I tell you last time?" Xiaobu spread his hands with a smile.

"I... Fake, I thought you were joking, the ghost knows you are really here, do you know how dangerous it is here?" Sean turned to look at Robert, "How about you?"

"I asked Xiaobu to go to New York, but he said he wanted to go out to play. As soon as I asked, I followed." Robert said with a smile.

Jianguo smiled and patted his brother's shoulder, "I originally arranged for him to do something, but suddenly he said he was going to the Middle East. I always wanted to see what the war was like, but I never had the chance, so I'll come and see this time. ."

Sean raised his head and patted his forehead, none of the guys were safe.

After a long while, Sean stared at the three people in front of him with a serious look, "I will drive you away now, and you will definitely not do it, but there are some things I must say, this place is very dangerous, very dangerous, more dangerous than you can imagine. "

"I bet your father didn't even know you were coming, or he would definitely break your leg." Sean looked at Xiaobu.

"All of Beirut, all of Lebanon, there is not a single normal person in this country, no!"

"Everyone is at risk, including women, the elderly."

"Every day people die here because of conflicts. I'm too lazy to say the specifics. I'll show you the information for yourself."

"What I want to say is that you must listen to my arrangements during this time, and absolutely do not allow any unauthorized actions."

"You must go out with more than five people, and it cannot exceed 1 km."

"I won't take you with me when I act. You can only watch from a distance. Don't be in a hurry to object." Sean raised his finger and pointed at Jianguo. "Otherwise, I will handcuff you now and put you under house arrest."

"No, can't I get on a plane?" Jianguo asked with a frown.

"Airplane, huh." Sean sneered, "There are so many Sam-2s hidden around here, and God is just courting death."

"So cruel?!" Xiaobu was startled.

"How fresh." Sean sneered, "Hundreds of thousands of people would be embarrassed to say that there was a conflict."

"You'll know right away."

The three of them looked at each other, their eyes full of fiery enthusiasm, that's right!

They dare not go to the Imperial Cemetery, and the military will not let them watch the fun in other places.

Only Sean here!

"Bill, come and accompany the three princes." Sean greeted the three, and then said to the three: "I will be very busy these two days, Bill has been here for two months, and it is best to ask him anything. ."

An hour later, three cars drove out quietly.

In theory, going out with three cars is a bit too high profile.

However, it's too unsafe to go out with a car, especially when the situation is tense recently, and a car is likely to be destroyed.

After going around for a long time, Xiaobu couldn't help but ask, "Why do you feel like you're going around in circles all the time?"

"This is a safe route. These areas are all controlled by the Lebanese Forces." Sean glared at Xiao Bu with an ugly face, and wanted to follow him.

Of course, driving out by himself means that there is still a certain guarantee, so Sean didn't stop it strongly, just told the three not to run around.

"If our car enters the control area of ​​the Green Leaf faction, it is basically impossible to come back."

Not long after, the car drove into a small courtyard, and a group of talents got out of the car.

This is a three-story building with a small attic on top.

The attic is new and much taller than normal.

At the door of the attic stood a man in gray clothes, "Boss."

Sean nodded and introduced the three: "Dennis Abbott, the former army colonel, the commander of this operation."

Without introducing the identity of the three of Xiaobu, Dennis wisely didn't ask, just nodded to each other.

When I entered the small attic, I found that a small platform was built on the top, and it was almost attached to the roof.

Dennis was the first to climb up, and Sean followed.

There are several telescopes on the platform, one of which is a monocular with a stand.

"Here, here, here, three places, the people of Luye are very cunning. As we know, these three places may be the places where the hostages are held. If they miss a hit, the other party will definitely be vigilant and change the place of detention." Dennis pointed to Sean,

"If you can't get accurate information, you must attack three places at the same time."

Sean was lying on the platform holding the binoculars and looking in the direction of Dennis's finger. The three buildings were not far apart, about 4-500 meters. At this distance, an attack occurred in one, and the other two were immediately known.

"Only attack at the same time." Taking a look, Sean made a decision.

"We only have 30 people. We must leave enough people to arrange the retreat route, and at the same time, there are not enough attacking people." Dennis shook his head and said: "The PLO people are crazy, they will not surrender or retreat at all, they can only kill them all."

Sean put down the binoculars in his hand and looked at Dennis, and said in a cold voice, "Then it depends on your heart, is it cruel enough!"

Dennis's eyelids twitched wildly, and a cold breath came from the soles of his feet, causing the hairs on his body to stand on end...


"He, a leader of the PLO, has just arrived here recently and should be hiding nearby." Armstrong conspired with Sean after secretly resisting Beirut.

"He, a leader of the Green Leaf faction, has been active recently."

"The situation is extremely tense now. Our intelligence team analyzed it. The conflict must have occurred recently. It depends on who wants to do it."

"Can the time be determined?" Sean frowned. If the time could not be determined, he would be somewhat passive.

"Not sure, it depends on how much support Syria gives."

"Then prepare with both hands." Sean pondered for a while and then said: "First, let's prepare, wait for them to conflict, and then take advantage of the chaos to save people."

"We can't stay here for too long. The longer it is, the more dangerous it is. Five days, five days, if they don't do it, then we will push it."

"The intelligence team pays close attention to these two people. If there is indeed a good opportunity, it will not wait. Everything is based on the completion of the task as the first criterion."

"Understood!" Armstrong nodded heavily.

In this regard, Sean has no psychological burden.

There are all lunatics here, and conflict is inevitable, sooner or later.


"Why did you come here?" Sean looked at Lorraine in front of him, and touched his temples with a headache.

"This is just my job." Lorraine glared at Sean and turned his head away.

"I won't go to the front line again, there is nothing to worry about." Sean said with a smile.

"I didn't worry about you, I just wanted to be worthy of the salary."

"How dangerous it is here."

"Hmph, you were still a little **** when I was in danger." Lorraine raised his head arrogantly.

Sean: ? ? ?


Sean leaned over and hugged Lorraine. Lorraine struggled for a while, but Sean hugged him tighter, "Then the safety behind me will be handed over to you."

The corners of Lorraine's mouth twitched slightly.

"What's the matter, there is still a woman to accompany you!" On the side, Xiaobu gritted his teeth with dark circles under his eyes.

Robert and Jianguo nodded heavily, it was so hateful.

When I came here, I was already nervous. At night, there were still gunshots, and occasionally there were explosions. Although I couldn't hear it clearly from a distance, I couldn't sleep well at all, and I was always woken up.

No way, a few people followed Sean to the basement to lay a floor. At least there is no need to worry about danger here, and the sound insulation effect is good.

Now, what did Sean say about worrying about Lorraine being unsafe by himself? He licked his face and insisted on sharing a room with Lorraine...Envy, jealousy, hate!

When Lorraine came, Armstrong didn't make do with it, and the news was passed directly to Lorraine.


"There is only one bed in the room." Sean sat on the bed and looked at Lorraine with a smile.

"Don't even think about it!" Lorraine said with a cold face.

"Well, get a floor." Sean sighed.

Lorraine looked at Sean with an unexpected look on her face. She thought that Sean would definitely be entangled, but the result... hum!

His face was colder than before, he stood up and went to prepare a sleeping bag. This kind of equipment and umbrella was very complete here.

After a long while, it was done. When he looked up, Lorraine was completely dumbfounded.

Sean had stripped naked and was drilling into the bed.

"You!" Lorraine Hong pointed to Sean here.

"What's wrong with me?" Sean said with a 'confused face', "Aren't you going to sleep in a bed with me?"

Lorraine's eyes slowly widened, he looked down at the sleeping bag, then looked up at Sean lying on the bed, his mouth opened a little bit.

No, should I be a woman sleeping on the floor?

"Do you still have any gentlemanly demeanor!!" Lorraine gritted his teeth.

"Sleeping on the floor is not as comfortable as a bed!" Sean said naturally.

Taking a deep breath, Lorraine turned his head away from Sean angrily, it's too hateful, this stinky man!

Hateful itchy teeth!

Never try to force the old lady to climb on your bed in this way!

Even if the old lady froze to death, even if she jumped from here, she would not do such a thing!

Getting into the sleeping bag angrily, Lorraine fell asleep and kept grinding his teeth...


"The news just came that there is movement from the Green Leaf Party, it seems that they are receiving equipment weapons." Lorraine took the banknotes and quickly translated the password and said to Sean.

"What kind of ink." Sean scolded, three days later, he still didn't do anything.

"It should be a big move." Lorraine thought about it and said, "The friction has intensified in recent days, but I feel that the Green Leaf faction is restraining."

"Let's act on Bill's side, and give Luye's ruthlessness." Sean squinted and said suddenly.

"This is a powder keg, it will explode at one point, aren't you waiting for them to make a big move, detonate it in advance, and the scale may become smaller!" Lorraine reminded.

"I have a kind of fear now. I'm afraid that Luye's game is too big. It has nothing to do with me how much the PLO loses, but when the situation is one-sided, our actions will be restricted." Sean said with a wry smile.

"you sure."

"I'm sure!" Sean said firmly.

Lorraine didn't say much, and began to pass orders to the other side. The reason why Sean didn't call himself was because of the password that is now used for messaging.

In fact, Sean was right to be worried.

The Leafy Greens are indeed preparing for a big move.

The Syrian side supports a large number of weapons and ammunition, and they are planning to launch a large-scale offensive against the PLO.

If Sean did not intervene, then, five days later, the Amal militia of the Green Leaf faction surrounded Shatty LS Bula and other Palestinian refugee camps with the support of Syria. More than 10,000 people were injured or killed, which eventually led the United Nations to send emergency peacekeeping troops to this side again.

"Nubuat Ribe, leader of the Amal militia." Bill glanced at the photo in his hand, grabbed the binoculars again, and stared at the door of the building in the distance.

"I can't guarantee a hit, it's too far." Beside Bill, a man in khaki camouflage was lying on top of a building, with an anti-tank bazooka beside him.

"This is one kilometer faster, and the M72's maximum range is the same, but this is only the theoretical maximum range." After speaking, the guy looked a little distressed.

"It doesn't matter, the head never asked to kill that guy." Bill still didn't take his eyes off the telescope, just explained casually.

"Ah?! What are we doing if we don't kill it?"

"Be yourself, and ask so many questions, just like you can understand if you explain it clearly." Bill put down the telescope and glanced at the other party.


"Get ready, someone's coming out!" Bill suddenly whispered before waiting for the people around him to say anything.

The man hurriedly laid down and aimed his eyes at the adjusted mechanical sight, and a network reticle that combined measuring and aiming immediately appeared in front of him.

After looking at the sight in front of the sight, I immediately started to look at the rear sighting sight. This rear sight is connected to the thermal stress spring through its perforated plexiglass plate, which can automatically and continuously correct the impact of environmental temperature changes on the trajectory.

"Sure, it's him, hurry!" Bill ordered, and the man beside him immediately pulled the trigger.

"Whoosh", a high-explosive bomb was shot out.

Both of them stared at the bullet.

The warhead is heading towards the target at 180 per second.

Normally, the effective range is only 350 meters, but they really can't get close to 350 meters. That is the control area of ​​the Green Leaf faction. Everyone, even a child, is their eyeliner.

After 4 seconds, the speed of the warhead began to slow down, and the whistling sound of the warhead rubbing against the air alarmed the person protecting Naby Ribe.

"No, get down!" In the exclamations, several people threw Nubuat Ribe to the ground and pressed him on the ground. The people who responded slowly looked up at the whistling warhead in horror. Frightened stupid in place.


A loud explosion sounded.

Bill and the two only knew that the warhead didn't deviate too much. As for whether it killed the target or not, the two of them didn't have time to watch, they picked up the thing and turned around and ran.

On the other side, billowing smoke and dust rose up, and the shattered human body fragments and dust were lifted high by the shock wave.

There were no coughs and moans until the aftermath passed.

Several people who were pressing Nubuat Ribe did not get up, and it was not certain whether there were any attackers around.

There were people rushing over quickly around them, all of them with guns and live ammunition, looking at the surroundings with extremely vigilant expressions, ignoring the wounded who were not yet dead.

A small attack, everyone is used to it.

Several people on Naby Ribe stood up slowly, and he breathed a sigh of relief until it was confirmed that Naby Ribe was just a little frightened.

Nubuat Ribe didn't leave this time, and was immediately escorted back into the building.

Nubuat Ribe, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, was extremely angry, and his face was so ugly that water was dripping.

It didn't take long for someone to report, "I checked the warhead fragments, it should be an M72 series product, but I can't tell which country produced it."

"Lebanese Forces or PLO." Nubuat Ribe asked through gritted teeth.

"It's all possible. The strength has the support of Europeans and Americans, and the PLO has the Yi side. They can all get this kind of weapon." The subordinates reported in a low voice.

"It's most likely the Palestine!" Nubuat Ribe said bitterly. As for the reason, they are going to attack the Palestine. This will not change. Attacking themselves at this time is only good for the Palestine.

Before he could think about it, someone else came in to report that three more places were attacked just now, and the attackers also used M72 rocket launchers.

One of the attack points is the place where they receive and store I thought it was kept secret, and not many people were arranged.

But our side was very alert, and was hit back immediately after being attacked, and the other side failed to get close to the arsenal.

The constant news made the leader of Luye gradually calm down. All kinds of information told him that the PLO might have discovered their intentions.

How to do?

If the other party is prepared, then this sneak attack plan will be a failure.

That being the case, it can only attack in advance.


On the other hand, the PLO has been keeping an eye on the mortal enemy. When they learned that the head of Luye was attacked, they cheered and fell into vigilance.

Who did it?

What is the purpose?

What's so special about these raided spots?

These mysteries they must solve!

"Send someone to investigate carefully!"

It didn't matter that this group of people investigated, and immediately found that one of the attack sites was suspicious.

In the face of the attack, he did not panic. He launched a counterattack immediately and the firepower was very strong. After repelling the opponent, he did not pursue it.

This quality is definitely elite, and the reaction is not in line with common sense.

This place is tricky!

And the follow-up actions of the Greenleaf faction just proved this. Although Nubuat Ribe sent more staff, but not many, more people went to the suspicious place.

This is what Sean wants, to startle the snake.

He has only one idea now.



"It's our turn, everyone retreats and rests immediately to recharge." Sean ordered.

Don't be in a hurry at this time, you have to wait for them to fight until they are white-hot.

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