America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 273: :

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Simi Valley Court.

On the square, on the side of the road, there are dense crowds everywhere.

There are eight live interview cars alone, plus the forwarded live signals, dozens of TV stations across the United States are broadcasting the trial live.

In addition to reporters, there were also a large number of local whites and blacks from Los Angeles, and the heavily armed police were on high alert to isolate the two sides.

Yes, it's segregation, otherwise...

Sean is also watching this.

When Sean let everyone take a holiday and all those who didn't live in Beverly Hills moved over, Nicole went directly to Sean's villa.

She was going to see the little **** who was fighting with her for men during this time.

Sean was lying on the sofa watching the live broadcast. Elizabeth and Nicole sat on the left and right of Sean and rubbed Sean's legs respectively.

The eyes of the two met from time to time, and sparks splashed in the air.

Lorraine was sitting on the sofa on the other side, sorting out the documents sent by various companies in his hands, so that Sean could ask at any time.

As for the sword, light and sword shadow between the two little bitches, Lorraine didn't care at all.

Next to him is a scumbag.

The little **** can get some money and a million bits of protein from this stinky man at most. If they want to marry into a wealthy family, they don't even think about it.

In the TV screen, lawyers on both sides kept defending.

But obviously, the lawyer on the white side is named Robert Sapiro, a well-known barrister in the United States, who specializes in helping celebrities file lawsuits, including Marlon Brando. In the future, this guy will also form a 'dream lawyer group for Simpson's wife murder case. ' and personally serve as the head of the regiment.

And on Rod King's side, the lawyer is *****, a guy who doesn't deserve a name.

No way, the white supremacist organization is too rich, and Rhodes is just two ordinary black affirmative organizations.

There is simply no way to compare the wealth held by whites and blacks.

In court, Rod King's face was filled with righteous indignation, and his lawyer was beaten by the opposite side.

Sean looked hey hey and straight, Rod King is still quite good at acting.

Of course, all of this is **** in Sean's view. In fact, whether there is a lawyer to defend, the result has long been determined.

Soon, the defense of both sides was over, and it was time for the jury performance.

"You said, what will be the final result?" Sean suddenly asked with a smile.

Nicole tilted her head and thought for a while, "The four policemen will definitely be convicted."

She has a reason. After all, there are many black people around Sean, especially these security guards. Besides, these days, Sean is always messing with that little black **** named Whitney Houston.

Obviously, this man is not a racist.

"I said the police won the case." Elizabeth confronted tit-for-tat, "The police's lawyers are too powerful, and Rhodes' lawyers are nothing in front of him."

Sean smiled and grabbed a hand on his chest, "Whoever loses will take off his coat!"

Immediately, the two women hugged Sean's arms and began to act coquettishly.

Sean raised his head to look at Lorraine and asked loudly, "Lorraine, what about you?"

"Police." Lorraine didn't look up.

"You have to take off your clothes if you lose!" Sean shouted.

Lorraine was too lazy to pay attention to Sean. As for the case of losing, hum, who is afraid of who is more than the figure.

Of course, she would never take off her clothes to show the pervert.

no way!

After chatting, the jury came out collectively with a serious face, and one of them read aloud with a document in his hand, "After the unanimous decision of the jury, Officer Sergeant Stacy Kuhn and Officer Powell, Wen De and Brisseno are innocent!!!"

Not guilty!

Not guilty!

The voice seemed to echo in everyone's ears.

Rod King stood up and roared, "This is crime, this is the darkest day in the democratic free world, the light of the beacon has gone out, for rights, for equality, for freedom, for justice, black people will act, you don't deserve it. Enjoy the tranquility, America will not rest, and the winds of resistance will never cease till the dark clouds over the blacks are lifted, until the glorious day of justice comes!"


"Wind!!!" Rod King shouted hoarsely, and the voice spread to thousands of households across the United States through the live broadcast.

"The wind is coming!" Sean's face became rare and serious.

This hurricane was planned by him, but how big it will be, and whether it will sweep the United States like in the previous life, Sean does not know.

The people in the room looked a little inexplicable when they saw that Sean suddenly became serious.

No, do you really believe that guy shouting a few words on TV?

It's not that everyone is not vigilant, but that this kind of racial conflict is happening every day in the United States. How strange is it?

What everyone doesn't know is that as soon as the results of the trial came out, the repressed volcano in the hearts of the black community was completely ignited.

Gathering outside Simi Valley, watching closely in front of the TV, a large group of people hope that "morality" can be answered in the judgment of "law", but what is everyone waiting for?

It is a racist discrimination and an exemption for the perpetrators!

Coupled with Rod King's indictment in court, these people who could not fight for justice in court broke out completely.

Since the law does not give me justice, I can only use force to solve the problem!


"How can this happen!" Nicole said complainingly, her mouth pouted.

On the contrary, the movements of his hands were not slow, and he took off his coat in three or two strokes, and his proud and exquisite curves were completely exposed to the air.

White, like pure white pearls, white glows.

Sean laughed and hugged Nicole, buried his head in it and arched it a few times, and Nicole couldn't stop giggling.

Elizabeth was stunned watching from the side, broken and tricked.

This little bitch.

Nicole glanced at Elizabeth, and her chest grew taller.

Lorraine squinted and glared at Sean, stinky man, pervert!

Elizabeth hugged Sean tightly from behind, "Sean, I guessed it right, how are you going to reward me?"

Sean greeted Norris with a smile, "Bring me the gift I bought yesterday."

For a moment, in Elizabeth's expectant eyes, Sean took over a beautifully packaged red box.

The box opened and contained a platinum and diamond necklace.

Although there is no advertisement that "Diamonds are forever, one is forever", diamonds are still the favorite of women.


Looking at the sparkling diamond necklace, Elizabeth picked it up in surprise, put it in front of her eyes for a long time, and beside Sean, Nicole pouted again this time.

"Honey, help me put it on."

"Okay!" Sean smiled and put it on for Elizabeth, and Elizabeth hugged Sean like a French wet kiss.

After a long while, they parted wetly.


On the other side, on TV, the mayor of Los Angeles, Tom Bradley (the first African-American mayor in the history of Los Angeles) immediately said to the public, "Such a verdict is very ruthless, and it says that people all over the world will Seeing the truth on video, the jury's verdict cannot be overshadowed."

The major TV stations also smelled a breath of air full of knife music at the moment. All kinds of programs were stopped, and all the time was given to the live footage on the streets of Los Angeles after the Rhodes case was pronounced.

The camera focuses on the crowds gathered everywhere.

In the afternoon, at 3:15, four white Los Angeles police officers were acquitted.

At 3:45, more than 300 black protesters outside the Simi Valley court were forcibly dispersed by the police.

At 4 p.m., a large number of blacks, spontaneously or incited, gathered at the crossroads of Florence and Normandy.

The Los Angeles police reacted immediately, and the Los Angeles Police Department Lieutenant Michael Mullin led a group of 20 police officers to stare at the crowd.

However, in just over half an hour, according to the information on the TV, a large number of black people gathered again.

By 5 o'clock, there were more than a thousand black people in the face.

Black people start to attack!

The white police officers led by Michael Mullin were frightened, and immediately retreated after being scattered, and went to the police station to regroup.

The LAPD added more staff and changed clothes.

Helmet, body armor, blast shield, baton.

However, after the police were ready again, they were surprised to find that there were more black people gathered.

Through the aerial photography of the TV station helicopter, I found that the whole street was full of black people, thousands or tens of thousands? !

At 6:30 p.m., a new group of protesters showed up at the Parker Center at LAPD headquarters, and the police station was completely blocked and surrounded.

The police can't take care of themselves.

At 6:45, a large truck came to the intersection of Florence and Normandy. The car was playing strong rhythmic music. The driver of the car was a white man. He came from other cities and did not know the situation here. , and also don't care about **** black cases.

As a result, he did not receive any news and broke into the middle of the black team.

By the time the white driver realized something was wrong, the road was blocked.

The helicopter of New Century Media was hovering over the crowd at the moment, and the following scene was clearly captured.

The white driver was violently beaten by a black man who was on fire dragged out of his car.

And at this moment, no one can help him, because the police have already run away.

The first victim of the riots appeared.

Soon, ABC's helicopter also photographed a victim. Just a few hundred meters away, a white man was torn from his car, his car was completely smashed, and more than $2,000 in the car was snatched by a black man.

A black man slapped the white man on the head with a hilarious ripping off the car stereo, while another black man pulled out a dagger and cut off the white man's ear.

The scene was chaotic, and the victim was left unattended by the roadside.

The police don't even dare to show up, who else will take care of it?


Don't bother, most of the people in the ambulance are white workers, and I'm afraid that someone will die inside if they don't get rescued.

After eating and watching the live broadcast on TV, the two women fell silent, and the riot really happened.

On the other hand, Sean, eating and drinking, felt nothing at all.

I just told Norris to inform the staff here that they are all honestly staying in the hotel and at home and not going out.

Switching between TV stations at will, every TV station can see black people full of pits and valleys when they are looking down from the angle of view.

It was as if all the black people in Los Angeles ran out.

But Sean knows that's not the case. There are not many black people in Los Angeles, including a large number of Latinos.

You can call it Mexican, you can call it Hispanic, you can call it Indo-European.

Well, there are a lot of beauties.

The riots began to spread, and all the companies, businesses, and those that could close their doors shut down and ran away.

At 7:00, the rioting crowd attacked a white neighborhood.

"Strength, we smashed everything inside!" An old black brandished a baseball bat and smashed it hard at the door of a convenience store.

A few old blacks didn't know where to find a chair, they hugged them, and after letting the person in front make way for a passage, the two accelerated and collided!

The movements are extremely skilled.

At first glance, it was bought for zero dollars.

The door was smashed open, and a group of old blacks rushed in.

He skillfully took off his jacket and installed everything he could see inside the jacket.

There are some unskilled people, they can only try to hold them with their hands and grab as many as they can.

Everyone worked so hard that they didn't even miss a piece of toilet paper.

Of course, drinks and drinks are available on the spot.

Convenience store, restaurant, fruit store, clothing store...

All the storefronts on the street were smashed open and the contents were taken away.

When the black mud surged past, what was left was a mess.

Amidst this mess, one storefront was not damaged and was left alone.

Zooming in, this turned out to be a bookstore...

A major nightclub was also attacked.

Xu is because the consumption here is too high, and many old blacks are not qualified to enter. Of course, this opportunity cannot be missed.

Turn your head, the stick can't open the door?

Don't be afraid, an old black ignited a car on the side of the road and drove the car directly into it.

Ow! !

Excited howls, a large group of people rushed in.

All kinds of good wines that have never been drunk on weekdays were found, and some old blacks just happened to do these things, turn on the power, turn on the audio equipment and lights.

With the restless music, a group of old blacks directly got excited here.

Fortunately, the owner of this large bar was furious when he saw this scene on TV.

Anyone who can afford a large-scale bar night scene is not a gang leader, and who does not have a group of powerful thugs.

The boss immediately worried that the younger brother drove the car and came to the rescue with a gun!

At 7:45, the boss brought dozens of brave men to his night field, and a fierce shootout ensued.

From the aerial helicopter, you can clearly see the fire from the muzzles of both sides.

On the one hand, the boss of the night market led dozens of his men, and on the other hand, there was a rioting black army.

In theory, the boss's side is more united and should be victorious.

But there were too many black people. Some people with guns returned fire with guns. Some people threw broken glass, bricks and other debris after finding cover. Some old blacks even found some vodka in the nightclub and made Molotov cocktails on the spot.

This thing is a street fighting killer.

More than a dozen vodka bottles were thrown over, and the car driven by the night club owner and some surrounding items, including trash cans, were set on fire.

The Black Riot Army has won a brilliant victory!

Afterwards, the excited old blacks were very excited. I don't know who set fire in the night stadium first. It didn't take long for the raging fire to be ignited.

Looking at the fire in the TV camera, the owner of the nightclub and the owner of the building were dying of distress, and immediately called the fire alarm.

However, the Los Angeles firefighters directly refused to call the police because they could not guarantee personal safety.

This fire seemed to be a signal, and then, one after another, the old blacks started to set fires everywhere.

In front of the TV, Sean looked straight and shook his head.

"There is a saying that good horses often have good horses and horses don't often have them. Workers often have entrepreneurs but entrepreneurs don't. Entrepreneurs are the parents of workers, not the other way around."

"Because workers have to work, if they don't work, the whole family will starve. But entrepreneurs can absolutely not work, because they can use their savings to live a comfortable life, so they go out to work and start a business, paying others wages, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. benefiting people.”

"The money an entrepreneur spends on personal consumption is less than one percent of the money he earns. The money an entrepreneur earns is less than one-tenth of the value he creates for the society, so the more money an entrepreneur makes, the better the society. Those who contribute more.”

"People with integrity in their hearts will know how to be grateful when they receive the favor of others. People with stupid and vicious hearts will escape early when the factory is in danger. Without the factory, entrepreneurs are still entrepreneurs, and how can workers live!"

"These **** workers don't want to live and die with the factory, but abandon the factory. This kind of behavior is simply too bad!"

Lorraine looked at Sean speechlessly, what a maddening remark!

However, there is still a little bit of strange smoothness in logic.

"You should be thrown among those black people, and then let them judge whether what you said is right or not." Lorraine replied with a snort.

"Wow, you are so vicious, you can do such a thing?"

"I am upholding justice!"

"Wow, you're a capitalist woman, isn't your **** sitting in the wrong place?"

Lorraine gave Sean a charming look, "You want to be beautiful!"


By 8:30 p.m., the entire south-central Los Angeles was plunged into riots.

At 8:45, Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley panicked.

He realized there was something wrong with his public statement after hearing about the Rod King case in the afternoon and the acquittal of four white police officers.

The words themselves are correct, as a black man, he should say so, but he is also the first black mayor of Los Angeles, a political star among black people, and a black leader.

His words were undoubtedly over-interpreted to a certain extent, which made the black people seem to have some order or program.

Black people thought their time to rebel had come.

He literally lit the fuse of this bundle of explosives with his own hands.

However, it is too late to realize the problem now.

Speaking on television for the first time, he ordered the city of Los Angeles to enter a state of emergency, impose a blanket curfew, and prompted Governor Pete Wilson to dispatch about 2,000 National Guard soldiers.

On this side, Tom Bradley was giving a televised speech. On the other side, his secretary, White Glove, changed his phone number and secretly contacted several big gangs in Los Angeles.


18th Street, with 15,000 members, is the largest street gang in California. It is predominantly Latino, spreads across the surrounding states, and has close ties to the Mexican mafia, some of which run deep into the military.

In Los Angeles, the 18th Street Gang is involved in at least one robbery or assault a day, with operations ranging from murder, racketeering, auto theft, drug smuggling and human trafficking.


Florence 13, another gang in Los Angeles with Latino gangs, also linked to the Mexican Mafia, is 18th Street sworn enemy.

Florence 13 is mainly engaged in drug smuggling. Of course, at the same time, murder, robbery, and kidnapping are not enough. It has some connections with the US military. After all, it has to transport drugs.

As we all know, any transportation channel is subject to the permission of the military.


The Blood Gang, a gang on the streets of Los Angeles established in 1970, is a predominantly black gang with its own unique gestures, costumes, and gang members try wearing a red headscarf.

Black gang culture is much stronger than Latino...  


The Lame Gang, a black gang formed on the streets of Los Angeles in the 1960s, also had their own unique gestures and clothing.

Gang members try wearing a blue hood.

In terms of business scope, normal gangs are similar, and there is no difference.

(PS: If you go to Los Angeles, don't bring a headscarf. If you must, try to bring black or white. Wearing a headscarf indiscriminately will likely be beaten, and if you are unlucky, you may be beaten to death...)


Formed in Los Angeles in the 70s to protect Salvadoran immigrants from other Los Angeles gangs, it was a loosely structured gang with no clear leader.

Compared with other gangs, MS-13 members are more violent and extreme, and often do something equivalent to terrorists.

In addition to ordinary gang life accidents, they also engage in children's silver sales, etc.

In fact, it can be seen from the above that no matter where it is, the area is the most important label to distinguish a person, and there is no one.

Tom Bradley's secretary, White Gloves, was also forced to secretly contact the major gangs.

"Los Angeles can't be chaotic, this will cause a big problem, please restrain your people immediately."

"I also want to restrain myself, but the **** people have already been on the street and can't be contacted at all. Now you just ask me to go on TV and shout on TV, I can't call them back, everyone will see you. No!" The complaints of the major gangs are almost the same.

My brother wants to eat too!

Regardless of the fact that each gang is very powerful, with tens of thousands of members, in fact, in any industry, regardless of black and white, only a small number of high-level executives can make a fortune.

The people at the bottom are nothing more than a round belly.

How could these people miss such a good opportunity to buy at zero yuan!

Of course, it is to call friends, bring family members, and go to the streets together to make a fortune.

In the past, it was difficult for them to get in in those white areas, and even if they did, it was useless. There were policemen, and those white people were very vigilant.

but now……

The cops are all **** running, the white people are hiding, it's time to make a fortune.

Just smash open a store and you can grab a lot of stuff.

As small as a packet of salt, a bag of seasonings, as large as clothes and pants, these are now free of cost.

Then what are you waiting for! !

No one will laugh at any **** crime. At this time, blacks and Latinos who do not make a fortune will be laughed at by everyone.

Therefore, several major gangs have completely lost control of the people below.

By 9 o'clock, rioting began in Inglewood.

The protest at the Park Center has turned into a violent siege, with rocks, wine bottles and trash cans flying everywhere.

The situation in the affected areas has deteriorated to the point where all traffic is cut off and no one dares to drive on the streets.

At this time, Police Chief Daryl Gates was participating in a political fundraiser.

Otherwise, what else can I do? When he said that he handed over four police officers, there was a wave of opposition in the police station. Now, what can he do?

There is no way at all!

It doesn't matter what the police should do with him or not.

The police in the United States is like this. The city police chief is the mayor who accepts his fate. Who he appoints depends entirely on the mayor's personal preference.

After 9 o'clock, by the night, the black people directly activated the stealth effect with their racial talent, and various actions were even more difficult to prevent.

The vast majority of Los Angeles was devastated and invaded.

Murder, robbery, rape... Crime is everywhere.

At this time, the Los Angeles police were urgently mobilized to go all out to protect the wealthy area.

It doesn't matter whether other areas are chaotic or not, as long as the rich areas are not chaotic, things are within the acceptable range.

Whether it's power or just money, the death of a multimillionaire will definitely have far more influence than a few ordinary white people, let alone niggers.

Including Chinatown, Koreatown, or other gathering areas of immigrants from various countries, all were abandoned by the Los Angeles Police Department.

The alarm phone was simply cut off physically to ensure the stability of the wealthy area.

Which naturally includes the Beverly Hills area.


Jackie Chan and his group, who were hiding in the hotel, were watching TV all day, and their faces were stunned.

You tell me this is the great America of democracy and freedom?

You tell me this is the second largest city in the United States and the third largest city in the world?

That's it! ?

If I didn't know this was Los Angeles, I would have thought it was in the Middle East.

Are we just lucky, or is this the real America.

This is too messy!

No wonder Sean wouldn't let them out.

Of course, Jackie Chan's group is not unrelated at all, there are many people in Chinatown.

After contacting me, I learned that most of the Chinese people outside Chinatown drove away, and the responsibility of living in Chinatown was nothing.

Chinatown has been standing in Los Angeles for more than a hundred years. It has made a name for itself in the conflicts with various local gangs in Los Angeles. Those gangs that were famous for a while are gone, Chinatown is still there, and no one will come here to look for trouble.

Of course, most of the wealthy Chinese don't live in Chinatown, so they can only be responsible for their own safety.

After receiving this kind of news, Jackie Chan and others felt very speechless.

I originally thought that there were too many clubs on Hong Kong Island, and I had to pay various fees for filming a movie, but now I look at it.

Huh, the Hong Kong Island community is too gentle.

Watching TV, beating, smashing, looting, burning, the gunfire never stopped.

I know this is Los Angeles, but I don't know

In 1937, the devil entered the Central Plains...


Today's night is destined to be uneventful, or to be more precise, three nights.

Despite a large number of police patrolling the vicinity of Beverly Hills, the unheard of gunfire still kept many awake.

After all, not everyone has such a big heart, it's all messed up outside, and they still want to change rooms...

Elizabeth lives in one room, and Nicole lives in one room. Sean first fought in Elizabeth's room for an hour, and after getting Elizabeth unbearable, he began to beg for mercy.

Then he picked up a gun and carried Elizabeth to Nicole's room.

The sound from next door had already made Nicole's whole body muddy and blocked...

Sean worked hard to dredge it, not tired.

At the same time, the global headquarters, the presidents of the eight major companies, including Katzenberg, all arrived.

It was so noisy outside that they couldn't sleep at all.

"It should be fine, Mr. Mayor is ready to mobilize the National Guard." Sidney Hienberg said in a deep voice.

"Oh, but it has been more than 4 hours, and the governor has not given any clear answer."

"Tom Bradley almost won the gubernatorial election before. In the polls, Tom still has the advantage. Mr. Governor is happy to see Tom making a fool of himself, completely eliminating Tom's peeping heart for the governor's position."

All of you here have been struggling in society for many years, and your heart has long been unclean, and you will immediately think from a dark perspective when you see anything.

Of course, it was this behavior that allowed them to climb to this position...

"Just now I received news that someone shot at the helicopter in the sky. It was pitch black and nothing could be seen. The Los Angeles Airport has already prepared to suspend flights."

"What I'm most afraid of now is the rioting crowd rushing to the set."

"Yeah, the fire has already started, and if the set is destroyed, the loss will be too great."

"Indeed, the police can only protect residential areas, and at most take part of commercial areas, they have no strength to control the rest."

"There is absolutely nothing to lose at Universal and the studio."

"It can't go on like this."

Everyone you said, I said one, and finally everyone's eyes turned to Katzenberg.

Katzenberg spread his hands, "Okay, everyone, what do you need me to do?"

Obviously, just starting with Sidney Hienberg, what everyone said was for him.

"Please let Mr. Sean take action. Compared with the police who have no combat power and the National Guard who don't know when they will arrive, at this time, obviously, Mr. Sean's umbrella is more trustworthy." Sidney. Sheinberg looked at Katzenberg and said.

Katzenberg looked at the group of people inexplicably, "Just talk to Mr. Sean directly about this kind of thing. What are you doing in such a big circle?"

Everyone rolled their eyes, why can't you think of it?

Katzenberg spread his hands in a funny way, well, apparently it was Sean's rioting in the conference room that made everyone interestingly stay away from him.

I don't think Sean is too...


"Actually, I want to say that Mr. Sean is very talkative," Katzenberg said.

Yes, except last time he threatened to throw me into the sea to feed the fish.

But really, as long as you have something to say, it's fine.

Everyone's expressions were different, but they all expressed the same meaning, "Really, I don't believe it!"

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Katzenberg took out his big brother and patted it on the table in front of everyone, and then called Sean.

It rang for a while, but no one answered.

"Probably sleeping." Katzenberg smiled and continued to call.

After a few beeps, the call was connected, and Sean roared into the phone: "You better have something important to fuck, or I'll throw you into the sea to feed the sharks!!!"

Damn, it's cool, keep calling.

Everyone: Sure enough, I also put forward conditions, not to kill people directly, it is really easy to talk.

Katzenberg froze in place.

Before he could speak, the phone suddenly heard a moan of 'Ah...' and 'Oh...'.

Everyone turned their heads and covered their faces. When is this time, this woman is still playing with her leisurely!

"The eight major Hollywood companies want to ask Umbrella to send someone to ensure the safety here." Katzenberg also knew that he was disturbed. What if Sean wilted, he immediately said in the fastest tone.

"It bothers me too much, so just call Bill directly." Sean wanted to scold someone angrily, but he felt uncomfortable when he was about to hang up the phone. A favor!"

After all, hang up with a snap.

Finally, the people in the conference room also heard a long, painful cry.

According to everyone's years of actual combat experience, this is sent by a young woman...

Michael Eisner took the lead in breaking the embarrassment and said with a smile: "Mr. Sean is in great interest."

"Okay, you've made a lot of trouble with me, call at this time." Katzenberg touched his nose embarrassedly.

Everyone didn't have time to deal with this, and immediately urged him to call the Bill in Sean's mouth.

Things went well, and Bill agreed, but the asking price was not low.

Mouth is $3 million per day.

Everyone in the house was startled, this price, the appetite is too big!

The two sides started negotiations over the phone.

Bill simply gave the conditions, "If the Eighth Congress agrees, then the Umbrella Company will immediately send a 300-person fully armed security team to charter a plane to Los Angeles, and arrive in Los Angeles seven hours later."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

To tell the truth, even if the 2,000-strong National Guard arrives tomorrow, everyone does not think it will be safe.

Those people wouldn't listen to their orders. 2,000 people were thrown into the huge Los Angeles, like sprinkling pepper noodles, not even a splash of water.

At this time, the armed force still in his hand is reassuring.

Seeing that there was no answer on the other end of the phone, Bill continued to increase his chips, "Within 12 hours, a Black Hawk armed helicopter will arrive, and two armored vehicles will arrive!"

After hearing about the Black Hawk gunships and armored vehicles, a group of bigwigs looked at each other and nodded.

3 million a day, 8 points, each only 375,000 per day.

Not to mention whether it has protected the studio, at least, the armed helicopters can definitely explode the safety of these people 100%.

This critical moment, 375,000 a day, is definitely worth it.

Besides, the company reimburses...

The two sides negotiated, and a group of Hollywood bigwigs breathed a sigh of relief.

Just waiting for someone to come.

On the other side, Bill immediately sounded the emergency muster alarm.

Within an hour, the Newark airport charter flight was ready, and Bill arrived at the airport with a team of 300 people.

Before leaving, he instructed someone to contact two transport planes to transport the Black Hawk and armored vehicles there quickly.

In everyone's heart, the time finally came to the next day.

It was a rough night, and from the heights of any building, you could see the fires blazing all over Los Angeles.

Much brighter than neon lights.

It is the Korean community that has ignited the most fires, and the gunfire there has never stopped.

Of course, this is not to say that there is less turmoil in other places. Black and white neighborhoods and business districts are also in chaos.

It was just dawn, and a large line of buses drove out of Los Angeles Airport.

People who saw these buses along the way opened their mouths in shock, and avoided saying a word.

I saw that the windows on both sides of the bus were all open, and it could be clearly seen through the windows that all the soldiers in the bus were wearing camouflage uniforms and fully armed.

The only strange thing is that these camouflage uniforms are not military uniforms, and it is difficult to judge which troops belong to for a while.

But that sturdy aura is enough to deter anyone with bad intentions.

The bus driver didn't choose to go around the chaotic Inglewood area at all, so he went straight into the chaotic area.

Bus drivers have never been more confident than they are now!

The waist is quite straighter than usual!

I remember that I didn't know who I was going to pull before I got out of the car. Everyone was frightened. If the company didn't pay 10 times the salary, they wouldn't go to work.

Before coming out, everyone was still discussing how to get out of the chaos area.

As a result, after seeing more than 300 heavily armed soldiers...

Chaos area?

Where is the chaos zone?

Are there chaos zones in Los Angeles?

Driver: Dissatisfied, let's fight!

Anyone in full armor with more than 40 people in the car will be very confident!

After entering the depths of Inglewood, you can hardly imagine this is Los Angeles, USA.

Garbage was thrown everywhere, and occasionally a few cars on the street were burnt to nothing but their shells.

The surrounding storefronts are all like walnuts that have been smashed open, and all the good things have been emptied.

You can only drive on the street to see if there is a black or Latino running by, holding something.

At this moment, a dozen or so Latinos wearing leather vests and tattoos on their arms turned from the other side of the street.

The tattoos on their bodies can't be seen from a distance, but they must be gang members.

Latinos, most likely either 18th Street or Florence 13th.

The eyes of this group of Latinos lit up when they saw a large line of buses.

To tell the truth, the best places were robbed in the first wave, and now there is not so much oil and water.

And the 8 buses that suddenly appeared obviously didn't know the situation before they drove here, and it was difficult for them to be excited.

"Hahaha, someone actually took the initiative to deliver it to the door!" One person laughed and pulled out a pistol from his waist.

"I bet these idiots are from other cities and don't know what's going on in LA."

"Isn't this the best situation!"

"Look, this is a **** reward."

A group of people laughed and excited, and they pulled out their guns and rushed to the intersection.

It is indeed a free America, pistols, Remingtons, submachine guns, all kinds of guns, everything.

These guys were also ferocious, they never thought about forcing a stop, they blocked the road and aimed at the bus and opened fire.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

"Da da da"

Seeing this group of people draw their guns, the driver panicked and his waist bent down.

The captain sitting in front rushed up and held the driver and shouted loudly: "Come across, we need a shooting surface!"

Say it and turn the steering wheel.

The driver reacted immediately and slammed the steering wheel with one foot on the brakes.

There was a stab, the car was too big, and it only turned halfway for a while before hitting the curb and making a 'bang' sound.

However, that's enough...

More than a dozen M16s stretched out at the same time, "da-da-da", "da-da-da", "da-da-da"

The gang members and the umbrella security exchanged fire in front of them, and the distance between the two sides was about 70 meters.

In an instant, three of the ten or so gang members were shot, and they fell to the ground in a splash of blood.

On the umbrella side, not even a single person was injured.

At this time, you can see the difference between professional murderers and gang members.

One is for murder, the other is for drug trafficking.

The guns of the gang members didn't know where they had drifted, and the security guards of the Umbrella Company, even if the vehicle was turning, were still calm and could hold the guns down.

Looking at the downed companions beside them, and then at the more dense muzzle sticking out, a group of gang members suddenly became dumbfounded.

No, what's the situation?

What kind of people are doing in this car? !

Why so many guns?

It's just that they are ignoring, and the people who protect the umbrella will not.

Just now, the car collision on the sidewalk bumped instantly and made everyone betray it.

As soon as the car stabilized, the second wave of strafing arrived.

A dozen or so M16s shot more than 50 bullets in an instant, and it took only 5 seconds for three rounds of bursts.

One after another, your people were beaten and fell to the ground with blood.

The gang members finally came to their senses, and the two lucky survivors dropped their guns and ran away.

It took only 10 seconds before and after the gang members shot and ran away.

One conflict is over and there are only 6...

"da-da-da" "da-da-da"

According to the company's rules, don't show mercy if you shoot.

Those alive may fight back, retaliate, or sue you.

And the corpse, no!

After a round of shots, there are only corpses on the ground.

The bus driver was totally stupid.

It's over so soon?

Looking at the dead man on the ground in the distance, the bus driver's face turned pale and his stomach began to roll.

"You saw it just now, they fired first, we just fought back in self-defense." The captain in charge said standing beside the driver.

"" The white driver nodded hastily.

"It's not about killing people at the end..."

"Yes, yes, it's just a fight, and I can't stop it for a while. After all, no one can stop the other party's shooting and stop the first time. I understand, I understand!" The white driver opened and closed his mouth and said quickly.

Looking at the driver who has learned to answer quickly, the captain is very satisfied.

The bus behind them passed and stopped to remove the body.

The 8 buses were so mighty that they drove past as if nothing had happened.

It was not until the car passed that someone appeared from around.

Either old black or Latino, look at the bus going away, and look at the 6 dead bodies on the ground...

Everyone's idea is one,

Brave brothers, not afraid of death!

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