America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 274: : I dare not have...

Latest website: Early in the morning, before dawn, the presidents of the Eighth National Congress got up one after another.

Although I slept late last night, and although I am very old, who made it a special time now?

According to the agreement, the person who protects the umbrella will arrive early in the morning.

After all, they were hired for a lot of money, and they still need to protect their own safety during this time, and everyone wants to see it as soon as possible.

Including Katzenberg, he has never seen what an umbrella person is like.

In this situation, the major companies are also on holiday, and a few big bosses have nothing to do and gathered early to have breakfast together.

Watch TV while eating and keep an eye on what's going on in Los Angeles.

On the TV, the host introduced loudly, "For safety reasons, the police have given up most of Los Angeles."

What he didn't sound inconsistent.

"Last night, many communities were ransacked by rioting crowds as police deployed most of their forces to wealthy areas, industrial areas, and commercial areas."

"According to incomplete statistics, from 9 p.m. last night until dawn in the early morning, a total of 945 fires occurred before and after, with an average of one large fire every minute. more than 400 buildings.”

A group of bigwigs looked at each other, only knowing that yesterday was chaotic, but they didn't expect it to be so chaotic.

Is it okay to set a dozen houses on fire in one minute?

This is so special if the studios of major companies are set on fire...

"I really feel scared after thinking about it. If the studio is burned down, at least tens of millions or even more losses will be lost."

Just as he was talking, a person hurried in and walked to the president of Warners and said in a low voice, "Sir, our new film shooting location was attacked by thugs."

Warner President: (O_o)??

Everyone: "..."

Come on, tell me, did you steal the goddess of luck's **** last night? It's so stinky!

"What about the loss!" At this moment, President Warner couldn't care less about his bad breath.

"Two villas, a bar, a convenience store, a bakery were looted and set on fire, and a side street was damaged."

"Fake!" President Warner cursed loudly, and then heaved a long sigh of relief.

Not bad, no loss...

too big.

Around 2 million.

"Okay, I see, let everyone pay attention to safety, and no one can have an accident!" President Warner said with an ugly face.

Accidents, more compensation.

The secretary went out, and everyone looked at each other, speechless for a while.

At this time, the screen on the TV changed.

"Yesterday, in other cities in the United States, many black people also issued actions to respond to black people in Los Angeles."

"San Francisco police arrest 1,400 thugs downtown and impose curfew, Nevada National Guard deployed to Las Vegas, 200 arrested, Seattle hit by mob of up to 100, New Yorkers attacked Black mobs beat up, rioters looted a mall, and hundreds of protesters confronted police in Atlanta."

"Meanwhile, incidents of minor rioting have been reported in Tampa, Pittsburgh, Birmingham and Omaha."

"Of course, compared to Los Angeles, these riots are not that intense."

"Let's focus on Koreatown."

"Because the police were unable to support Koreatown, Korean immigrants began to gather spontaneously, and they elected and quickly organized a self-defense force composed of ex-Marines and young volunteers to take part in the battle."

"This is a set of footage, where we can clearly see Korean shopkeepers and the Self-Defense Forces starting to use guns to protect their shops from looters," he said.

At this moment, on TV, Koreans are relying on storefronts as cover, and they are fighting fiercely with Latinos and blacks.

The screen turned again, and a group of people with white cloth strips tied to their heads were half-squatting on the roof, all with guns in their hands.

If the English on the screen is replaced by Latin, this is the riot zone in the Middle East.

Of course, Spanish is also available, that is, South American countries...

In fact, it is normal for Koreans to be attacked.

Beginning in the 1960s and 1970s, a large number of Koreans began to immigrate to the United States, and they gathered together to form Koreatown.

Because of racial discrimination, Asians are not only discriminated against by whites, but also bullied by Latinos and blacks, and Asians are better at maths...

Anyway, for a variety of reasons, Asians prefer to run small businesses in the United States, and Koreans are no exception.

The wealthy areas in the urban and suburban areas of Los Angeles are inaccessible, and Koreans are scattered in large numbers in the urban and southern areas of Los Angeles. They set up various small shops in these relatively poor areas to serve the surrounding Latinos and blacks.

From this point of view, the Koreans are real,


However, as we all know, black people have little money all year round.

Korean bosses think that these blacks are all loafers who come to their stores not to spend but to steal.

Therefore, no Koreans dare to hire black employees, and you have no idea whether the old black you hired will knock you out with a stick behind your back, and then call friends and friends to empty the store.

In this way, black people think Koreans discriminate against them.

In any case, unhappiness is discrimination...

As a result, in this turmoil, the Koreans suffered the most.

The Chinese who have settled in Los Angeles for more than a hundred years have already learned their lesson and do not do business in black areas at all.

The market has left the self-confident Universe National University smart.

"Gentlemen, a notice was sent from the airport just now that the person has already boarded the bus and set off, and is expected to arrive within 20 minutes." One person knocked on the door and came in to notify.

"It can't be so fast." Michael Eisner said subconsciously after the person went out.

"It's definitely not possible, there's chaos everywhere right now."

"Just be there in seven hours, don't worry," Katzenberg said.

Just a short while later, the door was pushed open again, and a voice with a strong joy sounded, "Sorry gentlemen, excuse me, the umbrella person is here."

"Ah!?" Everyone was startled, how could it be so fast.

In any case, when the security guards who paid a lot of money arrived, they naturally wanted to go down and see for themselves.

As soon as I got downstairs, I saw 300 people divided into 3 teams and they were signing up.

Looking at the spirited, murderous, and heavily armed soldiers, the eight looked at each other.

Isn't this feeling of security here?

Bill stepped up, and Katzenberg quickly stepped forward and introduced: "This is Mr. Bill, the president of the umbrella."

After speaking, he introduced the presidents of the other seven major companies, and everyone shook hands one by one.

Bill is not the soldier who came down from the battlefield a few years ago.

There is no change in the strong body, but the momentum of the person in the position has been raised.

After all, whoever holds three guided missile destroyers and 1,500 soldiers will have a strong confidence.

Yes, after returning from Sri Lanka, Sean bought another Keeling-class guided missile destroyer and sent it to be refitted.

Also purchased an anti-submarine frigate.

In addition, a Kontz-class destroyer is being repaired and refitted.

After resolving the hostage crisis in Lebanon for President Reagan, the Presidential Office immediately approved the Umbrella Company's request to purchase it.

The military has long wanted to retire the Kontz-class destroyers.

Sean made a point, and the military immediately retired one and sold it to Umbrella as scrap iron.

Meanwhile, Sean ordered three more Black Hawks.

The original 2 are all in Sri Lanka, which is needed by Newark, the hometown of North America, Cartagena in South America, and Sean himself...

The umbrella is now the largest privately armed force in the world.

none of them!

Of course, the rebels don't count.

Therefore, the president of the Seventh National Congress did not dare to put on airs in front of Bill.

Just kidding, Bill stands for truth!

The 300 people behind him are the most reasonable people.

After a few greetings, Bill said: "The protection umbrella is here, and the safety is here. Therefore, there are those areas that need our protection, and you need to mark them on the map."

"Oh, by the way, before that, find a place where you can wash. Several people have blood on their bodies and need to be washed."

"Ah, what's the matter? Is anyone injured?" Katzenberg asked concerned.

"I encountered two rioting crowds on the way here. Those guys must be crazy. They even shot at the bus. We had no choice but to fight back." Bill shrugged.

"Of course, then what?" Sidney Hienberg asked, obviously, everyone had an outcome in mind.

"For anyone who dares to shoot at the umbrella, we always send them straight to hell," Bill said with a smile.

"You killed people!?" Michael Eisner's voice suddenly increased.

"Don't worry, only 10 people were killed, and no shots were fired after dispersing. After all, the company's purpose is to bring peace, and killing people is a means, not an end." Bill said with a smile: "Mr. Sean has always emphasized that we A legitimate businessman."

God only killed 10 people...

Why do I feel so sorry to hear your tone?

This is really all too legal.


Everyone looked at each other,

I like!

It was full at the moment.

sense of security.

Soon, someone sent a map of Los Angeles, and several bigwigs had already made plans.

After taking a look, Bill handed Craig Wright a map with the places to be protected.

The specific planning still needs the staff led by Craig Wright.

The command was personally in charge of the command of Colonel Dennis Abbott.

Before the chat is over, the other side has assigned tasks.

In fact, there are not many, mainly because the eight filming studios around Los Angeles need to be protected from being burned by the rioting crowd.

Divide 200 people out, leaving 100 people on guard near Beverly Hills.

Until now, the 2,000 Defense Guards requested by Mayor Tom Bradley have not arrived.

But when the heavily armed soldiers began to set up preset positions at various intersections, the Los Angeles police were all dumbfounded.

What the **** is this...

I saw that the umbrella company did not know where to get a large number of sandbags, and directly surrounded the proposed fortress on both sides of the intersection that needed to be stationed.

There are 4 soldiers in each small fort.

Another sharpshooter was ambushed at a nearby high point, ready to provide sniper support.

The Los Angeles police looked at their uniforms, and at the soldiers wearing bulletproof helmets, bulletproof vests, and tactical vests.

Look at the small pistol in your hand, and then look at the M16A2 in the water and the tactical grenade on your waist.

The police suddenly felt that they and others were a little redundant...

But the police thought it was over, and soon after, a truck came over again, and the antlers were put down one by one.

A large row lay ahead, blocking the road directly.

After getting this done, the umbrella man finally came out to talk to the police at the scene.

The policeman immediately regained his senses, and his chest was full of belly.

"Guys, our umbrella is employed by eight major film companies to guard this area to prevent any rioters from damaging it." An umbrella soldier came out and said.

"Of course, I didn't ask, this is in line with the rules." The sergeant in charge of the police officer here nodded and said.

The police won't care.

In the United States, the police are employed, employed, employed, and important things are said three times.

They are just a group of salaried workers employed by the government, and they are no different from ordinary company employees except for the special nature of their work.

It is local taxation that pays them wages, so when the riots happen, they will directly give up those places that cannot provide taxation, or provide a small amount of taxation, and focus on protecting the wealthy areas, business areas, and industrial areas.

It's beaver.

So, now this scene is also very beaver.

The police officers are also afraid of danger, otherwise they would not have retreated as soon as possible last night.

Last night, at the height of the riots, the LAPD chief was at a political fundraiser.

To put it bluntly, I went to see the gold master and listen to the instructions of the gold master.

As long as these areas are not disturbed, the police are not afraid of anything.

It doesn't matter how many people lose or die in other places, it doesn't affect the overall situation.

Therefore, at this moment, the appearance of the protective umbrella is a manifestation of the 'big picture' and is welcomed by the police.

"Very good, then please get out of the way, it's better to find a hidden place to hide. In case of conflict, we are afraid of 'manslaughter' you."

Police: Manslaughter?

Is it because we didn't hear it or you didn't say it clearly, it should be an accidental injury...

Manslaughter is okay! ?

Slip away, slip away.JPG

More than 20 police officers turned around and left without saying a word.

Just after finding the building next to him and hiding, he saw another car approaching, and the signs just made were erected one by one.

Where the intersection is 50 meters away from the umbrella defense line, a long straight line is drawn with red paint on the road.

The signs in between read, "The first warning, the eight major film companies are jointly employed, and the Umbrella Security and Defense Company is stationed at the defense line."

A pistol is printed under the slogan.

The warning means can't get any stronger.

A second sign was erected after 10 meters.

"Second warning, you are posing a major threat to Hollywood, please step back immediately or we will take comparative measures, including, but not limited to, shooting."

Below the slogan is an exploding grenade!

It was another 10 meters, only 20 meters away from the position, and the last big placard was erected.

You've threatened Hollywood, you're going to be shot, and a big, **** skull is drawn underneath.

The police group was completely dumbfounded and looked at each other. Everyone only came to one conclusion: Brother, it's very scary!

When all the intersections were arranged, it was about 9:00 in the morning.

Those who stayed up late and came out to make a fortune have gone back to rest, but those who had a good night's rest appeared on the streets again.

In the central and southern part of Los Angeles, almost all the people who should be robbed have been robbed, and the remaining ones, such as Koreatown, are still facing each other.

In fact, there is not much oil left.

At this time, several major gangs, including the small gangs of the following elements, began to gather on a small scale.

Most of the time, gangs are more efficient, faster and stronger.

18th Street, Florence 13th, the blood gang, the lame gang...

What is organized crime?.JPG

Driving a car, holding a gun, the mighty, somewhat Middle Eastern terrorist, behind a mighty black team.

This group of old blacks followed suit. The gang members also have many poor relatives and many poor friends, right?

Where to get bigger gains, these questions are obvious.

Northwest Los Angeles, The Best of Los Angeles, Hollywood.

This is the most prosperous place. As long as you open a luxury store, you can get a lot of luxury goods such as famous bags and watches.

But when groups of gang members came to this neighborhood, they were surprised to find that they didn't see the police on the street.

This is……

My door is always open?

With three points of doubt, three points of excitement, and four points of surprise, groups of gang members' pickup trucks approached the intersection.

Wait, what the **** is this?

The red line on the ground, the slogan next to it, the fort built with sandbags in the distance.

I've never seen this before!

At this time, the helicopters used by major TV stations in the sky to shoot also discovered the changes on the Hollywood side.


The tattooed gang members looked at each other, as if they had heard of it, but had little understanding.

This is not the east coast.

Gangsters on the West Coast have never seen the deterrent power of an umbrella.

This is not more than 30 years after the development of communication.

To be honest, if it is a large number of police, this group of gang members will also consider it.

After all, it is an official organization, not to mention its combat effectiveness, but it is always scary to attack the police line of defense.

But, private organizations...

After all, it is a security company.

No matter how big it is, it is a private security company!

There was no word about Inglewood a few hours ago, and no Twitter...

With a hello, the group of people driving the car fired a few shots in the direction of the fort.

You shoot a few shots, I shoot a few shots, after all, there are many people and the gunfire is loud.

The policemen hiding in nearby buildings were all watching from the windows.

The police were also nervous, and most of them had their guns out.

They haven't seen what the protective umbrella looks like. If the rioters are really allowed to rush in, then the police must be held responsible.

"Is it okay for the umbrella group?" a policeman said anxiously.

"Ghost knows!" said the sergeant captain irritably.

"I can't hold my head up anymore!" Looking at the security guards who were hiding in the fort and didn't dare to stand up, the police were really anxious.

"What are you waiting for, fight back, damn, a bunch of cowards, didn't you just get a lot of breath!"

The police were worried, but the gang members were excited.

Sure enough, it's a pile of stinky shit, and it won't shrink after a few shots.

Hilarious laughter, howling, cursing sounded chaotically.

In the sandbag fort, the four soldiers were too lazy to make a sound.

When the defense is on, the above orders are given, and everything should be in accordance with the rules.

The slogan of the umbrella is that only blood and corpses can make people calm.

The gang members were excited, including the old blacks behind them, rushing towards the intersection.

slogan? !

Fuck the slogan!

Bang bang a few shots smashed the slogan.

The graffiti on the walls by the gangsters is much more savage than that, which doesn't scare anyone.

Seeing that the black torrent was about to rush to the first red line, the helicopters of Sky TV lowered their altitude and filmed nervously.

Just as the first car crossed the first red line, there was a "bang" shot.

It's just that it's not obvious at all in the clutter of gunfire.

Only 10 meters between the two red lines, not far at all, two seconds, maybe three seconds.

The car of the gang members didn't drive fast, but it also made a breakthrough.

At this moment, in the sandbag fortress, two cylindrical objects were thrown far away.

Grenade! !

The gang members in the car screamed in fright, but it was obviously too late by this time.

40 meters, crossed in an instant.

"Bang" and "Bang", a puff of smoke rises...


The gangsters in the car are ugly, they're **** tear gas! !

The faces of the policemen hiding next to them were equally ugly. They also had this thing, and it was useless at all. The wind would blow away in a while, and the crowd would soon surge up again.

A **** that can only be used to scare and disperse crowds!

"Go to the **** security company!" The police sergeant captain had already yelled cursingly and the police rushed out.

Poor areas, Korean areas, and Chinese areas can all be unprotected, but Hollywood can't!

It's all **** rich here, stars! !

Xu was ashamed because of the fear just now, and Xu was provoked, and the messy gunshots that had just stopped sounded again.

In the last ten meters, the car drove in in the blink of an eye.

At this moment...

"Bang" and "Bang" sounded twice, and in the first two cars, the driver's body froze, and the second half of his head was thrown off.

Two sharpshooters who had been aiming for a long time shot! !



Two shots were the signal.

Two forts, eight people set up M16A2 at the same time.

After that, there are intensive and rhythmic "da-da-da" "da-da-da" "da-da-da"

30 degree angle, cross fire coverage!

The metal death storm blew directly.

The helicopters in the air and the high-rises of nearby big hotels can be clearly seen from high altitude.

At a distance of 30 meters, the two leading cars were instantly beaten into sieves, and blood splattered on the windshield and then flowed down.

The two cars hit the roadside building and rolled over to the ground.

The gunfire didn't stop at all!

At this moment, the gunfire of the gang members has been muffled, and the bravest ones have turned into dead bodies.

Only the soldiers of the Umbrella Security Company were left shooting at the scene.

"da-da-da" "da-da-da" "da-da-da"

The cars that crossed the red line were all within the target.


Change the magazines rhythmically!


Intensive gunfire never stops!


The rioters who were finally woken up screamed and turned around like frightened rabbits.

The police who rushed out saw this scene, a group of people opened their mouths and stared blankly at the crowd running past them.

"Kill someone, someone killed someone over there!" Several black people rushed over, crying as if they saw a savior when they saw the police.

The sergeant captain was taken aback and almost fired a still shot at the guy...

At such a tense time, everyone's nerves were tense.

Seeing the **** waving his arms in front of him, a group of cops looked at each other, it just felt funny.

Spicy, how about your bravery?

When you meet a really cruel person, do you think of calling the police at this time?

After waving their hands to drive people away, a group of police officers approached the defense line of the protective umbrella.

The helicopters in the sky seemed to be stunned by this scene, hovering in mid-air, and it took a long time to react and descended again.

The cameraman just glanced at the tragic scene and didn't dare to shoot.

so bloody...

The six cars turned over near the second red line, and blood flowed out along the doors and gun holes, like a small stream. The black street was no longer visible, and it was all blood red.

I don't know exactly how many people died.

However, the crossfire at such a close distance must have few live openings.

The more than 20 people who watched the police from a distance only felt weak legs, and it was not that they had not seen dead people, killing people, but it was the first time that so many people died at one time.

The first cordon did not dare to approach, but raised his hand and shouted loudly from a distance: "Captain, your own people, don't shoot."

It was not until someone in the sandbag fort stood up and waved that a group of policemen breathed a sigh of relief. Even so, they approached cautiously and slowly.

"These people..." The police sergeant captain realized that his voice was very hoarse.

"As you can see, we set up a cordon and set up a sign. It was the mob who wanted to shoot first. In this case, we didn't fight back immediately, but after the other party crossed the cordon, it was clear. Gun warning, then tear gas to disperse."

"But obviously, they are not going to retreat." The captain of the umbrella pointed to the cars that were still bleeding and said, "We are fighting back in self-defense, and it is not illegal."

"Yes, yes, we saw it." A group of policemen nodded hurriedly, their attitudes were gentle, their tones were kind, and their smiles were sweet.

"Very well, then these corpses are handled by you and us." The umbrella person continued to ask.

"Uh, there should be someone alive!!" The police were startled.

Umbrella's regret shook his head, "With the current situation in Los Angeles, when the ambulance arrives, we can only collect the body."


For some reason, they remembered what the umbrella said before, 'Don't get close, it's easy to kill by mistake'!

Well, it's all intentional murder anyway.

Forget it.

At least legally, it is a real self-defense counterattack.

In such a big environment again, there is no way.

The helicopter in the sky was buzzing a little loudly, and the man with the umbrella looked up, stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance.


Without saying a word, the TV station's helicopter spun around and left.

The ghost knows if these butchers will treat them as a threat to Tutu.

It doesn't look like a reasonable person.

Sean: No doubt, we are very reasonable.

Just as he was talking, the door of a car opened, and a guy covered in blood struggled to get out of the fallen vehicle.

It was only halfway through, when a gunshot rang out, and the **** man froze and fell down with a snap.

Captain Umbrella: "..."


"I said just now that person actually died in the first wave of conflict, believe it or not." Captain Umbrella said with a wink.

Police: So, when did we go blind?

"Of course, of course, we saw with our own eyes that he was, um, long dead."

'Bang' was another shot.

Turning his head to look, another live mouth was headshot as soon as his head was exposed.

Captain Umbrella: "..."


"Fake, what a whack-a-mole you are!" The Umbrella captain turned his head and cursed. This was done by two snipers.

After scolding, he turned his head to look at the police, and the captain of the umbrella was about to speak when he heard the police say, "We saw with our own eyes that he, um, was already dead."

"Hahaha, happy cooperation!" Captain Umbrella stretched out his hand.

The police captain quickly reached out and shook hands.

In the end, the body still has to be handed over to the police, after all, it is the police.

Umbrella is also happy to save trouble.

There is no need for the police to be vigilant. There is no safer place than this place.

The corpses and blood on the ground are the best tranquilizers.

Be sure to let anyone who comes to the scene calm down and speak well!

Many people in the surrounding buildings saw all this, with fear and surprise, but more sense of security.

The news was quickly passed on layer by layer, and the top executives of the Eighth Congress soon knew.

It's just that when the news reached them, it was a little deformed...

The people under the umbrella started a massacre at the intersection, the ground was covered with corpses, and the blood was like a river...

The eight presidents were all dumbfounded.

Isn't it protection?

A cordon was also set up, so how could there be a massacre! ?

Everyone panicked.

What made them panic even more was that news kept coming from behind. Except for a change in location, all the news was that the people under the umbrella started massacres, the ground was covered with corpses, and the blood was like a river...

It was not just one wave of people that hit the defense line, but seven waves.

At more than a dozen intersections, the police were persuaded by the umbrella people early in the morning, which made the rioting crowd emboldened.

Well, this is all a plan designed by the staff. The ghost knows how long the chaos will be in Los Angeles. For the first time, it must be fiercely powerful and imposing.

If you don't kill it, it's not enough to deter the mob!

The killing now is for less killing later.

This is the consistent strategy of the umbrella.

"Don't you **** know any other words!!" Sidney Hienberg cursed angrily.

Don't say he doesn't believe it, neither do other people in the house!

According to this guy's return several times in a row, the corpses are probably not piled up into mountains!

The secretary looked aggrieved, and the news that came up below is just like that. I thought it was exaggerated and deliberately said less.

According to the following rumors, thousands of people died outside...

After all, it's art, so it's normal to exaggerate a bit.



The eight presidents hurriedly contacted Bill.

Bill was also busy all night, and he thought that he would be fine after showing his prestige, so he wanted to catch up on sleep, but he found it here again.

When meeting the eight presidents, Bill also received the exact report below.

A total of seven waves of rioters stormed the defense line here.

The rioters were emboldened, thanks to their strategy of driving out the police and not showing up at first.

"So, there are more than 100 million who died." Bill made a gesture of regret.

The eight presidents are all stupid, and the corpses are really piled up in mountains?

No, go crazy, let you protect, not let you commit massacres!



"How many people did you kill?" Katzenberg asked in a trembling voice.

"Seven waves of mob killed 125 people on the spot and injured 48 people. Unfortunately, the ambulance from the hospital arrived too late. Only 8 people survived until the ambulance, and the others died unfortunately."

"More than 160 people!!" Sidney Hienberg screamed.

A man in his 50s can still make such a shrill voice,

in good health.

Bill shrugged.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Damn, what a professional butcher!

"It's crazy, you killed so many people on the first day, just disperse it, why do you want to kill!"

"The staff analyzed that the rioting crowd would be very excited when the robbery gained a lot last night, and only robbery was left in their minds."

"Of course, there are also many beautiful female stars in Hollywood. You must know how black people react when they see beautiful women. Even if they are brutalized, they will not call the police out of influence."

"A large number of them took poison before the robbery. Driven by the collective consciousness, there is only one way for them to calm down and talk." Bill explained, "It's just, it's a pity, those people are saying a word now. I can't speak anymore."

"Of course, the advantage of this is that no matter how chaotic Los Angeles is in the future, there will be no place where anyone dares to challenge the umbrella guard."

"So..." Bill spread his hands and looked at everyone.

A group of big men looked at each other.

You are right.

"Good job!"

"Yes, we are satisfied with the work of the umbrella."

"You guys are the best!"

"It is worthy of being the world's largest security consulting company."

The eight presidents praised them one after another.

Bill grinned, and sure enough, he was right, safe, safe, or **** safe!

"By the way, everyone." Katzenberg said suddenly: "Everyone knows that tomorrow we, Sean Pictures, are going to hold a grand dinner. Now, I think we can hold it on time."

Saying that, Katzenberg pointed his finger at Bill.

A group of bigwigs froze for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Of course, of course it can be held on time."

"Hollywood is safe, without the slightest security risk!"

Ladiesandgentlemen, then play music, then dance!


The short battle was not only filmed by a TV station.

It's just that when the videotape was sent back to the TV station, the scalps of the people who saw it were numb...

The response is too calm and the attack is too cruel.

This picture, looking at it through the screen, makes people feel cold.

"Put it on TV, you want to play mosaic!" A director said with pursed lips.

"How to play mosaic? Is the whole screen marked?" The corner of his mouth twitched.

Let's edit it... In the end, everyone agreed.

"This kind of picture, it is best to tell the above, I am afraid that it will cause bad influence and cause trouble if it is broadcast."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Everyone agreed.

Press freedom?

Didn't you see people holding 'truth' in their hands?

In the United States, TV stations rarely broadcast news about gangs.

Even if it is broadcast, it is as far as possible.

Those people in the gang will not trouble the TV station, they are capitalists after all.

However, they definitely don't mind having trouble with the staff.

Reporters, directors, directors, managers, etc., including family members.

If you want to report, please contact the gang to apply and get permission, then you can interview and filming is no problem, otherwise, just be honest.

In fact, these gangs in America have their own local broadcasts and their own culture.

Yes, culture, best known for gangsta rap.

No matter when, whether capital or society, honest people will be pointed at by people with 'guns'.

(In 2021, ABC Chicago 7, Russia Today reported on September 1 that the FBI has issued a warning to Chicago police that about 36 street gangs have reached an agreement, claiming that they will punish anyone who pulls a gun in public to enforce the law. The two gangs were the Latin Kings and the Sin Lords.)

(Nearly 7,000 Americans died on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq from 2001 to 2016, but in the same 16-year period, the number of Americans who died in the Chicago shootout was close to 8,000, not counting.)

(8.5 Chicago shooting, August 5, 2018, Chicago from 1:00 am to 3:00 pm, before and after 14 hours, during which shootings occurred continuously, the police were warned to hide, the statistics are 44 people were shot, 5 deaths, the actual figure is much higher.)

The major TV stations quickly contacted Bill through their own methods, and Bill was a little uncertain.

After all, this is not a foreign country. If you kill it, you will kill it. Who the **** can go to the United States to be held accountable.

Bill could only call Sean.

"Okay, first, we have to mark our faces. Second, we must broadcast the brutality of the mob attacking the defense line, and we must not broadcast **** pictures. Finally, we can allow them to broadcast the death toll." At 9:30, on the side of Sean Talking back while eating.

"Hurry up and finish your work, come and eat."

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." Bill hung up the phone and called those stations back.

The TV station is very relieved, just let it go, this is big news.

It was actually edited within the time allowed, and it was played immediately upon receipt of the message.


"Hey, look, it's the logo of the Umbrella Company!" In the restaurant in the hotel, Yuan Ba ​​Ye and Jackie Chan are having breakfast here.

There is a TV in the restaurant and everyone is concerned about the situation and when they can start work.

You don't come to Hollywood to stay in a hotel.

Everyone looked up and saw an overhead shot on the TV. Led by some vehicles, many African Americans and Latinos were heading towards Hollywood.

"According to the information received by the TV station from Hollywood, in response to the riots in Los Angeles, the eight major film companies jointly hired the umbrella security consulting company for security reasons."

"This morning, the Umbrella Company dispatched a security team of 300 people to Hollywood to cooperate with the police to build a defense line, and set up three warning signs at the intersection to protect the entire Hollywood and deal with possible riots."

As soon as the screen turned, three warning signs before and after appeared on the screen.

Looking at the warning painted on it, everyone watching in front of the TV was a little dumbfounded.

The meaning of cruelty is coming.

It's just, isn't it about cooperating with the police?

Where are the police officers?


"It can be seen on the screen that half an hour ago, a large number of rioters were heading towards Hollywood."

"The rioters started shooting at the security company after they got close to the line."

On the TV screen, many rioters were shooting indiscriminately, and the sound of gunfire was clearly audible.

In front of the TV, everyone held their breath.

Some people have heard the name of the umbrella company, some people don't know it, but what use are those two humble sandbag fortresses and some steel barricades.

It is impossible to stop so many rioters.

"Damn it, where are the police?" Someone shouted worriedly.

"It's over, Hollywood is over."

"Hahaha, the police must be scared away, let them have a taste." These are some people full of revenge.

In the picture, these people rushed towards the line of defense.

When the first cordon was crossed, nothing happened.

Some people can't help but close their eyes.

Some people had schadenfreude on their faces.

Some people's eyes are shining, ready to join this "zero yuan purchase".

However, no one expected the next picture.

The second cordon, two useless tear gas canisters, and before everyone could react, a rhythm of gunfire suddenly sounded on the TV.

It was just the rioters, infinitely arrogant, and in the next moment, the wave of rioters seemed to hit the invisible dam and stagnated instantly.

The gunshots of "da da da" lasted for more than ten seconds.

The people in front of the TV saw the rioters who turned and ran and the police who ran out of the building next to them in a panic.

The TV screen quickly swept across the third cordon, and saw a downed vehicle full of bullet holes, blood flowing like a trickle...



"Nice job!"

"it is good!"

There was a burst of exclamations in front of the TV.

In a short period of time, the situation turned sharply, and the rioters were instantly shot dead by the rampant umbrella security guards.

The decisiveness of the attack, the precision, and the brutality.

Just brutal!

In the hotel restaurant, Fang Long and a group of people looked at each other in dismay. The riot had been going on for many hours, but it was the first time I had seen such a powerful killing scene.

Although it's just a passing.

"How many cars?" Fang Long asked subconsciously.

"Six cars, at least 20 people." Yuan Ba ​​Ye's eyes are very good, and he immediately replied.

"Will there be a living mouth?"

"Definitely, but it's not certain whether it will survive or not in the end."

"Isn't it okay to scan the camera without watching TV?"

"Umbrella, too cruel!"

"Dare to go right with Asan's fleet, and the other person who is still fighting flees in embarrassment, can you not be ruthless!"

"Really, really..."

A group of people turned their heads and looked at Maggie Cheung and Michelle Yeoh in unison.

The two women were stunned for a while, and then the blush slowly climbed on their faces.

Who doesn't like strong men?

This is the natural instinct of living beings to survive.

Even if it's ugly...

If that Mr. Sean really likes these two women, good guy, these two can walk sideways even in Hollywood in the future.

People couldn't help but think.

The two women don't care about any what a riot, and their hearts have already flown to some scumbag.

The last time I was on Hong Kong Island, I went shopping hand in hand, and the aftertaste at this moment is so beautiful.

Now, that man must be worrying about the unrest in Los Angeles.

So successful and so caring about society, it's really great.


The scumbag Sean pouted, and Nicole Kidman next to him fed him mouth-to-mouth soup.

Turning her head, Elizabeth came up with a steak in her mouth...



Eleven thousand words exploded.

Double monthly pass during 5.1, big brothers, please guarantee the monthly pass at the end, please! ! !

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