America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 287: : I am shocked

At the same restaurant last time, Bertram Bain had lunch with another shareholder.

"These people are really making too much trouble, and they actually created an explosion in the city of Los Angeles." Bertram Bain, who was eating, lowered his head and said 'casually'.

The person next to him glanced at him, "You are ready to promise Sean."

"Hehe, hehe." Bertram Bain laughed dryly, saying something was not right at the company.

I deliberately chose to eat it in order to let other shareholders give me a step down.

In fact, the company is already looking for new places.

Of course, the external statement must be to expand the selection target and be prepared.

"Didn't he call you again?"

"No!" Bertram Bain slapped his lips.

"Don't worry too much, about Sean's affairs, I have also asked a consulting company to find out recently." Another shareholder put down his knife and fork and said, "Based on the detailed information brought out over there, I found that this guy is still doing things in a measured way. "

Bertram Bain looked up and looked at Andy Milton with a look of astonishment, with a sentence clearly written in his eyes, "Brother, what are you blind."

What the **** did he do with a ton of dynamite to blow up the Irishman's hotel?

Do you have any misunderstandings about proportionality?

"Don't look at me like that, I know what he did, but it's the Irish mafia industry, unlike us, he can't and wouldn't dare to use this against us, it's not the 19th century, it's not Chicago," Andy Milton said affirmatively.

Bertram Bain opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment, but they were indeed different from the Irish.

While he was relieved, he felt a little embarrassed, but seeing that scene on TV yesterday really scared him.

It's really scary enough.

Submachine guns, grenades, and even Gatlings came out, and in the end, they blew up an entire hotel.

According to inside information, he learned that nearly 100 people died inside.

If you add the more than 20 people in the attack the night before, that's more than 100 people.

As the person who also rejected Sean, more than a hundred people were killed there in just one day.

This is no longer killing chickens and scaring monkeys.

This is a tiger-killing **...

He really felt the same, and the whole person was not well.

"I'm not afraid." Bertram Bain swallowed and forced a tough look on his face, "I just think the city government is too weak, and the Los Angeles police are too weak, such a bad thing happened. , and no action was taken.”

"Hmph, a bunch of **** that will only waste taxpayers' money!"

Andy Milton wanted to laugh, this guy is still so good-looking.

"Looking back, we can take the initiative to talk to Sean, um, talk about cooperation." Andy Milton decided to use a face-saving statement.

"Hmph, you, you go, I don't want to see that arrogant guy." Bertram glanced over.


It's just that many times, the more you don't want to happen, the more likely it will happen.

While they were talking, there was a sudden noise outside, and the two frowned slightly and stopped talking.

Bertram's two bodyguards looked at Sean and the group of bodyguards who were coming, with extremely ugly expressions.

Last time, it was these people who made them lose face and were reprimanded by the boss.

This time, no matter what!

The two looked at each other and stared at Torre, who was nearly two meters tall, and opened his mouth to curse.


"Stand there!"


"I am going to kill you!"

Being scolded like this, Torre's face sank, and then he showed a ferocious look, and when he was about to rush up to teach the two guys...

The two suddenly turned to face each other, and one of them smashed the face of the opposite person with a punch.

The man didn't show weakness, he smashed back with a punch, giving the opposite side a black eye.

Torre: "..."

Sean: "..."

Are these two sick, why did they suddenly start working?

The two scuffled together fiercely, and it could be seen that they were not acting, and their faces were blue and purple.

Sean and the others stood there in fright and did not dare to move, their faces were full of horror. I had never seen this scene before.

Is this a brand new welcome ceremony?

I don't understand it, but I'm blown away!

The two of them worked hard for a few times before they stopped, stood up against the wall, and squatted down with their heads folded.

How skilled is this move...

Sean looked at each other, as if he understood something.

This is because I know I can't stop it, but I don't want to be too incompetent, so I go to each other a few times to show that I am doing my best.

It felt like it was prepared in advance.

Damn, it's a werewolf, and he really does it to himself.

Of course, if the two really did their due diligence to stop them, Torre and the others would only be more ruthless.

Passing by the two of them, Sean reached out and patted the two of them on the shoulders, his face full of admiration, "You two are bodyguards, you are so talented!"

At this moment, Torre had opened the door, and Sean stepped in.

In fact, Bertram Bain's heart beat wildly when he heard the sound of fighting outside, and it always felt like this scene was familiar.

Well, Sean really appeared again.

Only this time, Bertram Bain knew Sean and didn't need him to introduce himself.

Sean pulled out the chair and sat down on his own, "Mr. Bertram, you really love this restaurant. Every day at noon, whenever you are in the company, you will come to eat."

"You spy on me?"

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. You are a famous person in this area. Who doesn't know you? It only takes a little time and a little bit of knife music to find out. This is not information that needs to be kept secret."

"Serious people won't ask about these things." Bertram Bain said with a stern face, and Andy Milton next to him quickly scolded him.

Brother, what time is it, can we stop being stubborn?

"Hahaha, Mr. Sean, let's try it together. It's not unreasonable that Bertram likes to come here to eat. The dishes here are very good." Andy Milton hurriedly smoothed the game.

"Just try it, but Bertram, your two bodyguards are good." Sean praised with a smile.

Bertram was taken aback for a moment, looking at the smile on Sean's face, he always felt that something was wrong.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Sean is here today to talk about the land plot. We have discussed it and hope to have some business cooperation with Mr. Sean." Andy Milton said with a light cough.

"Don't worry, I'm here today to tell Mr. Bertram a story." Sean said mysteriously.

The two of them were stunned for a moment. We have seen people talking and jumping, but you are no longer jumping. Are you taking off?

"Once upon a time, there were two children who were neighbors. They played together from childhood, grew up, went to elementary school together, went to school at noon, went to school together every morning, and finished school together at night. They were very good friends."

Sean didn't care whether the expressions of the two were weird or not, he just said to himself: "It's just that people are different after all. No matter how they were inseparable when they were young, when they grew up, they found that they had gone on different paths. the way."

"After graduating from middle school, one was admitted to a prestigious school, the other was not admitted to a community college, and the family of the one who went to college moved away, and gradually lost contact, but the relationship between the two remains the same."

"This college student entered the workplace after graduation. Due to his outstanding ability, he slowly gained appreciation, climbed up step by step, and eventually became a confidant of a billionaire."

"Well, no matter how rich he is, there are always some inconvenient things to do, and some people will always do it for him."

Speaking of this, Bertram and Andy also roughly understood that Sean was one of the two people who said that.

It's just... what does this have to do with today's incident, thinking, Andy looked at Bertram out of the corner of his eye, and found that the corner of his mouth was twitching.

Andy's heart skipped a beat, it's broken!

"This confidant thought of his childhood playmate. The two hadn't seen each other since college. In his current company and social circle, no one knows his relationship with his childhood neighbor. "

"And after that neighbor didn't go to college, he gradually became like those from the bottom, living on the streets and participating in some criminal activities."

"The confidant secretly found the neighbor. With the purest friendship when they were young, the two trusted each other and hit it off. Slowly, the neighbor's life also got on the right track and got better."

"In order to prevent being discovered, this confidant has almost completely cut off the surface contact." Said, Sean clapped, his face full of approval, "Mr. Bertram, I see it, you All of them have unique skills.”

"They are all high-end talents. This technique is professional!"

"I really can't find out if it's someone else."

Sean didn't mention that he arranged for someone to set fire in a specific area, but it's all been found to this point, how could it be hidden.

"It's impossible, how are you, how are you..." Bertram's face was pale, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Before, his confidence was that he was different from the Irish, and Sean didn't dare to use those tough methods to deal with him, but now...

"It's actually not difficult for me." Sean looked at Bertram with a smile, "No one knows more about crime than me!"

"But I'm just playing the rest. No one knows better than me how many tricks I can play and how many hidden methods there are."

"People, have been controlled by me."

Bertram leaned back in his chair with a sullen face, he shouldn't have, he was so **** unlucky.

Big capitalist, who doesn't have a subordinate who does dirty work, but why did he let himself meet Sean.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with sending someone to set the fire.

They didn't kill anyone, and they were compensated afterwards, and those people earned more.

It's not my fault, it's luck.

"I'll let the plot out," Bertram whispered.

"No, no, no!" Sean waved his hand, "This place is actually a little smaller than I wanted, and it needs to be expanded a little bit, and then someone will contact Mr. Bertram to get it all done, I hope What you see is a whole, clean plot."

"I am the one who is most afraid of trouble."

Having said that, Sean smiled and stood up, nodded to the two of them, and turned out of the box.

Inside the box, the atmosphere was eerily quiet.

Andy Milton looked at Bertram, something he didn't say, but he had doubts before.

It's just that this kind of thing is really caught, it's really too troublesome.

"Famous Los Angeles Billionaires Deliberately Set Fire to Homes"

Just thinking about it, Andy would feel dizzy if the news was reported by Sean's media company.

The company is afraid that it will go bankrupt.

The bigger the company, the less likely it is to do those **** things.

Many companies in the United States and even the Fortune 500 in the world will compromise with the local local snakes in some places.

They won't put on the air of the top 500, and they don't want to give up any benefits.

It's not that I'm afraid of these local snakes, but I'm afraid that companies such as competitors have mastered black materials.

Not worth the loss.

Speaking of which, this phenomenon is a bit like animal chess, elephants are afraid of mice...


Hollywood, a conference room at the Four Seasons Hotel.

There were many people in the conference room, all in suits and leather shoes, but they looked strange.

There are a lot of blacks, a lot of Hispanics, but not a lot of whites.

The three sides are clearly divided, but blacks and Latinos vaguely surround the white side.

It's not just the situation that's weird, it's the group of people themselves, the way they wear suits makes people feel a little awkward.

The sound in the conference room was very noisy, raucous, and from time to time there were swearing quarrels.

That is to say, the sound insulation effect of the door is good, otherwise the whole floor may not be heard.

A group of gang members, and most of them are antagonists, you expect them to be more disciplined, that's complete bullshit.

There was a commotion here, and suddenly, the door of the conference room was pushed open again.

Everyone in the conference room was attracted, and they turned their heads to look over.

Then I saw a black man in a suit walking in with a smile.

Most of the people here don't know who the black people are, but a small number of people who do know, like the bosses of the blood gang and the lame gang, immediately turned their heads and cursed, "Stop arguing, shut up your mouths."

Jonas walked towards the meeting room with satisfaction, a fat white man behind him followed.

Everyone knows the fat white man, the Irish mafia Cyril, who is also the initiator of today's meeting.

The reason why the meeting place is at the Four Seasons Hotel is because other places these guys will feel unsafe and uneasy.

Especially after an unnamed guy blew up the entire hotel in one fell swoop.

No one would dare to bomb the Four Seasons Hotel.

As soon as Jonas came in, he went straight to the main seat of the conference room, and regardless of other people's gazes, he sat up politely.

"What, who has an opinion?" Jonas said with a smile after glancing left and right.

If you have an opinion, you must have an opinion, but you have to dare to say it.

"It seems that there is no more, then all right, today's meeting begins." Seeing that everyone was silent, Jonas took the right to preside directly.

Even if everyone acquiesced that Jonas was the strongest.

There is no doubt about that.

"Mr. Cyril." Jonas gestured.

Cyril didn't sit down, but just stood behind Jonas and said, "We Irish Mafia voluntarily transferred our Los Angeles and California sites to Mr. Jonas. I invite everyone to come here today to be a witness."

"Since then, the turf has belonged to the Jonas family, and the Irish Mafia has withdrawn from California."

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion in the conference room.

Although I thought that this scene might happen before I came, but if it happened, I still felt awkward in my heart.

The four gangs looked at each other, swearing in their hearts, you guys are still **** men, he killed so many of you, he didn't want to take revenge, and he gave him all the land, are you **** pigs!

Do it with him!

kill him!

Say, did he coerce you, if yes, wink!

But no matter what they shouted in their hearts, the truth was a foregone conclusion.

The underground forces, in the end, still have to pay attention to whose fist is bigger.

"It's good to quit, do this business, live to retire safely, and live the rest of your life in peace. It's actually good luck, congratulations, Cyril." Jonas said, taking the lead in applauding, his eyes on the faces of everyone at the scene Sweep.

Whenever he sees it, everyone applauds.

forced to open.jpg

"It seems that the family has nothing to say. That's good, Mr. Cyril. I won't send it."

"Thank you, Mr. Jonas, thank you all." Cyril breathed a sigh of relief and walked out briskly.

When he walked out of the conference room and heard the sound of the door closing, Cyril suddenly felt isolated from that world.

It's great to be able to retire and enjoy the rest of my life in peace.

With Cyril gone and the meeting going on, Jonas couldn't find anyone just because he was justified.

"Okay, there are no outsiders here, so let's talk about our underground forces. As we all know, if the environment is chaotic, no one can do business, so we need a stable social environment."

"Everyone who came out to lick blood, don't tell me what racial interests or other noble ideals are for."

"Knife music, knife music, or **** knife music." Sean tapped everyone's faces with his fingers.

"So, Los Angeles, and even the whole of California, must establish a set of rules, a set of rules that belong to the underground forces." After that, Jonas glanced at everyone.

The meeting room fell silent, and no one spoke.

Everyone doesn't know what to say.

These things Jonas brought up were so sudden that they were unprepared.

Yes, everyone wants to make money, that's for sure, but it's hard to establish rules.

This is not something that can be settled by the touch of the upper lip on the lower lip.

Even if they all agree.

"Rules? We don't object." After a while, the Italian said, "But the question is, which organization makes the rules and who enforces them."

He was talking about the organization, not the person.

When Jonas mentions this, the first thing that comes to mind in Italians is the 'disciplinary committee' that was once established and ruled by the Italians.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Jonas.

Jonas grinned, without any panic or nervousness, sitting there leisurely, his eyes swept across everyone's faces, "This organization, I make the rules, and I implement them."

The meeting room fell into a strange silence, and everyone's faces were wonderful.

Jonas's tone was too loud and his attitude too arrogant.

No one wants to see this out-of-home outsider appearing above everyone's heads.

Of course, I don't want to see Gui, I don't want to see it, but no one was the first to stand up against it.

The previous bombings weighed heavily on everyone's minds like a mountain.

What's more, everyone knows that the Jonas family still has a protective umbrella on it.

The name of the world's largest private military security consulting solution provider, at least in Los Angeles, is known to everyone.

Murder like hemp.

"If you don't speak, then there is no objection." Jonas laughed.

He loves this feeling!

The last time one person spoke, everyone was silent on Sean.

That was after completely eliminating the Dimio Group.

Now, finally, it was Jonas' turn.

He liked it so much.

As soon as these words came out, everyone became anxious. You looked at me, I looked at you, and kept eye contact.

You are against it.

Why don't you want to stand up against it.

You take the lead, I follow.

You take the lead and I can follow.

You pigs, don't object, that's it.

As expected of being in Los Angeles, his eyes are full of drama.

"Since everyone doesn't object, then..." Jonas was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Wait!" The Italian was the first to lose his breath and shouted.

Jonas' expression suddenly stern, no one objected to Sean's words! ! !

The sharp eyes stared at the Italian, Jonas was full of murderous intent, and suddenly, everyone in the conference room felt a sense of suffocation.

The leaders of the underground forces did not mean that they all killed people.

Jonas took out his pistol and pointed the gun directly at the Italian, "Okay, tell me, I listen, Jonas still likes democracy!"

The Italian looked stagnant, and immediately began to sweat on his head.

Can you put the gun down when you say you like democracy?

This move shocked everyone. This is the Four Seasons Hotel, a world-renowned five-star hotel, and no one has ever fired a gun here.

No one came with a gun.

It's no use taking it.

The riots in Los Angeles have just passed. Eight major companies took the lead, all Hollywood companies paid for them, and they hired an umbrella and a 50-person security team to stay in Hollywood.

Hollywood is not a place outside the law!

There has never been a shortage of gangsters here, mainly Italians and Jews.

Especially the Fernando Valley next to it.

The Italian's eyes quickly drifted across everyone's faces, just when you **** pushed me out to talk.

I rushed, you hurry up!

Everyone's eyes start to wander, you try first, I bet he has no bullets in his gun.


Fake squid!

The Italian cursed wildly in his heart, but he still managed to squeeze out a smile, "What I want to say is that since Mr. Jonas sets the rules, then, um, then, we should applaud, yes, applaud!"

Finally thinking of a good reason, the Italians were the first to stand up and applaud wildly.

Crowd: Goofy, you **** surrender faster than the French.

Italian: Nonsense, feelings are not you facing death.

He just jumped out completely subconsciously, after all Jonas is black...

Jonas was taken aback, slapped the gun on the conference table and laughed.

Laughing and looking at other people.

Everyone he saw laughed out loud, stood up and clapped wildly.

While applauding, he cursed others for being timid as mice.

Shuzi lacks and seeks.

"Okay, then I'll talk about the rules of the Jonas family." Jonas raised his hand and pressed it, and everyone immediately stopped to applaud and sat down.

"Actually, you should all know the rules of the Jonas family, but since it's the first time I'm worried about everyone, I'll say it again."

"Basically, the Jonas family doesn't touch poison."

Everyone rolled their eyes in unison. You don't **** touch them, but you don't sell less chassis. Of course, there won't be any more conflicts because of the poison.

In New Jersey, both the police and the FBI turned a blind eye.

"Of course, this has nothing to do with everyone, and now I will talk about something about everyone."

"In the future, the entire state of California will not be allowed to expand any further, based on the current and current sites of each company."

As soon as these words came out, everyone frowned, some were satisfied, some felt sorry.

This was something no one had thought of before.

If I had known it earlier, the **** would have started a war, and I would have to **** a little back.

"Who is for, who is against!" Jonas glanced.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and suddenly someone said: "What about the disputed area now, this area is jointly occupied by two or three companies."

"All areas that you think are controversial will be reported on your own after the fact. I will divide them according to the actual situation. However, I warn you, don't make any small moves for me before the official division, otherwise..." Jonas looked around, "Otherwise, I am not a judge, and I will not judge who is right and who is wrong."

Everyone's heart froze, and they naturally understood this.

This is normal, underground forces.

"As this article, we have a supplementary clause. Those with a population of less than 50,000 in the control area and those with a population of less than 10,000 in the wealthy area will face mergers in the future."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of two people in the conference room instantly became difficult to look at.

But no one looked at them.

Hanging out is not a dinner party, being weak is the original sin.

"This is no problem for everyone, then proceed to the next item. As the maintenance of the order in Los Angeles, the Jonas family will not take the initiative to expand the territory. However, in the entire Los Angeles, there are several operating businesses that the Jonas family will be solely responsible for."

"Number one, party service and women's business all over LA."

"Second, private lottery business."

"Third, the smuggling alcohol business."

Speaking of the third, everyone in the conference room looked different, their eyes were erratic, and they stopped talking.

"Okay, I **** know, there will be real wine!" Jonas pouted.

Hahaha, everyone burst into laughter.

The Jonas family started out as a fake wine, and everyone in Los Angeles knew it.

According to legend, the people of New Jersey never know what the real wine tastes like, there is a desert of alcohol.

There was no objection to the three franchises Jonas proposed.

In the party service industry, the gangs involved very little and did not lose much.

Most of the companies in this line are legally registered companies. Of course, this business belongs to the gray industry. Those companies will have their own sites and will also pay some protection fees.

The private lottery business is similar. They are all involved in their respective sites, but because of their own management and reputation problems, their operations are also a mess.

The situation of smuggled wine is similar. If they can't get "copycat" products, the profits are not that big.

Of course, the biggest reason why everyone is willing to make a step is that Jonas said that he doesn't deal with poison.

Then, the original Irishman's right to operate the poisonous chicken must be given up.

Although Jonas has to charge a rental, the poisonous profit allows them to easily earn it back.

Speaking of which, no loss.

At this point, the business is settled.

Negotiations with the underground forces are better, simple and quick.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, then." Jonas stood up and applauded, "I have prepared a banquet, I hope everyone has a good time."


There are 800 words missing. Saturday is quite busy. I will send my little ancestor to an English tuition class in the morning and a football class in the afternoon...

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