America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 289: : Underground Sheriff

(I have a needle to close... Today I made up the hundreds of words I owed last time. Alas, when people are middle-aged, they don't dare to give birth when they are sick...)

(Yesterday, the size was a little less, and the chasing set dropped more than 100... but you can't lose the chasing set, hey, this is to kill the fireworks!)

Quietly, and it didn't take too long, Jonas managed to get nearly half of the middle-level leaders of the Los Angeles police.

An invisible web that spreads throughout the Los Angeles Police Department is woven like this.

When the net is completely closed...

"What? Resign?!" Daryl Gates looked at the two resignation letters on the table in astonishment, and then looked up at the two deputy directors, Alec Bello and Myron Moore.

Looked at the resignation letter again, looked at the two again.

Director Daryl Gates had disbelief written all over his face.

These two deputy directors who have been emptying him for many years are about to resign?

Mayor Tom has just reached a cooperation agreement with Umbrella. With the participation of Umbrella, Darryl Gates finally has the opportunity to mix sand in the police station.

Just about to start a counterattack quietly, as a result, these two confidants suddenly want to resign...

I've been brewing for 30 years and I haven't hit the punch yet.

"No, why!" The director looked at the two with a puzzled expression.

Not to say I don't want to...

Suddenly it felt a little empty.

"I'm old and don't have the energy to continue in this position." Alec Bello said with a smile.

"I have worked in the police force for so many years. I don't want to spend my whole life on the game with criminals. I don't have much time left. I'm ready to relax and enjoy life while I can still move my body." Myron Moore He turned his head and looked out the window, looking very longing.

The director had a strange expression on his face, and no matter how he thought about it, he felt that things were not so simple.

Isn't this nonsense, two deputy directors applied for resignation at the same time, it would be **** weird if there were no problems here.

"Where are you going? Come on, I don't believe this **** reason." Darryl tossed the two resignation letters aside.

Alec looked at each other and said, "There is a company that will return us to be a consultant."

"Which company?" Daryl frowned.

"Jonas Service Management Company." The two didn't hide it and said it directly.

Even if you don't talk about it now, it will spread among the police in a few days.

"Ah!?" Darryl's expression was twisted, it was obvious that you were kidding me! ?

You don't even need to ask what the company does, just because of the Jonas name, you know what **** you think it is.

Deputy Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, the highest level of the police, go to work for a mafia, I can **** you!

Dare to make a face?

Of course, Daryl definitely couldn't say this, but the meaning was obvious.

There was also a hint of embarrassment on the faces of the two deputy directors, and their eyes became erratic.

This reminds the two of the conversation when Jonas came to the door again.


"I know what the two of you are thinking. I think this is a bit outrageous and embarrassing. It seems to deny the two decades of police career. Am I right?" Jonas smiled and looked at the two of them. "But I don't think it's necessary for the two of you."

"The times have changed, and many things have changed with the times."

"There used to be no political revolving door, isn't there one now?"

"Retired MPs, or after losing the election, these people will also join various business organizations to continue to exert their political influence and get a lot of money."

"Just like our mayor, Mr. Tom, if he doesn't become mayor, he will also join the black-dominated business group to play his residual heat."

"I don't think I need to list more examples. The politicians don't think there is any problem. Why do you two think there is a problem?"

"Those are regular companies." Alec rolled his eyes.

"Wrong, very wrong." Jonas smiled and shook his head. "First, I don't think Monsanto is a serious company. Compared with the harm caused by Monsanto, I'm just a drop in the bucket."

"Secondly, I'm not planning to do anything illegal. I think that after the establishment of Jonas Service Management Company, the related industry disputes will be greatly reduced, and it will make an outstanding contribution to the public security issues in Los Angeles! "

Jonas explained the scope of the company's operations. Both of them are high-level police officers and are very familiar with these gray industries.

For example, in the party service industry, parties, those who have money to find party service companies are rich people, and most of them are men.

Of course, there are also young women who need services...

It's always a lot of beauties.

Different grades, different skin tones, from ordinary party coffee to models, from supermodels to starlets.

If you drink too much and smoke too much at a party, something will always happen.

In this gray industry, there are not a few things that happen to die.

Not only at parties, but also when several companies compete for the scope of services, disputes often arise, leading to fights.

If the Jonas family really stepped in strongly to consolidate these industries across Los Angeles, that would really put the industry in order.

It is no exaggeration to say that the crime rate in Los Angeles has been greatly reduced.

From this point of view, it is indeed contributing to the law and order of Los Angeles...

Although it seems so ironic that a mafia family maintains law and order.

Of course, during this period, dealing with the police is indispensable, to be precise, dealing with it every day.

"What our company needs is the work experience of the two, and the work experience in the police. No one is more familiar with the police than you."

"In dealing with some problems and maintaining the relationship network, if I can get the help of the two of you, it will greatly reduce my burden. Although the two of you have changed the environment and working method, they are still contributing to the law and order of Los Angeles. It's an honor to be a part of it..."

"The most important thing is that these are not illegal, are they?" Jonas said with a smile: "Illegal things are not here, and naturally a professional team will handle them."

"The most important thing is that you don't need to waste much time. The two of you have a high legal income and have a lot of time to enjoy life. Whether at home or abroad, please believe in my strength!" Jonas said, He pointed to himself, and then pointed to the outside.

The two immediately understood that Jonas represented not only Jonas, but also the umbrella and Sean Rockefeller behind the umbrella.

It is said that the power spreads all over the world.

The two nodded without much hesitation, this was definitely not for the high legal income.


"No, it's not right!" Tom looked at Daryl Gates with a serious face. "If those two guys could have been dealt with so easily, I would have dealt with them for so many years!"

"There must be something else going on in here, for sure!" Tom squinted, his mind racing.

Decades of political experience told him that there must be something Darryl didn't notice.

"How the **** did you become the director, Fake, go check it out and check the people below."

"The deputy chief of the Los Angeles Police Department represents not only income, but also power and connections!"

Looking at Daryl who hurried out, Tom's lips wriggled and cursed.

Shit, idiot!

If no one is available, how could he put such a waste in the position of the police chief.

The deputy director resigns, these two positions cannot be vacant all the time, and people must be selected.

These two positions cannot be decided by the mayor, and must be promoted internally.

The political foundation of America is actually the 'grassroots', which guarantees that whether the mayor or governor is a lawyer or an actor or some other eccentric person, whether they know how to run the government or not, the United States will be guaranteed The government is running smoothly.

Mr. Chief: The two stumbling blocks have finally passed. Finally, it is Lao Tzu's turn to cover the sky in the police station. Promote me! !


Looking at the nominees in his hand, Director Darryl looked bewildered, "No, did you make a mistake? Why only two?"

"What about the two people I nominated?"

"They abstained, Mr. Director?" The secretary spread his hands.

Chief: ? ? ?

I can **** you, two deputy chiefs, and I nominated two.

Choose Nima!

Just let them get the upper hand?

Is it because the director of Lao Tzu does not exist?

Jonas: Yes!

Is the overhead director so blatant now?

Anyway, cover it up, you bastard! !

No matter how furious or reluctant Daryl was, it was completely out of his control.

He can't, and Mayor Tom can't intervene, it's a completely different system.

"Idiot, trash!" The matter was reported to the mayor, Tom's angry face... darkened.

"Let me tell you what to do, leave two people, and then you tell me you still can't control the police station, and now the **** LAPD is controlled by a mafia boss!"

"Why don't you die!" Tom was really mad.

Although there is cooperation with Sean, although Jonas is also a black person, although there are some transactions on both sides, they are on the same front.

But power is a must.

"Tell me how he managed the entire Los Angeles Police Department in such a short period of time." Tom asked with a dark face.

Daryl squeezed out an ugly smile. "Sorry, sir, I don't know."

Tom took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

After a long while, Tom exhaled heavily and extended his thumb, "Nice job!"

Throwing the guy out, Tom sat down in his chair with a look of decadence.

Suddenly, I felt that I could actually make the boss of the mafia the police chief, and it wouldn't be worse than this guy...

I don't know why, but this thought popped into my head uncontrollably.


"What the **** do you want to do? Don't think you can do whatever you want with Sean's backing. That's the police force. Do you want to be the sheriff behind the scenes?"

In the hidden box on the second floor of the small hotel, Tom looked at Jonas seriously.

"Mayor Tom, we are our own people, I think you are too nervous." Jonas smiled and picked up the bottle and poured it on Tom.

"I think you are too arrogant. You have to understand that not everyone can interfere in politics. You are playing with fire." Tom stared at Jonas.

Every circle has its own rules. This is not because Tom scare Jonas. The political circle is extremely xenophobic, and it is also particularly resistant to someone trying to manipulate politicians through black material.

After all, no one dares to say that they are clean, and politicians can criticize each other, but if outsiders want to threaten politicians in this way for manipulation, then the insiders will unceremoniously unite and attack people completely. overturned.

Don't think you can do whatever you want with a little bit of black stuff.

That's all bullshit!

Black material is black material in the hands of some people, and in the hands of ordinary people, it will only bring disaster.

This is not to say that you can publish it if you want to.

Even if the opponent gets it, it will be sealed, and it will only be taken out at a critical moment to thunder.

For example, the private collusion between the Reagan government and Yifang, many people know, after all, Yifang's consumption of arms can always be replenished.

Sean also participated quietly, but this matter has never been thunderous.

Does the Donkey Party have a bigger picture?

Obviously not!

It's not time yet.

"Okay, okay, my Lord Mayor, I don't have any desire to participate in politics. You are really too nervous." Jonas smiled and gestured with his glass. Tom had a dark face, but he picked it up helplessly. The glass touched Jonas.

After drinking it, Jonas said: "Can Daryl Gates be a good director?"

"He can't, he doesn't have that ability!"

As soon as these words came out, Tom's face became even more ugly. He felt that Jonas was mocking him for not employing people.

Jonas didn't seem to see it, and continued to say to himself: "I intervened, not to say that I want to control the Los Angeles Police Department, it doesn't make any sense, I'm not a criminal, and I need to collude with the police or something. "

Tom blinked, you're not a criminal?

What made you have this misunderstanding? !

"Manipulating the police can't make me more money, and I'm not drugged." Jonas spread his hands, "It's just that the police management is too chaotic, the law and order in Los Angeles has never been reversed, and the chaotic environment is bound to be The economic development has become slow and difficult, and the gang problem is indeed the main factor, but the poor management of the police is also an important reason.”

"Am I right, Tom?"

Although Tom didn't want to admit it, he had to nod his head. The American police is not a religious organization. It's a job, but it's a little bit special.

"I want to integrate these underground forces in Los Angeles and clean up those mindless guys who only make trouble. This requires the cooperation of the police. It's that simple."

"You think you are the Underground Sheriff!?" Tom said mockingly.

"No, no, it's just an obligation as an American citizen. After all, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility." Jonas said to himself as if he didn't hear the sarcasm.

Tom's black eyes rolled, revealing a big white eye.

At this point, Tom has nothing to do. He has been unable to intervene in the police. "You'd better not cause trouble. Sean won't be able to protect you."

"Cough, I am me, and it has nothing to do with Sean." Jonas coughed and said solemnly.

Tom didn't bother to watch this guy play, so he drank his glass and stood up, pushed the door open, and walked out.

Seriously, still arrogant, Jonas shook the glass and took a sip.

Don't be in a hurry, wait, when everything is smooth and smooth, Jonas will clean up the Los Angeles underground.

Those who only fight and kill will have no value in existence.

The new Peace Hotel is going to be in Los Angeles, maybe send those guys in for a bit of heat.


"Hello, Mr. Ridley Scott." Sean greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Sean, it's nice to meet you." Ridley Scott, who is nearly 50 years old, has silver hair and a pair of sunglasses. He smiled and shook hands with Sean.

After sitting down and having a few chats, Sean got to the point, "What does Mr. Ridley think about this script."

Sean is talking about "The End of the Wild Flower" prepared for Maggie Cheung, director Ridley Scott decided to invite after careful consideration.

Ridley Scott, 49 years old, started shooting short films in 1965, and won the Best Debut Award at the 30th Cannes International Film Festival for the first time he directed a film in 1977. He directed "Alien" two years later, and "Silver Wing" in 1983. Killer", directed "Mysterious Talk" in 1985.

He is not a pure commercial film director. Ridley has done a perfect combination of business and art. The current works will neither make people feel that there is no connotation nor pursue artistic expression too much. So far, there is no record of failure. A very sought after director.

This time Murdoch and Sean bet on "Alien 2" director is a truck driver, not Ridley.

"The script is very deep and critical." Ridley Scott said with a smile: "Mr. Sean's imagination and creative ability are really beyond imagination."

"Hahaha, I think so too!" Sean said humbly: "So, Mr. Ridley agreed to direct this movie."

"Yes, no other surprises."

"Of course there will be no other accidents. I will only designate two heroines. Everything else is up to you, sir. Hollywood people know that I never interfere with the director's shooting." Sean blinked.

Ridley smiled and didn't say a word. It's a big heroine movie. You have designated two heroines. This is called non-interference!

If the script wasn't really good and really moved Ridley deeply, he wouldn't have accepted it.

"I've met the two Miss Zhang and Miss Yin Lisabai, both of them are very talented actors." Ridley said after pondering: "However, this is a big heroine movie, and the two heroines are very talented. Not even famous."

"If you have any requests, Mr. Ridley can ask." Sean said with a smile.

"In the casting of several supporting actors, I hope to invite some big-name stars, big-name stars who can support the box office." Ridley said looking into Sean's eyes.

A big-name male star who can support the box office to play for two little-known women is a self-inflicted identity, and it is not good to say it.

This not only costs a lot of money, but also has enough connections to get the other party to nod.

Because once the two female protagonists can't support it, even a few male supporting characters will be implicated.

This is the most difficult.

"No problem, has anyone chosen?" Sean said indifferently.

"Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, a lot of them are fine, there's no shortage of top Hollywood actors, but I need two, one is the sheriff who tracks down the two girls, and one who completely transforms the protagonist. Thief," Ridley said.

"Oh...great!" Sean slammed his mouth, "How much money do you think you can get these two."




Sean raised his hand and touched his forehead. He suspected that Ridley would take him as his son...

"Two male stars, supporting roles, ask me to shell out $16 million, so how much will the production cost of the entire film?"

"Around 30 million." Ridley thought for a while and said.

"The production cost of Die Hard is less than 40 million yuan, and his current box office performance has exceeded 100 million yuan. So, how much box office do you think Crazy Flower can have?"

"This is a feature film, an art film... so." Ridley spread his hands.

"That's one of the reasons why I invited you here, right." Sean's face sank.

Ridley shrugged. If he chooses the two leading actresses, it doesn't matter if the production cost is lower, but the problem is that you arranged them both.

Shawn slaps it, of course he knows this rule, but his money is not brought by the wind.

"I'll find you one handsome guy." Sean thought about the handsome guy who would be famous in the future in his mind.

"For male stars...there is only one, but I will also have requirements for the box office." Sean tilted his head and thought, Tom Cruise?

The future husband of the Australian big white girl?

Do you want to let the big white girl make a cameo in the play?

Cough, cough, think about it, it's quite exciting...

"It's not just about being handsome. Hollywood has no shortage of handsome guys." Ridley frowned.

"Of course it's a handsome guy with acting skills. Of course, it doesn't matter if you're not satisfied, you can find it yourself." Sean said indifferently: "I'll give you 20 million in the budget, and I won't add any more, since there is the hottest Tom Crewe recently. For Si's participation, the box office must earn at least 60 million, is there a problem?"

Ridley tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded.

He still quite likes this script and has the potential to win awards.

The investor is also one of the eight majors, and he has a lot of advantages in publicity and film arrangement. He feels that it is not a big problem.

Of course, it is even better to have a double harvest of commercial art.

After Ridley left, Sean didn't get up where he sat.

Upstairs, the two women heard that there was no sound below, so they began to probe their brains, and when they saw Sean sitting alone, they walked downstairs.

Both of them heard the conversation just now, the investment of 20 million US dollars, the big heroine.

A well-known director in Hollywood, the hottest Hollywood niche at the moment gave the two of them a cup of coffee, which newcomer can get this treatment when they debut in Hollywood!

Yin Lisabai walked behind Maggie Cheung and looked at this woman with envy.

She knows, don't look at her as the No. 1 heroine, but Sean's film was specially written for Maggie Cheung, and she just borrowed it all.

Zhang Manyu walked quickly to Sean, pursed her lips, her face was full of gratitude, but she didn't know what to say.

Sean beckoned, Zhang Manyu consciously walked over and sat beside Sean and hugged his arm, Yin Lisabai also came over and sat on the other side, grabbed Sean's hand and put it on her thigh.

Zhang Manyu glanced at it and said nothing. Now, she only sees Sean and only love.

No obscure woman would say no to a man who was willing to invest $20 million in her.

That's the beauty of money.

While hugging one and lingering for a while, Sean got up and took the two girls to eat out.

After dinner, Sean personally sent Yin Lisabai to the car.

Yin Lisabai is a very sensible woman.

As soon as Yin Lisabai left, Maggie Cheung was left alone. She blushed because she just drank or thought of something.

Without sending Maggie Cheung back to the hotel, the two returned to Sean's villa by car.

"The casting will start in a few days. Taking advantage of this time, I will arrange for the best acting teacher to teach you how to act."

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely study hard, and I will never embarrass you." Zhang Manyu nodded heavily, he was a very strong woman.

This is also the reason why she has won many film festivals in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and won the best actress award at the 42nd Berlin International Film Festival and the 57th Cannes International Film Festival among the three major film festivals.

And after withdrawing from the big screen, she was recognized by the Oscar and became one of the judges. She is one of the most successful Chinese actresses.

"Of course, life is actually the best teacher." Sean wrapped Maggie Cheung's waist in one hand, lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "With enough life experience, you can better understand the heart of the character."

Zhang Manyu's cheeks were blushing, her legs were involuntarily clamped, and she had the feeling of going into battle in a vacuum last time.

so exciting...

"Then, what kind of life experience is it?" Zhang Manyu's heart beat faster, but she forced herself to remain calm and asked.

"For example, a real rendition."

"What interpretation!?"

Xiao En put Maggie Cheung on the wall, "I'm sorry to bother you again, it's raining outside."

This is a line in which the character played by Maggie Cheung fell asleep when the liar was found in "The End of the Wild Flower".

Maggie Cheung was short of breath when she saw Sean...

Di Shen was in a quiet and happy spring night, and all the heart flutters disappeared. The flowers and leaves once broke the core of the flower, and the willow chui shook the willow branches.

The golden guns fought fiercely in three thousand battles, and the silver candles came to Qi Bajiao. It does not hinder the musculoskeletal resistance of the two bodies, and even removes a roll to go to the cloud bridge.


Early the next morning,

Maggie Cheung knows the taste of the marrow, and Sean is the new lover, just wake up early in the morning, you farm my farmland, and somehow they explore each other again.

Jiaojiao and the beautiful lady spend the spring night, Hong Luo warms the bed and shakes the bed, the first and the second are called, the third and the fourth are together.

This acting class has to be postponed for a day.


At the door of the room, Le Huizhen pouted and pouted.

Breakfast was ready, and seeing that the two of them were still not getting down, Le Huizhen was about to come up and shout, and as soon as she came up, she heard this kind of voice that made people unable to close their legs.

Le Huizhen blushed, and she didn't know why she was standing at the door, but she didn't leave.

Not eating breakfast is bad for your health!

What Lu Xun said!

Thinking about it, I raised my hand.

Yes, I just came to call Sean to dinner.

no other meaning.

Thinking about it, I tapped my hand.

"bang bang bang"

"Ah... who is it!" Sean shouted forcefully from his waist.

"Eat, eat, breakfast." As soon as she heard Xiao En's voice, Le Huizhen lost most of her confidence, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

Sean's mouth slowly hung up, eat, breakfast! ?

With a few quick and powerful strokes, Sean raised his gun and walked away to open the door.



With two screams, Maggie Cheung and Le Huizhen shouted at the same time.

"Come in, you, uncle, I'm the best at cooking breakfast!" With an evil smile on his face, Sean pulled Le Huizhen into the room.


During this trip to Los Angeles, what Sean planned was basically completed.

The formation of the two crews was also allocated to Sean, and he finally relaxed for a while.

During the day, Maggie Cheung is going to take an acting class.

Le Huizhen was also tired of staying at home, so she said she wanted to go out to work and also wanted to be a reporter.

Xiao En arranged Le Huizhen directly to New Century Media, whoever wanted to do whatever he wanted.

In this way, the two girls had something to do during the day, and when they came back at night, they lived a life without shame and shame with Sean.

Sean is certainly not without a thing.

The two pieces of land he selected have not been dealt with by the government department.

Some houses were burnt, but others were intact.

If the government wants to develop, it must be an overall development, but these people do not want to move away, and the two sides start to argue.

"Mayor Tom, every day you delay is a lot of money!" Sean came to the door.

"Of course I know that, but the government can't enforce it!" Tom looked at Sean helplessly. He had never seen anyone so impatient, and others had never urged him.

In the past few days, Sean called every day to ask about the progress, and Tom's brain hurt when he asked.

"Then it can't just be delayed like this. The government always has to come up with some solutions, but the problem is, we have seen even the slightest effective measures." Sean tapped on the table.

Tom slapped his forehead hard, "What can Mr. Sean do?"

"I'm convinced too!" Sean spat, "Two ways, the first is to oppress people with righteousness."

"I will let the TV station cooperate and interview people whose houses were burnt down, and let them publish interviews that they want the government to fund the relocation and rebuild their homes, but the government can only get enough investment because of the overall development, so …”

Tom's eyes lit up, "So, the government can only try its best to persuade now, and some people just saw the difficulties of the government, so the lion opened their mouths and wanted to get more money from the government."

"Yes, use public opinion to oppress them and let their neighbors isolate them. Because of their greed, the reconstruction process in Los Angeles has been delayed, and the affected people have been delayed in returning to normal production and life." Sean nodded in approval.

"It's a good way!" Tom was in a good mood. Of course, it wasn't that he couldn't come up with this solution, but that the TV station and the media needed to cooperate.

Under normal circumstances, it would be good for the government not to be hacked by the media.

"There's another way," Tom asked.

"Outsourcing." Sean pulled out a meaningful smile, "The government offers a reasonable price to outsource the demolition work of a certain place to a certain company. During the contract period, the other party must complete the demolition task on time."

"Well, the company must be a legally registered company." Sean added at the end.

"Is the company you're talking about yourself?" Tom looked at Sean with a weird expression, what kind of outsourcing, isn't this the use of illegal means?

"Are you kidding me, I will make this kind of dirty money, Shawn I don't want to lose face?" Sean rolled his eyes.

Hearing what Sean said, Tom squinted and thought about it. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this method was very good.

Outsourcing, the other party must rack their brains in order to complete the task on time. Of course, if the other party uses any illegal means, then it is also the other party's own business. It has nothing to do with the government, and it has nothing to do with itself!

This is equivalent to completing the task and throwing the pot clean. The only thing I am afraid of is that someone will do things too unscrupulously and make some big news.

Tom looked at Sean, and he still had to ask the guy in front of him for such a bad thing.

"Of course it's in the to restrict the other party from using illegal means, otherwise all the consequences will be borne by Party B, and Party A can terminate the contract at any time." Sean obviously did not see what Tom was thinking. Instead, give the answer directly.

After all, they are all successful experiences summed up in previous lives.

"In addition, taking illegal means is inherently very low-level, and it is best to be in harmony with each other. This is a bit complicated."

"That's not as good as Sean, no, no, no, I mean, let Mr. Jonas set up a company to teach everyone a good lesson." Tom looked at Sean with a smile.

Sean frowned and looked at Tom, "Why do I feel like you're thinking something nasty."

"Haha, haha, how is it possible, Mr. Sean misunderstood, I mean, Mr. Sean is a real business genius, there are always unexpected ways, yes, that's it." Tom sneered.

"Fake!" Sean cursed irritably, he really didn't want to drag along with the government.

Tom smiled meaningfully.

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