America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 386: : He gave too much

Chapter 379 He Gives Too Much

What is the French Revolution!

In exchange for a wave of comprehensive blockade, the other party directly confiscates French assets!

Do you know how much French assets are in Morocco?

France agreed to Morocco's independence for more than 20 years, and the common language of Morocco is French...

Independence is just the withdrawal of the army, but the French investment is still there.

If the French want to withdraw Morocco, they can't let it go. Morocco will collapse and become as poor as other African brothers!

This is why Morocco's economic structure has always existed to assist France.

Not all countries want independence...

What is a magical reality? Many small countries in West Africa are like this. They desperately do not want the French to withdraw their troops, and they do not want independence. Even if the United Nations forces it, they are just pretending.

They know very well that the French are gone and they will immediately return to their natural state.

So, the biggest losses are the French!

Why is Sean in the end, he has only been in Morocco for a few days.

When Sean asked Moulay Sheedy to confiscate French property, Moulay Sheidi almost jumped for joy.

It is not as simple as making up for the losses in the comprehensive blockade stage. Not to mention the losses of several major families, the fundamental reason why small and medium-sized capitals in Morocco and even the middle class quietly accept it is here!

French capital is deeply involved in all aspects of Morocco. Many factories and even shops are French.

For the small and medium-sized capital and middle class in Morocco, the best result is that these assets are confiscated and given directly to the operators to make up for their losses.

The worst result is also 'stage free', the longer this time, the more they earn.

This is the reason why Moulay Sheedy agreed to give Sean all the French and Spanish industries related to the phosphate mine. He needed Sean to carry the thunder!

To be more precise, it needs Sean to persuade the big beauty to carry the thunder.



In Paris, countless people flooded the streets again, carrying banners, holding cardboards, shouting slogans, and heading towards government departments.

Here are all the people who have suffered losses from the French capital, including related industries. There are many people. Paris is only a small part, and other cities are demonstrating.

In fact, the largest number of people in the Paris parade were stock market losers.

What a pitfall! !

Then there are the residents of Paris who are not too serious to watch the fun. Whether it is related to them is not important. How can they not participate in such an interesting event?

What is France?

France is to work 6 hours from Monday to Friday, and participate in various protests on Saturday and Sunday!

The time arrangement is very regular, 5 days of accumulating grievances, 2 days of venting, scientific and reasonable!

What is an old revolutionary base?.JPG

What is a base area.JPG

Not even a nationwide demonstration, mainly in Paris and the southern port cities...

The French president wants to die!

For such a long time, the French did not do anything, and knew the mastermind behind all this - Sean.

It was Sean's matchmaking that made Moulay Sheedy so tough with the help of many American companies!

You really want to make money, you say, France will give you...


Joint military exercises are necessary. This is a matter of attitude. Not only the French are marching, but Spain is also not stopping.

A week later, on the west coast of Morocco, at 15 nautical miles.

The Spanish fleet and the French fleet are heading towards this position. The location of the military exercise is very close to the coast of Morocco. If you stand a little higher, you can see it clearly!

It's just to scare you, and it's low-key when a missile doesn't fly over your head!

According to the UNCLOS, the territorial sea is 12 nautical miles, and 12-24 is the adjoining area, not to mention that the UNCLOS was only adopted at the meeting, and it has not yet come into effect.

According to the historical process, it will be until 1994, and the rabbit was approved in 1996.

Anyway, they want to exercise, Morocco has nothing to do, not to mention that their navy was half emptied by Sean's round of super sea sparrows last time, even if it is not emptied, those broken ships with a displacement of several hundred tons have no deterrent at all.

There is still one day before the military exercise, and the air route is directly cut off. Don't watch Sean tease when he was interviewed. It is him. Ordinary shipping companies do not have the courage to pass through the designated military exercise area.


"It's okay, it's me!"

Moulay Sheedy came to the door, and Sean waved his hand indifferently. Just as the route was blocked, Sean boarded the flagship, and the battleship group drove towards this coordinate.

As soon as I heard that Sean was leaving, the top floor of the high-rise hotel by the sea in Rabat was immediately wrapped up. There was nothing else, so I wanted to see it for myself.

They are not qualified to board the Umbrella guided missile destroyer fleet, which is only qualified by Moulay Shedi and senior officials of the military and government, and the patriarchs of several major families.

In fact, Moulay Sheidi and others are not qualified, don't look at your king, there are more kings...

But Sean gives face.

As for the ordinary rich people in Morocco, the children of big families, they don't even have the qualifications to take a flight to see them from a distance.

But this didn't delay them from wrapping up the top floor of the hotel and using binoculars to see from a distance.

This level of confrontation, even if it doesn't really open fire, is thrilling enough.

This is all bragging capital, good guy, everyone will blow it up in the future, everyone else has seen it, but you don't, you are not worthy of drinking with everyone!

Let alone the fleet.

It was only a dozen nautical miles away, and the blockade area had to be drawn. In less than 20 minutes, patrol boats for the peripheral blockade of the joint exercise drove over from the side of the battleship.

"Come on." In the command room, Robert A. Owens said with a pursed mouth and a smile.

Sure enough, the public channel broadcast sounded: This is the joint military exercise area, please detour immediately, please detour immediately.

"What's the matter?" Everyone looked at Sean, as long as the war wasn't officially launched, Sean would call the shots.

"How do I feel..." Sean touched his chin, "The speed of these patrol boats is getting slower and slower."

Pfft... Hahahaha, a burst of laughter sounded in the command room.

The people on the patrol boat are not fools. As soon as the protective umbrella battle group is dispatched, both France and Spain know it, and they are here to make trouble.

It's one thing to know that it's here to make trouble, and it's another thing to deal with it. You can only send out a patrol boat to test it out, even if you know it's useless.

The people on the patrol boat also know it's useless, and I really expect them to intercept them, do they deliver meals?

Sean smiled and picked up the intercom: What did you say? Can't hear clearly, the signal is not good, you say it again! !

Everyone: "..."

Putting down the intercom, Sean said with a smirk, "Leave a little angle and hit it."

Robert A. Owens looked at the intercom, and rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, "Boss, can you turn off the intercom before you speak!"

"This is very bad!"

French Commander: (╬◣д◢)

Pfft... Hahahahaha, the command room burst into laughter again.

Sean stretched out his hand to turn off the intercom, dumbfounded, he really forgot, he reached out and lit everyone in the command room, you guys, it's too much!

But it doesn't matter, it's just 'today's milk method'.

The ones who laughed the loudest were Moulay Sheedy and others, who had never been so open!

Even though they had been very pleasant to get along with the French in the past few years, it didn't stop them from showing their little tongues of laughter at this time.

It's like watching the manga of the Three Migrant Workers, but everyone came to laugh at them when they were unlucky in their childhood.

In the command room on the French side, seeing that Sean's fleet really turned around and rammed into the patrol boat, he really really wanted to order the patrol boat to hit them!

If the French soldier was killed, Sean would have to bear a lot of responsibility.

The problem is that the Western social system and culture does not allow them to give such orders that are clearly designed to die.

And even if he ordered it, the soldiers on the patrol boat could not execute it and sue them in turn.

Of course, it was said otherwise during the war, but it is definitely not possible now.

Not to mention throwing a row of missiles in the past, just think about it.

Just take the signal as it is really bad, anyway, there are no 'outsiders' around here, and the news will never get out. Sean will also have a tacit understanding of this.

So, from a distance, a group of Moroccan nobles at the top of the seaside hotel saw such a scene in the telescope.

The umbrella battleship group suddenly adjusted its direction slightly, and rushed towards several patrol boats in France.

A patrol boat with a displacement of more than 200 tons looks so petite and weak in front of a behemoth with a displacement of more than 6,000 tons...

A fleet rolled over, and several patrol boats didn't say a word, they suddenly made a circle and turned around and ran, and the speed was directly pulled to full. It was a battle group, spread out and occupied several nautical miles, and if it was slow, it was a death.

The running action is so smooth and the speed is so fast, it is very French!

A group of Moroccan nobles screamed and howled, never so excited!

In fact, even if Mohammed VI is here, he will be excited. At best, he is a right-leaning capitulationist.

The knife is a quick success, and it lives up to the head of the young man. How many people remember that Wang Jingwei wrote this impassioned poem, and he was also a passionate young man in his early years.

(PS: The stone is insane, and the waves are full of sorrow. The solitary flight is tireless, and the seagulls float in shame. The purple and bright red, I know it is difficult to render. Chu prisoner. Lead the knife into a quick success, and live up to the young man's head. Keep the heart and soul, and pay the robbery ashes. The green phosphorescence will not be extinguished, and it will shine on Yantai every night.)

After all, not everyone can think casually, and don't compare Wang Jingwei with the loyalty of the whole family. This is the biggest humiliation that Wang Jingwei received after his death!

The French speedboat ran away, Sean did not order to chase, and entered the exercise field diagonally along the line just now.

At this moment, the Umbrella's fleet is about 20 kilometers away from the French and Spanish fleets, almost forming an equilateral triangle.

No one moved, just confronted each other like this.

Now that there is still one day before the start of the exercise, the commanders of France and Spain have gathered together urgently, which is very troublesome to deal with.

"What should I do?" The Spaniard said eagerly as soon as they met and closed the door of the room.


"Definitely not. How can I say it when I ask, I was frightened by a private security company? There's nothing I can do? Crazy!"

The Spaniard rubbed his face, "Well, you're right, but I really can't think of a way."

"You must have an attitude. It is impossible to fight. You and I, including the people above, know this, and the other side also knows it." After all, it is one of the five permanent members, and it is so unbearable to be ridiculed outside.

In contrast, in terms of military power in this era, the United States and the Soviet Union are the first echelon, Britain and France are the second echelon, as for the east... The defensive marine warfare ranks first in the world, and the marine warfare is the first echelon.

Other countries are simply not comparable.

"I don't know what the Moroccans have given him, but his purpose is to sabotage this exercise, and we must not let him sabotage it, it's about face, so..."

The two said in unison, "Talk about it!"

Soon, the communication was connected to Sean, and Sean made a silent gesture to the others, and then said, "Hi, good afternoon, both of you."

"Without you." The Frenchman snorted coldly.

"Hahaha, the two of you, the weather is very sunny, are you interested in having a drink!"

"Okay, Mr. Sean, there's not much time, you know, you can't stop us from conducting military exercises and say your conditions." The French have no good feelings for this man who has repeatedly ridiculed them.

"Of course, of course not, I know, but so what." Sean smiled, "I won't stop you, but you can't stop my ship from moving here!"

"You, are you crazy?!" the Spanish commander shouted: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course, it doesn't matter, you can let go of your hands and feet, it doesn't matter, you can smash the boat to pieces and kill everyone on the boat at any time, I don't care." Sean's voice was indifferent, "I have already selected it. It is a huge contract that can immediately retire and live a rich life. Even if they die, the beneficiaries they leave behind can get a large sum of money, which is enough to live safely. compensation!"

"It's only a few dozen people. If I can afford it, my employer is willing to double it!"

"Trust me, I won't let them fight back, not a single shell will be fired, you'll be safe."

"There is nothing in this world that can't be solved with money. If there is, it's because you paid back, no, enough!" Sean's voice was not loud, but the domineering tone in his voice made the two deeply feel it.

"You are, you are a rogue!!" The French commander and the Spanish commander looked at each other, their eyes full of irritability and helplessness.

The two did not doubt the authenticity of Sean's words.

Those who can still be mercenaries after retiring, either have no other life skills, or are desperadoes, these people definitely dare to gamble with you.

Not to mention France and Spain, Moroccans in the command room could not laugh or cry, but attitudes were completely two concepts.

Moulay Sheedy stretched out **** and gestured hard, double, I double, **** them!

Sean grinned silently, look, someone doubled!

The Moroccan royal family is very rich!

"The means don't matter, believe me, I'm a businessman, a very pure businessman, I'll give my life to anyone who gives money!" Sean was not angry at all, his tone was still so relaxed, "So, let's talk, how about it."

"The weather is so good, it's too unpleasant to fight and kill, hurry up and enjoy life."

The French and Spanish commanders looked at each other and let out a long sigh. Sean must be a rogue. They really couldn't think of a good way.

Rabat's side can only see the confrontation between the three sides through the binoculars. No one knows what happened. Suddenly, three yachts set off from the dock and quickly rushed towards the exercise site.

I saw a speedboat approaching the inside of the umbrella battle group, parked near the flagship for a while and then started again.

The other two approached the French battle group separately, and the last three speedboats docked together after meeting in the middle of the three parties.

The French and Spanish commanders got off the yacht and boarded Sean's boat. Sean laughed as soon as they met, and gave a big hug, "Nice to meet you, Thompson Ya. Elvis."

"I'm not happy at all!" The hugged man rolled his eyes and said through gritted teeth, "He's Thompson!!"

"Uh... it's okay, don't feel sorry, after all, it's the first time we met, then you are Jonson Arnold, I'm very happy to meet you." Sean patted him on the back.

Jonson Arnold's face is black, damn, when am I so sorry.

Sean let go of Jonson Arnold and gave another hug.

Thompson and Jonson looked at each other and felt helpless. Well, according to the rumors, this Sean is irritable, cruel, ruthless, and greedy. Looking at it now, it is not accurate at all, and a very important point is missing, shameless, Do anything to achieve the goal.

It makes no sense for a billionaire with a fortune to do this.

The two sat down in the cabin, and the yacht that had just picked up the two started to leave and stopped a few hundred meters away. The captain of Sean's yacht had already left, and now there were only three people on board.

"I don't understand why you suddenly started helping the Moroccans." Jonson Arnold asked with a frown.

Sean shrugged, "I can't help it, but the Moroccans give too much, and no one can refuse it!"

Two people: ! ! !

"Don't look at me like that, really." Sean sighed heavily, his face full of helplessness. "At first, the Moroccans told me that I would give you twice as much as the Western Saharan."

"I refused without hesitation. Although I'm just a businessman, I, Sean, pay attention to credibility. Later, they offered three times the price, and I still refused. But do you know what price they offered in the end?"

The two really despised Sean's behavior, but they were still attracted by these words and couldn't help asking, "How much."

"10 times!!" Sean waved his fist fiercely, "I'm just a businessman, I must follow my heart."

The two looked at each other. Although they didn't know what price Cisa offered, they knew one thing. Cisa gave all the phosphate mining rights, while Morocco paid 10 times!

In exchange for the two of them...they couldn't refuse.

Oh shit!

Damn rich man!

Damn Moroccan!

Sean's eyes swept over the two of them, and he understood that the two of them had already felt his determination and given too much money.

"I have only one thing to ask you two over." Sean looked at the two with a smile.

I don't know why, seeing Sean's smile, the two of them shivered for no reason, as if something terrible was about to happen, their heart beat faster and their breathing was heavy.

Smiling, Sean didn't speak, got up and walked behind a silver cabinet in the cabin, looked up at the two of them, and then pushed hard, with a 'boom', the silver cabinet fell into the cabin.

The two were stunned by Sean's action, what is this for?

Under the confused gazes of the two, Sean turned to the front again. Sean began to move the cabinet with all his might, shaking while moving, only to see stacks of green US dollar bills rolling out, clattering, covering Xiao Well at the foot.

A lot of dollar bills rolled to the feet of the two of them, and both of them began to breathe heavily.

After a long time of exhaustion, Sean lifted the empty cabinet again, took a deep breath, stretched out his foot and kicked the money pile, and the money pile flew around. The banknotes flew out of the window, and subconsciously, the two of them left their seats, almost uncontrollably reaching for them.

Fortunately, I controlled it, I was almost embarrassed!

The sound of 'putong' and 'putong' falling into the water sounded, and the two of them moved their ears.

The two are very smart, of course they know what Sean is doing.

"You two!" Sean stepped on the money pile, clapped his hands, looked at the two with a smile and said, "Now, are we friends?"

The two looked at Sean with stunned expressions, at a loss for a while.

It's not that the two don't like money, no one doesn't like money, especially the green knife.

But the two couldn't understand why Sean took out so much money!

The two hold high positions in the French and Spanish armies, and are qualified to be the commanders of a maritime battle group. Even if it is only a temporary exercise, they are quite a number of figures in the army.

When they reach their status, they really can't collect money casually.

Therefore, neither of them made a sound.

"Okay, okay, it seems that my sincerity is not enough!" Sean smiled and walked to the other side, which was a small wine cabinet.

Seeing his lover, Sean opened the cabinet door. There was no wine in the wine cabinet, but it was more valuable than wine!

All are green knives, piled up in the entire wine cabinet.

Sean stretched out his hand and began to pull out forcefully. In the sound of "creeping", the beautiful knives piled higher and higher on the ground...

The heartbeats of the two were getting faster and faster. Finally, the Frenchman Jonson Arnold couldn't help it, and hoarsely roared: "Damn, Sean, stop, stop."

"What's wrong!" Sean turned around, the corners of his mouth hung to one side, and he smiled evilly.

"Damn, what the **** are you doing, make it clear."

"Make friends, I only talk to friends!"

"Well God, we are friends now, say your purpose!"

"My friend." Sean walked back with a smile, kicked away the stacks of beautiful knives at his feet, sat down and said, "I never embarrass my friends!"

"This farce in Morocco should end. They have delayed too many things. It's not good for anyone to continue!"

"So what?" Jonson Arnold glanced at the Spaniard.

"In this military exercise, you can't kill me, and I can't let you exercise quietly, so now we need a scene." Sean pointed to himself, then to the two of them, "One A naval confrontation is like an exercise, the victor can be you, but I can't lose, everyone can explain it."

"As for the future, we will talk about it later."

"Believe me, I have a way to reinvigorate Morocco, and the two, just in time, are God's arrangements."

"This..." The two hesitated.

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