America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 538: : Solo・Strong background・Si

This is the first time that Soros realized that bragging is actually a very dangerous thing, and if one is not good, he may blow himself into it!

He swears that in the future, he will only speak seven points...

Forget it, in the future, except for black people, you must say seven points and keep three points! Of course, there is no meaning of looking down on the IQ of black brothers here.

Soros still likes this group of black buddies very much, and he is in a hurry with anyone who says black buddies are not good!

Sean shook off Soros's hands several times, and lifted his feet up, as if you grab me again, I'll kick you, and finally calmed Soros down.

Legends, legends, Xiao En never looked at his age when beating people, and his attacks were particularly dark!

"Mr. Sean, listen to me, really, it's not that I don't want to bring you along, we are not shorting in the foreign exchange market (foreign exchange margin trading)." Soros wiped the sweat from his brow, he had to give Sean explained clearly the reason for this. "Okay, tell me, let's see how many tricks you can come up with." Sean folded his arms and stared at Soros with a displeased expression.

"You must know what shorting is. The foreign exchange market can also be shorted, but this kind of shorting is based on the depreciation of the other party's currency."

"Didn't we just determine when the pound will depreciate?" Sean asked coldly.

"Yes, we know that the pound will definitely depreciate, but when? This time is uncontrollable." Soros adjusted his mood and became confident in finance again, "Just one point, among the member states of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, Not only the UK is facing problems, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Spain, including France, are all facing economic recession, only Germany's economy is improving and rising."

"If someone short-sells in the foreign exchange market, then, at this time, the British finance minister and 13 other countries jointly negotiate with the Germans. Is it possible for the Germans to cooperate? Several of their countries raise interest rates, and Germany cuts interest rates. It doesn’t take long to raise their currency, with a leverage of 20-400 times, most speculators can blow up their positions in a few days!”

"It's too risky!" Soros said firmly.

Sean rubbed his chin. He knows a lot of financial operations. Even if he is a top student who graduated from the finance department of a few famous universities, he has theoretical experience at most.

Sean only knew that Soros had succeeded in his previous life, and in this life, because he stood taller, saw more, found the cause of the problem, and because he didn't like the British, he planned to make some money by the way, but he I don't know exactly how Soros operates.

"Go ahead." Sean raised his hand, his face remained unchanged, and Soros was still under a lot of pressure.

"We concluded that the British pound and the currencies of several other countries will depreciate. We want to make this money, but the method must not bind the timeline." Soros continued: "Our method of operation, to put it simply, is to start with The targeted countries are lending a lot of their national currency and then dumping it in the financial markets, converting it all into dollars.”

"Among the total foreign exchange reserve currencies in the world, the US dollar, British pound, franc, mark, and Japanese yen account for 98% of all foreign exchange reserves, and the currencies of other countries have no value at all in the market!"

"It doesn't matter if you sell a small amount. Once the amount exceeds the red line of the financial market, their currency will inevitably plummet. In order to save their currency, they can only use US dollars to buy their currency to ensure the balance of the market. However, how much money does their central bank have? What about dollars?"

"As long as we sell hard enough to consume all the dollars in their hands, the result is, wow!" Soros made a downward gesture and said excitedly: "They can only give up their national currency and let it fall. .”

"At this time, we will repay the debt in U.S. dollars according to the market exchange ratio, and the rest will be our profit."

"Of course, it's not that we don't enter the foreign exchange market to short, but this must be after we start operating their currency."

"Sounds good, but." Sean frowned at Soros, "Then what does that have to do with you not taking my 10 billion?"

"It doesn't take that much!" Soros said bitterly, his face froze. "Take the UK as an example. Their financial industry is very developed, but the UK's foreign exchange reserves are only 44 billion US dollars."

"As for other small countries in Europe, their foreign exchange reserves are even lower. For example, Finland, Sweden, etc., their foreign exchange reserves are less than US$2 billion!"

"Even if you invest 10 billion yuan, it won't be needed." Soros spread his hands, looking helpless.

"Uh... Sean blinked his eyes, no, are you kidding me, foreign exchange reserves are so low?

Sean remembered that the foreign exchange reserves in the north were only 11 billion US dollars at that time, and he was still talking about the low foreign exchange reserves and no money.

You are a developed country in Europe, you told me that the total foreign exchange reserves are less than 2 billion? Bah, disgusting!

Of course, he didn't feel that Soros dared to lie to him, and borrowed some courage from this bad old man.

So, are the people in the north too prepared for danger in times of peace, or are Europeans just bragging? Actually neither...

It’s because the plate in the north is too big, it’s huge, and 21% of the world’s population can crush these small European countries to death with just any movement.

Thailand, one of the four Asian tigers, had a total foreign exchange reserve of only US$24 billion in 1997.

Sean frowned for a while, and licked his lips, "I remember you just said that you will also short the foreign exchange market after you start to act."

"Yes, but it doesn't take so much money!" Soros didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "My dearest and most respected sir, the plates of these small countries are too small, do you know how big a storm will be caused by 10 billion entering the financial market? That is where the minimum leverage is 20 times, but in fact, even the most conservative operators will not use less than 50 times leverage, and aggressive operators will use 200 times leverage.”

"Throwing in a billion dollars, 50 times can play a role of 50 billion dollars."

"For example, Finland's GDP last year was only US$140 billion, Sweden's GDP was only US$260 billion, and its foreign exchange reserves were less than US$2 billion. How could they have a market of US$50 billion in the foreign exchange market?"

"Isn't it said that the foreign exchange market is a financial wave? How much money is thrown into it is a drop of water?" Sean frowned more and more, which was different from what he knew.

"No, who said that, this, this... Soros can't laugh or cry, "This so-called drop of water has to be divided into whoever puts it in. A drop of water for ordinary people is tens of thousands of dollars, and your hand is 10 billion. ..."

"Do you know how many countries in the world have foreign exchange reserves exceeding US$10 billion?" Sean replied with some guilt: "50? Can't it be less?"

Soros resisted the urge to roll his eyes and drew a number, "10! Most of them are just over 10 billion!"

"So little?" Sean was startled, "Impossible, I know that group of local tyrants in the Middle East, whose foreign exchange reserves are tens of billions!"

"As you said, it's the Middle East. A group of oil sellers. Who would talk to them about finance?" Soros smiled and shook his head. They are all more than 20 billion, and they reserve dollars not because they need so much foreign exchange, but because they have to do this, and they must follow the route set by the United States!"

"Besides, what is the use of their own currency? Those rich people in their country use US dollars on weekdays!"

"In addition, foreign exchange reserves and US dollars are two different concepts. Foreign exchange reserves belong to the national bank and are the money of the country, not in the hands of private individuals." Soros explained again.

Well, Sean let out a sigh of relief. He really didn’t pay attention to these data. They are all inherent impressions. The problem is that these impressions come from decades later. Now the foreign exchange reserves of all countries in the world except the United States are more than that.

The disordered timeline caused Sean to misjudge many things, and the current financial market is just about to embark on the fast lane.

Take the United States as an example. Before 90 years, the real

It was not until after 1995 that the high-value-added hollowing out of high-tech and finance as the mainstay began, and Wall Street became an important force leading the United States.

Before that, Wall Street was just a foil and white glove for those big names in the real economy.

It is also a few decades later, when billions and tens of billions of dollars are thrown into the financial market, it is like a drop of water. "Fuck!" Sean scolded irritably, "I don't care, don't say it, anyway, I want to invest money!" Soros was stunned, and crystal tears fell out of his big cloudy eyes. .

"Fuck, don't cry, stop!" Sean couldn't take it anymore, you are a f*ck, a person in his 60s, what do you look like when you cry, if you don't know, you think something is wrong with me you.

"Wait, okay, wait, we have to take it step by step, and we will talk about it when we apply it to the British, but the British can't afford such a large amount..." Soros snot and tears, eyes It was all sad, "When we make a move, Wall Street will definitely follow suit. It is impossible to eat alone. How can there be so many shares!"

In Soros' plan, in the end, it must be done with the strength of Wall Street, and everyone will be beaten to death if they eat alone.

If people make trouble at that time, things will get out of control.

Damn, Sean started cursing, "Then tell me, how much can you take!" His purpose is to clean up the British, and he can't ruin his own business.

"20" Soros took a sneak peek, saw Sean's brows raised again, and quickly changed his words: "3 billion, the most, I can't say any more, we have to increase leverage, even the lowest leverage will become 60 billion Ah, it’s more than the UK’s foreign exchange reserves, how can I let those big banks get a piece of the pie.”

"Why do you have to find those big banks?" Xiao En didn't understand, so he asked.

"If you don't go to a big bank, how can you lend money? Even if it's a small country like Finland, if I, Soros, go to borrow money, they might be alert immediately. How could they lend me money? Who doesn't know about my Quantum Fund? What is it for!" Soros looked helpless, his reputation was bad, and it was hard to borrow money.

Uh... Sean scratched his head, it really is.

These countries are not stupid. If Soros borrows the Finnish mark, the Italian lira, and the British pound, it is no wonder that they will lend you. What's the difference between that and handing over the submachine gun to yourself?

Sending death is not like this.

Sean Bank is also a major international bank, but he really can't participate in it. His obligations are mainly in South America, Southeast Asia, and North Africa.

If the currencies of these countries are needed, he can help with turnover and lending, but his business has not yet extended to Europe.

"Okay, okay, it's settled like this, that's it, you go." Sean started to wave his hands to drive people away, what the hell, there is still money to spend these days, it's disgusting!

Soros breathed a sigh of relief. After he relaxed, he realized that his whole body was sweating, his body was weak, his mind was dizzy, he stood up and fell back down again, his legs were all weak.

It was as if all the spirit and energy in my body had been sucked away by Xiao En, the goblin, and I was exhausted physically and mentally! Sean rolled his eyes, he didn't bother to talk to this guy, what kind of financial predators, shit! I can't even eat 3 billion, it's like a small shrimp, disgusting!

After gasping for breath for a while, Soros stood up tremblingly. The 61-year-old man was tortured too hard by Sean. Walking out of the villa and being exposed to the warm sunshine of the Aegean Sea, Soros shuddered, feeling as if he had seen the sun behind the clouds and regained his new life.

In fact, although Soros has a record of shorting the pound, he is known as the greatest transaction in history, and he is praised by the book as the man who defeated the empire on which the sun never sets, but in fact, Soros only made $1 billion in this **** financial battle. .

This money is not all his, it is the proceeds of the entire Quantum Fund.

Of course, the British lost more than this, resulting in a total loss of 27 billion pounds in foreign exchange reserves and 3.4 billion pounds in financial losses.

If it is expanded to the whole of Europe, the loss will be even greater.

This has not counted the money that evaporated invisible after the currency devaluation, then

It's an astronomical figure, UU Reading But the money didn't fall into anyone's pocket, it just evaporated.

Soros left, and Sean's mood didn't improve. He didn't find any money when he went out. Isn't this a loss of money?

Too lazy to care about what Soros would do, Sean made a phone call, and the Sky Palace returned to New York to pick up the whole family. Sean wanted to spend a vacation here.

He has been eating sand in Saudi Arabia for more than a month. He has worked so hard for the happiness of the YLK people, the Arabs, the Israelis, and the American people for so long. He also needs to relax.

As for the situation on YLK's side, he is going to command by remote control and fly over if necessary.

On the other hand, Soros did not delay any further in Athens, and returned directly to New York on his own private jet. Although he was physically and mentally exhausted from being tortured by Sean, it cannot be said that he was not rewarded.

At least one point, I have a bottom line in my heart!

With Rockefeller at his back, he is not afraid that these European countries will retaliate against him again! The waist is hardened!

I, Solo·Profound Background·S!

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