America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 568: : The cow does not drink water and forcefully presses its head!

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The latest website: In the next few days, 12 Devil Birds will take turns entering Mexico every day. They are equipped with auxiliary fuel tanks. The range of Devil Birds specially used for patrol and investigation can reach 2,000 kilometers. They can detect Juarez and Tijuana as the center , all areas within a radius of 1000 km.

The task of these devil birds is to cooperate with the u2 reconnaissance plane in the sky to conduct low-altitude and close-range observation of relative key areas, and further confirm suspicious locations on the map.

Facing the devil birds that enter the country at will, the Mexican military dare not fart.


The U.S. side said that this is an umbrella company’s plane, not the U.S. military. Your Mexican military can warn them. If the other party doesn’t obey, then you can shoot it down casually, and the U.S. doesn’t care! The problem is, the words are **** nice, but it's not the case when they are shot down!

Besides, is it easy to mess with the umbrella?


I can't control it, I don't care!

The most feared are those drug criminals. They clearly saw the umbrella devil bird flying over their plantation, and the Sam-7 and Stinger in their hands were locked, but they dared not launch it, not to mention whether they could be shot down. , launch is the trouble!

There are not one or two drug gangs in Mexico. Even though they usually challenge the police and the government, no one dares to be the first bird at this time. I hope that others will jump out and share the life and death with the umbrella!

All this has nothing to do with Sean, his order is very clear, to find the illegal plantation, poppy plantation within 1000 kilometers of the border.

Originally, Mexico mainly planted opium poppies to supply Americans, but in recent years, it has begun to introduce opium poppies from Asia, and the planting area is gradually expanding.

In just one week, through the analysis of satellite maps and photos taken by the u2 reconnaissance plane, through the second close-up survey of the devil bird, and the comparison of the intelligence provided by Jonas and Columbia, 458 *** plantations have been discovered , 182 poppy-growing areas.

These places were marked on the map, and Sean was a little speechless when he saw it. Damn, it's too arrogant, too blatant!

This is just a rough investigation for a week, and the exposed ones are those that are not concealed enough, and the range is only within 1,000 kilometers of the border.

According to the analysis of the intelligence department, the actual number of drug plantations within 1,000 kilometers of the border should be three times that, and the largest cultivation area in Mexico is not within 1,000 kilometers of the border.

The most developed areas of Mexico's drug industry are Sinaloa, Michoacan, Jalisco, and Mazatlan, all of which are in the central and western coastal areas of Mexico.

Of course, these things will not only be shown to Xiao En, but will also be sent to the Wujiao Building and the White House. Taking this information, Lao Bu gave another speech in the square in front of the white house. The effect of the speech was very good. After all, there are pictures and truth.

It is irrefutable that for a while, the trend of falling to Mexico in the United States has intensified.

What is it called?

This is the voice of the people!

In this context, Sean directly ordered the bombing of these plantations!

It is bombing, using aerial bombs, not incendiary bombs.

Most of them are in mountainous areas. Once incendiary bombs are used, it is easy to cause a large-scale wildfire, which will cause a big problem.

After transferring all the devil bird fighters deployed in South America and Asia back to the United States, Sean gave an order, and 24 devil bird fighters were loaded with bombs and took off.

Perhaps the bomb was mounted instead of the auxiliary fuel tank. The devil bird that took off this time has a different momentum.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"...

Without the approval of the White House, without reporting to the Wujiao Building, and without notifying the Mexican side, the bombing started like this.

Originally, Sean thought that these Mexican drug criminals who dared to go to war with the government forces would definitely fight back without hesitation. After all, drug dealers have no shortage of individual anti-aircraft missiles, because many of them were sold by Yuri...

Drug offenders are very generous, giving money is very happy, the price

Still high.

But the news came back from the front that the drug dealer's troops simply hid, and just let the devil birds bombard them without farting a single fart!

Sean was very upset, he didn't resist, what's the point of me doing it alone?

Change cluster bombs!

Change the cloud bomb!

The effect of aerial bombs is very poor. The craters produced by the bombs are not small, but the shock waves produced will stop working at a distance of more than 100 meters. Plants that are about one meter long will not work.

Small plantations have dozens of hectares, and even if a ton of aerial bombs are dropped, the area of ​​​​impact will not be large. It's just that Sean can't figure it out. For a whole week, the Mexican Pan-Drug Group, which has spread its reputation all over the world, has become a coward and never farted.

Even the Mexican TV newspapers did not report on it, and the Mexican government was silent.

If it wasn't for Sean's confirmation that the people below really bombed, he would **** suspect that he was hallucinating! No, are you so cowardly?

Mexican drug criminal: If the U.S. military was not standing behind ***, I would fucking...

Still dare not. Isn’t this nonsense? Pablo was awesome before. He claimed to have 80,000 troops and challenged the Colombian government head-on. In the end, you shamelessly used ballistic missiles.

As for it, ah!

Just ask you as to!

It's just a drug criminal, ballistic ballistic, crazy!

Good guy, Pablo's bones and dregs have been blown away, and his wife has been played with.

That is still separated from the United States by the Caribbean Sea!

Now that Mexico is adjacent to the United States, who dares to challenge it!

Drug criminals just want to make some money, they are not crazy!

Seeing that Mexico is pretending to be dead, Sean has no choice but to go there himself.

The Golden Palace arrived in Mexico City, the capital of Mexico. President Carlos Salinas personally picked it up. The pick-up etiquette was also done according to the presidential level, highlighting a grand event.

At this time, I still pay attention to the demeanor and restraint of a fart!

After completing a set of procedures, Sean said directly to the camera that he came to Mexico this time because of the invitation of President Carlos Salinas to communicate with the Mexican side on how to better combat drug crimes.

Carlos Salinas was stunned, when did I invite you.

Of course, in front of the camera, Carlos Salinas said with a serious face: "Drug crimes have always plagued Mexico, and we are actively seeking help from the United States, hoping to combat the arrogance of the pan-drug group!"

There was no banquet this time, and Sean had no interest in Mexican food.

Private interview in the President's Office.

"There are no outsiders here. What does Mr. Carlos think about the issue of the domestic pan-drug group?" Sean asked straight to the point.


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