America’s Road To Wealth

Vol 2 Chapter 507: Take Control of the NRA

   Chapter 507 controls the NRA

  Abel has a good impression of the NRA.

   Once upon a time, when he was fledgling, he was just a rich little shrimp on Wall Street.

  Relying on his Texan background, coupled with his cautious character, and his generous way of spending money, he created a passable protection net for himself.

  This protective net protected him from the dangerous novice period.

  In fact, there are many financial geniuses and business tycoons who originally hoped to grow into Buffett or the level of large groups.

   Yet many of them, arguably the vast majority. When they all grow to a certain stage, they face the claws from above.

  Many people give in to these pressures and end up making their company someone else's company, and they're just a cash cow for someone else's money.

  At that time, Abel relied on this protective net and walked a tightrope to avoid these dangers.

   Finally, relying on his exaggerated growth rate, before the protection net failed, he himself had become someone else's protection net.

   At that time, the National Bubble Barn Association, known as the "fourth pole of power" in the United States and extremely influential, was one of the important members of his protection network.

   At that time, when he and Robert Morgenthau were still enemies and had a confrontation.

  The NRA gave him a lot of support, which made Robert very jealous at the time, and he didn't use the dirty methods used against ordinary grassroots people.

  Although at that time, whether it was other members of the NRA or LaPierre, they only helped him for the sake of his money.

  So he has a good impression and affection for the association, but that's all.

  NRA is headquartered in Virginia, but has important offices in many states.

   After all, this is an organization with national influence.

  The most important office is in New York, where the NRA has been active for a long time.

  Dezhou is very in line with the NRA style because of its large number of wooden warehouses and its sturdy folk customs.

  This is also the area that the NRA attaches the most importance to.

  In the parallel time and space, many years later, because of the change of New York style, plus some other reasons.

  NRA even began to declare bankruptcy, and then moved its headquarters from Virginia and its main office to New York to Texas.

  That period also happened to be the time when the confrontation between the traditional conservatives and the magicians in the United States was the most intense.

  At that time, New York had already been occupied by the Demonic Faction.

  America with 97 genders blinds the eyes of most normal people in the world.

  Houston, Buckingham Community, Dr. District, on Mackenson Avenue leading to the NRA office.

  A convoy of more than a dozen Cadillacs is moving forward.

   In the middle of the convoy, in the compartment of the Cadillac monster.

"Boss, according to news, just now, the British Financial Supervisory Authority in Europe may announce in the near future that investors in the London stock market will be temporarily prohibited from short-selling British stocks. The ban may involve the stocks of about 30 listed companies. ..."

   On the way to the NRA office, David in the passenger seat suddenly reported the news to Abel.

  After hearing this, Abel raised his eyebrows in surprise.

   "Don't the British want the honor of London as an international financial city?"

  Abel couldn't help laughing.

  In today's era when Europe and the United States dominate the world, the West still needs a little face.

   It is reflected in some things, that is, it is not as double-standard as it will be in the future.

  Now the London authorities have proposed to use this method of violating market rules to protect those local British companies.

  This blow to the reputation of London's financial center is very terrible, and it can even be said to be bomb-level.

  If the British really do this, Abel feels that the consequences will definitely not lose to the so-called neutral country of Switzerland in the future.

   In two or three months, hundreds of billions of dollars of Asian funds have been lost.

   I panicked later, and began to say that it was wrong to sanction Maozi, and they were still a permanent neutral country.

  It's a pity that things like reputation, once broken, are more difficult to rebuild than starting from scratch.

  But Abel also heard that what the British Financial Supervisory Authority said was only "possible".

   This "possibility" can be understood as a warning from the British to those big short sellers, mainly Abel and his group.

  Warn them that if they go too far, the London authorities will end up.

  Abel feels a little pity now, but unfortunately, the head of the British Financial Regulatory Authority, Howard Davis, who he used to know, has resigned and replaced him.

   Otherwise, you can contact the other party to see what the British mean.

   "Let Jess and Mellon continue to stare, I don't believe the British dare to do this." Abel said directly.

   It is still the early 21st century, and the British have not yet reached the point where they will run out of money.

  Abel didn't believe that at this time, the London authorities were determined to smash their own signs.

  If these people are really so brave, then there will be no Prime Minister Lettuce and Prime Minister Third Brother in the future.

  Hearing Abel's order, David nodded yes, and the convoy moved on.

   Around 9:30 am, the convoy arrived at the NRA office in Houston.

  NRA's offices in Houston, near Point McGregor State Park.

  There are many parks called McGregor in the world, one in Canada next door is very famous, and one in Australia far away is also very famous.

  There may be more than a dozen McGregor parks in the United States. This McGregor park in Houston is the NRA's hunting park in Texas.

  It covers an area of ​​approximately 2,200 hectares along the shores of Lake Gera, with a unique and diverse ecosystem of woodlands, wetlands, waterfowl and wildlife.

   There are also easy to moderate-intensity trails and boardwalks inside, providing a variety of excursions for hikers or wood cangzhi hunting experiencers.

   There are also many bird and animal ecosystems, and the lake and landscape are also leveraged.

   Such a place in China or European countries will become a famous tourist attraction.

  On the Texas side, there are words like state in the name, but it is actually a private property of the NRA.

  The building complex consisting of more than a dozen small buildings and a large lawn is the office of the NRA in Texas and one of the most important strongholds of the National Timber Association in the United States.

   It is said that there is a wooden warehouse museum in it, which houses the most complete collection of light infantry weapons in the world.

  From the "Sudden Fire Wooden Warehouse" thousands of years ago in China, to the grass rope wooden warehouse behind it, and all kinds of modern wooden warehouses, it is one of the holy places in the minds of all kinds of wooden warehouse equipment lovers in the United States.

  At the gate of the office that looks the same as the entrance of the park, when Abel's motorcade arrived.

  Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the NRA, the permanent vice chairman has brought a group of people, waiting for him at the door with a smile on his face.

  Since we came to the territory of NRA, there is such a good hunting park behind.

   Even Abel and Wayne LaPierre have their own purposes.

  But because there are many reporters on the scene, it is natural to have a show.

  The skill of making a show is a skill that politicians, actors, businessmen, and even ordinary people in the United States must possess.

   Especially when facing an interview.

  Like now, Abel and Lapierre started to put on a show under the filming, interviewing and watching of a group of media reporters who are mostly related to wooden warehouse equipment in the United States.

  The chairman of the NRA Association who has not left office, Mr. CEO, and a large number of other NRA directors.

  They first visited the Wooden Warehouse Collection Museum. During this period, Abel got started with various antique wooden warehouses and modern wooden warehouses, posing in various poses for reporters to take pictures.

   After visiting the museum, I took some association members and entered the hunting park.

  Hold the hunting barn and hunt the wild animals that are allowed to hunt in the season. Abel's wooden barn method was just that, not as accurate as the wooden barn method in another sense.

  As the director-general of the National Bunkers Association, he just put a little bit of meaning into it.

   Not even a few hairs were hit.

   After a whole set of procedures has been completed, it is already noon.

  Finally, it was the interview time for these reporters. There were more than a dozen important officials of the NRA present, including Lapierre, an evergreen tree of the NRA.

  However, the twenty or so reporters present almost all put their microphones in front of Abel, ignoring the others.

   This has become a law in the United States today.

   That is, during the interview, as long as Abel Smith is nearby, there will be an "interview black hole", or "reporter black hole".

  Abel is the black hole that attracts all reporters and interviews.

  Being interviewed by reporters, all this is simply too childish for Abel today.

   Even if there is no Smith Intelligence Group to prepare a speech for him. Now he is often able to give good impromptu speeches or interviews by himself.

  What to say to someone, not to mention that I am the chairman of the NRA Association.

  Facing the interview, Abel's position was of course on the side of the NRA.

  He directly stated to reporters that some people in the United States tried to use some bad Mu Cang shooting cases to demonize Mu Cangzhi, which is wrong.

  He blamed the Kikurachi violence on a “failure of the culture,” arguing that “broken families, declining church attendance, social media bullying, and video games” were the problem.

  “We must never respond to evil and tragedy by abandoning the Constitution or violating the rights of our law-abiding citizens.” Alberta said awe-inspiringly, “Only a good man with a wood can stop a bad man with a wood.”

   and other wooden warehouse magazines are mainly closely related to the NRA. After the reporters of professional magazines with a large audience in the United States left with satisfaction.

  The purpose of Abel’s special trip here was to discuss with Wayne LaPierre.

  A living room with a strong southern style and many collection-level wooden warehouses hanging on the walls.

   When there were only Abel and LaPierre left, Abel spoke directly.

   "Wayne, I know what you want to say. Now I want to tell you that I think the same as you."

   "Yes." Abel looked at the CEO of the NRA and said, "I want to continue to serve as the chairman of the NRA Association. It's as simple as that."

  Heard Abel's straightforward and straightforward words.

  Lapierre's old face was almost full of smiles, as if he saw a lot of dollar bills, which would be transferred to the exclusive account of the NRA Association.

   In fact, Abe was re-elected as the chairman of the NRA, which is also the idea of ​​Lapierre and many people in the NRA association.

  If Lapierre and these people didn't think so, the NRA internal election in Virginia last month would not have been postponed and changed to Texas.

  As the "establishment faction" within the NRA. Lapierre and his faction, who are responsible for managing the NRA and conducting lobbying activities, most want Abel to continue to be re-elected.

  Because unlike other directors, Abel has been the chairman of the NRA this year, charitable foundations and various companies under Abel’s name have successively donated more than 20 million US dollars to the NRA Association.

   This is the largest donation the NRA has received from a single individual or force in the past 20 years.

   The money made LaPierre and many in the NRA Association, a very happy year.

  They still want to continue to have fun, so they will naturally continue to support Abel and serve as the chairman of the NRA Association.

"Oh, of course." LaPierre said with a lively expression, "There is no one more suitable to be our chairman than Mr. Smith. Look at the past year, under your leadership, we have made Achievements! We stopped Rhode Island's 10pm wood storage ban law, we successfully removed several California lawmakers who supported wood storage bans! And many other achievements. This is a milestone that has not been reached in the past 10 years ! As long as you are not blind, I will support you to continue to serve as our great chairman!"

  Looking at the happy Lapierre, Abel thought to himself that he had only attended two NRA events this year, including this time...

  What are these achievements under my leadership? I did nothing but give money.

  But many times, for people like LaPierre, money is the best guide.

  In the United States, it is impossible to move a single step without money. With money, it is easy to do any job, including lobbying.

   "But I have conditions." Abel interrupted the excited Lapierre with a smile.

  Lapierre reined in his emotions a bit. As Mr. CEO, a veteran tourist collector, he certainly knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world.

   "Please, Mr. Smith."

   In Lapierre's view. The conditions or things that Abel wants are nothing more than asking the NRA to help him.

   What kind of help? Lapierre could think of a few too.

  For example, to help Neil Shrub in activities in California. It is said that this shrub wants to participate in the election of state legislators and even members of Congress this year!

  Help Alexander Smith in Texas, help George Bush in...the latter seems to be not needed for the time being, and will be needed in two years.

   And these things are also what the NRA, the "fourth pole of power", is best at doing.

  As the most powerful lobbyist in the United States, the NRA, which can affect more than 5 million members and their families and holds more than tens of millions of votes, is often so important.

  However, to Lapierre's surprise, the conditions proposed by Abel had nothing to do with these.

  “I have a few friends who are all members of the NRA, and they are all senior members who have joined the NRA for more than 5 years.”

  Abel smiled and said: "I think they are actually fully qualified to participate in the council and contribute to the bright future of the NRA. What do you think, dear Wayne."

  Lapierre was taken aback, he didn't expect Abel's request to be this.

   "Participate in the board of directors", it sounds nice, don't you just want to become a member of the NRA board of directors?

  NRA's governing body is a relatively large council with 75 members.

  This council is equivalent to the "Congress" within the NRA, and most NRA officials are members of the council.

  The board of directors selects the chairman from among its members.

  The chairman of the board of directors is generally elected once a year, and they are all honorary.

   There is also an Executive Vice President, who is not a member of the Board of Directors, but is appointed by the Board of Directors to assume the role of CEO—Wayne LaPierre.

  Frankly speaking, the most important authority of the NRA Association is actually the Council.

  Including Lapierre, the manager, or Abel, the chairman, the right to appoint and dismiss is all in the hands of 75 directors.

  One of the reasons why Abel was able to be on Wall Street back then made some people afraid, because his father, Alexander, was also one of the 75 board members.

  Abel's request made Lapierre feel tricky.

   Few of the 75 directors are easy to mess with. Basically, they are "luxury" figures in their constituencies, otherwise they would not be able to sit in this position.

  Abel was able to become a director so easily at that time, and later became the chairman of the board of directors.

   Mainly because he was in New York, and he was already a "luxury" figure at that time.

  Looking at LaPierre, after he put forward the conditions, he looked embarrassed.

  Abel smiled, "10 million US dollars. The Martha Polio Charitable Foundation can receive donations of this amount every time. As for the premise, I think you, the smart one, can understand it without me explaining it."

   Lapierre, who was in a dilemma, opened his mouth silently when he heard the condition that Abel raised later.

  Martha Polio Charitable Foundation. It was a charitable foundation established in the name of LaPierre's wife, in the name of his wife.

   On the surface, it is a charitable fund established specifically to raise funds for the relief of polio among American teenagers and children.

  There are so many similar charitable foundations in the United States. Before 2000, there were more than 70,000 charitable foundations in the United States that had not gone bankrupt, ranking first in the world.

   These more than 70,000 charitable foundations are all charitable organizations on the surface, but secretly... Haha, don’t mention it.

  The Martha Charitable Foundation is also of this nature, and it probably receives millions of dollars in "donations" every year.

  That’s why the LaPierre couple can take it for granted to live in a villa, drive a luxury car, and enjoy the top luxury goods.

   Oh, or the reason why the couple only need to pay very little tax.

   After all, people’s money is donated to charity.

   ", you are really a generous, benevolent and charitable person."

  Hearing the number 10 million, LaPierre's name changed.

   "You're right that a lot of people are irresponsible. Or...letting new catfish in would make the NRA more brilliant? Now I think so too, dear Mr. Smith!"

   Hearing what LaPierre said, Abel smiled.

  If only 10 million US dollars, or a little more money, can control an NRA director.

  Then Abel was about to be overjoyed.

   Even if it is 20 million for one person, 75 people are only 1.5 billion US dollars.

  With $1.5 billion, you can fully control the NRA, an organization that can affect tens of millions of votes... Then Abel is very happy to invest this money.

   Of course, it is impossible to fully control 75 directors.

  Abel is not greedy, and if he can control and influence about 20 directors, he can achieve his psychological vision.

   And this is why he came to Houston to meet Lapierre.

  Abel is no longer satisfied with being the honorary chairman of the board.

  What he wants is to be able to influence the NRA through the directors, and even control the behind-the-scenes real power director of the National Association of Bulk Warehouses!

   And once he is really allowed to control the "fourth pole of power" in the United States, it will be of great help to him in the future when he pushes Neil or his father, or even Ikana's father to come to power.

   In the face of national elections, the NRA is a very sharp weapon no matter what time it is.

  (end of this chapter)

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