Lu Youyou complained: "Eat breakfast, put on full makeup, blow your hair, and dress so grandly?"

The microphone surrounded Xu Lu tightly.

There was no such a grand occasion when she won the International Piano Grand Prix before, but now she was a little swayed by the false glory, as if she was really Mu Yue.

"I'm sorry, you don't come to the school gate in the future, it will affect other students' class, I'm sorry, please let me go."

Do not deny, do not admit.

Anyway, everything is your own idea.

There is reason to justify myself if the car overturned.

Through the hustle and bustle of the crowd, she felt a playful look, and looked at Wen Qiao lazily leaning against the tree with an inexplicable smile.

Xu Lu gritted her teeth and played tricks.

The road was completely surrounded, and a few tall boys came up from behind to help Xu Lu clear the way: "Sorry, reporters, this is a school, and other students still have to study and live. Please don't cause trouble to Xu Lu."

Lu Youyou: "It seems to belong to the student union."

Wen Qiao raised her eyebrows and lazily walked to school.

Fame is like floating clouds to her.

The health of the family is far more important than these external objects.

Lu Youyou was a little unwilling: "Originally after your performance last night, there were a lot of discussions about you, and you also gained a group of supporters, who are sure to be elected as the school belle. They all turned back again, thinking that it would be more honorable to choose her as the school belle, and I was so pissed off, I really hope that the real Mu Yue will come out and slap her in the face."

"I'm Mu Yue." Wen Qiao drank the last sip of yogurt, stood in front of the trash can, carefully screened it, and threw it into the dry trash can.

Lu Youyou: ...

"Jojo, what are you talking about?"

Wen Qiao looked at her with a smile: "I am Mu Yue, only you know."

Lu Youyou is like a family member to her, she can talk to Youyou about anything.

Youyou is very aggressive, but she has always been very tight-lipped about her affairs, and she is the person she trusts the most.

"Huh? Really?"

Wen Qiao covered her mouth: "It's true, the Xingxing Bridge that Xu Lu played at the sophomore year's party was also composed by me, and she snatched it from the magpie's nest."

Lu Youyou came to a sudden: "Ah, no wonder you can share the stage with Shang Fan if you want, go and slap Xu Lu in the face, and expose her mask!"

Wen Qiao was a little helpless: "You have also seen that those reporters are like vampires, they are moved by the wind. If Mu Yue's identity is exposed, I will become a public figure. Xiao Mo, Xiao Chi, they will also be affected, they Now is the critical period of treatment, the last time Xu Lu asked someone to block the door, it took Xiao Mo a long time to gradually recover, I can't make fun of their health."

Lu Youyou was so angry that she thumped the tree: "Xu Lu, that bitch, is so mad at me."

"The school beauty you mentioned, is it already being selected?"

Lu Youyou nodded aggrievedly: "Well, there is a top post on the school forum, I, Lin Xiang, Chun Xiao, we all support you, but you are outnumbered. Since Xu Lu hinted that she is Mu Yue last night, the approval rate Soaring, now far ahead, the vote rate is..."

Lu Youyou took out her phone and took a look, she was so angry that she almost dropped her phone, "The approval rate is already 72%, but you only have more than ten percent, and the other candidates are not good enough, Xu Lu will really give it to you." Fuck yourself."

"When is the voting deadline?"

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