Because of the jet lag, she was a little top-heavy, so she fell asleep without turning off her computer, and she fell into a deep sleep.

Wen Chi entered her room midway. He originally wanted to ask her to go out to eat peaches, but when he saw that his sister was sleeping very soundly, he gave up. In a blink of an eye, he saw the computer screen was on. He picked up the mouse and shook it. The page was dark. There were some dialog boxes inside, and it was hard to tell what software they were, at least not the chat software he always used.


He clicked some pages back and forth, but in the end saw nothing, so he closed the chat software, and thoughtfully turned off the computer monitor for his sister.

Professor Zhong, who had been looking for college online league champion C before re-opening the university there, received a call: "Professor, there is good news."

"What's the good news?" Because it was summer vacation, Professor Zhong was still at home. The person who called him was his former student who worked in the national network security department.

"The C you have been looking for has been identified."

"Ah? Really?" Professor Zhong, who was drinking tea, was so excited that he almost knocked over the teacup in his hand.

"There is an unofficial W Guild on the Internet, do you know?"

"I heard something."

"There is a second-ranked master in the guild named Bai Ze."

"You go on."

"The information that could be found on Bai Ze before was that he was a student from a high school in Copenhagen, but just now, for some reason, Bai Ze's IP was locked in Haicheng."

Professor Zhong's eyes were full of joy: "You mean Haicheng?"

"Yes, Shuying Road, Haicheng. We found out that the girl is a student of Yangyin, named Wen Qiao."

"Yang Yin? Are you mistaken? Is there a computer expert of this level in Yang Yin?"

"Professor, do you look down on Yang Yin's art students?"

"No, no, most children who study art always lack some talent in this area."

"Well, I've got Wen Qiao's phone number here. Do you think you should call her and ask her if she intends to join our network security department? You are a professor. Wouldn't it scare you if you ask her? That girl."

"Make sure you're not mistaken. Don't make a big mistake then."

"That's right, Professor. I'm afraid that his mistake in leaking IP this time will soon attract the attention of some departments. I heard that there are others looking for her. We have to take action first."

"Okay, okay, send the phone number, I'll try to contact you here."

In the office of the vice president on the 58th floor of Zhonghuan Group, Fu Nanli pinched the bridge of his nose and asked Fiona to bring a cup of coffee in, preparing to hold a video conference with the developer in Zhongcheng.

There was a knock on the door, and it was Qin Bei who came in. His injury was almost healed, "Master."

Fu Nanli took a sip of coffee, and the director of the information department was helping him adjust the video connection.

"What's up?"

"The matter of the millennium bug has been settled."

"What's next?"

"The hacker who helped the Fu family resist the 'Millennium Bug' attack has been identified. The current news is that he is in Haicheng and is not very old. The Ministry of National Cyber ​​Security seems to have more accurate information, but the other party is keeping a tight lid on it. , I have tried every means to find out, and there should be news soon."

Fu Nanli nodded: "Yes, I understand."

Kevin thought he wouldn't be able to find the hacker if he kept his cover tight?

Ha, naive.

As dusk fell, Wen Qiao was awakened by a sound outside, which seemed to be Su Ying. She took a breath, struggled to sit up, straightened her messy hair casually, tied a ponytail and went out.

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