Episode 171: Angels Attacking the Dungeon (9)

Soya is buried in a dark corner with her face covered.

Soya was still wearing clothes that a magical girl would wear, and was holding a girly magic wand… … .

The voice was gloomy.

“It’s because this item has a side effect of mind contamination.”

“Water, of course.”

“So, that’s not my intention. Because of this item.”

“of course… … .”

Soya rolled her eyes and stood up again.

“You’re a magical girl, it’s not just a kid’s game.”

Still, it was Soya who recovered quickly.

Soya’s strength is that self-esteem builds up quickly, even if self-confidence is quickly consumed.

Soya was a reed-like girl who kept getting up even though she lay down easily.

“Again, I have no interest in playing with these kids.”


Soya shrugged and said.

The referee nodded.

At that moment, the voices of children coming from Soya’s side.

“Soya noona, you were so cool!”

“By the power of darkness! With the power of magic! And with the power of hope!”

“Black Magical Girl Soya. appear!”

“Aww, these little guys, stop!”

All of these young children are boys and girls rescued by Soya, and it is said that Soya came out just before they were sacrificed.

<It is an angelic thing to instill courage in a young warrior!>

<You have acquired angelic power.>

‘Our cows are long.’

Even after recognizing the possibility that the enemy’s location would be known, the cowardly Soya mustered up the courage to save the children… … .

‘Neighbors, look here. I am this child’s guardian angel… … !’

The referee could not hide his smile with pride.

“Reference, you know? I’ve never spoken like that. No, I was trying to appease them!”

A cow who struggles while covering the children’s mouths. The referee still smiled and nodded as if he knew everything.

“I know everything.”

“You don’t know anything! I can’t. Also… mm, head on!”

* * *

“So, what are these kids going to do?”

After Soya’s hustle and bustle ended, Marie, who was watching all this, muttered in a cold voice.

“How do you… … .”

The referee looked at the children. About a hundred children who have no way to protect themselves, and who don’t even know how to hide.

The referee admitted it frankly.

As long as I had to clear this dungeon against the Demon Dragon, I couldn’t take these children.

However… … .

“By the way, why are there so many non-superhuman children?”

The referee looked at Suyeon, who was holding her hand. A girl who was caught up in a nest summons while boarding a ferry that was about to enter Wonsan.

Could it be that these children were also brought in for the same reason as Suyeon?

“Guys, how did you get to this place?”

And the story was simple. The director said there was a place to go, so I followed him, and it was here. Mom and Dad entrusted themselves to an uncle, and when I opened my eyes, they were here.

“That, then the other children.”

Or the older children who cynically answer that they came because they were sold, or they were just brought in.

And if there was one thing they had in common, it was that all of these children were their parents’ first children.

“First Harvest.”

Yumari mumbled what she had realized.


“These children are the first harvest. Besides, the fact that the parents donated it whether they sold it or the manager sold it to them is the same.”

Pajijik- A gloomy lightning strikes Yumari’s shoulders.

“The first harvest is offered on the altar. The oldest and most powerful sacrificial spell in human history. It’s good to be able to stop it before it’s executed.”

“I see. These children were brought as burnt offerings. But, by the way, Mary. Why are you wearing lightning?”

“It is for salvation.”

Yumari slowly takes a step closer.

The referee blocked Yumari and asked again.

“Salvation, what kind of salvation is this? Why are you really like this?”

“The referee.”

Yumari still had a cold expression on her face, pouring out her dark thoughts without hesitation.

“There are two things I really hate.”

“what is that.”

“One is my name. This damn surname and mother’s name I can’t even remember.”

Gulp- The referee looked at Yumari with a sad expression.

“Another thing is to save a child who should have died. This world is closer to hell than heaven, and it’s good for kids to go there before they know it.”

“With that said, no one is alive in this world. Life is… … .”

“What is life? Imagine if the referee miraculously rescues this child and takes him outside. So, do you think this kid will grow up to be very precious? No. Orphans sold in this age are never treated that way. If so, will the referee continue to protect you? Soon the demon king will invade this world, and the demon king army never just kills people… … . Well, it’s only natural for demons to do demons, right?”

A dark, very dark story.

“That’s the life the referee said. Not a single sanctity.”

“Don’t talk about dark things like this.”

“But dark truths are also truths.”

And then the referee could feel it.

Hong-wol, who awakened as a hero by sacrificing himself at Gumyo Fortress, and So-ya, who defeated the Queen of Dreams in his dream and awakened as a hero.

But Marie

Marie has not yet awakened as a hero.

‘Then Marie must not be good at dealing with karma… … .’

But now Marie was dealing with karma instinctively. dark karma.

‘Corruption, hero… … ?’


While the referee was nervous and swallowed his saliva.

“What, Yumari, why are you doing this?”

Soya said while turning her side hair with her fingers.

“Did you suddenly get two bottles? I knew I was a pessimist, but acting as if I had realized everything on my own seems to be the end of my second disease?”

What to say is a cow Yumari looked at Soya with an expressionless expression.

“What you looking at?”

“… … .”

“Stop both. And Maria, take off that item set.”

“Then I have no clothes to wear. Shall I take it off?”

“… Ugh.”

The referee shook his head at a loss for words, and Soya waved her fingers in the air, hiding her red cheeks.

Then, a semi-transparent round dome begins to form.

“Invisible, it’s a barrier of non-interference. It is a magic implemented with Dark Karma magic, so it is impossible to break it unless the Demon Dragon comes directly. As the nest gets stronger by the Demon Dragon’s magic, this barrier will also get stronger.”

And Soya continued.

“Let’s protect the children here until we get rid of the demon dragon. It will be much safer here than upstairs, which will be a battlefield in the future.”

“Soya… … !”

When the hell did Soya grow up like this?

Although she was only a little tall, Soya had grown up to be so outstanding in her abilities and personality.

“As expected, our Soya is the best… … !”

“Okay now? said Because I am the body that will become the best archmage.”


The referee lifted Soya with pride.


Soya, whose cheeks were blushing from embarrassment, decided to quietly accept the referee’s words.

“There’s only one real Soya… … !”

A cow who can’t stand raising the corners of her lips. Without shame, they begin to increase their demands.

“Hmm, praise me more. make it higher… … !”

And the referee listens to it without hesitation. Why? Am I doing this because I don’t know shame?

<It is an angelic thing to entertain a young warrior.>

<You have acquired angelic power.>

<It is an angelic thing to listen to the young warrior’s foolishness.>

<You have acquired angelic power.>

Obviously, it was shameful to do this in front of Marie and in front of so many children.

<It is truly an angelic thing to make a young warrior happy!>

<You have acquired a large amount of angelic power.>

But ‘don’t you know the shame… … ‘!’ was too much angelic power to curse.

“Soya is so cute. soya is so cool Soya is so smart Soya is so precious.”

“Ugh. more, more! In particular, say the last word again!”


And this foolish man,

It ended with Marie’s sigh.

It was such a sigh that contained the life of a dragon, which would make anyone goosebumps.

“This is in a dungeon. Everyone, focus.”

“… … .”

“… … .”

Two people at a loss for words at the right words. I had no choice but to nod my head and follow Marie’s path.

“thank god. Still, we are all together.”

“Then, is it enough if we just catch the damn lizard? It’s nothing!”

“… … .”

* * *

So the three boys and girls ran through the dungeon. Once with Mari’s chess skills, once with the referee’s stealth power, and once with Soya’s magic while navigating through the trap.

Their purpose is only two,

removal of the dragon. And clear this dungeon.

The referee muttered while looking at the blood-stained altar.

“let’s hurry. Before there are more victims… … .”

“I know, I know.”

When it was necessary to subdue the scattered enemy with acrobatic martial arts, Marie came forward, and when she had to go through a door protected by magic, Soya solved it.

And when you have to wait for the enemy’s main force to pass… … .

‘Activating the footsteps of a reverse angel who walks through the night.’

A referee whose most powers are starting to approach Lv.10. In general, Lv.10 is called a master, so the referee had mastered most of the powers.

“Wow, you don’t notice us even when we’re right in front of you. And then there’s the magic circle. It’s one of the ancient empire’s visions, a powerful tracking magic.”

Soya is admiring the referee’s stealth power and says something. The referee nodded.

“Still, it’s weaker than Wol-i’s stealth technique. Wally completely erases his existence from this world.”

“I hate to admit it, but it sure is a scam.”

It completely erases its existence.

I can’t even remember the fact that the assassin came in, and I can’t even remember who Hong Wol of the moon cat clan is as we’ve just met face to face.

Truly the best stealth.

“… Miss Hongwol is in danger.”

Yumari, who had not said anything as if she had lost her words, said to the two boys and girls as if passing by.


“We, obviously, didn’t even remember about Miss Hong-wol until now.”

You didn’t even remember about Hong-wol?

Only then did the referee remember what he had said earlier.

‘I’m glad. Still, we’re all here.’

From readwn.com

Not all gathered There was still a crimson moon. However, even though Hong-wol hasn’t joined yet, the three people go straight to confront the demon dragon.

These three men forgot Hong-Wol.

“Miss Hong Wol has used her karmic skills. Soya-chan, doesn’t Karma skill consume a lot of concentration and resources?”

“Ugh, why?”

“It is said that Miss Hongwol is in crisis to the extent that such technology has to be used. And the fact that Miss Hong-wol’s karma skills were unlocked… … .”

From readwn.com

Now that I can’t afford to maintain my karma skills.

That means.

“Ma-ryong is aiming for Wol-i first.”

“… It is as expected.”

Marie said as she quickly ran down the aisle upstairs without any change in expression.

“Of the three of us, the one with the most intimidating skills was Ms. Hongwol. I would have been aiming for Miss Hongwol first.”

Will Wol-i be able to face the demon dragon alone?

You won’t be able to.

From readwn.com

No win


Palpitation- The referee’s heart starts beating rapidly as if in a panic.

“Ugh. How, how, is there no way to quickly find Wol-i?”

“I have a way.”

After one beat, Marie looks at the referee and says:

“… I’m not sure if I like it that way.”

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