An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 187: Leisure day

"And only those of us combat units called EVA pilots are relatively leisurely, and the comrades of the Intelligence Department and the War Department are vomiting blood quickly, okay."

Ian crackled the last few words. Put away the computer and prepare to run away from school. Recently, NERV has dealt with SEELE's decisive counterattack.

Even Ritsuko has been leading the technical department to deal with cyberattacks from unknown sources.

Most of MAGI's computing resources are used to deal with SEELE, and there is no redundant computing resources allocated to the design department and the technical department members responsible for technology development.

As a result, Ian has been going to and from school normally in the past few weeks, and even the EVA driving training has been reduced to one day a week.

"But what are they up to, Miri..." Asuka lay on the table, looking at the sky boredly.

"Something they should have done a long time ago." After packing up the bag, Ian realized one thing.

When I first came to the third new city of Tokyo four months ago, this class had close to forty students.

And now, there are only seven people left.

"Hi. Toji."

"What are you doing, transfer student?"

"Why don't you move away?"

"Move away?" Toji was stunned for half a second. "Why are you moving away? The third new Tokyo city is only in danger once a month. Except for a large foreign country in East Asia, there are at least ten terrorist attacks every day in other regions. Just run when you are in danger here. Just go to the air-raid shelter in the underground city. In other cities, you can't run in danger."

"Moreover, due to the deterioration of the public security environment, many people who move out would rather have to face battles every month than face terrorist attacks every day. I heard that the applications for returning to live in Tokyo are now filled with the third new Tokyo. The city’s city hall is here." The squad leader came over with a bag.

"Apply to come back?" This Ian didn't expect to return to this city that has a high probability of being bombed by N2 lightning every month?

"Yeah." The squad leader nodded vigorously. "In the past four months, there were 37 students in our class. Two were injured and one family member was injured in the first turmoil. In the third turmoil, one family member died. However, this month, we moved to the first turmoil. The family of four classmates from Nisshin Tokyo were involved in the terrorist attack and died."

After speaking, the monitor himself didn't know what expression to reveal. "Obviously it has to be the site every month, but it has become the safest place..."

Ian opened his mouth, trying to say something, but in the end it turned into a sigh.

"I said, the official second generation, can you take care of it?" Asuka kicked Ian's stool and asked in German.

"If I rashly intervene, it is very likely to cause a complete panic." Ian also replied in German. On the first day of SEELE's hands, Ian airborne a division's **** robot in the third new Tokyo city to protect himself and others. .

Coupled with the combat team led by Misato, and the struggle of the intelligence team that is always in the shadows.

SEELE's full-scale penetration of the Third New Tokyo City has been controlled on the periphery of the city.

As for other cities, the Enterprise and the spy satellites she launched covered the whole world in just one day. The SEELE remnant party intelligence is being provided to the field troops of various countries all the time. Of course, intelligence sharing is carried out in the name of NERV.

However, even if only this minimum level of combat support is maintained. The League of Nations also expressed concern about the combat robots that appeared in the Third New Tokyo City from time to time. The League of Nations has asked NERV to hand in command of combat robots more than once.

But Lao Ting said that this was left by the spacecraft that appeared on the moon a month ago. Ask him if he wants to go.

After the National Coalition forces hit a wall several times, they had no choice but to give up, and then silently cut the budget for the anti-intrusion equipment at NERV headquarters by two-thirds.

"Total panic? Is the threat from your side so serious?" Asuka sat upright and turned her head sharply.

"One week ago, when a field unit of NERV was surrounded and was about to be completely wiped out, two heavy-loaded combat robots arrived on the battlefield and solved the enemy's 160-man troops within 35 seconds. After 3 seconds, they ambush nearby. A mechanized mixed brigade of the American Marine Corps in the United States began to attack. After mobilizing heavy weapons such as gunships, tanks, and fighter jets, it failed to leave these two combat robots. Instead, they were rushed to the other six combat robots and Both gunboats were destroyed."

Seeing Asuka's shocked expression, Ian smiled slightly.

"Don't leak this expression. The generation gap brought about by technology that has been ahead of the world for hundreds of years can't be made up by a mere amount."

"No... your troops and the United States...?"

"There have been more than fifteen trapping operations against combat robots this week. I can understand how many countries want to see new technologies."

"But...that's a mechanized hybrid brigade..."

"It's not a good habit to show kindness the first time you face hostility. It will only cause the opponent to push his nose and face."

"I can understand this, but is the generation difference really that big?"

"Wait... What are you talking about?" The squad leader listened to these two people suddenly starting to speak foreign languages, and none of them understood a word.

"It's work." Ian took out his mobile phone and threw this specially-equipped **** robot to Asuka. That thing was something Ian got out of when I was bored.

More than four meters high, it is powered by three small palladium reactors. The arms can be freely transformed into blasting rifles, gn rifles, beam sabers, 70mm rocket launching nests, 120mm multi-purpose missile launchers, 76mm grenade launchers, phased arrays, large shields and other weapons according to different mission requirements.

The backpack can also be transformed into a 90 mm high muzzle velocity artillery, a 155 mm rapid-fire howitzer, a high-speed and highly mobile multi-purpose missile launcher, and a 60 mm Gatling rapid-fire gun.

With a sixth-generation mini solar furnace and anti-gravity module, it can barely reach a speed of about one Mach in a fully armed state.

The whole body armor adopts lightweight Luna Titanium alloy and high compression neutron two gunboat-class deflection shield generators and a beam spot defense system. If you give a period of charging time, you can also expand the GN position.

In the face of the firepower configuration at the beginning of the 21st century, you can basically use the positron guns and N2 weapons...

"This is your regular soldier configuration?" Asuka silently compared Europa's current equipment.

It was found that conventional equipment could not correspond to these steel soldiers. I'm afraid that Santai can cannibalize the entire Europa a little bit.

"Of course not, the special edition, the special edition. The general form is this." Well, yes, this thing was modified by the stupid B1 robot. "But I also castrated part of the performance, otherwise the proton torpedo and MDE weapons will also be in its conventional configuration. After all, it is a local special operation, not a full-scale war. I still have a lower limit."

"Partial special operations?" Asuka's eyes twitched, looking at the pile of large-caliber artillery and sci-fi laser cannon options. Who special operations will bring out the 155mm artillery...

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