Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 290: Stealing chicken but losing rice

The original good mood was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door, which made Baik frown slightly.

However, Baik also knows very well that his subordinates will never be so unruly. He knows that he is holding an important meeting. If it is just a simple and ordinary matter, he will never knock on the door to disturb him at this time.

I thought that there might be important things waiting for me to deal with, so even though I felt uncomfortable, I finally shouted.

"Come in."

The words just fell.

Then he saw a tall woman with blond hair pushing open the door and entering.

After entering the office, he did not look at Morrison next to him. Instead, he went straight to the desk and replied with a somewhat panicked expression:

"General Commander."

"A super strong tornado suddenly appeared in the city just now, which had a great impact on the city. So far, the wind still has no intention of stopping."

What! ?

After Baik heard this, he stood up from his seat.

Both his words and his expression were full of shock.

When he decided to use meteorological weapons, Baik had a very clear understanding of the weather in major cities.

There was no possibility of a super strong tornado occurring during the twist.

As a result, this super strong tornado was probably caused by the negative impact of the use of meteorological weapons.

Originally, he was thinking that the use of meteorological weapons would be a great success this time, causing severe natural disasters such as blizzards and hail in Jingzhou City.

It can have a certain impact on its economy.

But who would have thought that in the end it would be a situation where one thousand enemies would be killed and one would suffer eight hundred losses.

It can only be said that this weather weapon is indeed as Morrison said, many factors are uncontrollable.

If Baik was still complacent about his wise decision just now, then at this moment he was feeling more nervous than anyone else.

Because he knows his secretary's working style very well, unless the situation is very serious, he would not appear so panicked under normal circumstances.

In other words, the super strong tornado that Nuoyue is experiencing at this moment has indeed caused great damage to the city.

Maybe the final result will be more serious than the snowstorm and hail that Jingzhou City suffered.

Only then can we truly say that we have stolen the chicken but failed to lose the rice.

After thinking clearly about the key to this matter, Baik did not dare to hesitate at all, and quickly ordered the female secretary in front of him: "Hurry up and take over the scene of the appointment. I want to know the specific situation now."

"It's the chief, I'll make arrangements right away."

I have to say that the secretary who can become a dignified general secretary is indeed better than many people.

After receiving Bai Ke's order, the female secretary successfully transmitted the real-time video of Nuoyue to the computer on Bai Ke's desk without much delay.

When Baker looked around.

As a landmark building of Nuyue, I saw that the arm of the goddess statue had been damaged by the super strong tornado.

The windows of many high-rise buildings were shattered, and even some cars and trash cans on the streets were lifted up by the tornado and smashed into surrounding buildings.

Many people were unfortunately hit by heavy objects falling from the sky because they did not escape in time.

It can be said that the whole scene is terrible to watch.

Any place where a tornado has passed is basically covered with all kinds of debris and garbage, and its severity is even worse than scenes in disaster movies.

more importantly.

After attacking so many buildings, the tornado's wind force did not decrease at all and was still raging toward the center of the city.

Just seeing such a scene, Bai Kexin already knew very well that the damage caused by this contract break would definitely be more serious than that of Jingzhou City.

Unfortunately, it has already happened. After a super strong tornado forms, it is basically impossible to use meteorological weapons to dissipate it.

What's more, if they are forcibly eliminated, it is very likely that tornadoes will appear in other cities, and in the end the gains will outweigh the losses.

At this time, Baik can only consider the recovery of the subsequent contract break.

Immediately afterwards.

I saw Baik start over again, turn off the contract disaster scene on the computer, then waved his hand to the secretary in front of him and said:

"You go down first and let the rescue team do their best to minimize the damage caused by the super strong tornado."

"It's the chief."

Perhaps seeing that Baker was not in good condition, the female secretary also seemed quite sensible. After receiving the order, she quickly nodded in response and then turned around and exited the office.

It wasn't until the female secretary completely disappeared from the office that Morrison, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said:

"General, under normal circumstances, there should never be a tornado of such intensity in the Nayo area."

"So this can only be an effect of weather weapons."

"Obviously, with the current level of research on meteorological weapons, there is no way to control it. It seems that for the time being, we can only seal this thing and no longer use it."

Although the suggestion of using meteorological weapons to target Star Source Technology was indeed made by Morrison, at that time it was more about stabilizing his position in Baik's heart and ensuring that the rights he owned would not be lost.

But now after seeing what happened to Nuoyue, Morris knew that weather weapons were simply immature. Using them would not only have little impact on the enemy, but would actually put himself in great danger.

Meteorological weapons were used this time, and luckily they brought hail and snowstorms to Jingzhou City. However, Nuoyue also encountered a super strong tornado. If they continue to be used next time, it is very likely that they will not be able to cause any damage to the enemy. The influence will also make oneself more passive.


At this time, Morrison proposed to seal the weapons during the period. On the other hand, it was also for Byker's consideration.

If used frequently, the weather in a certain area will definitely become chaotic. When the people's living conditions are not good, it will definitely have an impact on Byker's support.

Morrison knows very well that the status he holds today is all achieved by relying on Byker. If Byker no longer serves as the general general, then he may not have the opportunity to step into the general office again in the future.

So he has to think about the future.

However, to Morrison's expectation, Baker did not immediately give a clear explanation after hearing this explanation.

On the contrary, his face was gloomy and scary.

I don’t know how much time passed before I heard Baik say again: "The weather weapon is indeed out of control at this stage and can easily bring negative effects, but its value cannot be denied. If it can really cause Star Source Technology to encounter If there is a bigger natural disaster, then even if our city encounters some trouble, this deal will definitely be worth it.”

When Baker's remarks reached his ears, Morrison's expression suddenly changed.

He understood that Baik wanted to use injury-for-injury play.

Even if he suffered heavy losses, he still wanted to drag Xingyuan Technology into trouble, which shows his resentment towards Xingyuan Technology.

So Morrison subconsciously wanted to stop it.

"General, is this matter..."

"You don't need to say any more, I have my own thoughts."

Baker had obviously made up his mind and interrupted Morrison before he could finish his words.

In desperation, Morrison could only forcefully swallow the second half of the sentence.

He is a very smart person. Since he knows that Baik does not want others to dissuade him, if he continues to speak, it will only arouse Baik's resentment and do no good to himself.

So he could only choose to remain silent for the time being and let this topic go.

Thinking of the big deal, I would slowly persuade him later and try to reduce the frequency of Baik using weather weapons.

Until he sealed it completely.

However, it is conceivable that if weather weapons are immature and uncontrolled, the weather in many areas may become abnormal in the future.

The only good thing is that at least the outside world will not doubt this abnormal natural situation on their heads.

Otherwise, if we really have to face such huge international pressure, even as the commander-in-chief, Baik will definitely not feel comfortable.

The super-strong tornado finally raged in the center of the city for a while before slowly dissipating.

The sea water and fish that were originally swept into the sky by the tornado fell into the city one after another due to the dissipation of the tornado, creating a strange spectacle of fish falling from the sky.

If it were normal, facing such a strange scene, it would definitely attract the attention and appreciation of many people.

But having just experienced such a huge disaster, looking at the roads covered with damaged vehicles and construction debris, I really didn’t feel like appreciating anything else.

After all, what awaits them next is extensive repair work.

First, Jingzhou City encountered a rare natural disaster such as blizzard and hail in a century, and then a super tornado that was extremely rare in history. Such major disasters occurred one after another in a short period of time. After spreading rapidly on the Internet, it caused Everyone's discussion.

Even some people's panic was aroused.

But we can’t blame everyone for making such a fuss. The main reason is that whether it’s a hail storm or a super tornado, it’s really hard to see it.

But now they appear almost at the same time on the same day, how can we not make people panic?

They are afraid that their city will be the next disaster site.

"Originally, I thought it was outrageous to see such a big blizzard and hail in Jingzhou City, but I didn't expect that there would be such a big super tornado right after that. What happened to the weather this year?"

"It seems that New Year's Day will soon be here, but so many things have suddenly happened. It seems that they don't want us all to live peacefully until the next year!"

"It's not really going to be the end of the world, is it?"

"Humanity will eventually pay the price for its sins, and now it is nature's revenge."

"There are so many worries here, why not put on a helmet and play a few games, and then there will be no worries."

"No matter what happens next, it is still recommended that everyone stock up on food and water for half a month."

"It's really necessary to stock up on things. It's snowing so much that the companion robot can't go out, so it has to lie at home for a while."

"Can I say that the Tianhe base and the space station on the moon are the safest places now?"

at the same time.

The scene comes to Jingzhou City.

Early the next morning, the first thing Niu Geng did when he got up from bed was to open the curtains and look outside.

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire Longfor Park and even the entire Jingzhou City have been covered in snow.

Even if you look as far as you can, you still can't see any trace of the road.

After all, yesterday's blizzard and hail were so heavy that there was no way to clean them up in time.

Fortunately, the blizzard and hail finally stopped, and looking towards the sky, if we were lucky, there might be sunshine at noon.

It can be said that this natural disaster came and went away quickly.

""I wonder if this kind of weather will happen again next time?

Looking back, Niu Geng was still slightly worried, fearing that this was not the last snowstorm in Jingzhou City.

At this moment, Xing Ling walked over with clothes, stretched out her hands and put them on for Niu Geng herself. Open your mouth and preach:

"Master, last night a super strong tornado hit the Nuoyue area, causing huge damage to the city. Even the statue of the goddess was damaged."


Super strong tornado?

Niu Geng repeated the two key words in Xing Ling's sentence, and a big question mark suddenly appeared in his mind.

Although it does not matter whether there is a natural disaster overseas or not, the two are too similar. They are both inexplicable severe weather disasters.

So this made Niu Geng more interested, and he quickly asked: "What is the situation?"

"I am still investigating the specific cause of the sudden appearance of a super strong tornado in Nuyue, but judging from the satellite weather map I obtained last night, the super strong tornado in Nuyue should not be caused by the same reason as the heavy snow and hail weather in Jingzhou City. .”

"There is another interesting thing. I think it is necessary for you, Master, to take a look."

After listening to Xing Ling's answer, Niu Geng suddenly thought that yesterday Xing Ling had indeed mentioned that he would invade the meteorological satellites of various forces to retrieve relevant data and calculate the future environmental changes of the earth and stars.

Now that I heard her say this, I guess there must be results.

After all, such a huge workload calculation task may take a long time to be handled manually, but if it is left to Xingling, the situation will be completely different.

Now that Xing Ling had made it clear, Niu Geng naturally would not refuse anything, so he immediately responded:

"If the calculation results have come out, let's take a look together first."

"It's the master."

Xingling faced Niu Geng's order without any delay. He nodded in response and immediately displayed his calculation results through the virtual projection device in the room.

While Niu Geng was observing carefully, he heard Xing Ling explain from the side: "According to the calculation results of the future environmental changes of the Earth and Star, it is very likely that the current environment of the Earth and Star has entered a period of drastic changes. In the next few years, most of the entire Earth and Star will Temperatures in the region will continue to drop until most of the land area is covered in ice and snow."

"This sudden blizzard and hail weather in Jingzhou City was also caused by drastic changes in the earth's and star's environment. More importantly, this situation is irreversible, and countermeasures must be formulated as soon as possible."

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